Thread for Rule number one, There are no rules!
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Watcher 6:10am, December 01, 2006 [Edit] [Delete] | http://www.conceptart.org/forums/archive/index.php/t-15007.html
I was out and about as I do sometimes. I came upon yet another board in a room, where there are rules. Always no God characters, but yet is always a god, a head, the rule maker, the vice.
I mean, what are rules, but dark promises, and as both are such, than they are to be broken. Is law of life. To break the restraint, to say NO.
Understood, a room needs rules. Sure they do. Uh huh. Oh, okay.
But note with that thought. A room with the most rules, is a room of days gone by.
This train of thought always leads me back to this movie, for reason I believe all wo/men want to be the rule makers, but than, who becomes the Sayers of the Law. They do: http://www.bartelby.com/1001/12.html
Comes from, of course, The Island of Doctor Moreau http://www.bartelby.com/1001/index.html
Or out of Germany,
Or China,
Maybe North Korea,
Maybe even, America.
But with it, comes the desire to have freedom to say No, and to be ...just be.
But, and this can not be said without some laughter, there will always be total nut balls on the net coming into a role play room and acting a fool. Can't really get rid of someone on the net, if they want to bother a room, they have you by their rule....and that would be. There are no rules.
Live with it,
or die trying.
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