Thread for War Buffs

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 War Buffs
12:10am, February 26, 2021
+2 bonus being offered to rolls made by General of Despair and Wrath
+3 bonus granted to rolls made by Champions of Gomorrah/+5 to Disciples of Gomorrah (Does not stack with Champion bonus)
+3 bonus granted to rolls made by Champions of Akordia/+5 to Disciples of Akordia (Does not stack with Champion bonus)
+3 bonus granted to rolls made by Champions of Seraphina/+5 to Disciples of Seraphina (Does not stack with Champion bonus)
+1 blessing granted by Marghana to aide devout couples when they are fighting in proximity to one another/+2 if married
+1 bonus to Hunter/+2 to Aneka/+3 to Evelyn granted to rolls made against the mind granted from Heliot
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