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Thread for .. cling on to their traditional way of life.

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 .. cling on to their traditional way of life.
12:54am, September 04, 2003
Congo pygmies sing of jungle hardships in debut CD
By Reuters, 9/3/2003

BRAZZAVILLE, Congo -- Pygmies from deep within Congo's jungles have launched their debut compact disc, singing of the hardships -- and attractions -- of forest life.

The disc, produced with funding from United Nations cultural body UNESCO, includes 10 tracks by pygmy band Ndima from the Congo Republic, one of a few countries in central Africa where tribes of pygmies cling on to their traditional way of life.

"This disc aims to promote the culture of a people threatened with extinction," said Sorel Eta, who coordinated recording on behalf of the Association for Respect for Pygmies.

The group uses traditional instruments such as animal horns, stretched jungle creepers, wooden hide drums and pipes made from bamboo and tree trunks.

(...And let's not forget the 16 track digital sound studio.)
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