Thread for Chat Moments

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 Chat Moments
Agent Muller
4:31am, April 17, 2004
Post funny or significant chat moments here.. *Starts you guys off*
(Try to take them from the logs if you can, edit as necessary, just make sure the main point is put across)

[16-23:27] 630d3, *Midnight : ((*DOgpiles Ravee!*))
[16-23:27] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : ((*DOgpiles Ravee*!))
[16-23:28] 630d3, *Conner McManus : ((*Dogpiles Ravee*!))
[16-23:28] 630d3, ºKevo: *Dogpiles Ravee*!
[16-23:28] 266d0, ºD: *dogpiles Ravee!*
[16-23:28] 266d0, *Sentinel : ((*dogpiles Ravee!*))
[16-23:29] 266d0, *The Merovingian : ((*dogpiles Ravee!*))
[16-23:29] 266d0, ºAgent Cross : ((*dogpiles Ravee!*))
[16-23:29] 266d0, *Seraph : ((*dogpiles Ravee!*))
[16-23:29] 2e69d, ºRavee: Ahhhh!!! *is crushed by Kevin and his MP's, and Kevo like a little cherry on top*
[16-23:29] 266d0, ºD: ...*now steals the Twins while she's pinned.* HAH!
[16-23:29] 31a6e, *Tarilyn : (( *Dogpiles Ravee* ))
[16-23:29] 2e69d, ºRavee: *adds D and his MP's to that list too...D is the new cherry*
[16-23:30] 2e69d, ºRavee: *wait, Tarilyn is the cherry*
[16-23:30] 2e69d, ºRavee: *would resist the Twin stealing sneakiness of D, but is currently smooshed*
[16-23:30] 266d0, *The Merovingian : ((Mine all mine!))
[16-23:31] b2f8d, *Gatts : ((*Dogpiles Ravee!*))
[16-23:31] b2f8d, *Ratatosk : ((*Dogpiles Ravee!*))
[16-23:32] 2e69d, ºRavee: *ahha! Now Ben and his MPs are the cherry again*
[16-23:32] b2f8d, *Gatts : ((Hooray!!)
[16-23:33] 31a6e, *Tarilyn : (( What, what? Cherry? ))
[16-23:33] 7b4ff, *Phoenix : (*pops Ben's cherry....eyeshifts*)

Edited 8:32pm, April 20 by Agent Muller, author.
4:41am, April 17, 2004
MP's just in case anyone is confused is Multiple Personalities.

7:11am, April 17, 2004
2e69d, ºRavee: *passes out hugs before she finally faints*
08d1a, 'Trinity: *yay, is hugged!* :-P
31a6e, *Nautilus : ((can I have a hug? *is lonely*))
1bcf0, *Phoenix : (let your hand hug you, Naut.)
31a6e, *Nautilus : ((mwa ha ha, Pho, wouldn't you like to know? *waits* i've got nothing *hides in chouch cusion fort*))
1bcf0, *Phoenix : (....he said it...not me. *cracks up*)
5:05pm, April 17, 2004
82f8f, *Agent Roberts : ((Try deorderant.))
ab77a, *James Patton : (Gahh!!! How come when the temp gets higher than 80 outside..everything smells like juicy armpits?)
2:58am, April 18, 2004
5f86a, *Alexander : ((*bites anyone nearby*))
52f6f, 'Trinity: *is nearby, therefor, is bitten. damn.*
5f86a, *Alexander : ((*trin didn't tase to*))
52f6f, 'Trinity: *forgot to mention that she bathes in Garlic*
60993, ºLysandra: ((hahahahaaa *highfives Trin*))
52f6f, 'Trinity: *victory dance*
a3972, *Gatts : ((BRB. Bathing... with water.))
 Agent Muller learns of Agent Stone's deletion
Agent Muller
1:25am, April 21, 2004
[20-19:50] ae468, *Dr. Lintilla : Granted. I shall begin work on the new Agent as soon as I am at 70%
[20-19:51] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : New Agent? I recieved no notice.. *Muller looks to Lintilla*
[20-19:55] ae468, *Dr. Lintilla : *her eyelids blink over the black voids for a moment, her expression actually shifting sightly so that she looks almost sad* April 19th, at 22:57, System Agent Stone was deleted
[20-19:57] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : .. *Muller is silent for a short moment*.. he accepted his deletion, without question?
[20-20:01] ae468, *Dr. Lintilla : That information is classified.
[20-20:02] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : Hrm.. *Muller knows how Stone would have taken it, anyway*.. as I would expect him to, Agent Stone would have accepted it without question.
[20-20:05] ae468, *Dr. Lintilla : I am sorry. I would be more then happy to formate you an Agent of your choosing or create you another...I cannot access Stone's code however, much as I would like
[20-20:10] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : It matters not. *Muller looks to Lintilla* I hope his replacement will be as efficient. Was there anything else?
 no head for Ben.
1:47am, April 21, 2004
2408a, *Gatts : ((Blow me, Lys. *Smirks*))
60993, ºLysandra : ((naaah.. too messy.. ;P ))
2408a, *Gatts : ((Only if you spit, girl.))
60993, ºLysandra : ((I'd never swallow for you. :D))
2408a, *Gatts : ((Aw... *Snaps his fingers and scowls* Lesbian.))
aaf64, ºD: *shakes his head* well thats going on the memorable moments board.

Edited 8:47pm, April 20 by D, author.
 Lys swallows.
7:51am, April 22, 2004
60993, ºLysandra : *by this time she's too tired to really resist anything they shove down her throat.* Fine fine...
630d3, ºAgent Muller : ((*Reads Lysa's post.. muffled laughter*))
41aee, *Phoenix : (*idly zips up, hums*)
7d0dc, *Gatts : ((*Whistles innocently and remembers that tidbit of information for later*))
60993, ºLysandra : ((*mutters*))
 Death of a damn good Captain
8:48am, April 22, 2004
[22-02:56] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : *Muller looks to Nailah again, as he closes the briefcase. His hand reaches into his coat, pulling the DE out..* Any last words, Ms. Zamah?
[22-02:58] 91996, ºNailah : *She looks at him, or tries to. She was shocked. All thought gone from her mind, what had just happened throwing her for a full loop.*
[22-03:00] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : *Muller grabs her by the jaw again, pressing the muzzle of the gun into her forehead*.. good bye.. *Cocks the hammer back*.. Ms. Zamah..
[22-03:02] 91996, ºNailah : *If there was a moment when someone would momentarily stop breathing, it was now. She did not realize she was holding her breath, the barrel of Muller's pistol being the dominant pressence.*
[22-03:03] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : *Muller pulls the trigger of the weapon, the chambered .50AE round spiraling forth out of the gun toward her*
[22-03:05] 91996, ºNailah : *Being held physically by Muller and being restrained, there is not a thing she can do about it as Muller fires the shot at her.*
[22-03:09] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : *Muller watches with a total satisfaction as Nailah dies at his hands.. Muller holsters the DE, letting go of Nailah and re-inserting his earpiece.. Muller puts his hand to his earpiece again, sending the call out to all system programs who are listening* ~Ms. Zamah is no more..~
[22-03:12] 91996, ºNailah : *Is kind of dead-ish now, the bullet having gone straight into her head. Her vitals aboard the Midway flat line almost instantly.*
 April 21, 2004
James Patton
10:07pm, April 22, 2004
Nautilus : ((*is stabbed, bleeds* aw, I got nuthin. So...bored...must...function...*craps self*))
*James Patton : (*stabs Naut with his Bowie knife*)
 Crusader is fucked
Agent Muller
2:34am, April 24, 2004
[23-21:27] 35b22, *Crusader: ((Wheres an agent when u need to kill something....)) * fires again*
[23-21:27] 35b22, *Crusader: ((Watch this....cuz god hates me...there all gonna log in at once.
[23-21:27] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : ((*Is an Agent*))
[23-21:28] JOIN: moth has entered The Matrix.
[23-21:28] f481d, *Agent Murphey : (*eyes Cru*)
[23-21:28] 5b986, ºAgent Cross : ((*eyes Cru*))
[23-21:29] 60993, ºLysandra : ((*rofl*))
[23-21:29] 35b22, *Crusader: (( I realy need to shut the fuck up. I just need to stop talking. ))
[23-21:29] JOIN: Agent Roberts has entered The Matrix.
[23-21:30] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : ((*Taps Crusader on the shoulder*.. remember that you brought this upon yourself..))
[23-21:31] 7a699, *Agent Roberts : *Eyes Cru*
[23-21:32] 35b22, *Crusader: ((DAMN STRAIGHT I BROUGHT IT ON MYSELF.
[23-21:32] JOIN: Nergal has entered The Matrix.
[23-21:33] 35b22, *Crusader: ((If I didnt get myself into crazy suicidal death traps I wouldnt be cru! BRING IT!! ....*raises the guns.......then runs*))
 Hilarities, I say!
5:21am, April 24, 2004
[24-00:09] 60993, ºLysandra : ((D'aawwww!!!))
[24-00:10] 10510, *Gatts : ((*Preemptively stuffs a sock in Lysandra's mouth. A used sock, if you catch my drift.*))
[24-00:11] 60993, ºLysandra : ((MMPH!! *pulls that out* gross!))
[24-00:13] 10510, *Gatts : ((No worse than what you had earlier. *Remembers her rounds of the chat*))
[24-00:13] a3e6b, *Phoenix : (*zips up..* that sock is my favorite...)
[24-00:13] 5b986, ºD: Ben...have you ever asked yourself "why don't I have a girlfriend?" ? Because, I'm certain that the entire population of this chat could answer that question for you. :)
[24-00:13] 60993, ºLysandra : ((.........))
[24-00:14] 10510, *Gatts : ((... D, remind me to shove a steel-toe up your ass if I ever meet you in person.))

(Slightly shifted arrangement, 'cause a post delayed a response)


[23-23:46] 10510, *Gatts : ((Ooh, kinky, Trinity. Rrowl. Though.. I hope, for your sake, that it wasn't too SCSI.))
[23-23:47] 60993, ºLysandra : ((............))
[23-23:48] 10510, *Gatts : ((... "scuzzy". Get it? Haw haw.))
[23-23:48] 60993, ºLysandra : ((...*got it*.. *stabs Ben*))

[23-23:48] 5b986, *The Merovingian : see? I'm not the only computer getting laid.
[23-23:48] 10510, *Ratatosk : ((.. Speaking of which, can I come out of your pants, now?))
[23-23:49] 5b986, *The Merovingian : wtf NO!
[23-23:49] 5b986, *The Merovingian : you and Mullermon are to stay there.


[24-00:27] 5b986, ºD: Dave...
[24-00:27] 5b986, ºD: ...can you please not sure my idioticy with my girlfriend.
[24-00:27] a3e6b, *Phoenix : (yes?)
[24-00:27] 5b986, ºD: sure? share.
[24-00:27] 5b986, ºD: that'd be super :)
[24-00:27] 5b986, ºD: unless Dass lurks now O_O
[24-00:28] a3e6b, *Phoenix : (as I have told Kev. Idiocy is something to treasure.)
[24-00:28] 50b2a, Dassala: Oh, don't worry babe. Both Dave and Cru did. I got simultaneous IMs. *G*
[24-00:28] 5b986, ºD: wow, I hate my life.
[24-00:28] 10510, *Gatts : ((*Makes out with D* Any better?))
[24-00:28] 35b22, *Crusader : (( Hey I am required to hell her all of your trangressions D
[24-00:29] a3e6b, *Phoenix : ((....Ben......))
[24-00:29] 50b2a, Dassala: *kicks Gatts repeatedly until he resembles a VERY ugly woman*
[24-00:29] 5b986, ºD: ......
[24-00:29] 50b2a, Dassala: *grins innocently*
[24-00:29] 10510, *Gatts : ((.. Yes?))
[24-00:29] 10510, *Gatts : ((.. Ow.))
[24-00:29] BAN: D banned Gatts for 10 seconds.
[24-00:29] a3e6b, *Phoenix : ((I'm gonna hope you slid tongue there.))
[24-00:30] 50b2a, Dassala: *-_-*
[24-00:30] 5b986, ºD: would, Dave.
[24-00:30] a3e6b, *Phoenix : ((Damned right. Anything else?))
[24-00:31] 5b986, ºD: uhm, shut up?
[24-00:31] 91996, *Thora : (( Dass, D has all kinds of girls in here. *Points at Merv* ))
[24-00:31] 5b986, *The Merovingian : I'm not a girl.
[24-00:31] 10510, *Gatts : ((Oh, of course I did! Rrrowl, D. *Winks*))
[24-00:31] 50b2a, Dassala: *ROFLMAO*
[24-00:31] 10510, *Ratatosk : ((*Wants to come out of Merv's pants. Cries*))
[24-00:32] a3e6b, *Phoenix : ((uhm, no? we're all just joking.))
[24-00:32] 35b22, *Crusader : ((Yeah I forgot to tell ya bout that Dass. D is trying to be a pimp behind your back. ))
[24-00:32] 91996, *Thora : (( No Merv gets the girls.. not to mention the guys.. *points out Mullermon and Ratty in Merv's pants* ))
[24-00:32] NICK: Phoenix changed nick to Mullermon.
[24-00:32] a3e6b, Mullermon: ((Die.))
[24-00:32] 35b22, *Crusader : (( No we're not Dave! IM SERIOUS!! ))
[24-00:32] NICK: Dassala changed nick to Valentina.
[24-00:33] 5b986, *The Merovingian : Being French doesn't necessarily make me a girl. Just a more feminine male.
[24-00:33] 10510, *Ratatosk : ((*Chucks the junk in Merovingian's pants at Mullermon* Meanie!))
[24-00:33] 35b22, *Crusader : ((D is charlie sheen in Money Talks " Yeah...all the girls.....all the guys....and I fucked em all!" Ok sorry D just playin))
[24-00:33] 50b2a, *Valentina: *is in Merv's pants too. So ha.*
[24-00:33] NICK: Valentina changed nick to Dassala.
[24-00:33] a3e6b, Mullermon: ((*eats it, and D's junk for dessert* Die.))
[24-00:33] 10510, *Ratatosk : ((*Throws Merv's junk at Valentina*))
[24-00:33] 50b2a, Dassala: Eh, I wouldn't care. I'd still love 'im.
[24-00:34] 5b986, ºD: *dies*
[24-00:34] 50b2a, Dassala: Would you all stop killing my boyfriend, plz? Thanks. Love, Dass.
[24-00:34] 10510, *Ratatosk : ((*Makes sure to put this up in the Memorable Moments board, and kicks Dave to f'ckin' post* No problem.))
[24-00:35] a3e6b, Mullermon: ((Okay this sucks.))
[24-00:36] 10510, *Gatts : ((Well, we can see that you swallow, at least...))
[24-00:36] 5b986, *The Merovingian : yes, it does ^_^
[24-00:36] 5b986, *The Merovingian : :O
[24-00:36] 10510, *Gatts : ((Yeah, I'd imagine that was about the shape of his mouth.))

Edited 12:43am, April 24 by Gatts, author.
 Muller Rap
Agent Muller
12:18am, April 26, 2004
[25-19:12] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : *Alexander would only get a split seconds chance to react- He would see Agent Mullers arm out in front of him, attempting to clothesline him*
[25-19:12] fbfd4, *Ghost : (Go Muller! Go Muller! Go Go Go Muller! Muller! Muller Rap!)
[25-19:13] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : ((Yo.. it's the suit machine, gonna rock the town without being seen.. have you ever seen an Agent GET DOWN!.. *Vanilla Ices it up*))
[25-19:13] 2fdb8, ºAgent Cross : ((*dj's*))
 Mid's Ass
5:42am, April 26, 2004
[26-00:36] c5970, *Gatts : ((*NPCs Phoenix for a li'l bit, 'till Dave gets back*)) *John draws a slow, deep breath as he watches the images flash by on the screen, apparently very lost in thought at the ramifications of what is being shown. Phoenix, meanwhile, continues to stare spears of fire at Andrews and curse idly in Gaelic. Insert obligatory comment on how nice Midnight's ass is from this angle, too*
[26-00:37] 630d3, *Midnight : ((*Women just love his ass.. shakes it for all the ladies in the house*))
[26-00:38] 30e99, *Enoch : ((*wolf whistles*))
[26-00:38] f46f0, *Haldor : ((*grumbles* What are you now? the fucking male stripper? *shakes his head* :P))
[26-00:38] 60993, ºLysandra : ((*puts a dollar in his pants*))
[26-00:38] c5970, *Gatts : ((*Phoenix comments heavily on how sexy Midnight is, and how he should lose that whoring douchebag who is the captain and take a REAL woman*))
[26-00:38] 91996, *Marduk : (( lol guess so ))
[26-00:39] 60993, ºLysandra : ((*Gatts suddenly finds he has a knife sticking out of the middle of his chest.... woops*))
 Public Masturbation...or is it?
9:49am, April 26, 2004
36b75, *Vix: *Scratches habitually at the port jacks lining her arms, occasionally raising a hand to fondle the one at the base of her skull. At least her hair was starting to grow back. Taking a seat for herself at the end of the metal table, she waits quietly and patiently*

e1d82, *Ghost : Moooom! Vix's fingering herself again! *snicker. Ghost couldnt help the joke*

91996, *Marduk : (( that's like getting yelled at for putting your elbows on the table ))
Agent Muller
8:02pm, April 27, 2004
[27-00:37] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : *Agent Muller would attempt to hit Cru in mid-air, sending a highkick toward the small of his back with enough strength behind it to make it feel like he had just hit a stone wall*
[27-00:39] 2fdb8, ºAgent Cross : ((*Cross makes Locke cheerlead for Muller*))
[27-00:39] 35b22, *Crusader : (( I could use a cheerleader.......but then again Im daffy duck. so neh ))
[27-00:40] 7ef1c, *Agent Locke : ((*strips down to her Agent underwear and grabs some pom poms* Mully Mully, he's our man, if he can't do it Crossy Can! Yaaaaaay!))
[27-00:41] f3d49, *Shift : ((Can what? Crossdress? *Eyeshifts*))
 With your powers combined..
5:01am, April 28, 2004
[27-23:51] 2fdb8, *Shade : Earth!
[27-23:51] 2fdb8, *Sentinel : Fire!
[27-23:51] 2fdb8, *The Merovingian : Wind!
[27-23:51] JOIN: kjcdude has entered The Matrix.
[27-23:51] 2fdb8, ºAgent Cross : Water!
[27-23:51] 2fdb8, *Seraph : Heart!
[27-23:51] e5976, kjcdude: hello all
[27-23:52] 2fdb8, ºD: dammit, only summoned a n00b :/
 The price of love
9:22pm, April 30, 2004
[30-16:10] 91996, ºNailah: I need a job.
[30-16:11] ae5be, ºRavee: You can have mine, as long as I get 75% of the monies *s*
[30-16:15] 91996, ºNailah: 50/50 :p
[30-16:15] 996a7, *Elle : ((heh))
[30-16:15] ae5be, ºRavee: 60/40 *throws in free lovin*
[30-16:17] 91996, ºNailah: Sure if I get 60 *wink*
[30-16:18] ae5be, ºRavee: =O You greedy ho!
[30-16:19] 91996, ºNailah: lol
 Girls are dirty.
9:23am, May 02, 2004
[02-04:10] 91996, *Thora : (( Awww!!! Lintilla is in love! ))
[02-04:12] 6b967, *Dr. Lintilla : ((*kicks Thora's ass* Am not! he's just so damn sexy how could you not want to kiss him?))
[02-04:13] 60993, ºLysandra : ((*sniff* Program porn..))
[02-04:14] 91996, *Thora : (( lol Lys.. "Come take a look at my byte babeh.." ))
[02-04:14] 6b967, *Dr. Lintilla : ((*hides the lube, 80's record, and handcuffs*))
[02-04:15] 91996, *Thora : (( *wonders if Lintilla has Mr Hand assist with that lube..* ))
[02-04:16] 60993, *Ringo : ((And then Mr. Quick >:D))
[02-04:17] 91996, *Thora : (( lmao.. oh.. that's awful. *dies* ))
[02-04:17] 6b967, *Dr. Lintilla : ((Orgy @ Omni!))
Agent Muller
5:48pm, May 02, 2004
02-12:18] c2e42, *Kurt Stevenson : *pimp slaps Sam..with powder & all*
[02-12:19] 91996, ºNailah: lol
[02-12:19] 2fdb8, ºAgent Cross : ((*AgentSlaps Kurt*))
[02-12:20] f96ed, 'Tucan Sam: *pimped slaped*Owie!! WIll you stop that!
[02-12:20] f96ed, 'Tucan Sam: *eyes his fingers*I cant type..
[02-12:21] c2e42, *Kurt Stevenson : (*dick smacks Cross*)
[02-12:21] 91996, ºNailah: Kurt you really shouldn't be waving that thing around :p
[02-12:22] 2fdb8, ºAgent Cross : ((Especially when its so small :P))
[02-12:22] c2e42, *Kurt Stevenson : why not?
[02-12:22] 91996, ºNailah: lol
[02-12:22] f96ed, 'Tucan Sam: *snickers*Now children..
[02-12:23] c2e42, *Kurt Stevenson : (How would you know the size? you been looking down there?)
[02-12:23] 91996, ºNailah: YOu did just slap him with it Kurt lmao
[02-12:23] f96ed, 'Tucan Sam: Trust what of an expert..
[02-12:24] c2e42, *Kurt Stevenson : Maybe compared to the cocks D has seenn up close mine would be comparatively small
[02-12:24] BAN: D banned f96ed for 10 seconds.
[02-12:24] f96ed, 'Tucan Sam: hey! that was mean!
[02-12:25] 2fdb8, ºD: so was what you said.
[02-12:25] f96ed, 'Tucan Sam: *chuckles*But it was funny
[02-12:26] 91996, ºNailah: Kurt, Merv is the one that has a few people in his pants lol
[02-12:28] 7b671, *Kurt Stevenson : LoL
[02-12:28] JOIN: Agent Collins has entered The Matrix.
[02-12:29] f96ed, 'Tucan Sam: *ponders IC*
[02-12:31] 7b671, *Kurt Stevenson : *Pimp slaps Collins*
[02-12:32] 9b9d8, ºAgent Collins : ((*steps on Kurts crotch*..that was not nearly as appealing as I thought it would be. Kinda like smashing a vienna sausage.))
Agent Muller
5:49pm, May 02, 2004
02-12:35] 7b671, *James Patton: *James is out and about, his black pants hiding the rash Decker's virus gave him on the upper thighs*
[02-12:36] 7b671, *James Patton : ..Jesus it looks like i've fucked a beehive down there..
[02-12:42] 7b671, *James Patton : *he continues walking, puffing on one of Decker's ciggarettes*
[02-12:45] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : ((You know.. you smoke cigarettes from some stranger.. and then you geta gigantic rash.. you would think the two might be related))
[02-12:45] 7b671, *James Patton : (But if he doesnt keep smoking the ciggarettes, he dies)
[02-12:46] 9b9d8, ºAgent Collins : (( it was definately the sex. Unless he smokes his cigarettes though his' you?))
[02-12:46] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : ((I always did think Decker was a cocksmoker..))
7b671, *James Patton : (O_o what sex?)

Edited 12:54pm, May 02 by Agent Muller, author.
 Good Morning, Matrix!
4:35pm, May 04, 2004
[04-11:18] 6dfa8, ºRavee: *has seen Charlie's Angels Full Throttle 3 times in a fuckin row. has been brainwashed. tackles Gatts and sits on his chest*
[04-11:19] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Is preemptively tackled to the tackle he was preparing to do upon her. Blinks in a daze*))
[04-11:19] 68bce, *Rin : ((
[04-11:19] 5e9e2, Dogma: ok cheers but 9ish for you is 5am ish for me so i don't think i will be waiting for him thanks anyway bye
[04-11:20] 6dfa8, ºRavee: I know associated the Pink Panther theme with strippers...*is crushed* though after seeing it for the 3rd time, Cameran Diaz did look hot sitting in that martini glass
[04-11:21] 6dfa8, ºRavee: know-now
[04-11:21] EXIT: Dogma has left The Matrix ( 11:19am, May 04 (CDT) ).
[04-11:22] 6dfa8, ºRavee: *would totally eat her olive*
[04-11:23] 68bce, *Rin : ((That' think we have another for the chat moments thread))
[04-11:23] 6dfa8, ºRavee: In my defense! I am typing off of 1 hour of sleep, and no food!
[04-11:24] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*.. So totally has a new innuendo*))
[04-11:24] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Crams a peach down Ravee's throat*))
[04-11:24] 68bce, *Rin : ((*Dies Laughing*))
[04-11:24] 6dfa8, ºRavee: Peachy goodness...*eats another GD Snickers*
[04-11:25] 91996, ºNailah: *jumps in*
[04-11:25] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Sips at his Everclear placebo--yes, you guessed it, water*))
[04-11:25] 6dfa8, ºRavee: w007! *makes Nailah Dylon, gets to be Alex cause she had the whip and makes...umm...Rin! Natalie! Gatts is Bosley*
[04-11:26] 68bce, *Rin : ((*Munches on McDonalds cheesburgers* *Is also sleep deprived*))
[04-11:27] 68bce, *Rin : ((! *Ditzy Valley Girl voice*))
[04-11:27] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Wonders just who in the hell Bosley is, as he hasn't seen that movie*))
[04-11:27] 6dfa8, ºRavee: *whips off Rin's clothes.* I think I should go chew on a bullet now
[04-11:28] 91996, ºNailah: *hasn't seen the last Charlie's Angels last movie yet*
[04-11:28] 68bce, *Rin : ((....blatant innuendo!))
[04-11:29] 68bce, *Rin : ((Chew on a bullet! Brilliant!))
[04-11:29] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Wonders if someone should chalk up Rebel innuendo--chewing the bullet*))
[04-11:29] 91996, ºNailah: Rin which is really bad since she made you a girl :p
[04-11:29] 6dfa8, ºRavee: *blink blink* Wow...two in a the Olive and Chew the bullet
[04-11:29] 91996, ºNailah: lmao Gatts.
[04-11:30] 68bce, *Rin : ((Ya..and she took my clothes...*prances around nude* Wheeee!))
[04-11:31] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Nails a cardboard pair of boxers on Rin. Yes, nails one.*))
[04-11:31] 6dfa8, ºRavee:'re not Natalie anymore...You are Creepy Thin Man
[04-11:32] 68bce, *Rin : ((*Rips out a chunk of Ravee's hair, smells it, lets out a girlie scream and then attacks with cane sword*))
[04-11:32] 68bce, *Rin : ((*After having been nailed*))
[04-11:32] 91996, ºNailah: OKay, I think I'm going back to sleep now.
[04-11:32] c16b2, *Gatts : ((I think I may join you.))
[04-11:33] 6dfa8, ºRavee: *picks up Rin to go "chew the bullet" W W*
[04-11:34] 68bce, *Rin : ((w00t!))
 Continuing the Morning Madness...
4:47pm, May 04, 2004
[04-11:34] 68bce, *Rin : ((w00t!))
[04-11:34] 6dfa8, ºRavee: I think I will BBL to. I'm going to try and sleep again
[04-11:35] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Snickers* Rin, SCORE. Total--Rin 1, Midnight 24, Gatsby 0 on account of coma.))
[04-11:35] c16b2, *Gatts : ((Aww. Night, Ravee.))
[04-11:35] 91996, ºNailah: I wake up and everyone flees. *sniffs*
[04-11:36] 6dfa8, ºRavee: Chat Moments Updated
[04-11:36] 91996, ºNailah: Gatts, you saying that Lys and Midnight do it every night? O_o
[04-11:36] 68bce, *Rin : ((....*isn't fleeing, but if everyone is seriously going, will go and hop on NWN to get some RP action*))
[04-11:36] c16b2, *Gatts : ((... but you just said you were fleeing, too. There's no point to staying if you're going back to sleep, 'cause Rin is a creepy thin man.))
[04-11:36] c16b2, *Gatts : ((Not every night. But often enough, I'd imagine. C'mon. 28 years of no sex? You know she's got to be randy as all hell.))
[04-11:36] 91996, ºNailah: No, I'm not really. And Rin will leave cuz he doesn't like me :p
[04-11:37] 91996, ºNailah: lol
[04-11:37] 6dfa8, ºRavee: I really am gonna take off for a little. If I don't pass out I'll BBS, if I do BBL
[04-11:37] c16b2, *Gatts : ((Why do you think they've not been ni the chat the last night or two? Certainly not because of that, pfft, "animation project" mentioned up there. We of the Redemption know the real reason.))
[04-11:37] 91996, ºNailah: See ya Ravee.
[04-11:37] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Hugs Ravee* Night. Or morning, as it were.))
[04-11:38] 68bce, *Rin : ((I never said I hate you, Nailah.....))
[04-11:38] 68bce, *Rin : ((And sleep well, Ravee))
[04-11:38] 91996, ºNailah: *smirks* I don't think you have to be from the Redemption to know better :p
[04-11:38] 91996, ºNailah: dislike and hate are two different things Rin :p
[04-11:38] 6dfa8, ºRavee: *hugs her Dylon, Bosley, and former Natalie/current Creepy Thin Man*
[04-11:39] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Strikes a Charlie's Angels pose*))
[04-11:39] 91996, ºNailah: *thinks it's funny she ended up being the red-headed one.*
[04-11:39] c16b2, *Gatts : ((Which one am I?))
[04-11:40] 68bce, *Rin : ((Least you aren't the blonde))
[04-11:40] 91996, ºNailah: lol It fits you better Rin :p Gatts, Bosley is a guy, a going bald one at that :p
[04-11:40] c16b2, *Gatts : ((... But which one am I?!))
[04-11:41] c16b2, *Shift : ((Bah, that should be me. *Rubs his squeaky head* Speaking of which, anyone want to chew my bullet?))
[04-11:41] 68bce, *Rin : ((Hrmm...then that must make Ravee whichever one is played by Lucy Liu...))
[04-11:43] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Is really the random audiophile who cruises by with a set of headphones on*))
[04-11:45] 91996, ºNailah: Gatts, more like Bill Murray :p
[04-11:45] JOIN: Ali-Cat has entered The Matrix.
[04-11:45] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: and I thought I was bad on no sleep...
[04-11:45] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Is totally unfamiliar with who Bill Murray was/is* Was he the guy in Ghostbusters?))
[04-11:45] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: wow...
[04-11:45] 68bce, *Rin : ((Yes))
[04-11:46] c16b2, *Gatts : ((Ah! Hide the funny! Don't let her see! *Scrambles like mad to hide Rin's feminity*))
[04-11:46] 91996, ºNailah: Hey Ali
[04-11:46] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: Ghostbusters, and a whole lot of different things...Groundhog day, scrooged, lost in translation...SNL...
[04-11:46] 68bce, *Rin : ((*Covers self*))
[04-11:46] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: hihi, Nailah....and it's too late, Gatts...I now a woman XD
[04-11:47] c16b2, *Gatts : ((Actually, shemale, since s/he was getting he/r bullet bit.))
[04-11:47] 68bce, *Rin : ((*smirk*))
[04-11:48] 91996, ºNailah: <-- This is our Gatts *eg*
[04-11:48] 68bce, *Rin : ((Yes *Is a male IRL, just FYI*))
[04-11:48] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat:
[04-11:48] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Doesn't even have to lift a finger--REFERRAL DENIED!*))
[04-11:49] 68bce, *Rin : ((I'm not authorized to view that page. What's the code? 12345?))
[04-11:49] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: Iiiii'm jus' gonna go...and get dressed and such
[04-11:49] c16b2, *Gatts : ((And, yes, we know, Rin. And currently available. And fond of long nights in the sack with a lonely tube sock.))
[04-11:49] 91996, ºNailah: lol
[04-11:49] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: BRB

Edited 11:50am, May 04 by Gatts, author.
 Will it never end?
5:16pm, May 04, 2004
f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: ...*peers*
c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Peers down Ali's dress*))
f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: *isn't wearing a dress...denied...AGAIN!*
c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Peers into Ali's clothing with his magical ComaVision*
68bce, *Rin : ((That should be trade marked))
f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: How can you peer into clothing? What the hell do you see? "Hrm..cotton...lycra....niiiice a little bit of spandex"
f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: Don't you mean peer through
c16b2, *Gatts : ((.. Yes. Yes, I do.))
c16b2, *Gatts : ((The ComaVision works in odd and mysteeerious ways.))
91996, ºNailah: *yawns*
91996, ºNailah: Is that anything like WonkaVision?
f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: Uh just say that because you failed in you being a pervert ^_^
68bce, *Rin : ((Was WonkaVision the tunnel ride thing? I can't remember))
c16b2, *Gatts : ((Shush. *Peers through Ali's clothing*.. And, Y'know, Nailah, I dunno. *Wonders if his simple sight can make someone's breasts grow a size smaller or larger at a whim*))
68bce, *Rin : ((Oh!))
68bce, *Rin : ((Now I remember, that white room, with the microscope thing...pssh))
f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: You make mine grow larger, you're gonna suffocate...
91996, ºNailah: lol
c16b2, *Gatts : ((... *Just had a very very bad idea. Decides it prudent to jet out, now*))
EXIT: Gatts has left The Matrix ( 12:11pm, May 04 (CDT) ).
68bce, *Rin : ((Hmm))
f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: *falls*
6:52am, May 05, 2004
[05-01:46] 68bce, *Rin : ((*enters and then runs to the bathroom*))
[05-01:47] 172a0, *Damon : ((Enter the Matrix..... port-a-poty))
[05-01:47] 6dfa8, *Dr. Lintilla : ((LOL))
[05-01:48] c16b2, *Ratatosk : ((I can just imagine a hardline in one of those...))
4:19am, May 06, 2004
5-22:53] 6dfa8, *Agent Locke : ((*eyes Cross* And I have to report in to that))
[05-22:56] 63f0e, ºAgent Cross : ((*Cross glances to Locke* You are not aware of the dreaded 'Danish incident', Agent Locke.,))
[05-22:57] 630d3, ºAgent Muller : ((... I told you never to speak of that again.. *Eyes Cross*))
[05-22:57] 35b22, *Elloi Lokan: (( * glares at Cross* You are not aware of the dreaded triple bean chili incident, pull my finger. ))
[05-22:57] 6dfa8, *Agent Locke : ((*looks between Cross and Muller...deletes herself...doesn't want to know*))
[05-23:01] 63f0e, ºAgent Cross : ((*clears throat*))


[05-23:01] 630d3, ºKevo: *Goes to OOCness*
[05-23:01] 630d3, ºKevo: I think I might head to bed actually..
[05-23:03] 63f0e, ºD: oh! oh! I'm in charge, I'm in chaaaaaarge!
[05-23:03] 630d3, ºKevo: I deem Cru the leader of teh chat in my absence
[05-23:04] 63f0e, ºD: ...shitfish.
[05-23:04] c16b2, *Gatts : ((We're all fucked.))
[05-23:04] 630d3, ºKevo: Shitfish? SOunsd worse than regular fish
[05-23:04] 35b22, *Elloi Lokan: ((Hey Ive run chats before! *growls* I run one now.......but I wouldnt want to run this place. Everyone would pull a caesar))
[05-23:05] 630d3, ºKevo: Shaun tried that..
[05-23:05] 630d3, ºKevo: Shot his 15 year old ass down
[05-23:06] 35b22, *Elloi Lokan: (( ARRGH DONT SAY THAT NAME! I HATE SHAUN! I HATE EM!
[05-23:06] c16b2, *Gatts : ((Yeah, so did I the other night. Whooo boy, that was one of the shittiest fucks I've.. wait, what were we talking about again?))
[05-23:06] 63f0e, ºD: Fish, Ben.
[05-23:06] 630d3, ºKevo: Ben, it's no secret that your gay. Gay jokes at your expense lost their entertainment value a LONG time ago
[05-23:07] c16b2, *Gatts : ((Hey! I'm not gay! *Scowls at Kevin* State your grounds on that or you don't get a reacharound, bitch!))
[05-23:08] 630d3, ºKevo: SEE!? He WANTS to give the reacharound! GAY GAY GAY!
[05-23:08] c16b2, *Gatts : ((*Is adamantly nongay*))
[05-23:09] 630d3, ºKevo: SO I was fucking this guy in the ass the other day
[05-23:09] 630d3, ºKevo: And he looked adt me, and asked "Can I have a reacharound?"
[05-23:09] 630d3, ºKevo: I punched him in the face and asked "WHat're you, gay?"
[05-23:09] c16b2, *Gatts : ((And then what did Dave say?))
[05-23:09] 6dfa8, ºRavee: Ahhhhh!! *claws out her eyes at seeing Kev even mention fucking another guy*
[05-23:10] 630d3, ºKevo: *Has actually been tols he's one of the straightest if not the straightest guy many of his friends know*
[05-23:10] 63f0e, ºD: *LOL*
[05-23:11] 35b22, *Elloi Lokan: ((Dude saying your not gay is like saying I wouldnt blow up everything I could if u guys gave me nuclear devices for christmas. ))
[05-23:11] 630d3, ºKevo: You just wish you could get with a guy like me Cru.. too bad I don't swing that way.
[05-23:12] c16b2, *Gatts : ((... Why does everyon assume that the simple fact I'm a virgin makes me gay? Please, God. Tell me why.))
4:11am, May 07, 2004
6dfa8, *Enoch : *he follows Rook's instructions to a T, making sure the scanners are on for any other Squids. They would shortly arrive at the scene of the wreacked Midway* Oh Jesus Christ... *he calls into the MedBay* We're gonna need both you on this if anyone is still alive. *the sensors then begin to read Sentinal activity* Fuck me Freddy!
d2874, *Black Rook : *Rook cant help another comment that comes to mind*Bend over?*Rook gets ready to take over flying*You wanna go to the guns now?*speaking as if he dident say his pior line*
238b0, *Rin : ((omg...wrong))
238b0, *Rin : ((That's going up on the chat moments))
f69b4, *Hex : ((*ROTF* Sam. That is...the awesomest thing you have ever said! *LHFAO*))
 Shift a spy?
5:02am, May 07, 2004
[06-23:58] 238b0, *Rin : ((*smacked* It was worth it....Happy Birthday..? That make up for it?))
[06-23:58] 63f0e, *Sentinel : ((3 Captains just...wandering outside, no longer in their ships, an oppurtunity.))
[06-23:58] c16b2, *Shift : ((That it does. *Grins and nods*))
[06-23:58] c16b2, *Shift : ((... I meant that in response to Rin! To RIN!))
[06-23:59] 60993, ºLysandra : ((.......))
[06-23:59] 63f0e, *Sentinel : ((Shift's a spy!))
[06-23:59] 5c30f, *Black Rook : ((*eyes D*Hey look the pope!*ponits*))
[06-23:59] 238b0, *Rin : ((*LOL*))
[06-23:59] 6dfa8, *Enoch : ((LOL))
3:10am, May 21, 2004
Don Daviano
[19-14:27] 273fd, *Ill Nino : *fart*
[19-14:28] 6dfa8, ºRavee: You are so eloquent Davey *s*
[19-14:29] 273fd, *Ill Nino : I am the gangster of love...I am the lothario of farts.
[19-14:29] 5809c, 'Sye: My my my. Such a.. Masterful stroke, Dave.

One Day
[20-00:33] 52779, *Zero : ((Great two female is bad enough. There should be a warning that one day a month the rebels should not enter the matrix. *smirks then dives under a rock*))
[20-00:34] 238b0, *Rin : ((Heh...))
[20-00:35] f2c9f, *Agent Nixon: ((Only one day a month? *RAE*))
[20-00:36] 52779, *Zero : ((Nothing Nixon.....nothing. *shifty eyes*
[20-00:37] 5809c, 'Sye: Forgive him, he's male. *Eyeshifts*
[20-00:37] f64a7, *The Merovingian : ((Your such a...*gives a vague hand motion*...pussy, human.))
[20-00:38] f2c9f, *Agent Nixon: ((As opposed to you, Ben? *L* Er, sorry. Sye.))
[20-00:39] f64a7, *The Merovingian : ((*smirk* Burn!))
[20-00:39] 52779, *Zero : ((*boredededed*
[20-00:39] 6dfa8, *Agent Locke : ((*looks up* Hmm?))
[20-00:40] 5809c, 'Sye: Hey, I was just pointing out the obvious, thankyouverymuch. *Shakes a fist at Nixon, glares at Merovingian.. and just.. twitches at Locke's comment*
[20-00:41] f64a7, *The Merovingian : ((No, not you you cyborg-esque harlot.))

Is Rin Really French?
[20-21:51] b14db, Cookie Monster: *tackles Rin*
[20-21:56] 238b0, *Rin : ((*Tackled* *blinks*))
[20-21:57] b14db, Cookie Monster: *wonders if this is his Rin, or if its some strange doppleganger from another chat*
[20-21:57] b14db, Cookie Monster: yep. Some strange Dopple ganger. NM. >_<
[20-21:58] 238b0, *Rin : ((...must be because of the pic...yeah...))
[20-21:59] b14db, Cookie Monster: ((nah, There was an OOC Rin that know thats a girl.))
[20-22:00] 238b0, *Rin : ((Ahhhh okay. The yeah, I'm defiently not your Rin.))
[20-22:00] 5809c, *Gatts : ((Well.. Rin is pretty effeminate...))
[20-22:00] 238b0, *Rin : ((*Stuffs a used sock in Gatt's mouth and ducktapes around his head*))
 Pulp Matrix
Agent Muller
6:53am, May 21, 2004
[21-01:39] d14e4, Mr. J: It may just be me...but I think Jules from Pulp Fiction would make a badass agent.
[21-01:40] 6dfa8, ºRavee: L It would be funny if nothing else
[21-01:40] 6dfa8, ºRavee: An Agent with a could work
[21-01:42] b14db, *Bird Keeper : ((I mean hell, they've got uber white guys with dreads. I can just imagine him pulling Muller over to the side and telling him after that last fight with the rebels and dodging all those bullets, hes going to quit.))
[21-01:43] d14e4, Mr. J: ((and then haha...interrogating a rebel. "The codes mother f*cker! Do you know them?!"
[21-01:44] ecdde, ºAgent Muller : (("Where you from? " .. what? "What!? What ain't no server I ever heard of. They speak binary in what?"))
[21-01:45] d14e4, Mr. J: *going to have to start writing a story for this. Oh man I am cracking myself up.*
[21-01:46] b14db, *Bird Keeper : ((and as they're driving a rebel back, they can shoot him, and pixels will get all over the car!))
[21-01:48] b14db, *Bird Keeper : (("Describe the Architect!" "Uh... he's White... he's got a colonel sanders gotee" "Does the Architect look like a bitch?"))
[21-01:48] ecdde, ºAgent Muller : (("What does teh Architect look like?" .. what? "DOES. HE. LOOK. LIKE. AN EXILE!?" NOOOOO! "Then why you try to fuck him like an exile?"))
[21-01:48] 6dfa8, ºRavee: LOL!!!
[21-01:49] ecdde, ºAgent Muller : ((Wow, perfect timing Bird *LOL*))
Agent Muller
7:33am, May 21, 2004
[21-02:23] 5809c, 'Sye: Kevin, if you were a woman, I'd give you mad sexings for that character raise. Vice-versa.
[21-02:26] JOIN: Ill Nino has entered The Matrix.
[21-02:27] ecdde, ºAgent Muller : ((If you were a woman, you'd be the ugliest woman I'd ever laid eyes on))
[21-02:27] 5809c, 'Sye: What if Dave was a woman?
[21-02:28] ecdde, ºAgent Muller : ((Well his voice is already squeaky enough *COughs*))
[21-02:29] 6dfa8, ºRavee: LOL
[21-02:29] bc183, *Ill Nino : Thats because I;m nutting off thinking about your jack(off)boots.
[21-02:29] b14db, 'Cookie Monster: *looks between Sye's and Ill Nino's pics... slowly goes numb in the mind*
[21-02:30] 5809c, 'Sye: ... True that, Kevin.
[21-02:30] ecdde, ºAgent Muller : ((Pssh.. one look at my jack boots and you'd be begging me to kick you with them, just to say you've had the honour))
[21-02:31] bc183, *Ill Nino : *moons Ben and Ravee*
[21-02:31] 6dfa8, ºRavee: GAH!! *falls on the floor twitching again*
[21-02:31] 5809c, 'Sye: Get a picture and I'll... GAHH!! *Douses his eyes with Clorox*
[21-02:31] ecdde, ºAgent Muller : ((OH MY GOD, THE HAIR IS EVERYWHERE ! *Blinded by Daves hairy ass*))
[21-02:31] bc183, *Ill Nino : HAHAHA
[21-02:32] 5809c, 'Sye: You do that again, Dave, and I swear I'll beat the living shit out of you!
[21-02:32] bc183, *Ill Nino : LOl No, Kev....i actually mooned Ben and Ravee on cam.
[21-02:32] ecdde, ºAgent Muller : ((Well I'm glad I wasn't connected to you))
[21-02:32] 5809c, 'Sye: And if I never see your ass again in my life, I will die a happy, if mentally scarred, man.
 Uh oh
Agent Muller
6:21pm, May 21, 2004
[21-13:10] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: *just realized how either American or French the Agents are...* *broke the patern* damnit
[21-13:14] ecdde, ºAgent Muller : ((BLue an Red are too dark to be either flag))
[21-13:15] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: eh. true.
[21-13:15] 5809c, 'Sye: So they're the dark side of the French and Americas? They do have corporate-looking ensembles..
[21-13:16] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: *LOL* was just thinking. French/American goth XD
[21-13:16] 761d8, *Agent Nixon: ((*CoughsPresidentNixonCoughs* Of course he would adopt a darker red.. ))
[21-13:17] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: *ponders* Isn't Nixon dead??
[21-13:17] 5809c, 'Sye: Agent Mason as a goth would be kind of freakish though, wouldn't it? Mason: Ahem.. A poem, by myself. "Die humans. War. Pain. Cruelty." That is all. You may clap now.
[21-13:17] f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: *LHFAO*
[21-13:18] 9b9d8, ºAgent Mason : ((*Puts a gun to Syes head*..A poem if I may.."Brains abroad, the wall was stained." may piss your pants now.))

Edited 11:57pm, May 30, 2006 by Agent Muller, author.
6:58pm, May 21, 2004
MSG: Agent Nixon tried to message Msg Sexanal Sex Missionary Style Gang Bang Bdsm Weomen On Women You On A Woman Swallowing Not Spitting Shoe Polish Edible Treats Oral Fixation Penetration Voyuerism Exhibitionism Sex In Weird Places Surpise Sex Submissive And Dominant Women (not registered).
ecdde, ºKevo: ....................................
761d8, *Agent Nixon: ((*Dies*))
f69b4, 'Ali-Cat: OMFG*ROTFLHFAO*
1:36pm, June 03, 2004
[02-18:34] JOIN: Ill Nino has entered The Matrix.
[02-18:35] 69997, *Lizarda: *Considers tackling Dave, but resists*
[02-18:35] 7dec5, 'Ill Nino: Smart move, bub.
[02-18:35] 69997, *Lizarda: Oh, go hump a marlin.
[02-18:36] 7dec5, 'Ill Nino: *bashes her over the head with a jellyfish...a live one at that, then throws her at Kev* Welcome back, Kev.
[02-18:37] 69997, *Lizarda: A jellyfish? That's like trying to hammer a nail with an earthworm.
[02-18:37] 7dec5, 'Ill Nino: except for the fact that they sting the fuck out of you...
[02-18:38] 69997, *Lizarda: Kinky.
1:55pm, June 03, 2004
[31-21:43] 69997, *Lizarda: ((Woah, she creeps my OOC out!))
[31-21:46] 69997, *Lizarda: (( O.O ))
[31-21:46] 5809c, 'Sye: You should see Lintilla's code-vision if that creeps you out.
[31-21:47] 69997, *Lizarda: (( I haven't seen Lintilla.))
[31-21:47] 69997, *Lizarda: ((*Ish creeped out easily*))
[31-21:47] 6dfa8, *Dr. Lintilla : ((Oh we'll have to remedy that. let me get the piccy))
[31-21:54] 6dfa8, *Dr. Lintilla : ((*waves to Ari*))
[31-21:54] 69997, *Ari Darvette : (( O.O Ho Ly Crap. ))
[31-21:55] 6dfa8, *Dr. Lintilla : ((It's so nice when I get that reaction))
[31-21:55] 5809c, 'Sye: Aww.. There's that lovely image. *LOL*
[31-21:55] 2c92c, *Kegean Sullivan: ((The part you dont know is that its a picture of the real Ravee))
[31-21:55] 69997, *Ari Darvette : (( *Shits a brick house* ))
[31-21:56] 6dfa8, ºRavee: *sage* That it is, Sammy, that is it
[31-21:56] 5809c, 'Sye: And she'll devour your soul!!!
3:50am, June 13, 2004
5b992, *Kegean Sullivan: ((and its goooooooood!))
69997, *Ari Darvette : *Looks out her window and sees the boy from her dream, and screams bloody murder*
5b992, *Kegean Sullivan: ((Ari! look our your window!))
69997, *Ari Darvette : *Takes his water, but her hands are shaking so bad she drops it and it falls on the carpet. She ignores it* Then... it was real? And the... boy... And the... *Eye twitches*
31a6e, *Nautilus : ((*eyes crazy kid.....* yes, you are walking....and you're crazy..))
5b992, *Kegean Sullivan: Cue crazy kid walking past window
5:40am, June 14, 2004
69997, 'Lizarda: Yes, it was quite exciting.... and messy
438a5, ºRavee: LOL S'allota coming
69997, 'Lizarda: Sounds like a rap song
69997, 'Lizarda: First you come, then leave, then kev comes, then leaves, then you both come, we rp, you leave, kev leaves, you come back, ravee comes!
31a6e, *Moribund : ??? What's up, Liz?
69997, 'Lizarda: You. Have got. To be kidding me.
Agent Muller
4:40am, June 16, 2004
[15-23:31] 69997, 'Lizarda: *Eyeshifts* Soo Ravee.....
[15-23:32] 69997, 'Lizarda: I need 'tips' on how to 'get into' Persephone.
[15-23:32] 438a5, ºRavee: Mmmmmm yeeeeeas?
[15-23:33] 69997, 'Lizarda: *Smiles sweetly* Please?
[15-23:33] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((I can give you tips on how to "get into" Persephone.))
[15-23:34] abbc8, *Midnight : ((Me too))
[15-23:34] abbc8, *Conner McManus : ((*Raises his beer* Same 'ere))
[15-23:34] abbc8, *Dr. Alfred Bancroft : ((I may be old, but I can still charm the ladies))
[15-23:34] 69997, 'Lizarda: CROTCH SHOT!
[15-23:34] abbc8, *Hades : ((Even I've been down that trail))
[15-23:34] 438a5, *the Merovingian : ((*clears throat* Excuse e moi!?))
[15-23:34] 69997, 'Lizarda: LMFAO
[15-23:34] abbc8, *Till : ((ICH AUCH! *Growls low*))
[15-23:35] 69997, 'Lizarda: O.O;;;;;
3:10am, June 18, 2004
[17-21:11] 69997, 'Lizarda: OMG you ever feel like your computer is reading your mind? Seriously, I just had the freakiest experience ever.
[17-21:11] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : *laughs* To be honest, no. But do continue.
[17-21:13] 69997, 'Lizarda: I was watching music videos on Yahoo!, thinking of what song I should put in my new Matrix profile, and also what music to set my newest music video to, when I saw it - falling green glyphs.
[17-21:18] 69997, 'Lizarda: I'm not friggin kidding.
[17-21:23] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : That's....really cool though.
[17-21:24] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : What video is it from?
[17-21:45] 69997, 'Lizarda: "Sleeping Awake" - P.O.D.
[17-21:48] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : ...not heard of it. Hm.
[17-21:49] 69997, 'Lizarda: Neither did I. That's why it freaked me out so much.
[17-21:50] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : Now I'll have to look it up.
[17-21:50] 69997, 'Lizarda: You do that. It's good. I decided to set my video to it.
[17-21:51] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : Coolness.
[17-21:53] 69997, 'Lizarda: Yesh.
[17-21:53] 69997, 'Lizarda:
[17-21:54] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : ...Hm.
[17-21:54] 69997, 'Lizarda: I'm listening to it now...
[17-21:56] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : Not bad!
[17-21:57] 69997, 'Lizarda: I KNOW! You should have seen the look on my face. I just like... sat there and stared at my screen. Then, I downloaded the MP3. : )
[17-21:58] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : *snickers* Coincidence can be good.
[17-21:59] 69997, 'Lizarda: Maybe... the Matrix has me.
[17-22:01] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : a bad rash.
[17-22:01] 69997, 'Lizarda: ..........If I get a cell phone in the mail, I'm gonna piss blue.
[17-22:04] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : It's not all it's cracked up to be. :)
[17-22:06] 69997, 'Lizarda: You know what? I think I'm gonna have a real hard time getting to sleep tonight.
2:20am, June 21, 2004
[20-20:56] abbc8, ºKevo: *Bored*
[20-20:57] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : *plots...*
[20-20:58] abbc8, ºKevo: *DOGPILES LIZARDA*
[20-20:58] abbc8, *Councilor Winston : ((*DOGPILES LIZARDA*))
[20-20:59] abbc8, *Hades : ((*DOGPILES LIZARDA*))
[20-20:59] abbc8, *Till : ((*DOGPILES LIZARDA*))
[20-20:59] abbc8, *Dr. Alfred Bancroft : ((*DOGPILES LIZARDA*))
[20-20:59] abbc8, *Conner McManus : ((*DOGPILES LIZARDA*))
[20-20:59] abbc8, *Midnight : ((*DOGPILES LIZARDA*))
[20-20:59] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((*DOGPILES LIZARDA*))
[20-21:00] 438a5, ºRavee: *dogpiles Liz too cause is trendy like that!*
[20-21:01] 438a5, *Twins : ((*dogpiles Liz*))
[20-21:01] 438a5, *Dr. Lintilla : ((*dogpiles Liz*))
[20-21:01] 438a5, *Agent Locke : ((*dogpiles Liz*))
[20-21:01] 438a5, *the Merovingian : ((*dogpiles Liz*))
[20-21:01] 438a5, *Enoch : ((*dogpiles Liz*))
[20-21:01] 438a5, *Dr. Phalanx : ((*dogpiles Liz*))
[20-21:01] 438a5, *Mr. Book : ((*dogpiles Liz*))
[20-21:01] 438a5, *Ink : ((*dogpiles Liz*))
[20-21:02] 44034, Innocent Bystander: ((*Dogpiles liz*))
[20-21:02] 438a5, ºRavee: JC I have allot of characters
[20-21:02] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((*Whispers into her ear*.. it is inevitable..))
[20-21:02] abbc8, *Councilor Winston : ((... inevitable..))
[20-21:02] abbc8, *Till : ((... inevitable..))
[20-21:02] abbc8, *Hades : ((... inevitable..))
[20-21:02] abbc8, *Dr. Alfred Bancroft : ((... inevitable..))
[20-21:03] abbc8, *Conner McManus : ((... inevitable..))
[20-21:03] abbc8, *Conner McManus : ((... inevitable..))
[20-21:03] abbc8, *Midnight : ((... inevitable..))
[20-21:03] abbc8, ºKevo: ... inevitable..
[20-21:04] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : I for one am frightened....
[20-21:04] 438a5, ºRavee: Heh...oh yeah...still has a councilor to make
[20-21:05] abbc8, ºKevo: And Liz is apparentally shell shocked *LOL*
[20-21:08] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : Can you blame her??
[20-21:08] 69997, 'Lizarda: OMG
[20-21:10] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : Ah. Delayed response.
[20-21:10] 69997, 'Lizarda: Anybody got an air pump?
[20-21:10] 69997, 'Lizarda: I leave for 5 minutes, come back, and......
[20-21:11] abbc8, ºKevo: You'll walk away like a cartoon character flattened into an accordian
[20-21:12] 69997, 'Lizarda: Hehe... *Got some action*
[20-21:13] abbc8, ºKevo: *Landed on top first, coughs*
[20-21:15] 438a5, ºRavee: Kev likes it on top. Go figure.
[20-21:16] 69997, 'Lizarda: A 17-person dogpile. Lucky me.
[20-21:16] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : I'm jealous.
[20-21:16] MSG: Lizarda sent a message to Kevo.
[20-21:17] 69997, 'Lizarda: *Dogpiles self... eyeshifts and slips into a dark corner for a minute*
[20-21:17] 7e446, *Archive 1.1 : ...eww. O.o;
[20-21:18] 69997, 'Lizarda: *--... to sleep! *

The treatment I get! XD
 Crossing the Line
Agent Muller
5:26am, June 24, 2004
[24-00:06] MSG: Agent Nixon sent a message to Agent Muller.
[24-00:06] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered The Matrix.
[24-00:07] d1cee, 'Sax: hey maybe that was the famous unsent private message, finaly getting where it needed to go!
[24-00:07] 73752, 'Cookie Monster: *waves after several weeks of missingness*
[24-00:07] 7d799, *Agent Nixon: ((Hey! Bah! It was.. *Turns red* Damnit.))
[24-00:08] 7d799, *Agent Nixon: ((*Waves to Cookie Monster*))
[24-00:08] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((She's making up for her listening to the penguins to attakc me *WInks*))
[24-00:08] 7d799, *Agent Nixon: ((Oh shoot. No I meant it was something else, not it was.))
[24-00:08] d1cee, 'Sax: right
[24-00:08] d1cee, 'Sax: and make her pay for her penguine sins
[24-00:09] d1cee, 'Sax: make her pay dearly
[24-00:09] 7d799, *Agent Nixon: ((I was not! Damnit! *Shakes a fist*))
[24-00:10] d1cee, 'Sax: she likes abuse kevin
[24-00:10] 7d799, *Agent Nixon: ((*Rolls her eyes* Should I just..give up now? *Smirks*))
[24-00:10] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((Oh I know ,I've been down that trail before.. *Kicks his boot into the small of her back and ties a bal lgag around her jaw*))
[24-00:11] d1cee, 'Sax: well that ruins alot of the fun
[24-00:11] d1cee, 'Sax: awww with a ball gag we can't hear her scream!
[24-00:12] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((Yes we can, we just can't make out anything she tries to say to us..((
[24-00:12] 7d799, *Agent Nixon: ((*Falls to the ground in front of her and somehow has a ball gag placed in her jaw. Huffs for a moment then moves to flip over, mumbling incoherently through the gag*))
[24-00:12] 69997, 'Lizarda: Hmmm
[24-00:13] d1cee, 'Sax: Lizzy you want to play?
[24-00:13] 69997, 'Lizarda: It's too late. Besides, I thought you were chilling tonight.
[24-00:13] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((Ohh, another one comes out to play.. *Reaches behind him, and takes a whip out. Snaps the whip out at Liz, wrapping it around her waist and pulling her in*))
[24-00:14] 69997, 'Lizarda: Ooh, kinky. No fair teasing me during this time of the month, Kev, you know I can't refuse the whip...
[24-00:14] d1cee, 'Sax: I was chilling, but I came online to see the fun, and well one thing leads to another
[24-00:14] 69997, 'Lizarda: A classic excuse Sax. ; )
[24-00:15] 7d799, *Agent Nixon: ((*Stands up*))
[24-00:15] d1cee, 'Sax: I mean I am at my parents house, and I was just watching Willard on TV... and well thing happoned...
[24-00:16] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((*Kicks Jessie down again* No one gave you permission to stand, woman.))
[24-00:16] 69997, 'Lizarda: OOoh, dominant.
[24-00:16] d1cee, 'Sax: *grabs lizzy* No fair bailing now, you are complicant in this! ::grin::
[24-00:18] 69997, 'Lizarda: Rawr.
[24-00:19] JOIN: Agent Nixon has entered The Matrix.
[24-00:19] d1cee, 'Sax: *grabs a cell phone and calls his life operator to have him load up some leather and latex for Liz and Nixon* Thanx! Operator... you rock!
[24-00:19] 7d799, *Agent Nixon: ((*Falls back down to the ground, reaching up to her ball gag to remove it as she looks at Kevin unablet o speak yet*))
[24-00:20] 69997, 'Lizarda: Leather and latex? I'm gonna have one hell of a time getting to sleep tonight.
[24-00:20] 7d799, *Agent Nixon: ((*Would comment similarily if she could*))
[24-00:21] d1cee, 'Sax: *blinks* well I mean if you don't WANT it... we can take it away... but I think I speak for Kevin when I say we want you to want it *grin*
[24-00:21] 7d799, *Agent Nixon: ]
[24-00:22] 69997, 'Lizarda: As in, I'm going to have a hard time getting to sleep tonight.
[24-00:22] 438a5, *Dr. Lintilla : ((and back))
[24-00:23] 69997, 'Lizarda: *Crawls to him on her hands and knees* Oh, I want it.
[24-00:24] d1cee, 'Sax: *more blinking* well that goes down in the record books of things I always wanted to hear, but never knew I did, until now
[24-00:24] 438a5, *Dr. Lintilla : ((What did I miss?>))
[24-00:24] 69997, 'Lizarda: Also, it should go down in the book of things I never thought I'd say, but sound so good to.
[24-00:25] d1cee, 'Sax: *call operator and discusses a selection of toys to be loaded up on racks, as per weapon loading style from the matrix* And this is where it crosses the line of that chat... but it was oh so fun crossing it... I think I will make a home for myself on this line, and cross it often.
abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((Aaaaanf chat moments *LOL*))
69997, 'Lizarda: *Sits in the corner twiddling her thumbs innocently*
7d799, *Agent Nixon: ((*Notes mentally that she is ball gagged, Sax and Lizard are playing and that the last scene of the chat was herself asking Lintilla to stand up, turn around, spread her leags shoulder distance apart and prepare to be chained*))
abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((.... *Tries to keep a straightface*))

Edited 12:28am, June 24 by Agent Muller, author.
 Hammer time, and Agent Stone
Agent Muller
6:06am, August 19, 2004
[19-00:39] a221f, *Agent Lee : *moonwalks onto stage* dunnnundfun...IT'S BULLET TIME! *spins, starts going in a blur of movements- raverstyle..glowsticks in hand- runs in place, MatrixWalks...does da Robot*
[19-00:41] a221f, *Agent Lee : Domo Arigato- Mr. Roboto...*breaks it down- drops it while it's hot!*
[19-00:43] a221f, *Agent Lee : ...Afterhours at the AoS, folks.
[19-00:45] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : *Stands behind the turntables, crankin' the beats ALL NIGHT LONG*
[19-00:46] a221f, *Agent Lee : BREAK IT DOOOWWWNNN!! *does the Worm, the System Slide, and the Funkeh Chicken- breaks into strutting* Dundundun...
[19-00:46] a221f, *Agent Lee : unh.
[19-00:46] a221f, *Agent Lee : unh.
[19-00:46] a221f, *Agent Lee : unh.
[19-00:47] a221f, *Agent Lee : Can't Shoot This.
[19-00:47] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((CAN'T TOUCH THIS! *DOes a keg stand*))
[19-00:47] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((MULLER TIIIIIIIIIIIME!))
[19-00:47] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : ~Fricky-fricky-fricky~ *Snaps it and nods, sets spotstrobes on Agent Lee*
[19-00:47] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : *Immediatley snaps them over to Muller*
[19-00:47] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((*AgentBreakdances*))
[19-00:50] a221f, *Agent Lee : *breaks it down- grabs some random human co-worker- starts gettin' jiggy wit' it!*
[19-00:50] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : *Snaps the strobes up to the disco ball in Stone's old office.. Cranks some PM5K--oh yeah, AoS is groovin' and movin'*
[19-00:51] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((Nobodys real and they're willing to let you know.. Nobodys real and ya feel it toniiiiiight.. *COnsidered this for a chat theme at one point*))
[19-00:52] 91996, ºNailah: LOL @ Sye. *would love to see Stone's reaction to that.*
[19-00:52] a221f, *Agent Lee : *grabs Nailah- poledances with her!*
[19-00:53] NICK: Agent Muller changed nick to Agent Stone.
[19-00:53] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : .. Wow, Lee.. That's.. Uh.. Wow.
[19-00:53] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : Feeling friendly, much?
[19-00:54] 91996, ºNailah: *pinches Lee's but just for that, flees.*
[19-00:54] abbc8, Agent Stone: *A vein forms in his forehead as Stone narrows his eyes. Stone narrows his eyes as he stalks foward to Sye, narrowing his eyes. Stone narrows his eyes*
[19-00:54] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : *LHAO*
[19-00:54] abbc8, Agent Stone: .. you have caused me great irritation.. *Stone narrows his eyes as he levels his DE at Sye, narrowing his eyes*
[19-00:55] a221f, *Agent Lee : STONNNNNNEEEEEE...rrr.....BREAK IT DOWN, NIIIIIIGGGAAAAA!!! *points!*
[19-00:55] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : *Doesn't even need to be shot--oxygen deprevation to the brain takes over*
[19-00:55] 91996, ºNailah: lol he narrows those eyes any further and they'll be closed.
[19-00:55] abbc8, Agent Stone: *Stone narrows his eyes as he hears Nailah's comment* .. I do believe you are more dead than I am, so please be silent.
[19-00:57] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : Here's an idea--*Gives the StoneClone a site of a hundred rebels*
[19-00:57] abbc8, Agent Stone: *Stone narrows his eyes as he narrows his eyes, narrowing his eyes. Stone looks at Lee with a disgusted look, a vein forming on the already bulging vein on his forehead as Stone narrows his eyes* .. this is my replacement? I am amazed Agent Muller has not killed himself yet.. *Stone narrows his eyes*
[19-00:58] a221f, *Agent Lee : *goes back to breakdancing- BREAKDANCES ON THAT VEIN!*
[19-00:58] a221f, *Agent Lee : wha?
[19-00:58] a221f, *Agent Lee : what?
[19-00:58] a221f, *Agent Lee : UNH
[19-00:58] a221f, *Agent Lee : UNH!
[19-00:59] abbc8, Agent Stone: *Stone flicks Lee off his vein like an insect* This reminds me of teh time I narrowed my eyes for the first time
[19-00:59] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : *Dons a lampshade, pisses in Stone's wastebasket, meanders off*
[19-01:00] abbc8, Agent Stone: ANd now.. I narrow my eyes.. for the last time.. *Walks into teh light*.. good bye.. Matrix..
[19-01:00] a221f, *Agent Lee : *failed to mention....that light- was a strobe light!*
[19-01:00] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : *Doesn't mention the "Kick me" sign on his back*
[19-01:01] abbc8, Agent Stone: *Eyes are so narrowed he can't even tell if he's actualyl walking toward a light*
[19-01:02] a221f, *Phoenix : *poledances!*
[19-01:02] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : Now, Stone.. I need you to open your eyes really wi-i-i-i...
[19-01:02] abbc8, Agent Stone: .. *Stone narrows his eyes at Phoenix*... Ms.. reilly.. *Said through gritted teeth*
[19-01:03] 07ee1, *Gatts : ((*Perks up at Phoenix--in more ways than one*
[19-01:03] abbc8, Agent Stone: *Gritted teeth and narrowed eyes*
[19-01:03] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : *.. Makes note to fix that image*
[19-01:03] 07ee1, •Admin of Sye : Stone, you're going to damage your teeth if you keep doing that.
[19-01:03] a221f, *Phoenix : *moons Stone-r and goes back to her provocative poledancing- gotta have one go-go girl in a party!*
[19-01:04] abbc8, Agent Stone: *Trips over Muller's manhood back into the source*
 Locke and Muller defeated
7:37am, August 27, 2004
Goose511th: Oh shit
ArTeRiaL DeViL: What?
Goose511th: I just saw a roach
Goose511th: That's no good
ArTeRiaL DeViL: Kill it
Goose511th: I did
ArTeRiaL DeViL: Why is that not good?
ArTeRiaL DeViL: Other then the fact they are disgusting
Goose511th: There coudl be more
ArTeRiaL DeViL: There are
ArTeRiaL DeViL: Roaches never travel alone
Goose511th: Mmm cleanuing
ArTeRiaL DeViL: Having fun?
Goose511th: Well it's looking better
ArTeRiaL DeViL: Always a plus. Anymore visitors
Goose511th: None
ArTeRiaL DeViL: Good
Goose511th: THough they're out there.. you can smell them
ArTeRiaL DeViL: You just gave me a great visual. Muller stalking roaches with his DE
Goose511th: *LOL*
Goose511th: "YOur deletion is served" *Fires*
Goose511th: *Misses*
Goose511th: "... you run fast.."
ArTeRiaL DeViL: LOL!! *another one pops up* " aquired Agent Smith's copying capabilities"
Goose511th: "I will need backup.. AGENT LOOOOOOOOOOOCKE!"
ArTeRiaL DeViL: *walks in, usual apathetic expression* "Yes, Agent Mu--" *sees a roach. Draws dual Sphinxs* "Jesus Christ that's a big mother fucker!" *shoots several times before running out of bullets. Drops the clip and does a dance, waving her hands* "Ew ew ew! Kill it!"
Goose511th: "Use your shoes!" *Muller squashes a big one under his heel- dirtying the polish on the shoe*
"Oh God, it's like when I stepped on the Danish after I wrestled it away from Agent Cross"
ArTeRiaL DeViL: *Eyes Muller* "I'm not even going to ask." *takes off her shoe, climbs on Muller's desk and beats the oncoming hord with her shoe*
Goose511th: ... *Muller starts hopping around the office, squashing dozens at a time*
Goose511th: .. There's.. too many of them! *As they swarm like TIE fighters* ((*WOnders if she'll get the reference*))
ArTeRiaL DeViL: ((LOL!! Of course! SW: RotJ. Or was it ESB?)) *host jumps out of Muller's office, leaving the other body to be covered in icky roaches. Reforms several miles away in a coffee shoppe. Sips latté*
Goose511th: Damn you Agent Locke!
Goose511th: ((It was RotJ))
ArTeRiaL DeViL: ((*knew it*)) *bwhahaha! Can't hear Muller. Eats a bagal*
ArTeRiaL DeViL: **Phalanx runs in and steals Locke's bagal**
Goose511th: *Mulelr puts hs hand to his earpiece.. a roach crawls out of the bagle*
ArTeRiaL DeViL: ......
ArTeRiaL DeViL: **Phalanx eyes the roach** Protien!!! **eats bagal**
Goose511th: *Roach crawls out of Lockes bra*
ArTeRiaL DeViL: *screams! Flails around and runs in circles*
Goose511th: *Muller cackles in sweet revenge*
3:30am, October 16, 2004
[15-22:16] 69997, *Burke : *Laughs again and signs [Sorry, just playing.]*
[15-22:16] a221f, *Blade : (*curious!*)
[15-22:18] 74d30, *Seraphita : *she signs back to Burke, having downloaded the knowledge for it when she found out that the med was mute*
[15-22:21] 69997, *Burke : ((No fair! You stole the secret code! Now we can't conspire! *L*))
[15-22:24] 74d30, *Seraphita : (*L* sorry... but she's gotta communicate with her crew somehow)
[15-22:25] 69997, *Burke : ((*S* Burke can hear, she just can't talk))
[15-22:25] 74d30, *Seraphita : (yeah but thats what I mean...if some guy comes in with a piece of shrapnel stuck in him Sera needs to find out whats Burke's diagnoses is)
[15-22:26] 69997, *Burke : ((*Eyeshifts* ........I knew that.....))
[15-22:28] 69997, *Burke : ((My diagnosis... he has shrapnel in his neck, you dumb fuck.))
[15-22:28] 74d30, *Seraphita : (LOL)
Agent Muller
4:15am, October 16, 2004
[15-23:05] 4439a, *Hades : ((..... my mom just told me that the maintainence guys found four eggs in the radiators in our apartment.. two in the living room, two in my room..))
[15-23:06] 74d30, *Seraphita : (O_O eggs? what kind?)
[15-23:06] 69997, *Burke : *Her smile goes incredibly crooked and she can feel her eyes dilate at his comment, and an image of someone doing a spit-take fills her head. She raises her hands to sign but can't think of anything to say, and lets them drop, laughing silently*
[15-23:06] 69997, *Burke : ((WANT!))
[15-23:06] 4439a, *Hades : ((CHicken eggs.. they were completely rotten and disgusting..))
[15-23:07] 69997, *Burke : ((NO WANT!))
[15-23:07] 4439a, *Hades : ((I'm thinking the kid of the previous owners must have put them there thinking they'd hatch eventually, but clearly they didn't))
[15-23:07] 74d30, *Seraphita : (chicken eggs in the radiator? the hell?)
[15-23:07] 74d30, *Seraphita : (ewww)
[15-23:07] 6b3e8, ºNailah: lol poor Kev
[15-23:08] a221f, *Blade : (..shoulda flung them at the maintenance guy and screamed incoherrently.)
[15-23:08] 69997, *Burke : ((*Shudders*))
[15-23:09] 74d30, *Seraphita : (O_O)
[15-23:09] 438a5, ºRavee : L
[15-23:10] a221f, *Blade : (be all like 'YOU FUCKIN BITCH! IM SICK OF YOUR CRAP!!! all Cartman like.)
[15-23:11] 74d30, *Seraphita : (O_O)
[15-23:11] 69997, *Burke : ((Sucky sucky, fi'e dolla!))
[15-23:11] a221f, *Blade : (... I woulda done it...)
[15-23:11] 4439a, *Hades : ((*Hands Liz five dollars as he updates chat moments*))
[15-23:11] 69997, *Burke : ((Yes, we know *L*))
[15-23:11] 74d30, *Seraphita : (
[15-23:12] 6b3e8, ºNailah: anyone up for scrambled eggs? :D
[15-23:13] 69997, *Burke : ((*Drags Kev into a corner and...* Hey you guys, I just had this weird dream, I was a Vietnamese.....))
11:10pm, October 26, 2004
[26-17:38] 438a5, *Mr. Hand : *he ducks into an ally, a dead end, Hand quickly looking to the dumpster and leaping on it, moving to leap atop the wall, his coat and gloves ripping on the barbed coil atop the wall*
[26-17:39] JOIN: Elana Hudson has entered The Matrix.
[26-17:45] 4439a, ºAgent Muller : *Muller runs quickly after him, holstering his DE.. Muller puts his hand to his earpiece, looking for any hosts inside the alley, or at least on the other side..*
[26-17:46] eb882, *Elana Hudson : (( I got 50 bucks on Muller
[26-17:48] 4439a, *Midnight : ((Yeah but the odds are so low, he wins so often.. *Is the bookie for this match*))
[26-17:52] eb882, *Elana Hudson : ((Okay...........changin my bet, 200 bucks on Hand))
12:52am, October 30, 2004
[29-19:39] a221f, ºIll Nino: *faaaaaaart*
[29-19:39] 69997, 'Lizarda: DAVE! Lay off the beans, you fruit!
[29-19:40] b3fb5, *Nyx : (yeah that was a gracefull entrance *shakes head*)
[29-19:41] d319e, *Elle : ((Sorry. W as talking to my roommate.))

[29-19:42] a221f, ºIll Nino: ....fruit? does that mean you're gonna stop hitting on me okay.
[29-19:42] 69997, 'Lizarda: .............*Thwap*
[29-19:43] 69997, 'Lizarda: Don't flatter yourself Dave, you're hardly a mouthful.
[29-19:44] a221f, ºIll Nino: how would you know, if im a fruit? *S*
[29-19:49] 69997, 'Lizarda: *Nibbles on Dave* ........nope, not a mouthful. *S*
[29-19:49] a221f, ºIll Nino: *doesnt get off on it. fruit, remember?*
[29-19:50] 4439a, ºKevo: *Nibbles on Dave*
[29-19:50] a221f, ºIll Nino: *GETS OFF ON IT*
[29-19:50] 69997, *Burke : ((Wrong king of fruit, Buckwheat. WOAH! *Films Kevo*))
[29-19:50] 69997, *Burke : ((Holy shit that's HOT! *Films*))
[29-19:51] 69997, 'Lizarda: *Nibbles on Kev*
[29-19:52] b3fb5, *Nyx : (O_O!!)
[29-19:53] 4439a, ºKevo: .. boobies.. *Nibbles on Liz*
[29-19:53] a221f, ºIll Nino: *nibbles on himself*

Edited 7:54pm, October 29 by Kevo, author.
Ill Nino
2:16am, November 20, 2004
b4fa5, *Jinx : *She gasps as Gunney gets right up into her face, and she frowns softly toward him.*...I...*she looks down to her papers and then back to the man as she then hands them to him.*

4439a, *Gunney : I!? I what!? WERE YOU ABOUT TO CALL ME AN ASSHOLE!?
 Grim reveals her true intentions!
8:53am, November 26, 2004
48e11, *Grim : *lifts a brow at Bourne* you care to bed with us?
caedb, *Rack : ((yes bed with us.. we lured you into the sim to have a three some bourne hahahaha))
a221f, *Bourne : (*blinks at Grim* oh wow...)
48e11, *Grim : (ACK!!!)
48e11, *Grim : (>_< god damn you Freud....)
6:41am, November 27, 2004
[27-00:30] d26af, *Cameo : ((test))
[27-00:31] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : ((Can't use that image Cameo))
[27-00:31] d26af, *Cameo : ((why?))
[27-00:32] abbc8, *Till : ((Because TIll Lindemann is actually a character in the game))
[27-00:32] d26af, *Cameo : ((from Rammstein?))
[27-00:33] abbc8, *Till : ((Yup))
[27-00:33] d26af, *Cameo : ((damn...ok...))
[27-00:33] bdb6a, *Moribund : ((*watches in awe as Kevo pwns cameo*))
6:47am, November 27, 2004
[26-18:07] 48e11, *Nyx : *thanks him for taking her dish, watching him* yeah maybe later. I love any excuse to shoot at things *laughs a little*
[26-18:09] 3ccef, *Dregg : Especially when you have an endless arsenal on your side. *He laughs too*
[26-18:10] 48e11, *Nyx : *nods to this* its like a gamer's dream *smirks*
[26-18:14] eb882, Cru: ((Nyx is officially a goddess.
[26-18:16] eb882, Cru: ((" I love any excuse to shoot at things" ......that is the greatest line ever. ))
5:39am, November 28, 2004
[27-23:00] caedb, *Rack : *he groans walking over to an intercomm he will hit the button and speak* gunney.. come here please... *he sighs and clicks it off*
[27-23:01] 48e11, *Grim : *she sits down, leaning back in her chair, just waiting*
[27-23:09] abbc8, *Gunney : *He looks up at the intercom.. quickly putting his bowl into the sink and washing it out before he proceed's to the main deck..*
[27-23:11] caedb, *Rack : *he stands there taking a few deep breaths, he will crack his back and start to flex and work his legs*
[27-23:13] a221f, *Bourne : *and yes, he's watching. It was because of Bourne that this happened.*
[27-23:13] abbc8, *Gunney : *he steps up to the main deck, watching everyone assembled..* WHo called me?
[27-23:15] caedb, *Rack : *he will stand at attention and close his eyes, his voice very shakey* Sir if you would please step within 3 feet of me Sir!
[27-23:16] d319e, *Elle : *She remains at the sittign silently, doing her best to not call attention to herself.*
[27-23:16] abbc8, *Gunney : Bullshit. I'm not going near you, Assbanger. *He narrows his eyes, looking over to Gabriel to see if he knew anything before looking back to Rack..*
[27-23:18] caedb, *Rack : *he gulps* Sir it is just a request Sir... that is all... *his hands shaking, he contiues to open and close them, sweat forming on his brow*
[27-23:19] f46f0, *Gabriel : *Chuckles abit at the scene, he shrugs a bit* Hell if I know.
[27-23:19] abbc8, *Gunney : What teh fuck, have you had so much semen pumped into your ass that you can't think to walk over here on your own? You are dumb, Assbanger, but I didn't think you were that stupid.
[27-23:19] 48e11, *Grim : *eyes cmon, stop being a pansy and just walk up to him and moon him...but outwardly lets herself look oblivious*
[27-23:20] a221f, *Bourne : *and like always, Bourne is standing straight ahead, ramrod straight. his injured hand can be seen, but it's only a sickly yellow- Bourne having already reset the bones*
[27-23:22] caedb, *Rack : *he walks over to gunney getting within three feet he will turn his back and..... then grabs the hem of his pants he will yank them down bend over, he will hold it for 5 seconds and then pull his pants back up, a bit of blood escapes his nose as he was fucking nervous as hell, yeah his broken nose hurt a bit.. but gunney is gonna fuck him up, he will turn on his heels and await his punishment*
[27-23:23] a221f, *Bourne : (.....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA YES!)
[27-23:24] abbc8, *Gunney : *He looks extremely unimpressed* Are you trying to send me messages, Assbanger?
[27-23:25] a221f, *Bourne : *Even Bourne is trying not to laugh but it wouldnt be seen- though his eyes are twinkling with humor. This was great. He simply stands there, observing quietly*
[27-23:25] 48e11, *Grim : *she just watches, seeming stoic, but damn if she isnt just dying of laughter inside*
[27-23:26] caedb, *Rack : *he slowly opens his eyes, he looks around a bit unsure, a smile comes across his face* Sir No Sir!!... *inside his mind*~ohh god.. he isn't gonna kill me.. wow.. that wasn't so bad.. now to think of something to say.. i got it!!~
[27-23:26] d319e, *Elle : *She too is fighting back the laughter.*
[27-23:27] f46f0, *Gabriel : *Smirks a bit, watching with total amusement*
[27-23:28] abbc8, *Gunney : Bullshit you've wanted my cock ever since I freed you, don't you Assbanger?
[27-23:29] caedb, *Rack : Sir No Sir!!.*he gulps* Sir i love women Sir
[27-23:30] 48e11, *Grim : *bites her lip where she sits, struggling not to laugh*
[27-23:31] abbc8, *Gunney : Chicks with dicks, Assbanger, I can see it in your eyes. Now I know you weren't smart enough to do that on your own, otherwise you wouldn't be shaking like you were.. *He eyes him for a moment*.. who put you up to it?
[27-23:31] f5a5c, *Focus : ((*Pops in*))
[27-23:32] f46f0, *Gabriel : *Shifts a bit in his seat, also fighting back laughter and trying to keep a straight face.*
[27-23:33] caedb, *Rack : *his eyes go wide for a second*~aaahhh shit.. i can't rat out on grim...aww damn it.. i am gonna have to take the bullet.. fucking hell~ Sir i did it of my own free will.. the reason i was shaking is because *he gulps*~never gonna live this down~ you found me out... i do.. want... your ......*he takes a deep breath and sighs* cock sir......
[27-23:33] f5a5c, *Focus : ((LMAO)) ((*Shuts up*))
[27-23:33] a221f, *Bourne : (oh holy shit)
[27-23:34] abbc8, *Gunney : ((*DIES*))
[27-23:34] f5a5c, *Focus : ((You have NO idea how hard it is not to laugh with this thing in your mouth.))
[27-23:34] a221f, *Bourne : (*losing it IRL* OMFG WOAH)
[27-23:34] f46f0, *Gabriel : ((lol))
[27-23:34] 4d0bf, *Genocide: ((ROFLMAO))
[27-23:35] f5a5c, *Focus : ((*Thinks her parents are calling the nutty hospital*))
[27-23:35] 4d0bf, *Genocide: ((someone put that down for chats greatesty moments))
[27-23:35] eb882, *Crypt : ((.............I just opened the window again to see what was going on in here............AND NOW YOU ASSHOLES MADE ME SPIT MY COKE ALL OVER MY MONITOR! I SWEAR TO GOD BY THIS POINT IN TIME I HAVE A SIX INCH THICK COATING OF COAKING ON MY MONITOR! GOD DAMN YOU ALL BRB!
[27-23:35] 48e11, *Grim : ~aw shit...~
[27-23:35] abbc8, *Gunney : ((CHAT MOMENTS!))
[27-23:35] a221f, *Bourne : (....I read that as Cru had a 6 inch cock on his monitor....woah.)
[27-23:35] f46f0, *Gabriel : *Cringes a bit, Oh GUnneys reaction was not going to be good.*
[27-23:36] f5a5c, *Focus : ((OMIFUCKING GOD CRU! *Died! Just died of laughter right then!* That's what I read too, Dave!))
[27-23:36] 48e11, *Grim : *just inwordly dies8
[27-23:36] a221f, *Bourne : *He's trying so hard. so hard not to break externally. This was gonna be good...*
[27-23:36] fbcb2, *Moribund : ((Omg...everyone stop before I die of laughter, then can't kill Genocide!))

Edited 8:07pm, November 28 by Gunney, author.
 Well at least someone is becoming one
7:12am, December 12, 2004
[12-01:01] f5a5c, *Focus: ((The icons are aligned!))
[12-01:02] e98e0, *Mr. Hand : ((...))
[12-01:02] 4439a, *Till : ((I thought the same thing *LOL*))
[12-01:04] e98e0, *Mr. Hand : ((That'sss becaussse we are becoming one...we mussst become one with...Till Lindemann, yesss))
[12-01:04] 4439a, *Till : ((Old skool)) *He happily takes a cookie himself, sitting down beside Nyx and quietly moving to grab her hand*
[12-01:05] 4439a, *Till : ((*FIghts them off with the dildo*
[12-01:05] 48e11, *Nyx : (*just dies*)
[12-01:05] e98e0, *Mr. Hand : ((O_O...*they aren't going to ask why Till has a dildo*))
[12-01:06] 4439a, *Till : ((.... *S*... Bück DIch))
[12-01:06] 48e11, *Nyx : (because he has to spray you with cum and jack off on Flake's backside)
[12-01:07] e98e0, ºRavee : *swoon* Don't tease me like that, Nyx
[12-01:07] 4439a, *Till : ((*Sprays Ravee with cum*
[12-01:07] e98e0, *Mr. Hand : ((O_O....We're sad inside now))
[12-01:07] 4439a, *Till : ))
[12-01:08] e4e13, *Marduk : (( lol oi ))
[12-01:08] e98e0, ºRavee : *takes a shower in it just like in her new vid---* I mean I'm b sexual...I have sex with b's. *flies off to Florida*
 Just that petty..
5:33am, December 15, 2004
[14-23:25] e4e13, *Sierra: *Eventually, she wanders up onto the main deck. She takes a quick look around at those gathered before sliding into the well used chair at the Ops station.*
[14-23:25] d6d24, *Blade : *which is no one, Sierra. Cockpit.*
[14-23:26] 651b3, *Crypt: * In his lair ......plotting. Plotting the same plan hes been plotting for hundreds of years......*
[14-23:26] e4e13, *Sierra: *err, yeah, thought the cockpit was a bit smaller than that.*
[14-23:27] d6d24, *Blade : (To crap your pants...and no one will notice! )
[14-23:28] 651b3, *Crypt: (( * yes cockpits are generally small.......its a wonder Blade and his ego can fit in there let alone everyone else.......think Blades needs to get his ass kicked*))
[14-23:28] 4439a, *Till : ((Nah the Neb was able to fit five people in the cockpit in Matrix 1, remember?))
[14-23:29] d6d24, *Blade : (*thinks Cru's a idiot* Blade's gotten his ass kicked more times than it hasnt, Paint Chips. Put the SHerwinn Williams down.)
[14-23:29] e98e0, *Enoch : ((*suddenly discovers he's gay and is in love with Crypt*))
 Welcome to my little blonde world
2:34am, December 17, 2004
[16-20:29] 69997, 'Lizarda: *Just realized the avvy of Davey is Dave and Ben........thought it was Dave's mom*
[16-20:30] f5a5c, *Focus: LMAO
[16-20:32] 69997, 'Lizarda: Oh look, you can resize the userlist....ooh NOW I SEE IT!
7:49am, December 19, 2004
Okay this isnt a chat moment per say its an aim conversation between me and dave but its .....well just read.

Wingc1959 [1:44 AM]: one has to wonder at my sanity........Im listening to the power rangers theme and I dont mind it........of course its just the music , it has no words on this cut but still..
Bastion Says [1:45 AM]: i like that theme
Wingc1959 [1:45 AM]: the music is actualy nice without the damn "go go power rangers"........and I can stand power rangers for one reason........Im a godzilla fan.....Ive seen godzilla movies that are worse
Bastion Says [1:45 AM]: 'll use condoms.
Wingc1959 [1:45 AM]: ................
Bastion Says [1:45 AM]: LMAO WOW.
Wingc1959 [1:46 AM]: ............................................................................................................................................................
Bastion Says [1:46 AM]: THAT WAS GREAT
Wingc1959 [1:46 AM]: though it was on aim
Bastion Says [1:46 AM]: *ROLLING*
 Fish rides Blade
8:38am, December 19, 2004
abbc8, *Fisher : *He's barely cracked a smile in the meantime, just eating his food*
48e11, *Nyx: *she drops back her head, laughing hysterically between coughs*
d6d24, *Blade : *he blinks....blinks....then realizes what he said* aw hell.
7dc38, Cru: thinks=things......BRB!
7dc38, Cru: ((dave......buddy....pal......friend......WATCH HOW YOU WORD THINKS WHEN IM DRINKING!!!))
7dc38, Cru: ((........and I spit out my vodka........
48e11, *Nyx: *coughs a moment in her coffee...heard that SO wrong* *chokes for a moment*
abbc8, *Fisher : Guess I really am in a dress. *Said without looking up*
d6d24, *Blade : Yeah...when Sera's not riding me, Fish here is. *a warm smile- indicating he's joking*
48e11, *Nyx: (*ok)
48e11, *Nyx: Pretty decent. you mending up ol?
abbc8, *Fisher : *Takes another bite of his food*
d6d24, *Blade : Yo, Nyx. How's it? *a casual, affable if not drugged voice. his voice is quiet, barely there but better than it was. he;d been quiet for 3 days now, letting his body heal. hell, Sera's the only one that has seen him*
 Shit slowly
4:01am, February 08, 2005
[050207 21:53] 8027f, *Spike : *He winces as he slowly starts to shit* Shit! *He quickly sits up,feeling a rib slightly pop* chance I get im gonna fuck him up...*Yea right,he only wishes. He then slowly stands and then exits his room,shutting the door behind him as he heads slowly towards the med bay,his shirt still off,seeing no reason to put it back on*
[050207 21:57] 4439a, *Fisher : ((AS HE STARTS TO SHIT!?!? AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA))
[050207 21:59] 8027f, *Spike : (I was waitin on someone to see that before I corrected it,lmao)(

[050207 22:00] 4439a, *Fisher : ((Chat moments))
[050207 22:00] fa439, *Forsythe: ((*smirks*))
 Erectile Dysfunction
7:33pm, February 08, 2005
[10-21:01] 842e9, Adam: *Adam didnt bother taking a seat and once everyone was calm he turned to Fisher* Now that we all are calm... Mr. Fisher... who are you... where have you been and why are you here now?
[10-21:03] 7c67b, *Paige : *she sighs and settles herself in for a long sit*
[10-21:03] f5a5c, Martha: *Sniff sniff*
[10-21:06] 842e9, Adam: *eyes his wife... wuss... looks to Fisher again*
[10-21:07] abbc8, *Fisher : *He makes himself rather comfortable in the seat, ignoring the man-shaped anger that storms through with a new radio and the resulting blasting music..* My name is Sam Fisher. I was freed twenty four years ago, and I was a part of Zion Second Initiative until it recently disbanded. *he looks to Adam, who obviously thinks himself the defender at this point..* I'm here because I was assigned to the same ship that Paige Operates on. I knew who she was because of her strong resemblence to her mother.
[10-21:07] f5a5c, Martha: *Eyes husband...erectile dysfunction... sniffles again.*
[10-21:08] abbc8, *Fisher : ((Twenty six years rather))
[10-21:09] 7c67b, *Paige : ((ROFL))
[10-21:09] f5a5c, Martha: ((*Shines her halo.*))
[10-21:11] f5a5c, Martha: *She gasps.*
[10-21:13] 842e9, Adam: ((erectile dysfunction and can still make you squeal))
[10-21:13] abbc8, *Fisher : ((Squeal for something bigger..))
[10-21:13] 842e9, Adam: ((o.O))
[10-21:14] 842e9, Adam: ((*owned*))
 Snake gets Skinned.
Ill Nino
12:17am, February 10, 2005
[050209 18:01] d6863, *Snake : **the sparring program is based in the jungle, warm, lots of trees and birds. Snake didn't know what Gunney had on, he himself had on leaf camoflauge. No projectiles were allowed, just hand to hand weapons. In his right hand, Snake held a combat knife, just like he had been taught. He smiles at Gunney, and waits, taking a defensive position* I would have had us elsewhere, but this seemed to fit me for the moment. You know, gotta have every advantage. *the bandana rested on his forehead, the tail blowing in the slight breeze* Alright Gunney, I wanna see what Special Ops. 1 taught it's people.

[050209 18:03] b194e, *Focus : *It's not as though she's doing anything important at the moment. More like sprawled out on a sorry excuse for a bed and counting doubles. Two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty two, sixty four, one hundred and twenty eight, two hundred and fifty six...*

[050209 18:05] e98e0, *Evan : *he sighs softly and shakes his head, setting down Focus' file. he stands from the table and moves towards the jump room*

[050209 18:06] 4439a, *Gunney : ((It's called First Initiative, or First I is the slangy term)) *Gunney is outfitted in USMC Tigerstripe BDU pattern developed for Vietnam, he has no weapons on him, his CQC training didn't focused more on the body being the weapon* COme get me, soldier. *Gunney quickly moves into the jungle, finding a place to utilize his camo to it's maximum efficiency..*

[050209 18:06] 4439a, *Fisher : *Her knocks on her door*

[050209 18:07] 4439a, *Fisher : ((He does))

[050209 18:08] d6863, *Snake : *he would throw the knife as Gunney would turn* first lesson: never, ever, ever turn your back on the enemy...*he would then look around, and spotting an over grown tre, climb up it, going to a relatively low branch, but high enough to be out of immenent danger from CQC*

[050209 18:09] b194e, *Focus : *For a moment she only barely registers the sound, as if the noise was similar to breathing. There, and noticeable, but not worth thinking about. A moment later, however, she sits up, staring at the door before heading over to open it.*

[050209 18:09] 4439a, *Gunney : ((I didn't say he turned *S* And you said no projectile weapons))

[050209 18:10] 4439a, *Gunney : ((So first lesson: Situational awareness saves your life))

[050209 18:12] 4439a, *Gunney : ((PWNED!))

[050209 18:13] e98e0, *Evan : ((L))

[050209 18:13] 4439a, *Gunney : ((ANd you just disamred yourself, so Gunney can take the weapon before Snake can get to it.. PWNEDx2!))

[050209 18:13] b194e, *Focus : ((Lol))

[050209 18:13] d6d24, ºIll Nino: mwaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha!!!

[050209 18:13] b194e, *Focus : ((PWN3D. Get it RIGHT. omfg.))

[050209 18:13] d6d24, ºIll Nino: Snake=skinned!
6:08am, February 10, 2005
Over AIM:

Goose511th: Dave should come with a damage control warning
ArTeRiaL DeViL: LOL Yeah, I agree. WARNING: Do not attempt to make friends with this man if your IQ is not above or equal to a jar of mayonase
ArTeRiaL DeViL: Or unless you have big jiggly titties


And in ze chat:
[050209 23:55] e98e0, ºRavee : Where the Hell did Dregg go?
[050209 23:56] d6d24, ºIll Nino: *counts his cash* Sold him.
[050209 23:56] d6d24, ºIll Nino: 6 bucks.
[050209 23:59] b194e, *Dregg : If I post as Dregg then Naut's going to kill me. Like this. He doesn't like it when I post something on his name without his permission. And right now he's on the phone with a very important call.
[050210 00:00] e98e0, ºRavee : Damn. I didn't know you were that well trained, Focus 8w*
[050210 00:01] b194e, *Focus : ....? You have to spell it out for me. Ambien = sleepy pills = make you go zzzzzzzzz = make your brain go ?????
[050210 00:02] e98e0, ºRavee : *ll* NM. Over your head
[050210 00:02] MSG: Kevo sent a message to Seraphita.
[050210 00:02] 4439a, ºKevo: OH FUCK *DIES*
[050210 00:03] 4439a, ºKevo: I JUST SENT HER "DREGG IS YOUR PIMP" *ROTFLHAO*
[050210 00:03] e98e0, ºRavee : LOL!!!!!
[050210 00:04] d6d24, ºIll Nino: ROTGLMAO
[050210 00:05] 4439a, ºKevo: Ahem. Yes so Dregg is your pimp, K. That's what Ravee was saying. *Hides from Sera*
[050210 00:05] e98e0, ºRavee : *s* TY, Kev.
[050210 00:06] d6d24, ºIll Nino: ....Bigger Breasts through Witchcraft in just 13 days!
[050210 00:06] d6d24, ºIll Nino: Massive Mammaries through Magic....
[050210 00:06] d6d24, ºIll Nino: Magically Massive Mammaries......*muses*
[050210 00:06] 4439a, ºKevo: You should sign up Dave, you know I'm always complaining about teh size of your bitch tits/
[050210 00:07] d6d24, ºIll Nino: *link*
[050210 00:07] 4439a, ºKevo: AAHAAHAHAHAHAA
[050210 00:07] d6d24, ºIll Nino: Titties! They're MAGICALLY delicious!
[050210 00:08] d6d24, ºIll Nino: i'm such a corporate whore....
[050210 00:08] e98e0, ºRavee : *feels so special!*
[050210 00:08] b194e, *Focus : Huh? *Blinks* He's not my pimp... That would mean I'd be a whore. And I'm not. So he's not. *Blinks* *Trudges off to lean against the wall and doze* " not above or equal to THAT of a jar of mayo."
[050210 00:08] 4439a, ºKevo: New chat moment
[050210 00:09] 4439a, ºKevo: .. so your intelligence is below a jar of mayo *ES*

Edited 12:10am, February 10 by Kevo, author.
3:14am, February 14, 2005
[050213 20:44] fa439, *Forsythe: Damn it's deader than dirt in here..*shaking her head.*))
[050213 20:45] a649b, *Trojan : ((yeah))
[050213 20:46] fa439, *Forsythe: ((*lol* *tries not to think of the Trojen condom.*))
[050213 20:46] fa439, *Forsythe: ((Hehe sorry))
[050213 20:48] fa439, *Forsythe: ((So what's up?))
[050213 20:50] a649b, *Trojan : ((not much at the moment))
[050213 20:51] a649b, *Trojan : ((*for some reason, feels like a bit of a dick right now*))
[050213 20:52] fa439, *Forsythe: ((ah))
[050213 20:58] a649b, *Trojan : ((*yawns*))
[050213 21:01] 4439a, ºKevo : Oh God *LOL*
[050213 21:02] 4439a, ºKevo : I thought that said "feels like a bit of dick"
[050213 21:04] a649b, *Trojan : ((*L* oh god no... chat moment, I think))
[050213 21:04] a649b, *Trojan : ((she was trying to not think of condoms, so ....bleh))

Edited 9:15pm, February 13 by Trojan, author.
 It's so.. athletic
Agent Muller
6:04pm, February 20, 2005
[050219 22:52] 41664, ºAgent Mason : *Mason gains some ground on Mason as he fires two shots at Muller's legs attempting to slow him down anyway he can*
[050219 22:58] 6978c, *Agent Edwards : ((Mason gains ground on Mason...interesting)) *Edwards comes up on Mason and Muller and aims past Mason, also firing*
[050219 22:59] 41664, ºAgent Mason : ((Its like the serpent eating itself..*Mason chases his own ass*..its so..atheltic..))
[050219 23:00] 41664, ºAgent Mason : ((*However change that to Mason gains ground on Muller*))
 Seraph the housewife
2:37am, February 22, 2005
[050221 20:22] 7c67b, *The Oracle : *she turns back to Blade and smiles* Be careful. *as she also stands, brushing her skirt down and picking a coat up off the back of the kitchen chair.. she drapes it over her arm*
[050221 20:23] 13508, *Seraph : *Is enslaved. Directs Blade to the front door.*
[050221 20:23] d6d24, *Blade : Always, Ma'am. *he smiles warmly* See you next time. *nodding to her, he moves for the door and out...saying takes him a couple moments to get out of the place and onto the street..his hand comes to his pocket and he starts jogging...even as he dials Paige*
[050221 20:24] 7c67b, *The Oracle : *she walks quietly to Seraph once Blade is gone* We must move.. and fast...
[050221 20:24] 13508, *Seraph : *closes the door behind Blade then moves off to go do the Oracle's laundry, buy her some more cigarettes then polish her shoes and vacuum the apartment.*
 All Hail Muller!
Agent Muller
2:38am, February 22, 2005
[050221 20:31] abbc8, ºAgent Muller : *Muller proceeds down the stairwell into the dance floor, his face stoic even though the horrible EBM music is not to his liking.. Muller steps onto the dance floor, eyeing the dancers who are dressed in alternative clothing, a sharp contrast to his perfectly tailored suit..*
[050221 20:31] 86bfc, *Bane : ((All hail the matrix god...MUller!!))
[050221 20:33] 13508, *Sentinel : *tentacles get all erect for Muller.*
[050221 20:33] 3fa4b, *Crow : ((WTF!?))
[050221 20:34] 86bfc, *Bane : ((*edges away from sentinel*))
[050221 20:34] d6d24, *Blade : (Octo-pr0n.)
[050221 20:34] 16a97, *The Merovingian : ((*eyes Crow and Bane* stay right way you brave))
[050221 20:35] 13508, *Sentinel : What? Everyone kisses Muller's ass, I just sex it up. :D
 Lookin' good
2:18am, March 22, 2005
[050321 20:03] 31f50, *Naut: *kickseh the image*
[050321 20:04] 1a807, *Elle : ((*Blinks and shakes her head. Would have swore that read kisses the image.*))
[050321 20:08] 31f50, *Naut: I would, man! That guy's hot!
[050321 20:08] 1a807, *Elle : ((No comment......))
[050321 20:09] 31f50, *Naut: Aw, come on, you know he's hot! Just look at him! So kissable!
[050321 20:10] 1a807, *Elle : ((No comment......))
[050321 20:10] 4439a, *Gunnar : ((I think Naut is trying to fish for compliments))
[050321 20:11] 1a807, *Elle : ((Possibly. However I still maintain, no comment.))
 Aw yeeeeah
10:29pm, March 22, 2005
36ab4, Kendle(OOC): Ah, so it is the great Ravee. Still love that image.

That's right, bitches! WhoooAH!

1a807, *Elle : ((*Pops Ravee's bubble. We got enough over inflated ego bubbles running around here.*))

 Death of Dr. Lintilla
Agent Muller
10:12am, March 24, 2005
[050324 03:23] 4439a, ºAgent Muller : I was hoping you'd have something more than quiet complacency to hit me with. So much for idealistic hopes, disappointing as usual.
[050324 03:28] e98e0, *24601 : What can I say, other then that Mr. Hand always was more efficient then anyone else I had ever come across. But I suppose I could attempt to play along. What should I do? Yell? Cry? Beg for my deteriorating life? *her hollow tone obviously mocking now* Or perhaps it would satisfy you more to break every bone in my body and leave me to rot here. I can assure you, though Mr. Hand was never a fan of yours, he hates me enough to make sure I suffer adequately, even without the antivirus *lifts the cigg slightly before flicking the ash*
[050324 03:31] 4439a, ºAgent Muller : *Muller raises his pistol, loaded with silver bullets of course, aiming it at her head* Forgive me for disappointing both of you then. *Muller fires*
[050324 03:36] e98e0, *24601 : *and the moment before the bullet passes through her forehead, exploding out the back of her head, she closes her eyes, and takes her last breath, her expression falling into a state of utter calm. Though she had never before thought she would actually be grateful for one of Muller's visits, this one was a pleasant release. Her body slumps in the chair, her hat drifting to the floor and landing in the pool of blood that had already formed from the wound*
 Agent's Gone Wild!
7:31am, March 28, 2005


Kev: Agents gone wild would be the most boring video ever
Kev: *Agent Muller is shown loosening his tie*
Kev: *Agent Stone forgets to zip up his pants after walking out of the bathroom*
Kael: *Agent Mason checks out a scratch and sniff add for cologne*
Kev: *Agent Harris reties his shoes to cross stictch rather than ladder*
Kev: *Agent Cross purposely dirties his sunglasses with fingerprints*
Kael: *Agent Stone drinks Decaf coffee*
Kev: *Agent Roberts puts tobasco sauce on his cafeteria food*
Kael: *Agent Mason gets alittle hazzy while using a magic marker*
Kev: *Agent Collins ties half windsor in his tie instead of a full windsor*
Kael: *Agent Muller forgets to button his left cuff*
Kev: *Agent Ericson dies. The Agency laughs*
Kev: *Agent Gleason puts on pumps instead of stiletto's*
Kael:*Agent Locke has a rip in her panty hose*
Kael: *Agent Stone gets his pant leg tucked into his sock*
Kev: *Agent's Muller and Mason drive a black Mitsubishi Galant instead of an Audi*
Kael: *Agent Muller coughs at a debriefing*
Kev: *Agent Locke presses the buttons on the elevator*
Kael: *Muller decides to drive instead of Stone*
Kev: *Agent Murphey parts his hair the other way*
Kael: *Agent Cross assumes command*
Kev: *The Agenc laughs*
Kev: *Agent Lee unbuttons his coat*
Kev: *Agent Stone writes a note on his palm rather than paper*
Kev: *Agent Locke presses the buttons for all the floors on the elevator again... just before Agent Muller steps on*
Kael: *Agent Stone runs into said elevator door while writing on his palm*
Kev: *Agent Mason prank calls Agent Stone with "Is your refridgerator running?"*
Kael: *Agent Cross decides to wear a Bowtie to work*
Davey: *Agent Cross forgets to tuck his bra strap in*
Kev: *Agent Muller switches to his emergency briefs because he forgot to do his laundry*
Kev: *Agent Edwards carves a pumpkin.. after Halloween*
Kev: *Agent Stone pranks Dr. Bancroft by putting sweet and low into his coffee*
Kev: *Before he realizes Bancroft doesn't drink coffee, so he gives it to Muller who doesn't notice*
Kev: *Agent Muller draws a moustache on a picture of Blade*
Kael: *Agent Cross wears white socks*
Kael: *Agent Stone pushes open a pull only door*
Kev: *Agent Ericson doesn't wash her hands*
Kev: *Agent Muller washes his hands without needing to*
Kael: *Agent Mason reorganizes the things on his desk*
Kev: *Agent Stone uses a bigger font on one of his reports just to use more paper*
Kev: *Agent Locke cuts her hair*
Kael: *Agent Stone uses Wing Dings to confuse his secretary*
Kael: *Agent Mason joins an online chat simulation pretending to be an Agent to escape his everyday problems*
Kael: *Agent Stone wears heart boxers to work*
Kev: *Agent Gleason takes advantage of Dr. Bancroft's hospitality after being invited to "a drink" and has two*
Kael: *Agent Harris switches from Coke to Pepsi*
Kev: *Agent Mason allows dust to collect on his desk*
Kael: *Agent Muller reads The Scarlet Letter*
Kev: *Agent Collins takes a group photo of all of his fellow Agents stiffly arranged*
Kev: *With his camera phone*
Kev: *Agent's Locke, Gleason and Ericson go shopping and buy the exact same clothes as they go shopping in*
Kael: *Agent Stone watches Bambi and cries when his mother gets shot*
Kael: *Agent Muller watches Bambi and gets a hard on when his mother gets shot*
Kev: *Agent Cross watches Bambi and gets a hardon when Thumper makes one of his many homosexual innuendos*
Kael: *Agent Mason watches Agent Stone and Agent Muller watch Bambi and concludes Bambi is indeed a good movie*
Kev: *Agent Stone recieves a report of Rebels killing hundreds of people and ignores it because the Agency cafeteria is serving his favourite steak for lunch*
Kev: *Agent Harris pee's in the toilet stall rather than the urinal*
Kael: *Agent Muller secretly buys the first season of Alley McBeal*
Kev: *Agent Stone get's a Mc Donalds happy meal just for the toy*
Kev: *And proceed's to play with it when no one else is around to see*
Kev: *Agent Locke secretely buys Prision Bitches vol. 1*
Kev: *Agent Cross wears all black sneakers*
Kael: *Agent Mason gets lost in the AoS.*
Kev: *And refuses to ask for help or consult a map*
Kev: *Agent Muller uses public transportation*
Kael: *Agent Cross keeps a picture of Agent Ericson in his desk*
Kev: *Agent Collins keeps a picture of himself in his desk*
Kev: *Agent Muller keeps a picture of the Olsen Twins in his desk*
Kael: *Agent Muller secretly keeps various hair products in his. He also is the only Agent in the AoS to have a private bathroom*
Kev: *Agent Stone buys a giant sized poster of the Reservoir Dogs and puts it on the wall behind his desk*
Kael: *Agent Stone's drops a complaint about the small size of his desk in the suggestion box and then, reconcidering, breaks it open and blames it on Cross*
Kev: *Agent Cross wears black jeans to work*
Kael: *Agent Cross wears a brown sports coat with leather elbows to work*
Kev: *Agent Collins draws a happy face on Stone's face when he falls asleep after a hard nights filing*
Kev: *Agent Muller sets a paper on fire and quickly blows it out*
Kael: *Agent Mason puts a flaming poop outside of Mullers office*
Kev: *Agent Locke uses a new blush*
Kev: *Agent Gleason stuffs her bra*
Kev: *Agent Cross stuffs his bra*
Kev: *Agent Lee stuffs his pants*
Kev: *Agent Cross uses eye liner but covers it with his sunglasses*
Kael: *Agent Stone sneaks into the evidence locker and tries out diffrent sunglasses*
Kev: *Agent Stone uses Crest Whitening Gel*
Kev: *Agent Locke gets her tie caught in one of the old typewriters when exploring the Agency storage room*
Kael: *Agent Muller uses a special hair colouring to make his hair seem fuller*
Kael: *Agent Bancroft slips and calls Mason, Master Bruce*
Kael: ((Dr. rather))
Kev: *Agent Muller's hand slips while handing Dr. Lintilla a pen and he gropes her*
Kev: *Agent Gleason makes a sad face*
Kael: *Agent Stone bends over and farts.*
Kev: *Agent Walker burps for no reason*
Kael: *Agent Muller and Agent Stone are presented with new guns. They both smile*
Kev: *Agent Cross sneezes*
Kev: *And doesn't wipe his hands off*
Kael: *Agent Cross plays the ABC's with his armpit*
Kev: *Agent Ericson sings along*
Kael: *Agent Harris practices his angery face in the mirror*
Kael: *Agent Cross replaces his ear piece with a curly french fry*
Kev: *Agent Stone steams up a mirror with his breath and writes "MULLER SUCKS" with his finger*
Kev: *Agent Harris puts a whoopie cushion under Muller just before he sits down*
Kael: *Agent Muller keeps calling a security officer Mr. Briges when his name is really Mr. Bridge*
Kev: *Agent Stone watches TV*
Kael: *Agent Mason passes when he sees a woman give birth*
Kael: *Agent Stone sleeps with a teddy bear named Mr. Stufflefluff*
Kev: *Agent Muller allows a hair to go out of place*
Kael: *Agent Cross writes letters to himself from his mommy in an attempt to make the other Agents jealous*
Kev: *Agent Muller moves his holster to his left side instead of his right*
Kev: *Agent Cole buys transitional lenses*
Kev: *Agent Ericson bends over and her skirt rips in half*
Kael: *Agent Mason accidentlly falls out of the AoS building when he falls back out of his chair through a window*
Kev: *Agent Muller hostjumps into his hot secretary and tells all the other Agents that he had sex with her*
Kael: *Agent Stone gets his nails done professionaly*
Kael: *Agent Cross and Agent Ericson dated in college*
Kael: *Agent Harris double dips*
Kev: *Agent Lee gets ignored at the Agency Dance Club*
Kev: *All the Agents's do the Robot*
Kev: *To fast techno music*
Kev: *And flourescent lights*
Kael: *Agent Cross used Rebel Ship numbers to call and ask for advice about dating women*
Kev: *they tell him to date men and he goes out on a date with Agent Cole*
Kev: *The date is to the German deli across the street, they get into an argument about what to eat and Bancroft deactivates them*
Kev: *Agent's Muller and Stone convince Locke and Gleason to take their suitcoats off. The four of them consider it to be second base*
Kev: *Agent Collins finds Locke's copy of Prision Bitches vol. 1 and tells Muller. The two of them quickly decide to review the tapes as evidence against Agent Locke to put her under administrative review and invite all the other male Agents. The disc ends up back on Lockes desk several days later, only after she complains to Muller, and is so scratched that it has holes in it*

Edited 12:09am, July 07, 2005 by Kevo, moderative.
8:43am, March 28, 2005
[050327 21:00] c7b28, *Alexander : ((*chews his way through the hull of their ship*))
[050327 21:02] 09053, ºNailah: *uses a large can of RAID on Alexander*
[050327 21:02] ebd4c, *Nazerah : ((LMAO @ Nailah))
[050327 21:03] 09053, ºNailah: damn termites
[050327 21:03] c7b28, *Alexander : ((*curls up, twitching*))
Agent Muller
10:51pm, April 14, 2005
[050414 17:41] f2c5c, *Demona: ((*sits on his throne yawning.....plotting to smash dave and kev's heads together to see what kind of sound it'll make*
[050414 17:42] 4439a, ºAgent Muller : ((The same kind of sounds that women you have sex with make.. "Huh? WHat?"))
[050414 17:42] 17e49, *Marina Yzaguirre : ((lmao))
[050414 17:43] f2c5c, *Demona: ((ROTFLMAO
[050414 17:45] 17e49, *Marina Yzaguirre : ((suddenly I feel really bad for Ghost...being the only guy on the Revelation...*LOL*))
[050414 17:45] d6d24, *Claire : (LMFAO*)
[050414 17:46] d6d24, *Ghost : *unaffected. Just means there's a lotta chicks to look at. Masturbation Material, it is.*
[050414 17:46] f2c5c, *Demona: ((Only a woman woul d see that as a bad thing......Ghost meanwhile is thinking " 1 guy........a buncha girls.....*looks up at the sky* thank you...." ))
[050414 17:47] 4439a, ºAgent Muller : ((All three of his eyes are looking up at the sky *Coughs*))
2:22am, April 17, 2005
[050416 20:25] 961a3, *Crypt: *......this was common architecture......common knowledge......all of the sudden miles from Mason and co. a series of encryptions occur within the sewer system......all three are frantic as if he's a horror movie char runnin from the slasher guy...lockin doors as he goes. The distance limits the encryption to a mere 35 seconds......yet the encryption was more complex than before, its duration was all that was different. And they didnt know the extent of his range but given the complexity itd be logical to assume he had doubled back down a different corridor**
[050416 20:26] edc65, *Alexander : *a fiendish grin ripples across Alexander's features as he quickly calls to mind maps of this sewer system and figures out the quickest way to reach him. Figuring it out he heads i nthat direction, going around him...he might end up coming from the direction crypt had been going*
[050416 20:29] 41664, *Agent Stone 6.6 : *And there is a slasher in those sewers however its not the one Crypt has imagined. Stone had been hording Shamblers in that part of the sewer and had retreated there for a short while, the Omega Virus infected region. Whatever the Encryptions were running from they would very quickly find themselves in a decay that was not going to let them escape no matter how advanced they were*
[050416 20:30] 961a3, *Crypt: (( OH COME ON!!!........what is Chat moments all over again??!!!! ....what agents are gonna come in next?!))
[050416 20:30] 41664, ºAgent Mason : *Mason is on Crypts last known location, his weapon leveled, his stance defensive. If Crypt was still there Mason had him close enough this time there would be no escape, whatever anti-personal mine or explosives nullified instantly through Mason's decryption codes*
[050416 20:31] 4439a, ºAgent Muller : ((Hrm))
[050416 20:31] JOIN: Agent Harris has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:31] JOIN: Agent Cross has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:31] JOIN: Agent Cole has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:31] JOIN: Agent Ericson has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:31] edc65, *Alexander : *as he dashes towards Crypt's last known location he pulls his pistol out and a blade, ready for a fight*
[050416 20:32] edc65, *Alexander : ((*blinks at the agents*))
[050416 20:32] JOIN: Agent Roberts has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:32] 41664, ºAgent Mason : *Mason puts his hand to his ear*~...All Agents report. Eliminate the Crypt Program.~
[050416 20:32] JOIN: Agent Collins has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:33] JOIN: Agent Black has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:33] 41664, *Agent Stone 6.6 : *Stone smirks as he watches the various Crypts enter his domain*~..All Shamblers...Elinate the Crypt Programs.~
[050416 20:33] JOIN: Agent White has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:33] JOIN: Agent Walker has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:33] 41664, *Agent Stone 6.6 : *Stone smirks as he watches the various Crypts enter his domain*~..All Shamblers...Eliminate the Crypt Programs.~
[050416 20:33] JOIN: Innocent Bystander has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:34] EXIT: Innocent Bystander has left The Matrix ( 8:34pm, April 16 (CDT) ).
[050416 20:34] JOIN: Agent Nixon has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:34] JOIN: Agent Murdoc has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:34] JOIN: Agent Ramierz has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:35] JOIN: Agent Adams has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:35] JOIN: Agent Smith has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:35] 961a3, *Crypt: *his right hand moves into his jacket...a quick encryption happening to his clothing.* I have a date.......excuse me *slips down a corridor the wooden door slamming behind him.....and his heaviest encryption EVER period occurs.......while with his free hand he brings out the phone dialing speed dial...... sending the equivlanet of a phone email to the Revelation. it reads "Final transmission from crypt. Spy definetly in zion......bye bye have work to do"* (( .........I hate you all
[050416 20:35] JOIN: Agent Jones has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:35] JOIN: Agent Brown has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:36] JOIN: Agent Johnson has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:36] JOIN: Agent Jackson has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:36] JOIN: Agent Thompson has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:36] 41664, *Agent Stone 6.6 : ((Fraid not Cru..when you get back Crypt is still being cased or cornered. Paused))
[050416 20:36] JOIN: Alice Wilks has entered The Matrix.
[050416 20:37] fb586, *Alice Wilks: ((holy crap!!))
[050416 20:37] edc65, *Alexander : ((*blink blink*))
[050416 20:37] 4439a, ºAgent Muller : ((.. it is inevitable..))
[050416 20:37] 4439a, Agent Roberts: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:37] d6d24, *Blade : (Damn. I got a LOTTA work to do.)
[050416 20:37] 4439a, Agent Ericson: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:38] 4439a, Agent Cole: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:38] 961a3, *Crypt: (( What are you talking about stone))
[050416 20:38] 4439a, *Agent Harris : ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:38] 41664, *Agent Stone 6.6 : ((Which side of the line are you on exactly? Stone or Agent?))
[050416 20:39] 4439a, Agent Cross: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:39] 4439a, Agent Collins: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:40] 4439a, Agent Black: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:40] 4439a, Agent White: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:40] 4439a, Agent Walker: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:41] 4439a, Agent Nixon: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:41] 4439a, Agent Murdoc: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:41] 4439a, Agent Ramierz: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:42] 4439a, Agent Adams: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:42] d6d24, ºIll Nino: *ponders RP*
[050416 20:42] 4439a, Agent Smith: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:42] 961a3, *Crypt: ((Woah chats going screwy o nme
[050416 20:42] 4439a, Agent Jones: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:43] 4439a, Agent Brown: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:43] 4439a, Agent Johnson: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:43] 4439a, Agent Jackson: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:43] 961a3, *Crypt: * the encryption on the door wears off*
[050416 20:44] 4439a, Agent Thompson: ((.. inevitable..))
[050416 20:45] 4439a, ºKevo: RUN CRU!
[050416 20:45] 41664, *Agent Stone 6.6 : ((Where are you exactly Cru, the Omega controlled tunnels or the Agent controlled side?))
[050416 20:46] fb586, *Alice Wilks: ((*Hugs multiple agents*))
[050416 20:46] 4439a, ºKevo: Man was that immature.. *Updates chat moments and clears his posts*
 When, suddenly..
3:32am, April 22, 2005
[050421 22:11] 41664, *Abaddon : *The ship spins as it turns up a tunnel heading for the subsurface as the G-force pushes them both back in their seat*Newb, 'ave ya ever killed someone? looked in their mince pies as they weezed wilted and turned ter stale meat and knahn it was your Whiskey Malt? Besides..why do ya fin' your on me crew? we 're ment ter die, newb. we 're cannon fodder, we exist in this unit 'cause we 're a buffer for the Mick ships. daan't get confused, this ain't a pleasure cruse and this aint for glory. this is a political move by the council ter sha that they 're Beechams Pill in command.
[050421 22:14] ed9a4, *Jackpot : *Pulled back onto his seat as well when they made the spin and he said* But the people do want us back alive....I seen the citizens of Zion, they do not want any of us going to war at all. Zion is huge community place considered of millions of people. They don't want us out here
[050421 22:16] 41664, *Abaddon : newbs 're loike virgins. smoof, fresh and naive. soon you'll learn. *The ship turns to the right violently before droping down quickly*And ya never said if ya 'ad killed a geeza.
[050421 22:17] ed9a4, *Jackpot : .......does killing in video games count?
[050421 22:20] 41664, *Abaddon : *without warning Abaddon's first comes flying out from the right of Jackpot aiming for his jaw. The first is big, mean and callused from years of hitting things*
10:46pm, April 22, 2005
Yeah, I know, it's not in the chat... But other people have done it! *Whines*

MorsmordreMaiden: You're obsessed with your fucking ipod
sonofnaut: yeah...cause it's all, "I'm a U2 iPod"
MorsmordreMaiden: ...It talks to you?
sonofnaut: ........sometimes
sonofnaut: late at night

And because Naut here is so damn funny, I got one more.

sonofnaut: anyway, i must venture off into shiteland
sonofnaut: but shiteland is really comfy...cause my bed rulez
sonofnaut: ('s where I lost my virginity)
sonofnaut: *giggle*
MorsmordreMaiden: *Blushy!*
MorsmordreMaiden: *Snugs upon*
sonofnaut: 's so comfy
MorsmordreMaiden: I don't have a virginity.
sonofnaut: *huggles pillows*
MorsmordreMaiden: I think God forgot to give me one.
sonofnaut: did you.....lose it?
MorsmordreMaiden: Nah.
sonofnaut: *chuckle*
MorsmordreMaiden: Misplaced it.


MorsmordreMaiden: Think I should use that layout for Focus's profile?
sonofnaut: i say you use whatever fits her best
MorsmordreMaiden: Well, do you think it'd be a good one? >.< They don't have many digitalish lookiing things here
sonofnaut: I was just gonna ask if she's a digital person
sonofnaut: -_-
sonofnaut: go ahead...gimme my sign

Edited 5:47pm, April 22 by Focus, author.
 The what?
Agent Muller
5:06am, April 23, 2005
ed9a4, *Jackpot : ((Whats the solar plexus?))
 Be careful how you say things...
3:23am, April 25, 2005
b194e, *Focus : Aw, shit. I was fingering a minor and broke my G string... *Grumbles*
17e49, *Nazerah : ((Focus....your G string? uuummm......))
b194e, *Focus : ((I'm gonna have to buy new strings.))
41664, ºAgent Mason : ((And get that minor some counciling.))
b194e, *Focus : ((Huh?))
41664, ºAgent Mason : ((Exactly.))
17e49, *Nazerah : ((think you missed my snide snotty remark about g strings Focus *LOL*))
fb586, *Alice Wilks : ((G-spot?))
17e49, *Nazerah : ((*snickers*))
b194e, *Focus : O_O
b194e, *Focus : Oh. Well.

 Cum bucket
12:13am, October 05, 2005
[051004 19:09] f5a5c, *Focus : Right. Sorry. *She smiles faintly in response to the stalker wink and shovels a spoonful of lukewarm nastiness into her mouth*
[051004 19:10] 78e5d, *Till : ((Focus is eating sperm?)) *Till digs into the food, good little German that he is, complaining isn't something that he does, even though after nearly four years of being free, he still hates the food* Vat about you?
[051004 19:11] 78e5d, *Fisher : *Fisher by then has pushed Dregg off of him, jumping backward about one car length to put some distance between them*
[051004 19:11] a0ab9, *Dregg : ((nothing new for K))
[051004 19:12] f5a5c, *Focus : ((*Stabs them both*))
 The Porn-Struct?
12:47am, October 10, 2005
[051009 19:31] f5a5c, *Focus : *Okay, is now attempting to plug herself into the construct, and sucking at it. No jokes about her sucking at it, please.*
[051009 19:32] ff618, *Dregg : ((DAMN IT!))
[051009 19:33] 84a74, *Nazerah : ((aawwww dammit where's Dave to make those comments anyway))
[051009 19:33] f5a5c, *Focus : ((...Okay maybe one each.))
[051009 19:33] ebc31, ºIll Nino: .....
[051009 19:34] 84a74, *Nazerah : ((woohooo!!!!))
[051009 19:34] ebc31, ºIll Nino: Hard up for attention? Can't get laid? USE THE PORN-STRUCT!
[051009 19:34] f5a5c, *Focus : ((Link. Oh, God, Dave. You can do better than that.))
[051009 19:34] ebc31, ºIll Nino: < Agent Smith> Cum Play in The Matrix. Wanna see Trinity take a 50 cartridge deep? Wanna see Neo get rammed in the pooper the way you all want to see? The Porn-Struct has it.
[051009 19:35] 84a74, *Nazerah : ((dies laughing))
[051009 19:35] f5a5c, *Focus : ((Okay, I take it back.))
[051009 19:35] ff618, *Dregg : ((*cries tears of laughter*))
[051009 19:36] f5a5c, *Focus : ((I don't take it IN the back, however.))
[051009 19:36] ebc31, ºIll Nino: < Neo> In the Porn-Struct...I say "Woah" everytime Smith touches my Prostate.
[051009 19:37] f5a5c, *Focus : ((AHAHAHAHA!))
[051009 19:38] ff618, *Dregg : ((No, she takes it OUT the back. XD)) [snip]
[051009 19:38] f5a5c, *Focus : ((i h8 u))
[051009 19:38] f5a5c, *Focus : ((*Prints a picture of dregg and wanders to the bathroom her hands*))
[051009 19:39] ebc31, ºIll Nino: Want to get to the Porn-Struct? It's durned simple, my friend! Just take that jack there? and stick it where the sun dont shine! It's all in your mind!
[051009 19:40] 84a74, *Nazerah : ((omg thats soooo wrong *lmfao*))
[051009 19:41] ebc31, ºIll Nino: < Trinity> It's in your mind..and in my behind.
[051009 19:41] ebc31, ºIll Nino: ...okay I;m done.
[051009 19:41] ff618, *Dregg : ((< Neo> Dodge this.... *PLOW!*))
[051009 19:42] ebc31, ºIll Nino: No, Naut.
[051009 19:42] ebc31, ºIll Nino: < Neo> ....Woah. *PLOW!*
[051009 19:42] ebc31, ºIll Nino: he's plowing Morpheus.
[051009 19:42] ff618, *Dregg : ((*runs off crying*))
[051009 19:42] ebc31, ºIll Nino: < Trinity> DOdge this...*PLOW...into Neo's behind with the fake cock*
[051009 19:42] f5a5c, *Focus : ((*Catches and drags off to a closet* Oh yeah. Oh. Oh yes.))

Edited 9:17pm, October 09, 2005 by Ill Nino, moderative.
3:35am, October 10, 2005

84a74, *Nazerah : *She pulled away from their kiss and took a long shuddering breath in, smiling at Dregg, her voice soft* So.....where exactly are we headed here?
ff618, *Dregg : *Dregg grins barely, the corners of his mouth twitching up* I don't know. Wherever you want to go...I can take you. *His voice equally soft*


MorsmordreMaiden: OMFG
SonOfNaut: oyfg
MorsmordreMaiden: Dregg had SO best be speaking metaphorically
SonOfNaut: haha
SonOfNaut: of course
MorsmordreMaiden: Hell yes
MorsmordreMaiden: because Focus would so bitchslap him
MorsmordreMaiden: before raping him
SonOfNaut: he's not going to take her off the ship
MorsmordreMaiden: and bitchslapping him again
SonOfNaut: oO
SonOfNaut: sadist
MorsmordreMaiden: She likes it S&M
4:43am, October 21, 2005
the only reason I'm putting this here, is because it amused the SHIT outta me. So it's for my own personal enjoyment. ^_^

e820e, *Till : Shotgun. *Till begins moving toward the passenger side of the vehicle*
043b3, *Marduk : *Moves towards the driver's side, letting Till take Shotgun.*
ff618, *Dregg : Fuck. *Dregg shakes his head slowly and starts moving to the seat behind Till*
Special K
3:46am, October 27, 2005
After a kickass fuckup courtesy of Davey...

9cc71, *Agent Cross : *shoots Harris instead. suddenly turns into a box with a red cross inside with Error 404 File not found underneath. lame.*
Special K
3:59am, October 27, 2005
f5a5c, *Focus : *I can fly, I can fly, I can fly! Ugh. For the point two seconds that she's actually not doing anything, she totally rests her head on his ass or whatever and relaxes while she can.*
02ed7, *Blade : *while you're down there, Focus...*
f5a5c, *Focus : *By the time they reach Till and Fisher, she's wiping her mouth and zipping Davey up, grumbling about the 'chain of command'

Then, in AIM...
A Chaos Theory2: talk about road head
4:41am, October 27, 2005
[051026 22:23] f5a5c, *Focus : ((Damn, Naut, Molossus really IS perfect for this.))
[051026 22:23] 02ed7, *Blade : (*has Asche Zu Asche*)
[051026 22:23] 1ebf9, *Dregg : ((*grin*))
[051026 22:24] f5a5c, *Focus : ((*Hugs it*))
[051026 22:25] 1ebf9, *Dregg : ((that says it! Everyone listen to Molossus now!))
[051026 22:25] c3396, ∴Agent Mason : ((*Currently listening to "Charging Fort Wagner" from the Glory soundtrack to get him into this fight*))
[051026 22:25] 02ed7, *Blade : *Naz would see that Davey's eyes aren't there. it's a creepy mockery of his eyes...only..iut's the Matrix code rain. He really IS The One...peeling out on the speed...Davey calls down to Dregg* You think I'ma leave my buddy to die? Pssh. We gotta an' her're getting out. I gotta get back to get Focus so tell me where to go here...
[051026 22:25] f5a5c, *Focus : ((It's giving me the shivers.))
[051026 22:26] c932c, *Nazerah : ((listening to EQ Cleric Preston track))
[051026 22:26] 02ed7, *Blade : (actually...Rammstein- Heirate Mich)
[051026 22:26] 043b3, *Marduk : *He turns a little as he hears Fisher loading the weapon. Backup was good. But for now he turns his attention back now to Mason who was crashing his way through the walls.*
[051026 22:26] 9cc71, *Agent Cross : (( wonder I'm doing lame, I'm listening to John Lennon. NOT fight-worthy music.))
6:09am, November 13, 2005

02ed7, *Blade : *cant hear shit. Is practicing in the Construct- working on his martial arts against some kinda martial arts over water ala Crouching Nazerah, Grumbling Penis.*
12:25am, November 15, 2005
6:13am, November 21, 2005
abbc8, *Fisher : i'm beginning to think you spend more time staring at the reflection in your coffee than drinking it
ca613, *Evan : It does give me a good idea of what I would look like as a "brotha"
 Mal's the One?
7:23am, November 21, 2005
[051121 00:40] 02ed7, *Blade : Mech? Aw shit. Get outta here, Focus. ..*..he's practically pushing Focus the hell outta the seat as he moves to sit down. The insane guy in him always wanted to pilot mech lines. But he was nuts! strapping in and taking the co-pilots stick, he starts as quick as he can...his eyes narrowed. punching the PA, he speaks firmly* This is the Captain speaking. We may encounter some turbulence and then...asplode. *click. Guess the movie I just quoted.*

[051121 00:41] ca613, *Evan : *he glances up slightly* Explode? I don't want to explode

[051121 00:41] 961a3, *Hera : (( GO MAL GO!

[051121 00:42] ca613, *Evan : ((Oh Jesus, I just turned Evan into Jayne))
12:01am, November 23, 2005
[051122 17:56] f5a5c, *Focus : ((Whoa. Dregg's memory sucks. I've been in Texas for eight years of my life and I still remember my old room.))
[051122 17:57] fc5d6, *Dregg : ((Bah. At least I get poon, you n00b))
[051122 17:58] f5a5c, *Focus : ((...I dun want poon. I prefer swingin' straight.))
[051122 17:58] fc5d6, *Dregg : ((I've seen your mags. *wiggly eyebrows*))
[051122 17:58] f5a5c, *Focus : ((...I get those for the articles!))
[051122 17:59] c932c, *Nazerah : ((thats what they alll say))
[051122 17:59] 961a3, *Hera : (( I dont. I get em for the porn
 More yelling
12:06am, November 23, 2005
[051121 01:14] c6ded, *Paige : *She keeps screaming frantically at the guy in the phone and he starts screaming frantically back... if anyone were listening, they would probably be totally confusd*
[051121 01:15] f5a5c, *Focus : ((LOL, I can imagine that conversation. "AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" "AAAAAAAAAAAH!"))
[051121 01:16] abbc8, *Fisher : ((*Facepalms* I just imagined Paige and the other Operator like those two.. things from Don hertzfeld's animations, where they just stand there screaming at eachother))
[051121 01:16] 961a3, *Hera : ((Least theres no hulk))
[051121 01:16] c932c, *Nazerah : ((LMAO))
[051121 01:17] f5a5c, *Focus : ((Damn you, Cru. And Kev, Me too.))
[051121 01:17] c6ded, *Paige : ((XD))
[051121 01:17] fc5d6, *Dregg : ((I can just imagine Hulk.... lmao))
[051121 01:18] fc5d6, *Dregg : ((OMG Bitter Films!!))
1:12am, November 24, 2005
MorsmordreMaiden: Stfu
SonOfNaut: *takes the "S" and strings around you, using it as rope. grabs the "T" and stabs you in the heart with it. uses the "F" as a hook to hang you from the ropes by. grabs the "U"'s a hat!*
4:41am, February 03, 2006

e820e, *Gunney : You've never used those muscles before.
fc5d6, *Nautilus : What do you mean? Yes I have! Where am I?!! *Panic starts to set in. They've kidnapped him. They've taken a kidney!
 Sex makes Naut sad
5:02am, February 03, 2006
[060202 21:58] e820e, *Till : *Till is on the maindeck, working on one of the jumpchairs as Davey unplugs* Haff a good vorkout? *Davey would see a pair of legs sticking out from under one of the chairs, TIll somehow fitting his upper body into one of the chairs as he tinkers with its inner workings*
[060202 21:59] e820e, *Agent Harris : *Harris would push against one of Heather's pressure points, attempting to subdue her until he can get her back to AoS*
[060202 22:00] 02ed7, *Blade : Hell yeah. Got a lot of rust off there. How's the chair going? *peers over the chair to see the sight* My god , Till. How the scheibe do you get in there?
[060202 22:01] fc5d6, *Dregg :'s my chair goin? *He leans against another chair, near the doorway to the main deck*
[060202 22:06] f5a5c, *Heather Winslow : *I'm assuming that's a knock-outish pressure point. She goes limp as Naut's--- uh... She goes limp.*
[060202 22:06] e820e, *Till : I had to disasseble most of it to fit in here. Vhy do you keep anal beads in here, Dregg? *Occasionally Till's hands come out from inside the chair to grab one of th tools he's laid out on the floor*
[060202 22:07] f5a5c, *Heather Winslow : ((You just got pwned two posts in a row.))
[060202 22:07] fc5d6, 'Naut: >=O
[060202 22:08] e820e, *Till : ((BAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA))
[060202 22:08] f5a5c, *Heather Winslow : ((*Snickergiggles and high fives Kev*))
[060202 22:09] 36035, *Flake : I zink ve could forgo ze formalities on account of your conciousness and apparent good healz now. *this said without looking up at either of them*
[060202 22:09] fc5d6, *Nautilus : *He glances to Flake, wanting to hear what was wrong with him and stuff. He's concerned that his muscles "and shit" weren't working and why they had to rebuild* What do you mean, rebuild?
[060202 22:10] 02ed7, *Blade : *just sputters and cracks up laughing at that one*
[060202 22:10] fc5d6, *Dregg : Just in case Blade wants to use it.
[060202 22:11] 02ed7, *Blade : Hey! I told you! I like Till's screwdrivers inna ass! *laughing more*
[060202 22:11] f5a5c, *Heather Winslow : ((.....I'm not so sure he redeemed himself right there.))
[060202 22:14] e820e, *Till : ((He totally didn't)) Pfft. Lame comeback. You lose points, go sit in ze corner and masturbate. *A high pitched whiiiiiiiir would come from the chair as Till presumably uses a power drill for something*
[060202 22:15] fc5d6, *Dregg : ((OMGSTFU))
[060202 22:15] 02ed7, *Blade : (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
[060202 22:16] e820e, *Till : ((SOMEONE PUT THAT ON CHAT MOMENTS))
[060202 22:16] fc5d6, *Nautilus : Age limit.... *He looks back to Gunney* Now I'm confused.... Where am I?
[060202 22:17] fc5d6, *Dregg : ((*sigh* Yes, go ahead and use me as the brunt of your jokes. *one tear*))
[060202 22:18] f5a5c, *Heather Winslow : ((...STOP CRYING!))
[060202 22:19] fc5d6, *Dregg : ((Aww...K thinks she's cool cause she's been RPing in the Matrix and thinks she has friends. Cute...))
[060202 22:19] fc5d6, *Dregg : ((BOOYA. What now? >P))
[060202 22:20] e820e, *Gunney : ((*Points at the masturbation corner* Just keep embarassing yourself man))
[060202 22:21] e820e, *Gunney : ((All right cut out the OOC))
[060202 22:21] 02ed7, ∴Ill Nino: *snickerfits*
 An oldie but a goodie
9:53pm, June 09, 2006
[09-04:09] 9b9d8, ºAgent Collins : *turns back around the corner and yells at Locke*..Is there a host body near Murphey?
[09-04:10] 9b9d8, ºAgent Collins : *The shot gun blast blows a hole in the wall behind Collins left side though he does not even flinch.

[09-04:11] 6dfa8, *Agent Locke : *she pauses and turns around to Collins, lifting a hand to her earpiece* No, the next host is *she fires two shots with the Sphinx at Shift as he shoots Collins* 3 blocks away

[09-04:16] 9b9d8, ºAgent Collins: Then I appologize for this..*grabs Locke by the shoulder and presses the muzzle of his D.E. against her stomach*..but I do need a shield. You understand of course. *sends a round into her gut*

[09-04:18] 6dfa8, *Agent Locke : *and there would be a fleeting look of surprise on her face before she is shot and forced from the host, taking the body of the cowering boy she left in the car. She kicks the car door off it's hingers* Mother fucker shot me!!!

[09-04:19] 9b9d8, ºAgent Collins: *A slight smirk creeps across his face as he takes the dead body and turns down the hall way keeping it infront of him as he puts the gun under the arm taking several well aimed shots at Shifts position, each seperated by a foots distance inorder to hit a wide range*
 God I need a life
10:13pm, June 09, 2006
[09-18:18] 52779, *Zero : (( How many assholes we got in this place anyhow?
[09-18:19] c16b2, *Shift : ((The Epictetus defined "asshole."))
[09-18:19] 52779, *Zero : (( and the joke just went way over Shifts head
[09-18:20] c16b2, *Shift : ((And shined off my bald skull at that.))
[09-18:21] 91996, *Marduk : (( That or it was just very very bad placed :p ))
 THAT post
Agent Muller
7:22pm, March 13, 2007
[02-01:07] cb3b2, ºAgent Stone : *Stone narrows his eyes and jumps back as the grenade explodes. Stone narrows his eyes. Stone turns into the room opening fire on the counter with the hollowtip bullets ripping it up as he does so hopefully hitting whatever is behind it*
 Only Nails can stand up to Stone
5:55am, November 23, 2008
[081123 02:31] f7f90, *Nailah : (*gives Stone a sex change while he's sleeping.*)
[081123 02:32] 1b26b, ∴Agent Stone: *Being half blind she ends up giving her left leg a sex change on accident. Weird how life treats you sometimes.*
[081123 02:34] f7f90, *Nailah : ( Not blind enough to not tell the difference between my sexy leg and you're not sexy leg. :p )
[081123 02:35] a2e58, *Demona: *How would you know unless youve seen his leg*
[081123 02:37] f7f90, *Nailah : *Did get stuck in his office.*
[081123 02:40] 1b26b, ∴Agent Stone: *She dreams of my sexy leg. I can't help that I was programmed with these fantastic legs.*
[081123 02:40] f7f90, *Nailah : *It was all part of the torture*

Edited 5:57am, November 23, 2008 by Ravee, author.
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