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Thread for Healing Potions and Mana Potions

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 Healing Potions and Mana Potions
3:31am, March 02, 2005
After some thought, I'm making a post to clear up these potions to make sure everyone knows what they can and cannot do.

Healing Potions are basically a character's second wind. They help restore stamina and strength so the character can go just that much longer, they cannot heal broken bones, cuts, gun shots, poison, and all other sort of wounds. They need to be handled with proper care, this isn't a one stop shop for wounds. Healing Potions will only help your character keep going for that much longer, it will not heal cuts and broken bones and so forth.

Mana Potions restore stamina of Magic Use. Magic use drains a character, thus they need to restore their ability to use magic. When a character is physically drained, they're weak, exaughsted and ready to fall over, when Magic is used too much, the character becomes light headed, hard to focus, this is potentially more dangerous because it could kill the magic user if they over use the magic.

The two potions restore the body in different ways. But they body cannot be super healed by these two potions, they body needs proper healing and rest to recover from serious wounds.

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