Thread for chatting for dummies

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 chatting for dummies
2:31pm, August 11, 2003

Online chat is similar to talking on an old-fashioned party line or CB radio. In the infancy of the telephone system, people usually shared their phone line with other families, especially in rural America, where the cost of stringing telephone lines was expensive. Everyone on the party line could join in any conversation, offering hours of nosy fun for people with nothing better to do. Today, people often arrange conference calls to have several people all talk together.

Chatting is similar to a conference call except that, rather than talk, you type on your keyboard what you want to say and read on-screen what other people are saying. Although all the people participating in the chat can be typing at one time, each person's contribution is presented on-screen in order of its receipt, identified by the name of the person who typed it.

7:33pm, October 24, 2003
I don't understand Corey, lmao ? Could you explain it again....;)
 chatting for dummies
1:43pm, January 19, 2004
Wow, who would have thunk
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