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 IC News and Updates
2:36pm, October 17, 2017
10/14/17 -- *Reported on Nightly News Now w/ Chip Ripley*
Imperial Health Services are investigating a small outbreak of an unidentified illness in the outer districts of Neo-X. While at this time it is unknown what the illness is, IHS officials have assured us that they're taking every precaution in quarantining the sick while working diligently to identify and treat this disease. Currently there are 7 confirmed cases: 4 in the Ares Pi District and 3 in neighboring Hermes IV District.

10/17/17 -- *Reported on Nightly News Now w/ Chip Ripley*
Imperial Health Services are restricting travel to the Ares Pi and Hermes IV districts due to numerous new cases of an unidentified illness that has now infected some 53 individuals. The agency advises that anyone who has traveled to these districts in the past month to report to your local IHS facility to ensure you are not carrying the illness. Districts bordering Ares Pi and Hermes IV have also been placed on restricted travel guidelines. Symptoms appear to include a hardening of the skin, fever, and flu-like symptoms.
 Corbin Heart KIDNAPPED!
8:34pm, October 17, 2017
Within the minute, Dazzler stood in front of Corbin’s hovercar with a multicolor helmet on in addition to her sparkling vest. She looked directly into the camera, then spoke once Jimmy finished counting down. “Dazzle Nation! This is yours truly, Dazzler, live and on scene in the Wastelands south of our beloved Neo-X with a breaking story developing! Captain Corbin Heart of our Imperial armed forces has just been captured by what appears to be local resistance forces. Behind me is what remains of his hovercar, a non-military diplomatic vehicle, which was attacked after he stopped to reach out and offer assistance to the local population.

Dazzler took a moment to step aside so that the vehicle could be highlighted for a moment. She then moved back into the center frame and continued addressing her audience, “Unfortunately, we are left with more questions than answers. Is the Captain alive? Who carried out this attack? And what do they plan on doing with the honorable soldier’s body? Rest assured, my loyal Dazzle Nation, yours truly won’t rest until she has the answers to those questions and more. That’s all for now, but please don’t let the actions of these terrorists keep you all from shining on. This is Dazzler, signing out!
Chip Ripley
1:26am, October 19, 2017
10/18/17 -- *Various independent news stations begin airing a video from Corbin Heart's kidnappers*
Outlets are reporting the video described below was delivered to them by a member of Nightly News Now's Staff.

A photo of a little girl is shown on the screen, with Carol speaking.

"This is Daisy Loom. When she was four, she watched as her mother was tortured to death for Imperial entertainment. Her sixth birthday is this coming November. Daisy will never celebrate that birthday. She and her father were hiding in a ruin when Corbin Heart found them, assessed them to be unarmed and non-hostile, and executed them anyway."

"I'm Colonel Carol Danvers of the US Air Force, director of SHIELD. You have been told that SHIELD is a terrorist organization, come to hurt innocent mutants. You have been told that people like Mr. Heart are heroes, fighting for your freedom. I am here to tell you that Corbin Heart and all like him are war criminals. Monsters. But we are not. Once Mr. Heart has been debriefed, we will negotiate for his safe return on the condition that he faces a court martial for his crimes against humanity."
2:23am, October 19, 2017
10/18/17 - *Reported in a News Flash on Imperial News Network*
Good evening, I'm Chip Ripley and this is an Imperial News Network News Flash. The Imperial Health Services has released the following bulletin regarding the outbreak in outlying districts. It reads as follows: Imperial Health Services have confirmed this evening that an Imperial Health Inquisitor has been quarantined within the IHS Southside Medical Compound here in the Central District. The Inquisitor was returning from Facility inspection duties in the Apollo I District on a IHS Train when they collapsed and fell unconscious. The staff on the train were able to identify that the Inquisitor was showing the telltale symptoms of the illness. IHS assures the public that all precautions are being taken to ensure that all areas the Inquisitor traveled are quarantined and sterilized to limit the spread of infection. They are also keeping the inquisitor in the highest level of quarantine available in the world at the Southside Medical Facility.

So we can confirm that an IHS Inquisitor contracted this illness which is now being called the t7 virus, and that Inquisitor is currently under the tightest quarantine protocols on the planet here at Southside Medical Facility in the Central District. So uhhhh, yeah. Also, as we're getting our guests miced up, we can also confirm now that the Apollo I District along with Ares Pi and Hermes IV are now under complete lockdown until this outbreak can be deemed under control according to IHS officials.
Chip Ripley
3:08pm, October 23, 2017
10/19/17 to 10/23/17 -- *Reported in snippets on various media outlets over the aforementioned days*

In the days since the confirmed case of the t7 virus in the Central District, the Inquisitor being held in the Imperial Health Services Southside Medical Compound has since died. IHS officials stated the cause of death was related to complications with the virus. All individuals he came in contact with have been quarantined until it is confirmed they have not contracted the virus. Meanwhile reports have come in from district officials as well as the IHS confirming new cases of the virus cropping up in Aphrodite VII and Hermes III districts. Bringing the total number of districts in the outer region dealing with infection to 5 (Ares Pi, Hermes IV, Apollo I, Aphrodite VII, and Hermes III). The IHS is still reporting they're working toward the cure for the virus, however, at least count before all 5 districts were placed under complete lock down had the total number of infected at nearly 735 across the infected districts.
Heather Buchanan
2:43am, October 24, 2017
10/23/17 -- *Reported on Neo-X News Network with Heather Buchanan*

"I'm Heather Buchanan, and this is an NXNN update. Last night, after receiving intelligence on the terrorist organization known as SHIELD, Imperial forces entered the facility where Captain Corbin Heart was being held captive. The facility was otherwise vacant. Officials have refused to comment on whether the terrorists had prior knowledge of the raid. One of Captain Heart's doctors said in a statement this morning that, despite the captain's extensive injuries, he is awake and in stable condition. He expects Heart will be able to return to duty without difficulties. The NXNN family wishes you a speedy recovery, Captain. Welcome home.

"Up next, is the terrorist organization known as SHIELD allied with mole people? The answer might surprise you. I'll be speaking with former imperial intelligence secretary Naomi Donovan after the break."
Chip Ripley
3:22am, November 13, 2017
11/12/17 -- *Reported on Nightly News Now w/ Chip Ripley*
Welcome and good evening, fellow Patriots. I am Chip Ripley and this is a special edition of Nightly News Now. As the death toll continues to be calculated, we know tonight that thousands have died, but that number could have been much worse were it not for the extraordinary efforts taken by these brave Patriots. State Funerals for Imperial Citizens lost during the outbreak will begin as early as Tuesday. The Imperial Arts and Entertainment Department has announced that celebratory games marking the end of the Infection will begin tomorrow afternoon in the Central District Colosseum.

The Celebratory Colosseum games are human v human matches.

In regard to the dead from the Infection plot..
Uninfected mutants that died during the outbreak will be given state funerals.

Uninfected humans that died will be shipped covertly to a mass grave in what was Natural Lands’ Sadsbury Woods Preserve, PA.

Infected individuals, however, would be covertly shipped to the Imperial High Space Council’s Orbital Station for further research.

Edited 3:57am, November 13, 2017 by Chip Ripley, author.
Anya Maximoff
10:53pm, November 30, 2017
Her Imperial Highness The Princess of Empire X is delighted to announce the engagement of Princess Anya to Captain Corbin Heart. The wedding will take place in Winter 2017. Further details about the wedding day will be announced in due course. Her Imperial Highness and Captain Heart became engaged in NeoX earlier this month. Princess Anya has informed His Majesty The Emperor and other close members of her family. Captain Heart has sought and received the blessing of Emperor Magnus. The couple will live in the Maximoff Estate at The Imperial Palace.
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