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Thread for My absence

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 My absence
Silly Sarah
2:00pm, February 02, 2018
So in case anyone was wondering what's going on with me, I have been way too sick to play for a long time now. I have ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) and it makes it very hard to focus, along with a lot of other nasty symptoms. I swear I haven't forgotten about you guys, it's just difficult for me to read a lot of text at once. I really do miss playing.

Because of this, I am going to scale back the number of characters that I have registered, as well as marking some "inactive" (saving them for if I get well enough to really get back into playing), and then just playing with a few "active" ones on the occasion that I feel up for it. Hopefully this scale back will help me feel a little less pressure, but will also let you know who I'm able to play when I do come in. You can check my OOC profile to see how I've marked them. I've talked with Becka and she's fine with saving my characters because I have a legitimate excuse and haven't just forgotten about you guys.

From now on I'll probably just be playing those who are easiest for me to play unless a character is absolutely needed for some story bit. These characters are Isilme, Amelie, Xifeng, Lei, and Galen.

If you need me to come in for something, feel free to message me on facebook or skype and I'll do my best.

Thanks for understanding. I love you all!
5:26pm, February 02, 2018
11:20pm, February 02, 2018
Much love and feeling of well wishes.
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