Thread for Lorrie and Ed can be Jared here!

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 Lorrie and Ed can be Jared here!
6:25pm, November 26, 2003
Here's an idea that I got from Subway's "ask Jared" commercials. Also, in 2002 or 2003 Ann Landers (advice columnist) died w/ her wisdom, albeit very dated. After knowing Lorrie and Ed for 6 years we can count on their sage advice concerning life and/or life in a chair. It can be tongue? in cheek ;-) or completely serious. My vote for a name is: "Lorrie & Edzz Slant On Life". My first question is: Do you 2 agree? Isn't a day more productive after a good dump? lol

Pooper in PA
8:12pm, November 26, 2003
Great idea, Gary... err I mean "pooper".

My slant? A planned dump is far more in line to having a productive day than an unplanned dump. Nothing quite makes a first impression on an AB (out on the first date) better than filling your jeans with results the RotoRooter guy would be proud to remove from a septic system. Know what I mean? The upside is... yes there's an upside to crapping yourself out in public on a 1st date... is if (s)he bolts or blows chunks, it wasn't meant to be. And you know that, in your ummmmm heart.

I, personally, like the new ad campaign for Magic Bullets: "If you don't like our product, shove it up your ass." It's a catchy phrase, one that rolls off your lips with relative ease, like a latex glove coated in surgi-lube... even with your tongue in your cheek.

But, I digress.

Yes, a good dump in the morning starts the day off on the right foot. Once the house has been deemed safe by the EPA emergency team your aide called (from outdoors on her cell phone), you can get on with your day with vigor.

I'll let Lorrie add to this slant, if she wishes.

Next question?
9:19pm, November 26, 2003
Totally AGREE! A nice big/long (not thick ow) healthy, firm, not hard bunny turds, dropping in the can is "A good thing". In the pants? Not so good ;)
Do you smell something?
Never forget your doodie ;)
*Cringe* Does Mr. Hanky freak anyone else out?

When I was little I'd poop then RUN!

Edited 3:22pm, November 26 by Lorrie, author.
9:55pm, November 26, 2003
As a child, Lor, I used to enjoy clogging toilets for my dad. Then he taught me & my brothers the age old art of using the plumber's helper/plunger. Not so much fun after that. :-(

My younger brother and I used to compete for the longest, fattest hanky...I forget who won or what the prize woulda/shoulda/coulda been.

Pooping in PA
10:36pm, November 26, 2003
My dad taught us "the courtesory flush" technique where you flush at, well, I guess you'd call it Halftime.

Ed :O)
 Poopers Unite
7:03pm, December 01, 2003
There's sure alota Poop in this world.

Pooper in OH
1:44am, December 04, 2003
Lorrie & Edzz slant:

If *bling-bling* (black speak) means showy and expensive, can something have *bling-bling* w/out possessing both qualities? Examples would be helpful.

Curious Dog
 Bling Bling
5:36pm, December 04, 2003
Yeah, Ricer's buy the 20 inch tall plastic hubcaps at Wal-Mart for $9,99 a set to give the appearance of having expensive "dub" rims...

Bling bling, Mofo.
 Mr Hanky
9:39pm, December 11, 2003
yeah, he's freaky.....
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