Thread for Registration

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12:54am, January 20, 2015
Tradition characters are open.
Technocracy characters at this time are not allowed.
Nephandi characters at this time are not allowed.
Marauder characters at this time are not allowed.
Crafts are permissible with admin approval.
Sorcerer and Sleeper characters with Numina are not allowed.
Sleepers are open.

While this is a Mage: the Ascension chat based in the Classic World of Darkness, it is at this time exclusive to Mage. While other supernaturals may exist and appear in this world, we will not be accepting characters who are or have ties to characters from Vampire: the Masquerade, Werewolf; the Apocalypse, Changeling: the Dreaming, Wraith: the Oblivion, Hunter: the Reckoning, and Demon: the Fallen.

Unfortunately, there will be a character limit of 2 or 3 characters.
As the storyteller, while I want to run stories and encourage character growth, I have limited time and attention. Therefore, so I am not overwhelmed, there will be a character cap. This also ensures that player characters are not trapped in stories and limited when and what they can roleplay.

All new characters begin with character creation rules with an Arete not exceeding 2.

Edited 3:08am, January 25, 2015 by Flu, author.
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