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Thread for Randomized Fates

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 Randomized Fates
6:00am, April 20, 2012
This list is compliments of Mavish. She's used it on countless times to stir up motivation on where to go with her characters when they are in a slump and she typed it up for whomever might want to see where to take their characters next! Thank you, Brightness!

1-Fool! There is a new beginning, or you are out on a new path, that has you excited to move down it. Beware, because there might be unseen obstacles or pit falls to snag/hurt you.

2-Magician! 1) You are about to reveal/have revealed something important, 2) Someone complicated is coming into his life who could be a trickster or sorts and might try to lead him astray, or 3) He could take interest in some research and advance in it?

3-High Priestess: Either you are standing between two choices and need time to reflect, you are calm and passive about keeping some hidden knowledge, or there is knowledge out there just behind a veil that you can reach out for.

4-The Chariot Chariot: "One thing more you should keep in mind. Victory is not the end, it is the beginning. Remember that before you decide to enter into any contest." Um.. Basically it is either working together with what you have to defeat anything between you and a goal. "It means a union of opposites, like the black and white steeds. They pull in different directions, but must be (and can be!) made to go together in one direction. That is perhaps the most important message of the Chariot. Separate the driver form the chariot, the chariot from the horses, the horses from each other and from the driver, and nothing gets done. They all do their own thing. Put them all together, with the same goal in mind, and there will be no stopping them." Or it means "indicate new motivation or inspiration, which gets a stagnant situation moving again."

5-Strength Strength fate is about mastering a weakness type thing, or balancing a weakness with another strength.

6-The Lovers- Tehehehe

7-Wheel of Fortune: Either you are about to get lucky, or what goes around is about to come around.

8-The Hanged Man: This is a card about suspension… Either you are or about to be suspended waiting for something to happen, or you find that your views are suddenly differed from everyone else or what you thought before, or you are sacrificing for a cause and are suspended for it.

9-Temperance Temperance: Either 1) It means she needs to "Temperance, however, really means moderation. Thus, you don't give up wine, but rather cut the wine with water. " Or 2) ""tempering" or transforming-thus we continue on from Death, which prepared us for transformation. With tempering, iron is transformed into steel with heating and cooling, fire and water." So she needs to find some big balance in her life, or start forging herself into something.

10-Devil- Being honest with yourself. Letting go of inhibition to REALLY do something(s). Or it is about commitment and resourcefulness, aiming to get somewhere and doing whatever to get there. Or someone is going to be hard to resist.

11-Death- Literal, spiritual, etc. Something in their life is ending for good.

12-The Tower- Some falsehood believed it going to be roughly shattered, like a bright flash of lightning taking out a tower, to reveal a truth in a manner that will shake the person.

13-The Star- A glimmer of hope in the future. There is something wanted, that if you keep at you will get. Or, you’re in a hard time now, and there will be hope/aid coming to help you wither it be friend, counselor, or something.

14-The Sun- Either glory and triumph are headed their way, or they could be having children. O.o
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