Jett 3:00am, January 08, 2015 [Edit] [Delete] | Queen Acora
The strongest female of her line and also the last of her line.
Queen Consort
The male who rules beside the queen.
Chaining ceremony
The ceremony where young girls are bestowed their gold chains. Presided over by the healers. They will wear this unbreakable thin gold chain for their entire lives if it's not broken by their fated male.
Female warriors and guards of the royal house and court.
Light bearers
Ones who are responsible for the control and maintenance of light within the enclave.
A large feline creature fond of birds, fish and small children. It can be raised as a pet but are usually wild. Distinctive markings on their flank marks them as male or female. Males have a dark slash across the left flank and females bare dark criss-crossing marks.