Thread for For those curious about Elutheria

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 For those curious about Elutheria
4:13pm, June 24, 2009
This is for those who have asked me about Elutheria and a rough time-scale before the chat is available for full usage. I'll be updating this as and when I get work done and also with SOME of the ideas that will be put into the forming of the chat.

The basic idea behind Elutheria is that it is a single isle that is isolated within Realm space due to some unknown dimensional event that happened many years in Elutheria's history....unknown to chatters/inhabitants but I know and so do a couple of other people...but I'm not revealing as it'll make some nice RPs in the future.

Due to the isolation and strange dimensional shift Elutheria is under, a dimensional rift opens up every now and then leading into different realities, places and times. This will be displayed in the MotD and people will be able to request rift's to be created from time to time.

The idea behind the rifts is to introduce "planned" RPs but also allow for them to be closed if they start to drag in order to allow others a turn. This doesn't mean that the RP linked to the rift finishes, it just means the rift would close. It also allows for a REALISTIC introduction of Canons into the chat.

To start with (and probably onwards) the rifts will have to be requested along with a rough outline of plan etc from the Admin, they'll review it and give the ok. There is certain Canon's we'll probably say no to but we'll try and be open. The first Canon we're likely to allow will, of course, be Sonic.

The Rifts will be two way as well, so you can go interact with where-ever, if you want to do a Godfather RP and link the rift to that date and time....or you want to go back and sink Columbus before he reaches America...etc etc get the idea and I'm sure you're thinking of some already.

The secondary element of the rifts is that the island has been inhabited by peoples from all sorts of places and times...making furries just as much a possibility in the universe as anything else.

The island it's supposed to be a reincarnation of our favourite chats, we're trying to keep all the elements that we loved alive. This means there will be Magic and there will be Tech. The isle will be "split" into three sectors.

Tech: This will be ruled by a leading corporation and will be filled with tech users (duh).
Magic: The most powerful mage (or circle of mages) will rule this sector and will be filled with magic users.
Feudal: This is where the tech and magic mix with elements of both in a feudal society. There will be many different "castles" but it will have modern age and medieval all mixed. The rulers of this section will be the strongest "house".

The basics are that Tech and Magic sectors don't get on and Feudal is between them. Feudal is "the people" and thus controls both Tech and Magic in the sense that they rule the island and stop the wars from breaking out between these two very different sides.

Current chat editing that's taking place.
I'm currently researching and putting together a Java or simlar set of coding to create a weather pattern which will alter for each other the 3 sectors. This will display in the MotD and will hopefully add an extra element to RP which has been lacking so far or not used much. The trick I'm trying to pull is so that everyone see's the same weather image. The weather will also be year dependant with snow in winter and long sunny spells in summer.

That's just a rough idea of what's going on with the chat and the progress of how things are looking.

As for a time-scale, well, if people are really wanting this place to use, I could step up the work I'm doing and get it into a usable state quicker than planned but I can't give a definite time all depends on how long the weather system will take to make.

....Oh yeah.

I'm probably gonna end up getting a server for the Elutheria site as I suspect I'll probably have to stick the coding into that and use the server's own clock to make sure everyone gets the same that end I'll probably also offer up webspace for people to put up character profiles. I may even make templates that you can download and then E-mail to me to be uploaded....

Any CONSTRUCTIVE thoughts/critism etc etc is welcome but please don't bother posting if you're just gonna be an ass.

As a favour to me, I'm gonna ASK if Anna spots any blatantly stupid posts of people just taking the piss she deletes them to keep this thread clear.
4:32pm, June 24, 2009
Sure thing conrad.
5:08pm, June 24, 2009
looking forward to your updates.

Only slight question on feudal lords it does mean you can play as a ronin looking for a lord or is it a set of npc lords who rule.
10:25pm, June 24, 2009
You could certainly play as a Ronin looking for a lord, yeah.

The world will be quite free flowing with full opportunity to create your character in the way you'd like. From a gun slinging, sword weilding guy who knows how to use a computer and can throw fireballs....etc etc etc....

To start with, I suspect we'll probably have people having to interact and use NPC's until some of the locations are established as "regular" spots.

Leoric's Fort Kalaman is an example of a location which was born through RP and built upon to create a full blown chat location.

We're wanting chatters to form the inner world of Elutheria and build it from there. All we're going to supply is the framework to build upon.

Oh yeah....there will be one rule for everyone character carry overs. If you're coming in, you're coming in fresh. Doesn't mean you can't RP your characters but it does mean you're starting new. I know this might seem annoying and restricting but it's because the universe is new and if we just carry on using old characters and their previous histories, it's not going to create a "new" world.

I know I'll be starting a number of my characters from fresh. Doesn't mean they won't be similar to how they were before but they'll be brand new in terms to put's like reseting the XP points and stat lines and deleting the history they've gain through the game so far.

That make sense?
10:27pm, June 24, 2009
Oh....and yeah...I think to start we'd probably work best with NPC "lords" for each section. I believe things would work better if people had to establish themselves in the world rather than just being there already powerful etc etc.

It's a bit stagnant if you have some-one just say "I'm the ruler" and that's it, they're the one you're challenging week in and week out to "beat"

If anyone feels otherwise on that topic, please say and give me some feedback/ideas etc etc
5:20pm, June 27, 2009
Right that would help sort certain arguments out conrad that the lords being NPC's i guess they would be ran by Admin so they can sort out arguments right?

Right just a quickie i got a Character Called Kage a Ninja who was a decedent of the goddess Drendari now i was thinking of hiding that part out in your chat since she was a goddess of shadows and thief's from Forgotten Realm D&D, Now i was gonna do the earlier part of his history when he was on his own trying to survive before he made his own clan like he has in HAC would that be possible?
6:46am, June 28, 2009
We're still working on the history of the...continent (Tanek say's I can't call it an island cause it's too big)....but have a chat with Tanek and see what he says.

I can't see a problem with the character starting off as a Ronin trying to build etc but the "goddess" part of the history may be trouble to integrate since I believe there is a certain set of gods/goddesses Tanek has in mind.
9:28am, June 28, 2009
ok thats fine i might have to have a chat with him then but the goddess thing is also easy to resolves like he does not know that part of him yet since he found out in HAC about his lienage so he could be Kage before that happens.
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