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Ja`ael Sing 1:42pm, February 12, 2004 [Edit] [Delete] | For Sale:
Used Rebel Blockade Runner.
Includes everything needed to run the ship plus an astromech droid R3 Series, and all the weapons. Ship is in excelent condition, has been automated to be flown by a single pilot, has been equiped with state of the art shields, and has several "private" storage areas dispursed through the ship. Seller is looking for a smaller ship to suit her needs, and any reasonable offer will not be ignored.
Asking Price: 750,000 cr
*comlink frequency left here*
Edited 7:58am, February 12 by Ja`ael Sing, author. |
Buyer Searching for a Ship |
Ja'ael Sing 1:49pm, February 12, 2004 [Edit] [Delete] | Looking to Buy:
New or Used Svelte-Class Imperial Shuttle, also known as the "vader-class shuttle. Any condition as long as it will fly. Will pay fair price for the ship, and any extras.
*comlink frequency left* |
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