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Thread for Storyline Creation Guide

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 Storyline Creation Guide
3:33am, November 09, 2015
Welcome to Storyline Creation and Registration!

This section will guide you through how to create and submit your own personal storyline for the chat. We want to encourage everyone to take part in fleshing out Neo X’s ever growing cityscape. What is a storyline? It is a mini-quest or adventure set up by players for players. Each plot will be played out by its creators for other players, some of these plots even feature a special reward given out upon completion of the task, assuming you are successful.

Guidelines for Plot Creation -

1. The Plots must be reasonable for players to tackle. NPC characters involved can be more powerful than the average character, after all it should be challenging, but not God like in power scale. There can be a fear of very real peril but no instant death.

2. These are often mini-adventures, but the scale from plot to plot differs. Think of it as an episode in a tv show. Keep that in mind when you envision what your episode of Empire X features.

3. It shouldn’t need to be stated, but while designing your plots, it is meant for the entertainment of yourself and other players.

4. No destroying the city or fundamentally changing the setting. If you have any large scale plots you’d like to have implemented, please contact the staff directly so we can discuss the idea with you.

*These rules may be subject to change.


How to Create a Plot! -

The basic plot application requires a few details that you should work out with yourself or the Administration so that it can be clearly and definitively laid out so there are no misunderstandings. As such please use the following format to make your plots.

Name: (What is the name of your plot. Think of it like the title of a story.)

Plot Devices/Characters: (Are there any characters of yours that are being used to forward this plot or that are central to the plot. This can be from the name of a monster players will have to face to NPCs you control that know something.)

Plot Description: (This is a basic run down of the plot as a whole from beginning to end so the Administration can determine if it fits into the aforementioned Rules of Plot Creation.)

Plot Location: (Where in Empire X is your plot centrally located? Where would players need to be in order to start this plot hook basically.)

Plot Color/Icon: (I will be updating the plots and Empire X map with the specific colors for each plot on a map, assuming you want it to be listed on the map. This is entirely optional.)

Potential Rewards: (Though the staff ultimately has the deciding power on what(if any) rewards are given out at the successful completion of a storyline, please provide you would feel an appropriate reward would be given the nature of your story(tech, skills, information, valuables, ect.)

Player Contact Information: (Who can players contact in order for this storyline to be run for them.)

This is basically it for our storyline creation guide. In order to submit it just copy and paste the information you have written and send it in as a registration form just as if you were applying for a character, with the handle as the name of your storyline.

If you have any further questions you may contact any staff member in chat for further information, or feel free to drop a line with how this form could be improved upon. Thank you.

Edited 3:59am, November 09, 2015 by Pixil, author.
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