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Thread for Don't burn yer britches

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 Don't burn yer britches
9:07pm, August 24, 2003
Thief steals $7,600, pants from sleeping W. Va. man
By Associated Press, 8/23/2003

BRADSHAW, W.Va. -- Bascom Horn lost his pants -- and $7,600 -- as he slept.

Someone slipped into the 86-year-old man's house through an unlocked door Wednesday and stole his pants and the cash he had stashed in a pocket.

"I took my britches off and put them on the chair when I went to bed last night," Horn said. "They was there last night at 10 p.m., but when I woke up at 7 a.m., my britches were gone. I had $7,600 in there. They took my pocketbook and my operator's license too."

Horn's house sits along the West Virginia-Virginia border, so he called both the West Virginia State Police and Buchanan County, Va., sheriff's department.

A report by Buchanan County Deputy Steve Blankenship said Horn had apparently left a door unlocked so someone could come in and clean his house.


Stealing some 86-year-old guy's life savings is totally wrong. Stealing his driver's license is totally right.

He may live on the border between Viginia & West Virginia, but calling his trousers "britches" clearly indicates which side of the state line he's on.
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