Thread for Grimm Wars: A brief setting in regards to the history.

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 Grimm Wars: A brief setting in regards to the history.
The Narrator
7:00am, October 02, 2012
Snow White.

Big Bad Wolf


All the fairy tales and legends from the Boogeyman to the Round Table are quite real and living in the same world. And yet, a lot has changed as well from the stories you might have heard. Oz is a dictatorship, ruled with a Tin-plated fist. Cinderella's children are grown and her home kingdom degenerated into a decadent court where Guilds and alliances are broken and forged quickly despite the efforts of its ruling family. Out in the dark corners of the land, a Gothic atmosphere pervades the lands of Dracula where mad scientists concoct vile experiments and werewolves run rampant across the land.

Some things remain the same. True loves kiss awakens the princess from her curse. Only a pure heart can seek to conquer evil and yet.... How much is the story.....And how much comes from you? Welcome to the Grimm Wars.

Admin note: For OC's and the like, we use the Pathfinder game system for classes. As well as for additional parts to the overall room such as certain enemies and so on.
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