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The Narrator
10:20pm, October 31, 2013
The measuring stick that works.

1. Operative: These guys are on the low end of the groups powers. people who aren't overly durable, whose attacks don't break anything most humans couldn't with a big enough gun, or are limited by various faults. A few examples would be BATMAAAAAAAAN, Lt. Armstrong, Maximum Ride, Drizzt Do'Urden, Blade Bunny, Master Chief

2. Overseer: In the mid lane. Faster, stronger, tougher, and wilier than operatives, with stranger and more powerful abilities, without testing the upper limits of the group
A few examples would be: Spiderman, Hong Meiling, Venser the Soujerner, Ghazkull Thraka, Shikimaru

3. Aces: Cream of the crop, almost most dangerous tools in the group. can take on armies, tank some serious shit, and have some very scary abilities
A few examples: Dante, Hinanawi Tenshi, The Thing, Eragon, Ragna the Bloodedge, War from Darksiders

4. Indescribables: Not for you. These beings are strictly NPC boss fight categories.
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