Thread for The mother of all lawsuits

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 The mother of all lawsuits
5:12pm, September 05, 2003
August 21, 2003

Egyptian Jurist Ridicules Biblical Basis Of Israel

Nabil Hilmi, the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Egypt's University of Al-Zagazig, is preparing a lawsuit against "all the Jews of the world" for property removed from Egypt during the biblical exodus. Writing in Al-Ahram, Hilbi said:

"A police investigation revealed that Moses and Aaron, peace be upon them, understood that it was impossible to live in Egypt, despite its pleasures and even though the Egyptians included them in every activity, due to the Jews' perverse nature, to which the Egyptians had reconciled themselves, though with obvious unwillingness. Therefore, an order was issued by the Jewish rabbis to flee the country, and that the exodus should be secret and under cover of darkness and with the largest possible amount of loot. The code word was 'At midnight.' In addition, the Jewish women were told to steal the gold and cooking utensils of the Egyptian women, and that is what happened."

We understand that as part of his tasteful effort to debunk Judaism, Dr. Hilmi is also planning to sue anyone who reads the Bible. As revealed to the Jews a couple of millenia before the birth of Muhammad, the Holy Book makes no mention of Islam's claim to the entire world.

Nabil Hilmi has not as yet been asked to deliver The Morris Gray Lecture at Harvard University this fall.

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