Thread for Adventure Time.

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 Adventure Time.
The GM
12:12am, August 19, 2018
Neo-Tokyo is a massive change from its heyday. It's districts are unofficially divided by six major powers, criminal and corporate in nature. What metahumans do exist are sponsored stooges and enforcers, hedonistic and drunk on their powers. Heroes don't exist, not the way they used to a year ago.

It's about time that changed.

You are all young metahumans. Either survivors of the attack from Aku, or those missed in the deportation purges, sent back to your home dimensions. The only place ironically to avoid the military and government hunters is in Neo-Tokyo, or what's left of it nowadays. Your neighborhood, located in the Tora district- the most suburban area in the city has long been protected by a hero known as the Cloak: A metahuman representing the Blackbeard Cartel, one of the crime families in the city.

While the protection keeps away the other powers, enough is enough. You've finally accumulated enough money earned to pay off the cartel and remove the neighborhood from them.

That's where it all goes wrong...

OOC: Pick your PC, post it in this thread and their possible relation to the other player characters.
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