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Thread for Asgard

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5:35pm, October 31, 2017
Ragnorok brought an end to Asgard and its people before the Empire ever won its war over humanity. The Asgardians came together and died as fate decreed since long before any of them had ever existed. And then they were forgotten – or at least, that was what so many of them believed would come to past. It did, to an extent. The decline of belief or even concern had been happening for centuries, probably longer. But it wasn’t gone entirely. Scattered across the planet, they remained in the hearts of those who still remembered, if not in their mind – then their soul.

Thor was among the first to awaken on Midgard. At first he thought himself to be alone. Then he began to recognize others of his kind, lurking within average mortals. Soon scores of his kind were awakened and Odin eventually counted himself among their ranks. It was when the All Father returned that everything changed. Wielding the Odinforce with renewed vigor, the god king summoned the Asgard of old – onto the mortal plane. Where the township of Scranton once existed, there was now Asgard proper.

The Asgardians secured their piece of Midgard, then waited. They treated with the Empire which they recognized as a significant threat in their transitioning state. They agreed to A Non-Aggression Pact and exchanged diplomats. Of course, many Asgardians couldn’t stomach what was being done to humanity and had no doubt it was only a matter of time before they went to war on their behalf once again. Thor was among those gods.
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