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Nix 2:44am, January 16, 2004 [Edit] [Delete] | Rules.
This is the letter of the law. Members of the administration will uphold these rules using whatever method is necessary to enforce them.
Filing an Appeal: If you feel you have been treated unjustly, you may appeal to the chatmaster and he will review the instance.
Character Rules:
Characters will be held to whatever equipment is listed on their registration form, unless they have acquired new items while IC.
(You must RP this out.)
Specialized equipment must be approved by an administrator.
Character Growth:
Character growth is encouraged. However, it is expected that this will be done In Character, over a length of time, and in response to a stimulus - not just for the heck of it. In other words, show justification for any significant character growth (I.E.: A Force-Sensative character learns how to manipulate the living Force must be in training with a Jedi or a suitable substitute), and plot out how far along they would be and show growth in that field.
Be reasonable. Starting your characters Force-training today will not enable them to do much at all. Its a long, tedious process. It may take an IRL week before your character can use the Force at all. This will not happen overnight. However, there are some changes that do happen practically overnight, and if you can justify such a change, feel free to implement it.
Using the Force:
Few characters possess the raw power of Vader or the knowledge of Yoda. So, keep it realistic.
Specialized Force powers must be approved by an Administrator just as is specialized equipment.
Only those characters trained in the use of the Force may use it. And only those that have mastered a talent may be proficient at it.
Registered characters and Nonregistered characters:
Registered characters are those that have been accepted as members of the RPG. Nonregistered characters, respectively, have not been accepted. That means that a registered character takes priority over nonregistered. Registered characters, therefore, are granted more leeway. But this is only regarding In Character privileges. Out of Character all users will be treated equally. However, realize that the Administration will treat users as they are treated – it’s a double edged sword. Treat the Administration poorly, or another user as such… and you’ll get the bootheel.
Registered characters may kill, capture, maim, or otherwise interact with a nonregistered character without any consent whatsoever.
Nonregistered characters must have the registered characters RP'er's personal consent prior to any action which involves a registered character.
That is, your character having some piece of knowledge or equipment that he/she/it may not really have. Typically, this is how you might see this situation: Character A hiding behind a door with a frying pan in hand, while Character B walks through the door. Character A should have no idea that Character B is behind the door.
Additionally, do not use one character to directly (or discernibly indirectly) benefit another of your characters. That's bad form.
God Moding:
God Moding (Or Moding) is simply your character performing an action which is impossible.
Character Deletions:
In order to keep faction numbers reasonable, any character idle for 3 months or longer may be subject to deletion.
If an error has been made and this character is still active, simply contact an Administrator and we'll gladly fix the problem.
OOC Rules:
User Conduct:
This is pretty self-explanatory. Be decent to one another. We're here to have genuine, good-natured fun. But the Administration team are not baby-sitters. We're not here for Out of Character quibbles unless one of these rules is violated. It is to be noted, however, that the administration will not tolerate trouble-makers. We respect you, and we expect you to respect those around you and us. Be warned that we reserve the right to use whatever method we deem necessary to put an end to an OOC conflict. We hate doing so, and we view it as the RPers responsability as a person to work through their issues with each other, we won't hesitate to put the RPG first. Note that we aren't baby-sitters.
Disruption of RP:
This constitutes continued disturbance of an RP. This can be done in any number of ways, and it is severely frowned on. Any user may be warned if the Administrator receives complaints.
Additionally, upon recieving a complaint that an OOC conversation is disruptive (or it becomes obvious that it is), OOC conversations are expected to be taken to a messenger service outside of the chat.
Actions will be taken against those that refuse. RP comes first.
While the Administration supports the freedom of speech, there are times where it becomes inconduscive to a healthy RPG environment.
This constitutes the repetition of redundant or otherwise unnecessary posts. Just bad taste, don't do it. This also includes inappropriate or excessive JOIN/EXITs.
Double posts sometimes happen, though.
Posting of inappropriate material:
This basically means, but is not limited to, posting a link, picture, or image in chat, your profile, or on the board which is inappropriate for an audience under the age of 18.
This is also advertising another chat. (If you want to get a quick perm-ban fitted for your ident/ip this is how to go about it.)
This can also be violating an R rating for sexuality. If you wish to even approach that boundaries' grey area, I highly suggest that you use the Tides of War private room.
We basically go by a 3-day rule. That means that if you pause and do not return for three days, the other members affected by that pause may lift it. Your character will assume a non-vital role. That way people can use their characters.
Character Termination Rule:
As a universal standard, no consent is required for character death to occur. The reason behind this is to keep RP at a realistic level. The Star Wars Galaxy is a terrible, danger infested place. Death occurs in alleys, town squares, and at the hands of criminals and governments alike. You don’t have to like it, but you do have to accept it. Your
character could conceivably die at any time.
I do encourage RPers to seek out each other's consent before engaging in a duel to the death, or whatever instance. Cooperation is always more pleasant.
Edited 5:07pm, December 06 by Nix, author. |
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