Thread for Forum clean up

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 Forum clean up
1:56pm, April 15, 2009
Instead of doing what i used to to, which was to delete everything in a the clean up i will instead be moving it to Archives. Which can be found at the following address:
1:01pm, April 16, 2009
Most everything that has vanished from this forum has been shifted to the above link, others have found there way to the gaming section of the other forum..

Anything that has not appeared, i've likely deemed to be totally pointless or Spam, and it has there for just been deleted.. That is down to my laziness and really not being asked to move total and utter chap across..
yes i have a lot of time to kill today on the 16th of April 2009.. but i've got better things i'd rather be doing. so a few things have been deleted. :/

Edited 1:03pm, April 16, 2009 by Blackfox, author.
 Chat Drama
10:43pm, June 25, 2009
Chat Drama, spam and flood posts will now be deleted, everyone is tired of the childish bickering coursed by the drama. It's time it just STOPPED and we all just grow up and solve our problems like ADULTS.
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