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Thread for this is for shit.

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 this is for shit.
9:30pm, March 20, 2007
Is one way to get our DNA. Read this. Insane..just insane.
~bends over and let's 'em swab my ass~ damn humans.

Bird flu bio-test plan for airlines

Sunday Mail (Adelaide, Australia) - Mar. 18, 2007
A DEVICE to test passengers for bird flu before they board planes is being developed by Queensland scientists.

The product being worked on by BioChip Innovations would be vital in fighting the spread of the disease in the event of a pandemic.

``Within two years we anticipate using this technology to develop a fully automated handheld device to genetically detect and identify any influenza virus within 30 minutes,'' said company chief executive officer Graeme Barnett.

The test would most likely involve throat swabs, though quick blood tests are also possible.

``Tests could be done at doctors' surgeries or at ...

(and that is all I got to read...says have to register to read the rest..I already know the could I not?)

Getting harder to outrun them ....MaMa....

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