Thread for Introduction and Rules

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 Introduction and Rules
4:28am, August 08, 2014
The World of Atles is a steampunk/fantasy roleplay chatroom. Its aim is to give a place and a voice to chatters who are treated like outcasts from other rooms due to different opinions on how to roleplay, what to roleplay or how to act. That does not mean the chatroom is a free for all anarchy, only that I want to give a room where roleplay and telling an interesting, developed story is in the forefront. No popularity contests, no silly gimmicks, just fun storytelling.

In the beginning, rules will be looser as we find our footing in the chat, and hopefully in the next few weeks the tumultuous ground will harden, and we can all find our footing. But until then there are a few basic rules:

1) Basic Human Decency: Some people may have issues from older chatrooms with one another. Others may have personal issues. Grudges, vendettas, revenge schemes. In this chatroom, all of that is null and void. If you do not like someone, don't roleplay with them, don't make rude remarks, and don't argue like a pair of five year olds wanting a new toy.

2) Basic Human Subtlety: The chatroom is rated R (for now) so bad language and some adult themes will pop up. This is not a sex chatroom, however. Anything extreme will be met with extreme prejudice. I know most of us are adults, but i'm not in here to do dirty deeds.

3) Respect: If there's a lot of rping going on, please cut back on the OOC. Pretty obvious, right?

4) Canons: As of now, because i'm the only person here, i'm going to enact a ban on canons in the chatroom. When we get more bodies in the chat we can discuss the canon issue.

5) Other chats: Don't bring in stuff from other chats. This is supposed to be a safe place, free of issues from other chats. If you're mad at another chat master, or angry about how another chat does things, don't try to incite a riot in the chat. Just know that this room is dedicated to bringing a better experience for everyone.

That's it for now. This will be updated frequently as necessary. I want this room to be more than other chats that seem to be led by cliques, by popularity, or by sheer laziness. I want a chat where a community can make a story and actually finish it, enjoy it and revel in the fact that we have made something good, rather than something stagnant and boring.

Edited 12:22am, November 03, 2017 by Drew, author.
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