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Thread for The Story

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 The Story
4:12am, April 13, 2021
Magic has leaked slowly into the Mortal Realm, these leaks only growing stronger as more flee the life they led on Aetheria, the realm of magic, or were cast out for their actions. These refugees found their abilities weakened, no longer directly connected to the weave, but eventually small communities began to build around these magical leaks, using them to protect and empower themselves.

The larger and more numerous these communities became, the more attention they garnered from the supernatural community. Werewolves first, beings infused with magic but unable to harness it themselves. These lost Magicians learned they could harness Werewolves as a sort of battery, the greedier ones stirring up trouble between the two factions as young or new cubs begin to go missing on Magician territory.

Eventually the vampires came forward. First they watched from the shadows, gathered their knowledge and secrets. The Vampiric clans split into 3 main groups in the debate, one side wished to use these Magicians to try and regain access to magic or to Aetheria. Lead by the few vampires that once walked in Aetheria themselves as a magician, but their access to the weave was cut off when they were turned. A second side wished to use them in their own war against the Werewolves, envisioning a life where their enemies were all enslaved by these Magicians, weakened and unable to hunt the nightwalkers. The last faction simply wanted to have peace, no interest in stirring up trouble. Instead hoping to create alliances and in turn gain access to resources, after all a better protected supernatural community was easier to hide from the rest of the mortal creatures.

Our story here centers around the city of Austin, Texas and the creatures that call it home.

Edited 3:52am, April 23, 2021 by Tora, author.
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