Thread for 9-11 tribute

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 9-11 tribute
6:20pm, September 11, 2003
Saving Private Ryan was a movie about a man who wondered if he was worthy of the ultimate sacrifices made by a few brave men on his behalf when they died saving him. “Was I good enough?” was the actual haunting question he had asked himself.

Those reading this were not killed in the Pentagon, on any of the three suicide flights, or in the Trade Towers on September 11, 2001. But it could very easily have been any of us there. The people who died that day were exactly like us... in the essence that those people were doing what people do. Because the attack was against our country, in particular against our civilians, in a way, it was us in those towers... on those planes or in the Pentagon.

Not all who died on that Tuesday morning were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Many went there aware of the dangers. The police officers and firefighters who sacrificed their very lives, rushing into burning buildings to help others escape certain death showed the character of people who are not so concerned with cutting in line at the grocery store and aren’t inclined to pull up so close to the car in front of them that no other cars can squeeze in front while merging before a construction zone.

There were many lives of good people sacrificed in service of us. They left their own families behind, all in an ill-fated attempt to save ordinary people, some of whom undoubtedly listened to Cop Killer and surely have loathed "pigs" in the past because they’d been given a speeding ticket.

So the next time you become violently angry when someone is driving six miles under the speed limit in the passing lane or the next time someone close to you makes you angry and you are ready to snap at them, possibly hurting them, remember.

There are wives who will undoubtedly hear the laughter of their lost husbands late at night. There are husbands who will roll over at night and pull a pillow closer to them in their sleep only to awaken with the realization that it was only a pillow and not their lost wives... who will never return. Parents will always wonder how their lost children would have turned out had they not died so young. There are boys and girls who have no fathers to teach them to play checkers or catch, to dance with them at their weddings and to hold the miracle of their grandchildren moments after birth. There are literally thousands of stories that ended on an innocent late summer day. But there are also countless new stories, too.

Remember these people. They sacrificed more than just their own flesh and breathing bodies, much more. And thankfully recognize that sacrifices are still being made today in the mountains of Afghanistan or in the blistering sands of Iraq.

Much like Private Ryan, their deaths deserve you to ask yourself: "Have I been good enough?"
7:24pm, September 11, 2003
let it load...
 it doesn't work
7:33am, October 17, 2003
why not :(
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