Thread for Grand Galloping Gala!

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 Grand Galloping Gala!
9:14am, November 16, 2011
I would like to have the Grand Galloping Gala falling on the winter solstice this year, which is December 22. So as not to leave it so narrow, I've gone ahead and set up a poll for everyone to tell me which day of that week would be best for the most ponies.

As that is the week leading up to Christmas, if the entire week is out of the question, or you prefer a date not listed, let me know here.

Also, if there are any preparation suggestions, here is a good place for them.

Edited 7:06pm, November 21, 2011 by Tym, author.
Twilight Sparkle
8:39pm, November 16, 2011
I will be out of time visiting family during those days, so I can't say for sure if I will even be on at the time.
Uncle Detde
8:29am, November 17, 2011
Another option tym and i discussed and I think are willing to consider is a week before or after the big holiday week for those who might be gone
Twilight Sparkle
2:35am, November 21, 2011
That would work best for me since I will be out of town from the 18th to the 28th.
2:26am, December 12, 2011
New plan, I'd like everyone to let me know their scheduled availability through the end of the year so that I can plan Hearth's Warming, the solstice, and the Gala to try to accommodate as many ponies as possible.
The Great And Powerful Trixie
2:26am, December 12, 2011
I am available for weekends and wednesdays due to my current schedule.
Uncle DetDe
6:27pm, December 12, 2011
Hearth Warming day is probly best this weekend after the ep, maybe combining sat, sun into a single day if ponies would like more time for holiday merryment. My availability is pretty much Monday afternoon to Wednesday. Other days I can still get a couple hours befor work then later in the evening. I can do my best with whatever day is chosen, ill be around one way or another
12:27am, December 13, 2011
I am free Thursday and Friday night, and maybe Saturday, depending on what I'm doing. I will be going out of town, Sunday, so I don't know what my availability will look like other than possibly being on during the evening. I come back home on the 28th and don't go back to school until the following Tuesday.
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