Thread for Factions

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11:37am, January 13, 2004
Here are our factions and a brief blurb about what they are. Now, the faction leaders listed are usually the IC leaders of the group, but not always. The leaders listed here, in other words, are not necessarily the in character leader of the group, but are the characters of the players who are actually in charge of the group in the sense of for contacting about joining and of governing the IC direction of that group.

KnightPriests of Lloth - Drow
- Leader = Space Open

Priestesses of Lloth - Drow
- Leader = position filled, but under development

Black Hand - a Thieves Guild
- Leader = Renden Farr

High Elves - umm, High Elves?
- Leader = Naurlote

Council of Mages - sorta like the U.N. of Mages. If you're not part of this council, then you are seriously out of the loop mage-wise and not considered by most of Bettenchi society to really be a mage.
- Leader = High Sorceress Tirale
*this faction is one of the few that might not seem to have many members tagged, but that is because those members are also part of other factions. Remember, this is like a U.N. of mages*

Demonius Nectus - Demons kingdom
- Leader = Axis, but nobody knows that

Mer Kingdom - Under sea kingdom of the mer people.
- Leader = Triton

En Tai Empire - Empire in what would be eastern Asia on Earth if this were earth
- Leader = Space Open Sorta

Kingdom of Krondor - Kingdom of horse cavalries and boast great scribes & bards too.
-Leader = Space Open

Ruapenchi - Mostly human country comprising what would be Italy if this were earth and has several subkingdoms under it.
- Leader = Space Open

Kingdom of Fae - You know, the winged type things, also includes some other magical creatures like ents, unicorns, etc.
- Leader = Mab Fairy Queen

The Iron Talons Mercinary Company, - A group of mercinaries.
- Leader = Skarling Ironhand

Goblin kingdom - Goblin Kingdom around the dark forest.
- Leader = Jerren Skulldeep

Ghouls - A force of undead trying to take over the world.
- Leader = Mysterious leader that is unkown

Belegorod - Kingdom of Giants.
- Leader = Queen Nessima

Malkier - Human Kingdom surrounding great lakes, south of Belegorod and Cyrthas.
- Leader = the Mandragorans

Cyrthas - Kingdom of centaurs.
- Leader = Remal

Gryphohn'don - Kingdom of Gryphons.
- Leader = Open for someone to play

Quman - Plains Nomadic horse riders that cover a certain territory.
- Leader = Bartuc

Rethwellan - Animal like humanoids kingdom.
- Leader = Albrecht

Trelanus - Gargoyle kingdom with some humans mixed in the population.
- Leader = Lok

Lai'dor or Sylvan Elves - Tree elves Kingdom.
- Leader = Zaeth

Clans of Pegasandor - Region holding the nomadic clans of the Pegasi people.
- Leader = Position Open

Edited 4:13pm, July 23, 2005 by Kali, moderative.
 Nother Note
12:44pm, January 13, 2004
We have strong plot drivers in this chat, but this is more to do with the dedication those faction leaders and characters driving the plot have shown than any special planning on the admins' part. If you want your faction to gain recognition and play a major role in the story, do what you gotta do within the chat rules and guidelines to gain that. The admins will support and adjust their character actions to respond to the stronger plot drivers, whoever they end up being. As it says in the rules, ANYONE can do stuff to effect the overall plot of the chat. We leave the possibilities regarding that open within what has already been established by players story-wise and within the rules, but we're not going to hold your hand and push you to do something with yourself.
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