Thread for PLOTS!

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7:28am, June 24, 2015
Ideas? Updates? Recruiting? Post here, please.
 The Facility
Ezekiel Stane
5:42am, June 25, 2015
OOC information: The Facility is working in concert with certain government officials and the Church of Humanity on a large project intended to contain the mutant threat. This plot will need scientists, politicians, agents, fanatics, you name it, we can probably find a place for it.
 Madripoor Nights
5:36am, July 06, 2015
A $100,000 bounty has been set on a relatively unknown metahuman known as the Shadow. "Kage" to the locals. Occupied with relatively low level street criminals, he finally made the major stage after disrupting a drug shipment.

Now the powers-that-be want his head. Good or evil, come on in! Its a martial art medley free-for-all!
 Wendigos in the Mist
Black Helicopter
3:46am, July 30, 2015
In the northern American Appalaichan mountains, a single helicopter hovers in between two peaks in the cover of night. It bears no markings, and for several minutes it appears content to remain suspended there, painted into the dark sky. Eventually, the round belly of the machine opens, slowly releasing a huge box held by several thick, braided metallic cables, a single man in armor balancing on its top as it makes its agonizingly slow descent into the treetops.

The thud of the box as it hits the ground can be heard even over the noise of the machinery, but the rest of the hurried and fearful action is overtaken by the hum of the rotating blades. The box is pulled up, one side of it not just open, but torn off, the man atop now on his back, missing a leg above the knee, blood gushing over the side and dripping down into the forest below. As the copter reclaims its man, it hurries to pull away, trying to call for emergency medical help......and finding none. Eventually, the pilot also finds himself without a head.

Twenty minutes later in upstate New York, a forest fire begins to rage.


A cabin in the Catskills was destroyed. So far, although the cabin was rented by a couple, only the mutilated corpse of a man has been found. Damage is consistent with some form of large wildlife; locals are being warned to stay alert and remain cautious at night.

Edited 3:51am, July 31, 2015 by Black Helicopter, author.
Reverend Stryker
1:05am, December 30, 2015
Within hours of this news, #HumanLivesMatter and #MutantsAreToBlame are trending Worldwide, with many angry about this latest attack on Humans, some even going so far as to claim that this attack was deliberately caused by Mutants
Ezekiel Stane
3:51am, December 30, 2015
There has been a series of disappearances in the mountains of New England. Police and federal officials are only now beginning to piece together what has happened, but people are urged to remain calm and contact law enforcement immediately if they have family in that area with whom they have recently lost contact.
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