Thread for Precious chat moments!

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 Precious chat moments!
8:24pm, February 15, 2005
Yeah, just go ahead and put things here that happend in chat that made you laugh till you dropped or other funny things.
9:55pm, February 15, 2005
cb55c, Azreal: I could so kill for a latte, or the pool guy
66925, Nate: Totally, c'mon, lets go get a donut, please.
cb55c, Azreal : **thinks that requires a chat moment...**
cb55c, Azreal : ^_^
cb55c, Azreal : no way, thats like, so fetch! I could so die over that, like, ya know?
60eb9, T : >_>
66925, Nate: Really? I got my purse at Wal-Mart, home of the future WDU, or World Destroyers Union...did you know they provide dental benefits?
EXIT: Windra has left the chat ( 4:50pm, February 15 (CST) ).
47366, Windra: bye yall smoochs
bea91, Razor Back : ((Holy crap Az...never again...))
cb55c, Azreal : ((......*isnt feminine, he swears*))
cb55c, Azreal : ((o ok......*grumbles and touches faith instead ^_^* thanx NATE I GOT THEM AT PAYLESS FOR GET THIS, LIKE, 20$ the sale of the year *girlish laughter*))
bea91, Razor Back : ((I'll RP with you Azreal.. >_O))
60eb9, T : Lower the swearing, Az.
66925, Nate: Nice sandals Az!
bea91, Razor Back : ((*slaps Az* No tuching the Cru!))
47366, Windra: thx
cb55c, Azreal : ((*grabs rachels non existent busoms* yep, female *needs rp god damn it*))
60eb9, T : *is detected....and his alignment is....himself, yeeees*
95c0f, Rachel Van Helsing : ((and Im commonly mistaken for a girl on the net........*is very feminine and it doesnt bother em*))
cb55c, Azreal : ((no your not *smacks her* shh, were tryin to trick her))
66925, Nate: Well, welcome Windra..
bea91, Razor Back : ((I'm a girl...))
cb55c, Azreal : wats it for?
cb55c, Azreal : wow....
47366, Windra: YEAH
cb55c, Azreal :
cb55c, Azreal : ((oops *scratches post* no body saw it, undestand *cock of sotgun*))
60eb9, T : :p
60eb9, T :
cb55c, Azreal : ((*puts a dollar on it*))
66925, Nate: *kicks Az*I undid my post ya goon..lmao
66925, Nate: I take it your new here Windra..
cb55c, Azreal : ((we do???>> << when?))
cb55c, Azreal : ((8is a half vampire/demon*))
66925, Nate: Nope. Razor is a gal, like you.
47366, Windra: VAMPIRES ARN'T REAL.
66925, Nate: *is a half vampire/vampire hunter*
cb55c, Azreal : ((*is an it thasnk you*))

note: read it from bottom to top
7:35am, February 16, 2005
66925, Nathan La Belle: Good...then your carrying me home...*and in one extremly quick movement, he kisses her, and as he does he transmits the rest of his holy energy into her, the wound would seal mostly shut....but was this just a ploy to kiss her...?.......No? <.< >.>*

95c0f, Rachel Van Helsing : ((Healing my ass........he just wanted to kiss her..........tonight its kissing, tommorow he'll want Maria in the sack! Im on to your predatory ways Nathan!! Im watching you ! *glares*))
Maria Renard
8:33am, February 17, 2005
95c0f, Rachel Van Helsing : *grumbles , still hurting alot from that crossbow bolt yesterday.......the wound was gone but the pain remained* (( ....I always thought it funny that dracs basement is a fucking gateway to hell basically ))
0443a, Maria Renard : ((Most people keep extra storage and their heaters and such in the basement. Dracula? Nope.. he's got to have a fricken gate to hell!))

 Get it off...?
Impersonating Maria Renard
3:42am, February 23, 2005
0443a, Maria Renard : *mutters something.. then begins the spell again. She WILL get it off!*
66925, Nathan La Belle : *will protect Maria til she gets it off*
fe92a, Blackstone : ((*eyes Nate and Maria* that's nasty..... very nasty))
11:01pm, February 24, 2005
461fb, Shaft: *Sends his army of Chupacabra after Nate* ATTACK!!
461fb, Shaft: O_O!! So thats how you wanna play it!?
66925, Nate: I do!*sends his Fleamen into battle!*Defend the fortress!
66925, Nate: *large boiling pots of fondu and flaming cheese arrows fly from the fort, followed by Nates Omega Death Ray of Doom*
461fb, Shaft: *And with a might roar the Chupacabra would leap forth. Some currdle alive as they meet there death at the hands of the boiling fondu and flaming cheese arrows. Others burst apart as they meet the Omega Death Ray! But low, from behind the Chupacabras a horde of Mighty Spork Knights arises!*
9a690, Chupathingy: rawr! I am teh leet feared chupathingy! Slightly retarted cousin of the chupacabra! Rawr!
Dr. Lintilla
9:35am, March 03, 2005
[050303 03:27] d4738, Rachel Van Helsing : * her eyes narrow.....unsure of her own intentions. Yes she wants the cure lifted yes she wants to defeat drac......but a small part of thinks being on Drac's good side could be quite rewarding*
[050303 03:29] 461fb, ChatterDesperado : *Thinks Rachel is a traitor and wants to join Dracula*
[050303 03:29] 6beb4, Tora Belmont : *wouldnt blame her, was awfully tempting*
[050303 03:30] 461fb, Desperado : *thinks Tora is a traitor too*
[050303 03:30] d4738, Rachel Van Helsing : *pfffftttt like Desp has any proof of that.....*
[050303 03:31] 6beb4, Tora Belmont : *would kick desp for that if he did think so*
[050303 03:31] 461fb, Desperado : *Don't matter anyways... its all banter*
[050303 03:32] 6beb4, Tora Belmont : *yay for banter*
 Just when I thought they were straight...
6:25pm, March 05, 2005
1c885, Grave : (*ish slapped around* MORE BABY MORE! >.> er...)
461fb, Shaft: *climbs out... looks himself over* It's sticky!
66925, Nate: ....Uhhh...*slowly...moves..away*
Impersonating Shaft
7:06pm, March 05, 2005
66925, Alastor: *and wherever it is, this sword starts to wig out. It shakes violently, its electricity shoots through it, and theres a loud humming sound*

0443a, Maria Renard : *Maria's rather annoyed at Jack, and rather then giving him cold looks, or yelling at him, she's giving him the upturned nose and not looking at him trewatment. It still fits**to Grave* So then... what brings you to- *cuts off as her hand drops to the hilt of the sword she's recently started taking to wearing*

66925, Alastor: A soul! I feel the soul!....its trapped....its hurting.*What was it talking about....*Its in great...pain. It is lonely, and it misses its lover, and friends...

461fb, Shaft: O_o Lover!? What did Nathan do with that sword!!??

66925, Alastor: ((Things noone must know about))

461fb, Shaft: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww
Maria Renard
9:27pm, April 04, 2005
9341b, Ifrit: *hurling the first chunk of flaming rock at the pair, the Ifrit is hit as it swings to launch the second, the vial shattering against it's forearm to splash parts of it's chest, arm and even the side of it's face, causing this attack to fly off wide to the left of Desperado and Maria while the Ifrit itself grabs for it's wounded right eye, bellowing loudly enough to shake the area slightly*
0443a, Maria Renard : ..toss me!
bd63b, Desperado : *He eyes the situation, then as the Ifrit is busy with its eye, he times it right. He jumps over the flaming ball of molten rock, and he grabs Maria and hurls her at Ifrit*
0443a, Maria Renard : ((MARIA-DOKEN! ... *cough*)) *spins as she flies, to ail at him feet first.. the gleaming spell surrounding her aids a bit of holy alignment to attacks, she's being full out hurled at his head, and she's doing a double kick at his head where he's already injured. BWAH haha!*
 Yeah... i have no clue...
6:56am, April 25, 2005
bd63b, Shaft: *chokes on a waffle... dies* x_x

[050425 01:05] 0443a, S : NOOO!! *does heimlich*

[050425 01:06] bd63b, Shaft: *doesn't work.... stays dead.* x_x

[050425 01:14] bd63b, Donovan Ulbrecht : *stays dead apparently*

[050425 01:14] bd63b, Shaft: *stays dead apparently*

[050425 01:14] 0443a, S : *uses a phoenix down*

[050425 01:15] bd63b, Shaft: *huh?*

[050425 01:20] bd63b, Shaft: *Floats about the room as a spirit and watches his body go into rigor... throws popcorn at it*

[050425 01:20] bd63b, Donovan Ulbrecht : *Eats the Spirit!!*

[050425 01:20] bd63b, Shaft: ...........crap...........

[050425 01:22] bd63b, Shaft: *kicks Donovan's insides, giving him one heck of a case of indigestion*

[050425 01:23] bd63b, Donovan Ulbrecht : *Burps* eesh.... *stumbles about some as his stomach rumbles*..oooooo... not good...

[050425 01:23] bd63b, Grigore: *Kicks Donovan in the nuts!*

[050425 01:24] bd63b, Donovan Ulbrecht : O_O >_
[050425 01:25] bd63b, Shaft : *Powers up, throws energy bolts around*

[050425 01:26] bd63b, Donovan Ulbrecht : Oh what is this!? *Gets up drunken like and hobbles to the bathroom... hacks up a hair ball...*

[050425 01:27] bd63b, Shaft : *Hack out as a hairball* OH Nasty! *Looks Donovan, kicks him the stomach and walks off to take a shower*

[050425 01:27] bd63b, Donovan Ulbrecht : *Lays there, holding his jewels, weeps.*

[050425 01:27] bd63b, Grigore: *Comes in and kicks the b*tch again!*

[050425 01:28] bd63b, Donovan Ulbrecht : >_
[050425 01:28] bd63b, Ionel: *POints and laughs at Donovan* BWAHAHAHA!

[050425 01:29] bd63b, Anicetus : *Just shakes his head at all the nonsense...*

[050425 01:29] bd63b, Alex Karstinof : *Feels bad for Donovan...*

[050425 01:29] bd63b, Sabella : *Walks up to Alex, swishing her hips from side to side, wraps her arms around him, smiling...*

[050425 01:30] bd63b, Alex Karstinof : O_O........ um...... hi....

[050425 01:30] bd63b, Sabella : *Smiles seductively, then knees the dork in the balls... HARD!*

[050425 01:30] bd63b, Alex Karstinof : *Falls over in a heap and crys like a baby*

[050425 01:31] bd63b, Ionel: *Holds his sides, laughing hyserically. Leans back on the wall he is sitting on and looses his balance* oh oh OH OH SHIT!!! *Falls backwards doing the flayling arms things and lands in a huge pile of garbage*

[050425 01:32] bd63b, Grigore: *Walks over to Ionel... eyes him... kicks him on the nads too!*

[050425 01:32] bd63b, Ionel: *Doubles over and cringes*

[050425 01:32] bd63b, Shaft : Would you guys cut that out!!

[050425 01:33] bd63b, Grigore: *Kicks Shaft in the balls* *Holds arms up there in triumph, insert Queen- We Are the Champions*

[050425 01:33] 0443a, Arachne : *starts spitting webbing at everyone to keep them still*

[050425 01:34] 0443a, Maria Renard : *slides off to a corner, casts invincibility, and stays the heck away*

[050425 01:34] bd63b, Shaft : *Joins Ionel, Donovan, and Alex on the ground in pain... and gets covered in pain*

[050425 01:34] 0443a, S : *shoes Grigore*

[050425 01:34] bd63b, Shaft : *Joins Ionel, Donovan, and Alex on the ground in pain... and gets covered in webbing*

[050425 01:35] bd63b, Grigore: *Ducks, sticks his tongue out at S*

[050425 01:35] bd63b, Sabella : *Runs up and drop kicks Grigore, then punches him hard in the nads*

[050425 01:36] bd63b, Grigore: OOOOOOOOOOO!!! *Falls over and joins the rest of them*

[050425 01:36] bd63b, Juste Belmont : *Eyes* What the hell?? *Opens up a black portal and skedattles*

[050425 01:37] 0443a, Arachne : *spits loys of webbing at Sabella, since the rest are got because they couldn't dodge*

[050425 01:37] 0443a, S : Kehehe

[050425 01:37] bd63b, Desperado : *Sips his whiskey* And they say I got issues with personality problems. There all loco!

[050425 01:38] bd63b, Sabella : *Back flips out of the way, does some nifty arial moves.... lands and side kicks Desp in the nads!*

[050425 01:38] bd63b, Desperado : *Spits out his whiskey, eyes buldge... and falls over*

[050425 01:39] bd63b, Petros Spiridon : *Sneaks behind Sabella, bops her with a stick hard* STOP IT!

[050425 01:39] bd63b, Sabella : *Gets knocked out*

[050425 01:40] bd63b, Anicetus : *Apears from no where, taps Petros on the shoulder* Thats not you treat a lady... *A large skeleton hand breaks from the ground and smacks Petros in the nuts, then grabs em and squeezes*

[050425 01:41] bd63b, Petros Spiridon : OOOOOO thats the ticket! *falls over, wincing in pain... *

[050425 01:41] bd63b, Anicetus : *Smirks and walks off.*

[050425 01:44] bd63b, Juste Belmont : *Runs up and kicks Anicetus in the nuts.... only to fall over and grab his shin.. f*ckers armored!!* Aw crap... I think i broke it.

[050425 01:44] bd63b, Anicetus : *Just shakes his head and walks off*

[050425 01:44] 0443a, Maria Renard : Oh BWAHAHAHA!

[050425 01:46] JOIN: Ashura has entered.

[050425 01:46] 5a986, Tora Belmont : (*peers*)

[050425 01:47] 0443a, Arachne : *spits webbing at Tora*

[050425 01:49] 5a986, Tora Belmont : (eeeee)

[050425 01:50] bd63b, shaft : *Gets up... slowly... zaps all his characters back into there cages* All that... cuz of a.... frickin waffle!

[050425 01:51] 0443a, S : *cracks up*
 Nate gets boned...
Impersonating Shaft
4:54am, July 12, 2005
050710 22:24] cb484, Kinthos : Didn't notice Nathan... sadly.. or else he too could have managed a ride... ah well.. should've made himself a bit more apparent. He banks, heading to the castle and is there probably faster than the rest

[050710 22:24] a73c1, Maria Renard : ((*keels over in giggles*))

[050710 22:24] a73c1, Maria Renard : *Will arrive after flying thingie*

[050710 22:24] 5b09a, Anicetus : *A funky flying bone thing comes down next to Nathan, then grabs him and throws him ant the castle!*

[050710 22:24] 5b09a, Richter Belmont : *Is airborn! Wheee!!!*

[050710 22:25] 66925, Nathan La Belle: *"Hey mister GRIFFIN!....Can I get a ride? Oh no, wait. I just got boned all the way to the castle.."*

[050710 22:25] 60e05, Rachel Van Helsing: *Arrives after Maria.........looks paler than she was as a vampire. *

[050710 22:25] a73c1, Maria Renard : ((*just dies laughing*))

[050710 22:25] 66925, Nathan La Belle: ((...And that came out so very wrong...))

[050710 22:25] 5b09a, Richter Belmont : ((lmfao!))

[050710 22:25] 60e05, Rachel Van Helsing: ((ROTFLMAO.....that sounded SO wrong

[050710 22:26] a73c1, Maria Renard : ((*Can't... stop.. laughing..*))

[050710 22:27] cb484, Kinthos : ((LOL!!!))
4:56am, July 12, 2005
[050710 22:09] 5b09a, Grigore: *Sign in door reads: "Closed for the night due to Uber baddies and war.", and scratched into it like a bathroom stall "For a good time, go to Draculas place"*
[050710 22:12] 66925, Nathan La Belle: *And yes, because player is busy and Nick's directions are crap, the figure comes upon the Hunters, watching them calmly..*
[050710 22:13] 5b09a, Richter Belmont : (( I told you, you dolt that I am on the edge of town! How hard is that to understand!? )
[050710 22:13] 66925, Nathan La Belle: ((Edge of town can mean anything!))
[050710 22:14] 60e05, Rachel Van Helsing: *Rides! Rides for rui-.......okay I shall spare you the King Theoden quotes. but yeah rides to castlevania!*
[050710 22:15] 5b09a, Richter Belmont : (Ok fine, here then: Up the street, take two rights then a left, spin around the oak tree 5 times, then follow the yellow brick road till you see a sign that says "Richter Belmont, 20 feet to your left" )
[050710 22:17] a73c1, Maria Renard : (( :P ))
[050710 22:17] a73c1, Maria Renard : ((*dies laughing*))
[050710 22:17] 66925, Nathan La Belle: *And look. Having followed the strangly flamboyant road he catches up to the Hunters, blending into the pack...*

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