Thread for Factions

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Ghost Lead
10:13am, January 23, 2010
Vector 7- Special Forces Unit that specialize in Covert and Black Ops but do overt combat missions, very rugged and battle hearty. Protect the Supernaturals that need it. Many of them are supernaturals in some way.

Sigma 4- A mercenary group formerly of Special Forces, Guerrilla tactics, more or less a terrorist group. Their goal is to eliminate the Supernaturals.

Demon- Self-Explanatory.

Symbiote- Examples: Venom, Carnage.

Mutant- X-Men

Civilian Supernatural- Those whom are a supernatural but are neither mutant or Vector 7. Target of Sigma 4

Drow- Considered supernatural as well, but are basically subterranean elves.

More to come as needed.

Edited 8:31am, January 26, 2010 by Ghost Lead, author.
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