Thread for What color is your personality?

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 What color is your personality?
2:41pm, April 23, 2009
Mine was Blue

You are calm and controlled. You are also very sweet and get along with others well. Sometimes others do not understand why you are so nice and think you have a hidden agenda. If you do...thats to bad, but if you don't you have nothing to worry about! =]
2:47pm, April 23, 2009

You are calm and controlled. You are also very sweet and get along with others well. Sometimes others do not understand why you are so nice and think you have a hidden agenda. If you do...thats to bad, but if you don't you have nothing to worry about! =]
Fangs Echidna
3:50pm, April 23, 2009
You are calm and controlled. You are also very sweet and get along with others well. Sometimes others do not understand why you are so nice and think you have a hidden agenda. If you do...thats to bad, but if you don't you have nothing to worry about! =]

Is this thing rigged?
7:12pm, April 23, 2009
¬¬ i'm starting to wonder that.
11:26pm, April 23, 2009
I got blue, too.

Your shit's broke.
10:07am, April 24, 2009
It dose come up with other colours i've just checked different answerers ones that i wouldn't normally and it came up with another one.
The random test came up:


You are the color black. You are very blunt and say things in a matter-o-fact way. You are not scared of others oppinions. Sometimes you cross the line of being blunt to just plain rude and that can lead to fights with others.
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