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Thread for The Rules

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 The Rules
8:52pm, April 05, 2010
Here in lie the rules for Miskatonic University. By joining this chat you agree to adhere to them.

1. Do not argue with the Administration or your friendly narrators. We reserve the right to refuse service to unruly players.

2. Do not bring OOC issues into the chat. Need an outlet for the miseries of your life or the drama that can crop up between players?
Copy, paste and push -

3. OOC, RP and Respect. Please be respectful of each other. Some people come here to rp, some people come here to OOC chat. There is no reason to shun one for the other. If there is a problem with OOC interfering with RP, please let the Administrator know.

4. Profanity and Explicit Material is all part of the R rating. Swearing is fine however try to keep it to a moderate level at its height. Likewise if your character is about to get laid and you feel it absolutely necessary to role play it out take it to PM or to a Private Messenger Service.

5. The Rules are subject to change when problems arise and the Administration is required to make snap decisions. Be aware.

RP Rules -

1. Do not Mode. This is the big one. The mother of free form role playing rules. Do not call hits on your opponents, do not magically dodge or fall out of the way of every attack, do not use OOC information that your character would have no way of knowing.

2. Respect the Posting Order.

3. No major events can occur within the chat without a narrator being present. For example if your character plans to blow something up or murder a large number of people this must be passed by the staff before you enact in it. People have a habit of fighting back, reacting to mass death and of course, calling things in with cellphones. No one is in fallible so make sure you check with the staff before you do something large scale or world changing. If you must justify to yourself whether or not something is or is not large scale then it is best to contact an Administrator or Narrator.

4. Please have a rudimentary profile up within 1 month of setting up your character. This profile is merely for the assistance of other players and it does not have to include any information you do not want shared as public knowledge. A name, brief description and what may be known of them to the average person is all that is really necessary.

Edited 11:12pm, April 05, 2010 by Kael, author.
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