Thread for Portals on Bettenchi!!!

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 Portals on Bettenchi!!!
8:21pm, December 26, 2003
This is where to look to find out where the short cuts are. Is your character stuck in a remote area with nobody to interact with? Well, look in here. There may be a portal nearby. Chat function-wise, that's what they're really for, to help keep characters from getting stuck in limbo for too long, otherwise, we wouldn't have any, but seeing as Bettenchi is a wide spread playing field encompassing an entire world and this being a fun game..well...hehe. We do our best to keep things going and playable. Portals help with that. :)

Only Admins should post to this thread. Any post not approved by an admin to this thread will be deleted. All new portals need to be approved by an admin before coming into being, or being discovered on Bettenchi, or taken for granted as always having been there, or whatever the case may be.

To use a public portal:
1)Step up to the portal.
2)Say any required chant for that portal, if it has one. (not all do)
3)State the portal you are going to, i.e. your destination portal.
4)Enter the portal and if you did everything right, you and those with you should appear at your chosen portal destination.

Simple, yes?

Warning-----What happens if you screw up:

1)Step up to the portal--Well, if you don't step up to it, you're not going to be able to use it, are ya?

2)Say any required chant for that portal--If the portal requires a chant and you skip that step, you will be sent to one of the following places:

The Cave of forgetting- Located somewhere off the coast of Ruapenchi city where the only opening is a hole in the ceiling way beyond any conceivable reach and even with swimming in the high tides the opening at the top is unreachable. The walls are smooth, which spells bad news for you in high tide, unless you're a mer person. There is no way back through the portal that deposits you in this cave.

The Cave of Hot Nerves- Like the Cave of Forgetting, this cave has only an opening high above and smooth rounded walls. Difference is, this cave is in the tropical location In the narrow stretch of land connecting the two continents south of Malkier. This cave is also filled with boiling hot magma with only a thin shelf of land surrounding the magma. Hopefully, you don't end up here as the cave moves to erupt.

The Cave of Cold Chills- You guessed it, a freezing ice cave. A person not properly bundled up will freeze to death in a matter of a couple hours. Same general setup as the others, except its entirely lined with smooth, slippery ice. It's located in what would be Siberia, if this were earth.

The Cave of Time- Like an hourglass, this cave measures time with sand that pours into the top opening from a similar cave above the moment a person sets down on the floor the lower cave, which is where you appear. If you can stay above the sand that starts to pour in, you may have a chance. It is located in what would be Saudi Arabia, if this were earth.

Once in one of these caves, there is no way back through the portal that took you here, except to escape the caves somehow and find your way back the conventional way. You, as a player can take your pick as to which of these dreaded places you end up, if you fail to recite the chant ICly and someone calls you on it. mweeheehee! If the portal doesn't require a chant, you're okay.

3)State the portal you are going to--If you fail to do this, you deserve to die...okay, not really, but it's a good idea to know where you're going and tell the portal where you want to go. If you forget or fail to do this, you will just randomly end up at a one of the public portals and should use the rarely used chat dice function set at the known number of public portals to determine which one you end up at instead of the one you intended. If you're lucky, you'll end up at the one you intended. The portals will be numbered by the order they are posted in this thread. Isn't this fun? If you're confused by this, just ask for assistence. It's a fairly simple concept, but I know I can get confused by the simple sometimes.

4)Enter the portal--If you've done everything else right and fail to enter the portal, it will close after about 5 minutes. No big deal, unless someone confronts you as you're about to go through and decides to go through instead of you and discovers where you were going or something like that. hehe

Isn't that fun!?! Doesn't it just make you wanna mess up with the portals just for the fun of it? *L*

Edited 1:04pm, December 23 by Mab, author.
 Glimmering Inn Portal
8:46pm, December 26, 2003

Where is the Portal?: It's in a gazebo behind the Glimmering Inn. A water channel of the city is a little ways beyond it.

Title of Portal: Glimmering Inn

Chant: "Know the right channels"

Where Chant is Written or Can be learned: It's written right across the top of the gazebo before you enter. You just gotta look up.

Edited 10:47am, December 27 by Mab, author.
 Fairy Lands Portal
9:54am, December 28, 2003

Where is the Portal?: It's in the garden ruins of Ferialii. It is one of the fabled fairy mushroom circles, only this one is a portal. If you're not a fae or dragon, you will feel the uncontrolable impulse to dance within the wide mushroom circle until you drop or until a fae comes to rescue you out of mercy sake. Some few have been gifted talismans to prevent that effect when using the portal. By the way, it doesn't matter how uber and powerful you are or what kind of creepy thing you may be, this is fairy magic mixed with dragon enchantment and there is almost no one that can avoid its effects.

Title of Portal: Where Fae do Light the Way.

Chant: "Just one little light in the darkness."

Where Chant is Written or Can be learned: If you're not too distracted by the dancing, you might hear this phrase whispered by the trees, if you're lucky enough to understand tree talk.

(Just a pic of Mab at this Portal's location, basically Mab showing off her artwork, but it gives a feel for the setting too, yeah, that's it. *shifty eyes*)

**Pictures Property of Mab, no reuse on other sites or chats or for commercial gain w/o permission of artist**

Edited 6:57pm, July 08 by Mab, author.
 Lands of Fire
5:54am, December 29, 2003

Where is the Portal?: It's just a nondescript spot, other than the chant etched on a charred stone next to it. That's it's only indicator. It is located where what would be Aleutian Trench of the Ring of Fire around the Atlantic, if this were earth, which Bettenchi is not. There is a string of islants that stretch out into the ocean and almost reach the Asian continent in the north there. On one of these volcanic islands is the portal and there be dragons living on these islands. These are treacherous lands, especially around the portal area. Geysers shoot w/o warning and without much indication of their existence, the ground can shift unexpectedly and sudden rifts develop below your feet, if you don't know where to tread, which only the dragons really do.

Title of Portal: Lands of Fire

Chant: "Burn hot the heat of a thousand days"

Where Chant is Written or Can be learned: It is etched in charred stone to the right of the spot that is the portal.

Edited 11:55pm, December 28 by Mab, author.
 Various Public Portals Around the World
8:58pm, December 30, 2003

Portal Location: Earth Equivalant would be the Carribean Islands just off the coast on a reef where the reef juts above the waves, or is sometimes just under the waves at high tide, so you might get wet arriving there, but even at high tide, you'd only be waist deep in water.
Chant: "The tides of destiny lead you"
Where chant it written or can be learned: Etched into the coral rocks below your feet on the portal. If it's not under water, you can read it. hehe.


Portal Location: Earth Equivalant would be the Blue Forest in Quebec, Canada.
Chant: NA
Where chant it written or can be learned: NA


Portal Location: Earth Equivalant would be Open Plains, Utah
Chant: "Grass and wind grow calm again"
Where chant it written or can be learned:To learn the chant that you need to return again after using this portal, you need to seek the Pegasi who all know this chant, because it is a common expression amoung them.

Edited 3:09pm, December 30 by Mab, author.
 Quinell Portal
1:29am, January 09, 2004

Where is the Portal?: A mile due south of the High Elven capti

Title of Portal: Cala'quessir Ando (High Elf Gate)

Chant: " Cala'quessir. Oio naa elealla alasse' "

Where Chant is Written or Can be learned: Only from High Elves can this portal's chant be learned.
 Moon Elves Portal
6:33am, January 10, 2004

Where is the Portal?: In the royal city of Nydirann in the forests of Acendawan, near the Lunar Waterfall (which is near the Royal Palace) in the gazebo.

Title of Portal: Lunar Eclipse

Chant: "Harness the power of the moon."

Where chant is written or can be learned: Only from Moon Elves can this portal's chant be learned.

Edited 2:08am, July 04 by Luke, author.
 Dark Forest Portal
4:22am, June 10, 2004
There is a portal in the dark forest in the Goblin Kingdom. The specs for it are forthcoming from Cookie. If you need to use this portal, nag Cookie to give us the specs for it. *L*
 Quman Portal
6:44pm, June 10, 2004
First off I was told by Steve that I could post here.
Where is the portal? In the Quman plains Near the city of Kar'Sliam

Title of Portal? Gate to Quman

Chant? Kal'Endrel

Where can it be learned? On a stone near the gate

Edited 4:24pm, June 14 by Bartuc, author.
 Rua Forest Portal
5:19am, June 14, 2004

Where is the Portal?: In an obscure meadow deep in Rua Forest It has no markings at all. You just have to know where to stand. There is a very large, especially twisted tree that seems to have faces in the bark a little ways off to help you get your baring.

Title of Portal: Rua Forest or Ruapenchi Forest. (either works)

Chant: none

Where Chant is Written or Can be learned: n/a

Edited 2:29pm, July 12 by Mab, author.
 Urald Public Portal
1:42pm, June 17, 2004
Portal Name: The Stardock.

Location: On the east side of Algadan just before the docks, its under a white marble 3 walled covered area large enough to fit a trade wagon easily.

Chant: Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie.

Where the chant can be learned: It is written in black marble imbedded into the marble wall behind the portal.
 Stardock Academy Private Portal
1:46pm, June 17, 2004
Portal Name: The Gateway to Knowledge

Location: In the center of the entrance hall of the Stardock Academy.

Chant: The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason. (Note this chant must be said before coming or going to this portal.)

Where the chant can be learned: It can be learned from a member of the Wizards Council and it is written over the door to the headmasters office.

*this is sanctioned by Mab*

Edited 8:48am, June 17 by Mab, moderative.
 Arvandor Portal
12:37am, July 09, 2004

Where the portal is: Outside the walls of the capital city of Arvandor. It is a simple stone platform in a non-descript, tight little grove of trees, easily looked over if one doesn't know where it is already.

Title of Portal: A Quiet Place to Think (Yup, that's its name. So if you tell some public portal jokingly or musing to yourself to take you to "A Quiet Place to Think" you'll end up here. hehe.)

Chant: "There is no one around" (and this needs to be true of anyone not using the portal. No one else must be around where the users of the portal can be observed)

Where Chant is Written or Can be learned: It is etched in the stone floor of the portal.

Edited 6:02am, July 21 by Kali, moderative.
12:52am, July 09, 2004

Where is the Portal?: A small stone archway just outside of Krondor

Title of Portal: KRONDOR

Chant: N/A

Where Chant is Written or Can be learned: N/A
 EnTai Capital City, seat of the empire
2:35am, July 13, 2004

Where is the Portal?: Capital city of the EnTai, one of seven portals that dot En'Tai. It is outside the walls of the palace called "The Heart of The World"

Title of Portal: The Golden Land

Chant: NA

Where Chant is Written or Can be learned: NA
 Lai'dor Portals
11:17am, July 21, 2004
Where is the portal: .. the main one is located in Andaith, on the outer
castle wall,

The Chant: the words are Lai'dor
ten'oire and must be given in elvish or you will be lost...sent to where ever
admin decides you should end up.

Where the chant is written or it can be learned: the words to activate it are on a stone plaque on the wall
surrounding the castle, just between it and Tel'Malmallen.

where is the portal:
This is a public portal, although virtually unknown to the outside world. Hidden in a cave to the north almost at the borders of the Fae and Tirion, it can be found by following the tracks of an Ent

The chant:Ai'mithe.

Where the chant is written or can be learned: It is carved on the lintel of the cave (think Mines of Moria)

Edited 11:59am, August 27 by Kali, author.
 Giants Portal, Belegorod
5:41pm, August 30, 2004

Where is the portal:Inside the mountain castle.

Title of the Portal:"Where" or "What" either will work

Chant for the portalThe Brothers Grimm

Where it can be learnedIt is told only to the giants when they reach the age of maturity(usually around 250)

Edited 7:10am, December 27 by Mab, moderative.
 Malkier Portals
4:06am, October 14, 2004
The royal portal in Malkier is located inside the castle grounds just beyond the main gate.

Title of Portal Kahlan

The chant is Shota

Where it can be learned access to this gate is by royal invitation only. either Kazia or Lan Mandragoran must give you this chant.

Location of portal on the shores of the great lakes, at the southern most tip

Title of PortalGiller

the chant ismagic box

Where it can be learnedit is written in shifting sands just east of the portal.
 Tirion Portal
10:29pm, February 23, 2005
Where is it?
It is located in what will soon be the capital city, yet to be named, as the inhabitants have only recently arrived there. Its presence was unknown until Corell Araos came acrost it in his scouting of the countryside for his queen(soon to be his wife)

all other information is yet to be decided or discovered as the case may be. Belthil has had several of her brightest citizens standing near the portal and trying out every possible chant they can think of. hopefully one will work, before they find one that will destroy it.
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