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Nix 7:16pm, December 03, 2004 [Edit] [Delete] | An uneasy peace has existed between the two great titans of the galaxy for a few years now, and it has even endured through several heated skirmishes; even the optimists didn't give the lasting peace this much hope. Thes test of time, however, takes longer than a few years. It must stand against the tides of time, the tides of change, the Tides of War.
The New Republic has since been recovering old ties to colonies lost during the war, rebuilding much to its former self. The Empire is in much the same condition, and border disputes seem to be an every-day occurance.
Edited 10:17pm, November 22, 2005 by Nix, author. |
Nix 4:24am, November 23, 2005 [Edit] [Delete] | Even with the strengthening peace, there are battles fought on civillian fronts. The slaughter of millions on the Outter Rim by terrorists with noble claims has become more and more frequent. With the New Republic's forces strained thin, its presence in the Outter Rim barely existant at all, the tensions run high between citizens and their supposed governments.
How long can this peace last while zealots wage a jihad on the civillians of the galaxy, and their protection has evaporated about them? How long before the world becomes just another Nar Shaddaa, another Tatooine - where only the strong survive and the weak just die?
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