Thread for Lethality in Warhammer aka OH MY GOD YOU JUST DIED

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 Lethality in Warhammer aka OH MY GOD YOU JUST DIED
3:42am, October 09, 2008
Hello Folks and welcome to the Lethality in Warhammer aka OH MY GOD YOU JUST DIED forum. This will be updated from time to time as necessary.

For anyone who has ever played DnD or World of Darkness or even any D20 table top rpg everyone knows death can happen. In Warhammer this is no different, if not doubly so given that there are no nifty hospitals or even many clean, sanitary areas in the world.

Likewise everyone in the chat, unless they decide otherwise, is relatively equal in skill and ability save for those special people known as Storytellers and Kael. As always use your best judgment and understanding to know when your characters are hurt, when your characters are incapacitated or even, sadly, when your character is dead. Also know that chances are good that if you are outnumbered by other PCs you might just end up as worm food. But to make things easy here are a few good examples of what your damage ratings should be about, give or take.

1- Walk it Off: Your character gets hit but nothing breaks nor is the skin broken. It knocks the air out of you maybe or rattles you for a moment but otherwise you are fine.

Example: Your character is backhanded with a gauntlet or receives a glancing hammer to the gut.

2 - Minor Wound: Your character gets cut or stabbed in an unimportant extremity or received a minor bit of damage. Untreated though it can be a door way to disease and infection which could cause the slow, agonizing death of your character.

Example: Your character’s hand is cut by an opponent or receives a stab wound to the foot.

3 - Wound: Your character just received a serious injury to an arm, leg, body or head. The character will need medical help following his battle and he might very well lose the use of that limb for the course of this fight. Without assistance they might very well lose the limb or in fact bleed to death. In these dark times that wound is begging for infection.

Example: Your character is stabbed through the arm or slashed across the chest.

4 - Critical Wound: This is pretty serious. Your character is definitely out of this fight and probably will be dead unless they get some immediate help of a magical means.

Example: Your character gets hit across the face with a war hammer or impaled on a spear.

Remember, if your character starts to get wounded badly, and if you are in a prolonged battle with one or more enemies chances are good you will, they will not last long. Armor and being tough help but most magic breaks through armor and destroys you, both in body and soul. Keep that in mind when your embattled. It’s a grim and grizzly world out there and its not nice.

Lastly we strive to be fair and balanced here and if you feel that someone is unbalanced or have a complaint please come to the Administration with your complaint. We will do our best to help the situation and make all parties happy. This won’t always happened and character death is difficult for some people but it will happen.

If you do not want your character to die do not put them out into situations where they can. Use your brain and your common sense and we will all get through this together. Well.. This combat thing anyway.

Thank you very much for reading and if you have any questions please feel free to pm me in the chat or on AIM at Kael4Life.

- Administrator Kael

Edited 3:50am, October 09, 2008 by Kael, author.
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