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 The Story so far...
6:05pm, August 25, 2012
Currently there is no explanation as to how it happened or why but one day at Maverick Hunter HQ a small yet odd energy reading that was rapidly growing in size would show up on their scanners. Before much research could be done the source of this energy would soon be discovered as a wall of rapidly expanding light would be upon them as it swept over the city they were in. Consuming everything in it’s path and obscuring everything behind it from view it would leave in it’s wake a state of dread and terror . Before much else could be said or done all the hunters and everyone else could do was watch. A brief pause… As nothing seemed to have been effected after the wall of light had swept over them like some harmless joke the universe had just played on them.

This would last for about two minutes when the spotters started getting multiple calls and reports. The reports would detail sudden cities, islands, odd structures with odd and new various land formations appearing across the globe. It wasn’t long after this discovery would it be found that the event had also brought people with it who were as equally confused and panicked as everyone else who in turn contacting the hunters for answers. After briefly comparing notes it would soon become clear that the newly arrived people had all experienced the exact same event. But what was even more interesting was that these people and their cities didn’t all come from the same place.

Before much else could be learned though a whole new set of problems had presented itself. Mavericks, mechaniloids and various other robotic menaces were apparently taking advantage of the unexpected event as they would be attacking everything in sight from land air and sea. What was more attacks were also occurring in cyber space as several networks started going haywire as what was later identified as Net Navis were invading and taking control over various operating programs. This being the current world and situation where you the player comes in at….have fun!
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