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Thread for Blazen's dream

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 Blazen's dream
1:53pm, December 14, 2006
061214 06:15] 42ecd, †Blazen: I had a dream that would put a zombie movie to shame...

[061214 06:16] d888d, ‡Watcher: ~looks all over and takes it this morn you are on your own and have your own name for once~ You mean ..he is busy today...~feels for him more then most~ Okay..tell me about your dream...sounds exciting.

[061214 06:19] 42ecd, †Blazen: He's busy this weekend, not today

[061214 06:20] d888d, ‡Watcher: Oh...then he has you? or you just got done..cuz you were about to wander off? And I not be speaking of your old man...

[061214 06:21] 42ecd, †Blazen: dream. yes....

[061214 06:21] d888d, ‡Watcher: Was speaking of the morning name calling routine you've fallen into as of late.

[061214 06:21] d888d, ‡Watcher: Yesssssssssssssss...your dream!

[061214 06:22] 42ecd, †Blazen: ok..lemme butter this then be right with you

[061214 06:23] d888d, ‡Watcher: okay.....sounds good to me.

[061214 06:24] 42ecd, †Blazen: alright...

[061214 06:26] 42ecd, †Blazen: I worked in a large grocery chain...think Kroger's or WalMart...when the shit hit the fan. Of course at first we thought it was some weird world gone crazy shit. We pulled out our wounded and shot the attackers. And had to barr the doors and close down the store.

[061214 06:27] 42ecd, †Blazen: So we all stand as a group patching up the injured, acquiring guns and ammo and manning the doors, when of course the newly dead rise and kill a few more of us off before we realize they need to be shot in the head

[061214 06:28] d888d, ‡Watcher: spooky shit. Sounds like the game Fear.

[061214 06:31] 42ecd, †Blazen: hold...Izzy

[061214 06:31] d888d, ‡Watcher: okay

[061214 06:37] 42ecd, †Blazen: So then we kill all those, and stack em up in a corner under tarp...and all stand arguing with one another about what the hell to do, but we all agree nobody is going back out there. I a large store, all the food we can eat, supplies, weapons...

[061214 06:39] 42ecd, †Blazen: We start boarding the doors and windows, locking the back docks and all that...and watch the news to see all the chaos that is going down. It's happening so fast we didn't have a clue till it came to greet us

[061214 06:40] d888d, ‡Watcher: then?

[061214 06:41] 42ecd, †Blazen: ...and then our injured start to die...and we argue again whether we need to shoot them off the batt, or wait till they wake if they do

[061214 06:41] 42ecd, †Blazen: And of course they do, and we shoot them too...which doesn't bode well for the other injured who are still alive and begging us to let them know. Those with the bites, and cuts, and scratches...

[061214 06:41] d888d, ‡Watcher: maaannnn.......~shivers~ so what did you do?

[061214 06:43] 42ecd, †Blazen: So we argue again what to do with those...because some of them are friends and lovers...but as time goes on they don't look so we kill them too, with our hands over our eyes and earplugs in our ears to niot listen to them cry and plead and scream...

[061214 06:43] d888d, ‡Watcher: now that is freaky......

[061214 06:45] 42ecd, †Blazen: We stay this way for a few days....until the dead outside figure to peel up the metal roofing over the garden center portion of things. It peels like we retreat to the back room with all the supplies we can manage

[061214 06:49] 42ecd, †Blazen: This is where something must have distrubed my sleep, because the back room we retreat to resembles a little inground pool room, with sofas and a tv...It has windows on one side of the wall where we can watch the dead strolling past and gathering around the grocery store in droves. Somehow the glass is impenetrable so we're fairly safe here

[061214 06:49] d888d, ‡Watcher: Very clear dream...and am so happy you are telling me on my awake instead of my bedding.

[061214 06:50] d888d, ‡Watcher: I would of woke up right about there in your dream...Blaze...did it go on?

[061214 06:50] 42ecd, †Blazen: Of course during the retreat are a few close calls...and my gun jams once, then runs out of bullets once before someone throws me a cartridge. We loose a few more of us in this...

[061214 06:51] 42ecd, †Blazen: Oh yes.....because we're in the pool room despondent, huddled together watching them roam out there, listening to the sounds of them in the store around us. The cable is out, and all we have to watch is diehard2 over and over....

[061214 06:52] d888d, ‡Watcher: ~laughs the diehard2~ sorry.

[061214 06:54] 42ecd, †Blazen: We stay here for days...weeks...until our supplies begin to run out. We ponder getting up in the ceilings to crawl up there back to the store and try to get food and water using a net or something. But then decide if they were able to gather to peel back the garden roof...then they could find a way up into the ceilings and ducts. We think it best they not get the idea of it from us.

[061214 06:55] 42ecd, †Blazen: I got the impression we were starving in that small pool room, and becoming weak, and that a lot of time had passed. A month it felt like, perhaps more. And still they roamed outside, with a neverending supply of dead energy, that we didn;'t have anymore.

[061214 06:55] 42ecd, †Blazen: I woke up when we decided to let them in and finish us off quicker than how we were allowing ourselves to die.

[061214 06:57] d888d, ‡Watcher: I bet. Wild dream. Or nightmare. You slept hard when you did...I take it... Am going to put this on Board for others to read. I love when you go on. ..You still owe me a story know..and am still waiting..only been about 7 or so years...

[061214 06:58] 42ecd, †Blazen: There needs to be a certain mood with a story...and all mine have bad outcomes...*L*

[061214 07:00] 42ecd, †Blazen: I wonder what the moral of that dream was.... there's a lot to breakdown with it. At the time I was just tired and wanted Izzy to get a good sleep

[061214 07:01] 42ecd, †Blazen: LOL. Even the title of the damn single movie we had, seems significant somehow

[061214 07:01] d888d, ‡Watcher: I know...~wiggles about fingers in excitement~ you are so gory. So self deadly morbid. ~winks~ but feels good to be self imposed victim. ~grins~ someone has to slam you about once in ...why not you....~soft laughs~ is how I see it...anywho....

[061214 07:05] d888d, ‡Watcher: The feeling of helplessness ..seems a good enough moral to this dream. Your gun getting stuck. The capture by your own hands to place you in a room that would eventually kill you. The inability to fix the situation at hand. Is your other life. So at this time, you battle. You battle flu, doubt/defeat (bonus), and everyday life in general. And you must of slept hard, as I said. A nightmare triggers the body awake. Keeps us alive and going.

[061214 07:06] d888d, ‡Watcher: Sometimes in sleep, we may lay on an organ ...thusly starting to shut it down...the mind processes this and sends messages to the subconscious to wake us up. Is a trip! But works very well.....

[061214 07:06] 42ecd, †Blazen: Oh yeah....was tired when I went. Was trying towatch a show and forced my eyes open the last 15 mins of it

[061214 07:08] 42ecd, †Blazen: Has been a loooong time since I dreamt so vividly. I'm nearly certain when I cried in dream I cried in sleep cause my contacts feel all gritty this morning. I remember everything about it. How the boxes were lined on the shelves, the colors of the produce. the way the night light filtered through the poolroom windows and the water illuminated a serpentine crawl on all the walls around us...while we just watched them live out there

[061214 07:09] d888d, ‡Watcher: I bet you were dog ass dead tired. And still going strong. Should last a day more with this endless throwing up stuff...and give all of you a break. I really think is hardest on you and CK.

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