Thread for crip crypt barbecue by bulldwag

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 crip crypt barbecue by bulldwag
7:10pm, August 29, 2006
I just read gary's taking orders on hamburgers for a picnic. Guess which 1 I would like gary lol
3:49pm, August 30, 2006
Cheeseburger, medium rare please. Catsup, mustard, mushrooms, bacon, a sour pickle slice, light salt & fresh ground pepper. Toast the bun lightly. And please, let's be civilized and frost the mug before you fill it with beer from the Heinekin keg. OK?
 Further details concerning the picnic/party.
3:37pm, September 04, 2006
As Anty posted, a picnic/party is being planned by me under these conditions: if the Phillies make it into the World Series (they don't even have to win the series because the last time the Phillies were in the series, but lost, was 1993. The ONLY time they won the series was in 1980 against the KC Royals...pretty pathetic for such a long-lived team.)

Condition 2: If Phillies 1st baseman, Ryan Howard, hits 65 homers, or more, this season. Strange as it may sound to baseball fanatics, this condition is more likely attainable because he's at 53 homers as of 9/3/06 when he hit 3 "outta the park" that same day.

If the Phillies WIN the World Series AND Ryan Howard hits his 65 homers, the picnic meat gets upped to Filet Mignon and Ed gets to pick the alcoholic beverage of his choice for everyone and the location of the party/picnic. ;-)

Ed, you never mentioned if you prefer your meat done on charcoal, gas or TO HAVE YOUR MEAT SQUEEZED on a george Foreman grill? :-D

I'm still looking for that shovel for BoB.....LMFCAO
4:10pm, September 04, 2006
Let's see...

Recently, I've been liking Bass Ale. Molsen Ice kinda lost favor and Heinekin just ins't doing it for me.

Cookout locaton, hmmmmmmmm. Definately some place warm. Maybe Lorrie & Lee's backyard? LOL 26 crips in the pool!

Don't ever squeeze my meat, Gary. (BoB still hasn't forgiven me for my advice on him buying his George Foreskin grill. I think it's best not to consider that option.) Gas grilling is OK, but given the choice - I prefer the real deal... charcoal.

Ed :)
1:38am, September 05, 2006
"I prefer the real deal... charcoal."

I have him spoiled with the real deal. :) lol
6:15pm, September 30, 2006
W/ only 2 regular season games to go it's still possible but looks improbable that the Phils will make it into the playoffs...the Phailing Phillies?

The last I heard, Ryan Howard is at 59 homers.

LOL...Ed, do you realize that Candace is trying to kill you off w/ all that charcoal? Lucky for Candace, I still have that burial shovel. ;-D

lol@Ed......George Foreskin
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