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6:00pm, August 11, 2008

In a Time when the North was always warm and the seas of the world were deeper, empires of inhuman peoples dominated the lands of Toril, in the elven Tradition these were the days when the Iquar'Tel'Quessir, Or The Creator Races, tamed the wilds, built towering cities of stone and glass on the shores of the warm seas, spanned the wilderness with the winding roads, and fought the wars of extermination - such was their hatred towards each other. These were the days of Thunder.

First of These Ancient creators was a saurian race that built an extensive if short-lived civilization, its survivors eventually became the nega, Lizard folk, Triglidtes, and similar reptile like creatures.

Second of These Ancient creators was an Ancient Race who did not like to name themselves,
Little is known about this race other then they were the creators of some incredible bio-tech and were responsible for the creation of the race they called only Ancients to look after the developing human race. However it was later decided that the Ancients were an accident and the un-named race and Ancients feel into rivalry and war, the ancient unnamed race were ether hunted and killed relentlessly or driven from all human occupied worlds by the Ancients, even to this day the two still seek to destroy each other.

Next of the creators were the Ancients (also known as Animorphs), a Race that often resembled humans, The Ancients were often depicted as human with Animal heads, given the abiilty to shape shift from their bond with magic the Ancients Range from jackle, Wolf or Fox to Echidna, Cat, or stag like humanoids.. they are the forerunners of the furry races, Ironicly they were Crated themselves to protect and teach the Then developing race of humans, and the environment in witch they lived. The Ancients now fallen civilizations are still landmarks in todays human civilizations, from Ancient pyramids of Egypt to the large stone temples of the Aztecs or hidden deep within the realms of jungles and desert like environments around the globe, a lasting legacy they left to the humans at the fall of their empires... There are now very few pure blood survivors of the Ancients, many having been killed in wars with each other for power, along with waring with the race that had created them. The Ancients had however had found allies the best known of their allies were the Dragons and the very humans they protected.

Supream among the Creator races were the Dragons, Powerful enough to raid large cities of the other creator races with impunity. Dragons Dominated the surface world, Claiming vast areas of territory and battling each other for land, mates and status. The grate drakes only suffered setbacks when lesser races mastered magic, and they remain influential today despite the advances of such rabble.

Developing in the later stages of the civilization of the sauians was the race of Amphibious Shapechangers that crept into the land to build their proud cities. These creatures contriouted to the downfall of the sauians, but they themsleves eventually fell into barbarism under pressure from Sahuagin, Merfolk and Tritons. The survivors of this race are the Locathah and tako in the sea and the doppelgangers on the land.

Least known of the Creator races are the Sylvan people that populated the forests and other wooded areas, living in harmony with nature and leaving few traces. It is believed that their Civilization fragmented after a great plage created by a dragonic or demonic power. Their descendants are the sprites, korred and other small wood folk that populate secret parts of the forgotten realms of the forests today.

The Last of the Creator Races, and the one that spent the longest time in a primitive state are the humans, always adaptable and ingenious when circumstances allowed for their race to prominence, humans make advances with the incredible speed and efficiency. Of the Seven Creator races only they truly have a Civilization today, the dragons war with each other as individuals, and the other kinds have vanished from the world or still war with each other over old forgotten grudges.


Long ago Magic was more raw and potent then is it today. The once grate civilizations of the creator races were based on endless experimentation with these energies, and during their long rules they created many forms of life.

The cruel and the decadent creator race chose to release their monstrous mistakes rather then destroy them. Most died in the jungles, yet many lived and - as thought awakened in them - they hid from their creators. When the end came at last, it was they -not the old races- who seized control of the land.

Edited 7:52pm, April 11, 2009 by Blackfox, author.
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