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Thread for Your 1st Time...Any 1st Time

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 Your 1st Time...Any 1st Time
8:55pm, July 25, 2006
I remember my 1st enema that I ever had after being injured 29 yrs ago. After spending a month in ICU they had to get my shitter going, finally.

A really hot little 19 yr young student nurse sauntered into the room and informed me of the coming attraction. I said, "Hey, you're just a kid." Hell, I was just 17. She lacked any sense of humor abt anything I had to say, but everything came out well...LOL TMI?

The moral: Know your enema!

9:19pm, July 27, 2006

Dawg, you DAWG!

Nice visual!

I thought the idea was to attract posters to this board, not drive them off in disgust, lmao.

*shakes head*
1:20am, July 30, 2006
I remember the 1st time that it "hit" me that I was going to be paralyzed for life. I was sitting in O.T. at Moss Rehab Hospital in Phithy-delphia PA...nobody was around me, not even close by. I looked up at the clock and "bam", total realisation kicked in.

I just got incredibly pissed and screamed out, "SON OF A BITCH!". Nobody came was my personal moment.

There were no tears involved, just anger...then hopelessness.

There, another slice of my life.

4:34pm, July 30, 2006
My first realization I was screwed was one day on a weekend when there was no OT/PT. Before the accident I would plan my day out of what I was going to do if I didn't have to work. So that was what I was doing on this day then it hit me... whatever I'm going to do I'll be sitting down doing it. That was some sad shit.

Oh swell life goes on. Your post just made me think of that Gary.
4:43pm, July 30, 2006
My first time, I was 14 and going over a friend's house when.... lol.

My first time realizing that I was totally screwed was also in rehab. 5th floor in the hospital, 2AM the fire alarms go off. The doors close automatically. Us 4 guys are stuck in bed, none could transfer and our loaner chairs are out in the hallway anyway. Smoke is rising up past our windows, the 1st floor kitchen is on fire and the nurse busts into the room to lie to us by saying "It's only a drill."

I knew right then: Ed, you are really screwed for life. :)

The Boston Fire Department put the fire out. Nobody was hurt, thankfully.
9:43pm, July 31, 2006
I can't quite remember the 1st time I sniffed glue... ;-D

I'm sorry if my previous post concerning "paralysis realization" brought any unpleasant memories for you, Candace. That certainly wasn't my intention. "They" say we shouldn't pen up our feelings, anyway.

And to Ed: my 1st time was also at age older woman, she was 16. LMAO

10:02pm, July 31, 2006
Your fine, Gary. No worries. :)
7:16pm, August 01, 2006
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