Thread for Shin Sho's pub in elven city

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 Shin Sho's pub in elven city
4:33pm, June 21, 2008
this is to anyone who goes into shin's pub in Aislinn's city.

hes a yakuza a crimelord, spymaster an assassin and murderer he knows everyone who comes and goes in elven city, listens well too.
he has a set rule in his tavern no fighting what so ever and since he runs it and last one that did fight he personally killed him himself and now most people would see his entire staff and members being female and his saying is this to anyone who asks "i always look after my girls" hes a good friend to have but cross him you might end up dead.

he deals in blackmarket goods but apparently even the officals know about it and let it slide by with them getting some of the profits.

raised several of his girls himself and looks after alot of orphans and help them have a better life then living on the streets and being a bandit instead.
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