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Thread for Numerous readers big BUT

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 Numerous readers big BUT
12:22am, August 18, 2006
ok, the Crip Crypt board seems to have plenty of readers, but few ppl willing to contribute or even reply. :-/ Hey ppl, this a give & take deal...if you want it to succeed, you've got to help out.

10:53pm, August 18, 2006
"You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead." Groucho Marx
11:43pm, August 18, 2006
Ed, Can non-members read this board and be counted as a hit? If so, that kind of explains the heavy? traffic here at the board i.e. all the hits.

 one big but....
12:24am, August 19, 2006
I just had to post because I am a giver who wants to succeed.
Hope everyone is having a great summer. I am exhausted and really happy that it's Friday.
Who knew that a 9 month old could be so much work....and yes, he's that old already.
Take care crypters!
4:58pm, August 19, 2006
Yes Gary, non members can view the chat (lurk) and they can click the link to this board & read it. They can't post here or in the chat.

Hi Nikki, long time no see.

Ed :)
2:23pm, August 25, 2006
I didn't know that "Band Camp Nikki" had/wanted a child and/or a puppy. ;-) Well, major congrats you wild, nutty crip crypter!

9 months old of either (child or puppy) can be a major handful...yes, of poop too. :-|

Thanks for the offer, Nicko, of "take that crypters", but I already have 5 yr old Boston Terrier and she gets very jealous of other little ones. :-D

bulldawg aka Gary
 something about buts
10:44pm, August 26, 2006
Hey dawg...lemme clear things up for you.
I didn't get a puppy and I didn't have a baby.
My 'like a' daughter had a baby and I have been babysitting him since she went back to work at 6 weeks. He is over 9 months now and keeping me quite occupied. I haven't had any kids so far, but he is pretty close.
Okay, sorry for the confusion.
'Band Camp Nikki' cracked me up, by the way.
Gotta go~ Have a great weekend.
 but something
10:46pm, August 26, 2006
HI ED!!!!
Didn't want you to think that I was ignoring you or too busy to say Hi.
It's nice seeing you too, maybe we'll catch up and chat soon.
 re: to "Band Camp Nikki"
4:20pm, August 27, 2006
Well, now don't I feel stupid! (not a new feeling for me...lmao) Thanx for the clarity, Nicko. ;-)

This calls for a new thread: "Nikki's Adventures in Babysitting"...oh, and poopy diapers, spit up red beets, taming a "cruiser", etc. :-D

dopey dawg
6:53pm, August 28, 2006
They just come to read Tippy's stories. lol
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