Thread for List of Chat Commands

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 List of Chat Commands
9:25pm, April 06, 2008

new addition to the commands is the new gag command

/gag command to shut up a user without actually banning them.

Gag someone:
/gag ident seconds

Ungag someone:
/ungag ident

Remove all gags:

Command SyntaxAction
/exit messageLeaves the chat with the message as last remark.
/quit messageAlias of above, but works for Stealth users also.
/me messagePerforms the action message.
/undoRemoves your last posted line.
/rem queryRemoves all lines containing query. Is case-insensitive.
/ban ident timeBans the user with the ident ident for time seconds.
/unban identUnbans the user with ident ident.
/ignore ident timeIgnores the user with the ident ident for time seconds.
/unignore identRemoves the ignore for the user with ident ident.
/sban ident timeSilent ban usable by the Chat Master. Otherwise alias of /ban.
/nick handleChanges your nickname in the chat to handle.
/name handleSame as /nick.
/link URLSets your link (applied to your nickname) to URL.
/dice XdYRolls X dice with Y sides.
/image URLSets your image (shown in the userlist) to URL.
/mubanRemoves any and all bans in the chat.
/msg handle messageSends a private note of message to handle. If you want a handle with more than one word, use _ for spaces.
/whois handleShows when handle last was in the chat.
/clearWipes all lines from the chat.
/strike queryWill strike out any of your own sentences in the chat that matches words from query.

Edited 9:35pm, May 04, 2009 by Blackfox, author.
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