Thread for RULES
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Dey 1:11am, August 22, 2009 [Edit] [Delete] | Rules
• Powerplaying is strictly prohibited. I don't feel I should give you an example on the subject, unless you're asking for it. If I do catch you powerplaying, I will say something, and you will get your example then and there (exceptions under agreement).
• Godmoding is not permitted either. Again, I don't feel obligated to post any examples, being an experienced roleplayer, you should already know the works. In case you don't, the same statement as above is applied here (exception under agreement).
• BE LITERATE. Do NOT use abbreviations like g2g or LoL in actual rp posts. Yes, I know several of you are thinking "Do people really do that?!" Yes. Yes they do. So keep it Literate. Save the abbreviations and short hand for OOC.
• Abuse of the Staff will NOT be tolerated. Staff includes the Owner, Admins, and Mods. If they are harassed, pestered, or abused in anyway, the Staff reserves the right to ban and even delete the handles of those who were being abusive. Keep this in mind.
• Excessive OOC Chat Talk during rp can get severely annoying, I would like it if you didn't interrupt. So, if someone asks you to hush, then hush! RP comes first, not OOC.
• Oh, and when posting, please try and post a good several lines, or even couple of paragraphs, if you can. I understand the occasional writers block, but not all the time, capiche? When out of character, use some form of OOC.
• Romance is highly encouraged. And we all know that in every romance, there's the "closest physical achievement" factor. When your get these sexual urges, I can do very little to stop you (other then ban you). So please, when if gets passed R, take it outside of the room. When you come back, just post where you ended up AFTER your sexual activity (cyber). Thank you very much.
• Violence is also encouraged. Though, even if I have a hardtime with this myself, as much as we like the occasional gory mess of bones and flesh, disembowling our grandma, or other grim situations, we must keep it somewhat tasteful for less inclined individuals. I really do not want this RP to suffer, so let's try to use that sort of thing sparingly.
• Register with your full profile structure please. I want it to be complete and using the form on the board. If it's not, don't hold your breath.
•Try to be creative, not unoriginal. Yes, do not steal ideas from other roleplayer's characters, Pokemon, Bleach, Naruto, et cetera. You can use little hints here and there, but do not rip it off completely (carbon copies make me twitch) or I will not accept you.
• Attendance is a huge factor in all roleplays. People have lives, people go through troubles: it's all good. I just try not to encourage ditching.
• Copying is strictly prohibited. I do not appreciate the works of others, or mine to be ripped off shamelessly without permission. You want to use something of mine or anyone else's? You go through that person directly for permission and additional information for propper credits. If I do see anything in this roleplay copied someplace else, it will be reported and black listed immediately.
All rules can be changed at any given time by me if I feel they do need to be changed.
Edited 9:54pm, September 01, 2009 by Dey, author. |
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