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 A Random Encounter Note List
The GM
7:20am, February 28, 2015
For all my personal beasties.
 Cultist of Caine Arc
The GM
7:22am, February 28, 2015
-4: Rat Swarm: Sneaky +2, Careful +1

High Concept: Possessed Vermin Swarm

Trouble: Fear of Fire

Aspect: Venomous Fangs

Stunt: Because of our numbers, we get +2 when sneakily attacking our enemies.

-3: Mummy Familiar: Forceful +2, Careful +1, Quick +1

High Concept: Undead corpse

Trouble: Fear of Fire

Aspect: Strangling hands

Stunt: Because of our possessed wills, we get +2 when forcefully attacking our enemies.

Fate Point: 1

-2: Looters: Sneaky +2, Forceful +2, Clever +1

High Concept: It's The End Of The World As We Know It

Trouble: Greedy Lawbreaking Opportunists

Aspect: Mine?! Mine?!

Stunt: Because We Want The Stuff, we get a +2 when Forcefully Overcome Obstacles where breaking and entering would help.

Fate Point: 1

-1: Crocodile Guardian: Sneaky +2, Forceful +2, Clever +1

High Concept: Summoned Crocodile

Trouble: Attracted by blood

Aspect: Hungry, Hungry Crocodile

Stunt: Because I am a giant crocodile, I get a +2 when Forcefully attacking my enemies.

Fate Point: 1

+0: Local Yakuza Muscle: Sneaky +2, Careful +2, Flashy +1

High Concept: Hired Guns

Trouble: In it for the money

Aspect: Criminal Force for Hire

Stunt: Because we are the Yakuza, I get a +2 when Carefully overcoming obstacles our employer hires us for.

Fate Point: 1

+1: Cultists of Caine: Sneaky +2, Flashy +2, Careful +1

High Concept: Worshippers of the Black Sun

Trouble: Our Souls for the Master

Aspect: Fanatics for the cause

Stunt: Because we are spellcasters, we get a +2 when Flashily using our magic for the cause.

Fate Point: 1

+2: Guardians of Caine: Forceful +3, Sneaky +2, Careful +2, Quick +1

High Concept: Foot Soldiers of Caine

Trouble: Death is but a Doorway

Aspect: Twisted, Corrupted Guardians

Stunt: Because we are skilled warriors, we get +2 when Forcefully attacking our enemies.

Once per session, due to our immense skill, we can completely negate and ignore the effects of a roll and take no stress.

Fate Point: 1

+3: Jason and Sym: Forceful +3, Sneaky +2, Careful +2, Clever +1

High Concept: Ex Vampire Hunter Soldier of Fortune

Trouble: Bathe her and bring her to me.

Aspect: Cruel Beast Tamer

Stunt: Because we are skilled fighters, we get +2 when Forcefully attacking our enemies.

Once per session, due to our experience in war and monsters, we can make a precise strike that induces +10 stress on an opponent.

Because we are hunters, we get +2 when sneakily overcoming obstacles where stealth would come in handy.

Fate Point: 3

+4: Amunet the Witch: Forceful +3, Sneaky +3, Careful +2, Clever +2

High Concept: High Priestess of the Black Sun

Trouble: Cruel for Amusements sake

Aspect: High Ranking Demon

Aspect: Necromantic Master

Aspect: I am a Humanitarian

Stunt: Because I am a Witch, I add +2 when Cleverly demonstrating my spells against an opponent.

Once per session, due to my power I can awaken a persons darkest fear about themselves and use it against them.

Because I hate it when mere pawns attempt to pit themselves against me, I add +2 when Forcefully displaying my contempt with my power.

Once per session, I can restore my health by draining blood from a victim who fails a Forceful check against me.

Once per session, I can escape anything.

Fate Point: 3
 Malum Abbey: Wasteland Area.
The GM
7:23am, February 28, 2015
-4 to -2:Frosty Wind: Forceful +2. The area around Malum Abbey is a frozen wasteland. The summers are harsh and the winters brutal for the unprepared. One of the most common hazards are the winds. Gameplay wise, they roll once as if for an attack and you roll defense as usual. After, the encounter is over and you re-roll.

Aspect: Ice Shards

-1:Bear Trap: Forceful +2, Sneaky +2, Careful +1. Hidden in the snow, such things are a hazard to those who traverse the landscape. Special Consequences for these traps are as follows.

Minor- Flesh Wound.
Moderate- Limp.
Major- To the bone.

Aspect: Steel teeth

0:Sabertooths: Forceful +2, Sneaky +2, Quick +1. Native predators of the snow and land, these big cats are vicious in their hunting methods. With serrated dagger like teeth, they enjoy mauling their victims before feasting.

Stunt: "Because I am a Predator, I get +2 when forcefully mauling my prey"

Aspect: Predatory Cat

+1:Murder of Crows: Forceful +2, Sneaky +2, Quick +2, Careful +1. The crows of these lands are of a cursed disposition. As heralds of woe and portents of death, these creature assemble in evil flocks and rend and tear in large groups anything living they find. Whether demonic based or otherwise, it remains a mystery today.

Stunt: "Because we are a flock, we get +2 when forcefully mobbing our prey"

Stunt: "Once per session, because we are a flock, we can ignore the effects of a roll or stunt due to our numbers."

Aspect: Cursed Aura

+2:Warg: Forceful +2, Sneaky +1, Quick +2, Careful +2. If the very fowls of the air are terrible, it is nothing compared to the Wargs. Wolf-related, savage brutes that loom on a level over horses, these pack creatures are keen hunters and two working together can take down a mammoth. In addition, they have a keen, brutal intelligence and many dark mystics like using them as mounts for this reason.

Stunt: "Because we are predators, we get +2 when forcefully attacking our prey"

Stunt: "Because we are hunters, we get +2 when quickly defending."

Aspect: Pack Hunter

+3:Wraiths: Forceful +2, Sneaky +2, Quick +3, Careful +1. These are haunted lands, with the blood of many warriors ingrained in the very soil itself. Those that fall, rise again as wraiths. Cursed beings who seek to add to their vast ranks and to whom mercy is but an abstract concept.

Stunt: "Because we are warriors, we get +2 when quickly attacking our prey"

Stunt: "Because we are experienced, we get +2 when forcefully defending."

Stunt: "Once per session, we can negate any attempts at diplomacy or intimidation effects."

Aspect: Deaths Legionnaires

Aspect: Undead Assassins

+4: Mystery Boss. Choice of 2. The Warlord or the Brothers

Edited 8:34am, February 28, 2015 by The GM, author.
 The Warlord
The GM
7:47am, February 28, 2015
 photo Ruler_zpsa8d5ca78.jpg

+4/Boss: The Warlord

Childish, Bloodthirsty, Amused

High Concept: Master Fae of Frost and Wind
Trouble: The Ringing of the Iron Bell.
Aspect: Commander of Sleet and Snow
Aspect: The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway
Aspect: Majesty of a King

Stunt: Once per session, I can inflict a minor consequence on a PC by encasing them in ice.

Stunt: Because I am a Fae, I am immune to all attempts to appeal to emotion or animal instinct once per session.

Stunt: Because I control ice, I add +2 when flashily using my powers to attack.

Stunt: Because I am a dirty fighter, I can add +2 to my efforts when creating an advantage with my skillset sneakily.

Stunt: Because I am an experienced fighter, I can add +2 when quickly defending against my opponents.


Careful (+0)
Clever (+1)
Flashy (+3)
Forceful (+1)
Quick (+3)
Sneaky (+2)
FATE Points: 3
Refresh: 3

Bio: The Warlord is a capricious Fae of Winter, appearing the guise of a young, handsome king. Like many of his kind, mercy is an alien concept and what we would describe joy to him, is the feel of combat.

He wanders his realm in the form of a snow storm and when he finds intruders in his realm, he appears to challenge them in single combat. If they agree, he offers a gift if they succeed in winning and demands something of equal value in return, according to his nature. Sometimes it nothing more harmless than a kiss.

Othertimes, he demands such things like their heart, their weapon and in the most dire of times when he is truly in the grips of his bloodlust, their heads.

Should they break the agreement and all choose to attack, he brings all his power to bear to fight the party. Defeat snaps him out of his rage and he offers a nominal gift, which is always the same. Immunity from the cold while in his realm for the remainder of their time.

Edited 8:01am, February 28, 2015 by The GM, author.
 The Brothers
The GM
8:31am, February 28, 2015
 photo tumblr_mtvqn2ZPci1rlzqhzo1_500_zpsaec7a1de.jpg

+4/Boss: The Brothers

Cursed, Violent, Despair-Inducing

High Concept: Corrupted Sacred Ground
Trouble: Faith of a True Believer.
Aspect: Haunted Grounds
Aspect: Sacrificial Altar
Aspect: Doorway to Death

Stunt: Once per session, we can inflict a minor consequence on a PC by inflicting a Blood Curse.

Stunt: Because We Are Statues, We are immune to all attempts to appeal to emotion or animal instinct once per session.

Stunt: Because we control the Dead, we add +2 when flashily using my powers to attack.

Stunt: Once per session, we can use our power to summon help in the form of Wraiths.

Stunt: Once per session, we can inflict immense and complete fear and despair upon everyone and leave them open to our next attack.


Careful (+3)
Clever (+2)
Flashy (+3)
Forceful (+1)
Quick (+0)
Sneaky (+1)
FATE Points: 3
Refresh: 3

Bio: So named for the three-headed statue within the temple, the Brothers is a site, corrupted and dangerous for all who wander close to the edges of its site.

The resting place of a powerful artifact, the Brothers guard it unceasingly and ensure that none come to steal it away. Those of a Holy Nature such as Mikos, Priests and the like of a Principled(Good) as well as Scrupulous(Good) alignment automatically suffer a -1 to all their rolls made within its boundaries.
 Malum Abbey: The Fortress
The GM
8:58am, February 28, 2015
-4: Rat Swarm: Sneaky +2, Careful +1

High Concept: Possessed Vermin Swarm

Trouble: Fear of Fire

Aspect: Venomous Fangs

Stunt: Because of our numbers, we get +2 when sneakily attacking our enemies.

-3: Zombie Group: Forceful +2, Careful +1, Quick +1

High Concept: Undead corpse

Trouble: No Self-Preservation

Aspect: Strangling hands

Stunt: Because of our possessed wills, we get +2 when forcefully attacking our enemies.

Fate Point: 1

-2: Goblin Raiders: Sneaky +2, Forceful +2, Clever +1

High Concept: Cannibalistic, Greedy Monsters

Trouble: Greedy Opportunists

Aspect: Mine?! Mine?!

Stunt: Because We Want The Stuff, we get a +2 when Forcefully attacking opponents who may have good loot.

Fate Point: 1

-1: Bear Trap: Forceful +2, Sneaky +2, Careful +1. Hidden in the snow, such things are a hazard to those who traverse the landscape. Special Consequences for these traps are as follows.

Minor- Flesh Wound.
Moderate- Limp.
Major- To the bone.

Aspect: Steel teeth

+0: Orcs: Forceful +2, Sneaky +2, Quick +1.

High Concept: Cannibalistic, Greedy Brutes

Trouble: Battle-Crazy

Aspect: Savage Berserkers

Stunt: "Because I am an orc, I get +2 when forcefully attacking my victim"

More to Follow
 Malum Abbey: The Labyrinth(Traps)
The GM
12:39pm, February 28, 2015
+1 : Spike Trap: Forceful +2. Beneath Malum Abbey and for much of the surrounding area is a labyrinth, littered with traps and guarded by a monster. One of the most common hazards within are the spike traps. Gameplay wise, they roll once as if for an attack and you roll defense as usual. After, the encounter is over and you re-roll.

Because our Spikes are sharp, we add +2 when forcefully stabbing those who fall into our clutches.

Aspect: Poisoned Spikes.

Special Consequences for these traps are as follows.

Minor- Disorientation
Moderate- Blood Poisoning.
Major- Hallucinations(-2 to all rolls until an antidote is administered.)

+2 : Pit Trap: Sneaky +2. Beneath Malum Abbey and for much of the surrounding area is a labyrinth, littered with traps and guarded by various monster. Gameplay wise, they roll once as if for an attack and you roll defense as usual. After, the encounter is over and you re-roll.

Because our Pits are hard to sight are sharp, we add +2 when sneakily entrapping those who fall into our clutches.

Aspect: Camouflaged trapdoor.

Special Consequences for these traps are as follows.

Minor- Bruised
Moderate- Broken Arm
Major- Broken Leg

+3 : Projectile Hallway Trap: Quick +3. Beneath Malum Abbey and for much of the surrounding area is a labyrinth, littered with traps and guarded by various monster. Gameplay wise, they roll once as if for an attack and you roll defense as usual. After, the encounter is over and you re-roll.

Because our dakka are many, we add +2 when quickly hitting those who fall into our clutches.

Aspect: Sharp Magical Ammo.

Special Consequences for these traps are as follows.

Minor- Arrow Wounds
Moderate- Burn Marks
Major- Paralyzation

+4 : Cloister Bell

Once Per Session, we alert the Guardian Monsters to the Parties current position.

Lucifer Anghelscu
5:42am, March 02, 2015
 photo Heartless symbol_zpsohfgvpia.jpg

-4-0: Heartless: Sneaky +2, Careful +1, Quick +1, Forceful +1

High Concept: Darkness Made Manifest

Trouble: Fear of Light Magic

Aspect: Shadow Elementals

Stunt: Because of our numbers, we get +2 when sneakily attacking our enemies.

+1-+2: Greater Heartless: Sneaky +2, Careful +2, Quick +1, Forceful +1

High Concept: Darkness Made Manifest

Trouble: Fear of Light Magic

Aspect: Shadow Elementals

Stunt: Because of our numbers, we get +2 when sneakily attacking our enemies.

Stunt: Because of our nature, we get +2 when carefully defending against our enemies.

+3: Named Heartless: Sneaky +2, Careful +2, Quick +1, Forceful +3

High Concept: Darkness Made Manifest

Trouble: Fear of Light Magic

Aspect: Shadow Elementals

Stunt: Because of our Power, we get +2 when Forcefully attacking our enemies.

Stunt: Because of our nature, we get +2 when carefully defending against our enemies.

Stunt: Once Per Session, we can invoke a minor consequence on an enemy due to our dark power.

Edited 7:00am, March 02, 2015 by Lucifer Anghelscu, author.
 +4/Heartless Boss: The Phantoms
Lucifer Anghelscu
7:27am, March 02, 2015
 photo Heartless__Bogeyman_by_LonnKev_zpsvhigvmtd.jpg

+4/Boss: The Phantoms

High Concept: Lost Heart of A Failed Actor
Trouble: The Show Must Go On.
Aspect: The Worlds a Stage
Aspect: Encore! Encore!
Aspect: This is the Swan Song

Boss Stunt- Don't say the "M-Word" : Once per session, we can inflict a minor consequence on all PC's involved by inflicting a Stage Curse. Afterwards, reduce all Forceful and Quick rolls by 2.

Stunt: - Stay in Character: Once per session, we can shrug off the effect of a stunt or a roll.

Stunt: - Man Behind the Curtain: Because we control the Stage, we add +2 when flashily using our powers to attack.

Stunt: - Puppets on Strings: Because we control the Stage, we add +2 when Forcefully using our powers to defend.

Stunt: - Comedy and Tragedy; Once per session, we can inflict immense and complete Confusion upon everyone and leave them open to our next attack.


Careful (+1)
Clever (+2)
Flashy (+3)
Forceful (+3)
Quick (+0)
Sneaky (+1)
FATE Points: 3
Refresh: 3

Bio: Once upon a time, there was a renowned actor who could adapt to any role. So good was he however, it came to pass that nobody knew him. And in his career he would see many opportunities pass him by.

When he finally died, he was listed as John Doe and his Heartless reflects this. Two pieces borne from one Heart. The Phantoms Haunt the old playhouse where he spent his career and they have changed it to reflect their own despair.

Edited 9:35am, March 02, 2015 by Lucifer Anghelscu, author.
 +4/Heartless Boss: The Abandoned
Lucifer Anghelscu
8:01am, March 02, 2015
 photo charizard_heartless_by_ottbettina-d8j57ib_zpsxddlzewb.jpg

+4/Boss: The Abandoned

High Concept: Lost Heart of an Abandoned Pokemon
Trouble: I Hate the World and Trainers most of all.
Aspect: I am Fire
Aspect: A Will Borne of Fire
Aspect: Hatred for All Things

Boss Stunt- "Black Hyper Beam" : Once per session, we can inflict a minor consequence on all PC's involved by blasting a cursed version of Hyper Beam. Afterwards, inflict 1 Stress point per round x fae die roll. -4=1, -3=2 and so forth.

Stunt: - RAGE: Once per session, I can shrug off the effect of a roll and return the attack on the originator.

Stunt: - Flamethrower: Because I use fire, we add +2 when forcefully using our powers to attack.

Stunt: - Agility: Because I'm fast in body, I add +2 when Quickly using my speed to defend.

Stunt: - You Cannot Hide From Me! Once per session, because my anger is great I can tear apart or destroy an object regardless of size, mass or density.


Careful (+0)
Clever (+2)
Flashy (+1)
Forceful (+3)
Quick (+3)
Sneaky (+1)
FATE Points: 3
Refresh: 3

Bio: Not every pokemon has a happy story and not every trainer treats their partner with love and respect. This is a story of one of those times.

Raised from Charmander to Charizard, there came a time when her trainer caught a Legendary Fire type and decided there was no more need for her.

So to earn money, he sold her to a facility for Pokemon experimentation, backed by CIPHER as a shadow partner and was tortured to become one of their Shadow Pokemon when something happened.

In the midst of the pain and the despair as the process was enacted, the Charizard suddenly began to hate. She hated the world, she hated this place and her tormentors and most of all...She hated trainers.

The facility and all its records perished in the fiery cataclysm, leaving behind a personification of darkness and hate beyond any Shadow Pokemon, something more.

Something Heartless.

Edited 9:38am, March 02, 2015 by Lucifer Anghelscu, author.
  +4/Heartless Boss: The Forgotten
Lucifer Anghelscu
9:02am, March 02, 2015
 photo Heartless_Comm_20___Onine_by_LynxGriffin_zpsypfvilln.jpg

+4/Boss: The Forgotten

High Concept: Lost Heart of a forgotten goddess.
Trouble: Love Makes Me Stay My Hand.
Aspect: Master of Illusions.
Aspect: Absolute Territory
Aspect: Foxfire User

Boss Stunt- "Corrupted Heart" : Once per session, I can inflict a minor consequence on all PC's involved by cursing them with the pain I feel. Reduce all defense rolls against my attacks by 2 for the remainder of the fight.

Stunt: - Lost and Alone: Once per session, I can can retreat from the scene by fading away into thin air.

Stunt: - Foxfire: Because I use fire, I add +2 when forcefully using my powers to attack.

Stunt: - Illusions: Because I'm mindful, I add +2 when Carefully using my illusions to defend.

Stunt: - Despairing Rampage! Once per session, because my grief is great I can disregard the effects of a roll or stunt used on me.


Careful (+3)
Clever (+2)
Flashy (+1)
Forceful (+3)
Quick (+0)
Sneaky (+1)
FATE Points: 3
Refresh: 3

Bio: A long time ago, in the days of old Japan there was a shrine. It was a simple shrine, dedicated to the nearby villages and its goddess was well revered and respected...Kind and carefree.

And then one day, a boy came to her place of power. Kind and amusing to her, she sent him on his way and resolved to watch his career with interest...The boy never forgot the goddess and visited her daily, delighting her heart with his earnestness till the day he grew to be a man.

He confessed his love to her and she found she loved him back.

A war came as wars often do and when he returned, he was not as she remembered. There was a shadow on his soul, that for all her power she could not fix and was cursed to watch him waste away until he died.

Crops failed and the goddess was cursed for her uncaring demeanor for she had fallen silent. No more did she leave her shrine and from her statue, water fell often from the eyes.

Her name is forgotten now in these times, her shrine destroyed but the statue remains...No longer weeping, as she lost her heart long ago, transformed into something far more horrible...

Edited 9:39am, March 02, 2015 by Lucifer Anghelscu, author.
 I've got some concerns...
The Storyteller
8:05pm, March 02, 2015
Hugo, I love that you've gotten the hang of the FAE system and want to run stuff, and you're a great GM, so don't take this the wrong way.

A lot of this stuff is too dark for anything but a Filler Chapter. Way too dark. We need to talk about this. It was brought to my attention by more than one other player. To quote:

[ Bio: Not every pokemon has a happy story and not every trainer treats their partner with love and respect. This is a story of one of those times.Raised from Charmander to Charizard, there came a time when her trainer caught a Legendary Fire type and decided there was no more need for her.So to earn money, he sold her to a facility for Pokemon experimentation, backed by CIPHER as a shadow partner and was tortured to become one of their Shadow Pokemon when something happened.In the midst of the pain and the despair as the process was enacted, the Charizard suddenly began to hate. She hated the world, she hated this place and her tormentors and most of all...She hated trainers. The facility and all its records perished in the fiery cataclysm, leaving behind a personification of darkness and hate beyond any Shadow Pokemon, something more.Something Heartless. ]

I'm not naming names, but I agree with their concerns.

So, we need to talk.

Edited 8:06pm, March 02, 2015 by The Storyteller, author.
 Abandon all Hope, Ye who enter here.
Himura Kenshin
12:46am, March 03, 2015
+4/Boss: Teletubbie Brigade

High Concept: Anthropomorphic Personifications of Rated-G and Insanity.
Trouble: No Intelligence to speak of.
Aspect: Tinky-Winky!.
Aspect: Dipsy!
Aspect: Lala!
Aspect: Po!

Boss Stunt- "Say hello!" : Once per session, we can choose any one of the PC's and have them side with us until the encounter/fight is over. During this time, the PC will be completely Teletubbie'd and rated G until he or she is the last one standing.

Stunt: - Uh-oh: Once per session, we can invoke a minor consequence on all PC's via our mistakes. Leaving pudding on the ground that everyone slips on for example.

Stunt: - Come Play with us!: Because we love to play, we add +2 when forcefully using our skill to attack.

Stunt: - Tag! You're it!: Because we love tag, I add +2 when Quickly using our speed to defend.

Stunt: - Time for Tubby-bye-bye!! Once per session, because we need a nap, we can escape the scene without anyone in pursuit.


Careful (+1)
Clever (+0)
Flashy (+2)
Forceful (+3)
Quick (+3)
Sneaky (+1)
FATE Points: 3
Refresh: 3

Bio: "Eh-oh!"
Lucifer Anghelscu
8:59am, March 05, 2015
-4 to -2: Explosion of Cute: Forceful +2. The City has become an explosion of adorableness. At random times, it explodes in the form of the cutest things to assail the PC's Gameplay wise, they roll once as if for an attack and you roll defense as usual. After, the encounter is over and you re-roll.

Aspect: Goodie, Goodie Gumdrops!

-1: Marshmallow Fairy Bombs: Forceful +2, Sneaky +2, Careful +1. Marshmallow Fairy Bombs, such things are a hazard to those who traverse the city. Special Consequences for these traps are as follows.

Minor- Fluff in the Eyes.
Moderate- Tasty to Boris Bear.
Major- Fluffy-Sticky!(-2 to Forceful and Quick till its cleaned off entirely, which takes a day.)


0:- Excited Children: Forceful +2, Sneaky +2, Quick +1. Transformed citizens brainwashed by the Cutie-nomicon. In chibi form and roving groups, eager to play.

Stunt: "Once per session, we can make everyone join us in a sing-along and gain a minor consequence.


More to follow...
Lucifer Anghelscu
9:57am, March 05, 2015
 photo Organization cloak_zpsvuwlizj3.png

+4/Boss: The Trickster

High Concept: Number V of the Reborn Organization.
Trouble: I can't resist a game.
Aspect: Master of Time.
Aspect: No emotion to speak of.
Aspect: Stage Magician

Boss Stunt- "Time Alter" : Once per session, I can switch all stress and consequences on me with another pc who has a minor consequence.

Stunt: - "Tick-Tock": Because I control time, I add +2 when cleverly using this to overcome an obstacle.

Stunt: - "Dealers Draw" : Because I fight with a game motif, I add +2 when quickly using my powers to attack.

Stunt: - "Know when to fold" : Because I'm mindful, I add +2 when Carefully using my illusions to defend.

Stunt: - "Mocking Trickster" Once per session, Once per game session, an attempt to influence me (intimidate, seduce, coerce) automatically fails and is reversed on its originator.


Careful (+3)
Clever (+3)
Flashy (+1)
Forceful (+0)
Quick (+2)
Sneaky (+1)
FATE Points: 3
Refresh: 3
The GM
5:07am, March 06, 2015
+4/Boss: The Dancer

High Concept: Number VI of the Reborn Organization.
Trouble: I've a soft spot for Heroes.
Aspect: Master of Fire.
Aspect: No emotion to speak of.
Aspect: Dance Instructor

Boss Stunt- "Dance Battle" : Once per session, I can engage in a dance battle with a chosen foe. Both roll the fate die three times, without adding FP burns or rerolls. Approach and Stunts work normally. If she wins two out of three, reduce the party roll against her by -2 for the rest of the encounter. If the opponent wins, then she retreats the field instantly. Ties continue as usual.

Stunt: - "My Soul to Soar.": Because I control fire, I add +2 when flashily using this to overcome an obstacle.

Stunt: - "BURN!" : Because I fight with a fire and dance motif, I add +2 when quickly using my powers to attack.

Stunt: - "Graceful Flames" : Because I'm mindful, I add +2 when Carefully using my dance patterns to defend.

Stunt: - "Piercing Question": Once per game session, an attempt to influence me (intimidate, seduce, coerce) automatically fails and is reversed on its originator.


Careful (+3)
Clever (+1)
Flashy (+2)
Forceful (+0)
Quick (+3)
Sneaky (+1)
FATE Points: 3
Refresh: 3
The GM
3:17pm, March 08, 2015
 photo WeepingAngel_zpso2oabgif.gif

+4/Boss: Weeping Angels

High Concept: Assassin Parasites of Time
Trouble: Quantum-locked when observed
Aspect: In the Blink of an Eye
Aspect: Lights Out.
Aspect: Feast on Energies

Stunt- "Don't Blink" : Once per session, I can prevent a PC's action by forcing them to focus on me.

Stunt: - "Just a Statue.": Because I resemble a statue, I add +2 when sneakily using this to create an advantage.

Stunt: - "FAST!" : Because I'm fast, I add +2 when quickly attacking.

Stunt: - "Drain" : Once per session, we can invoke a minor consequence on all PC's.

Stunt: - "Psychopath Race": Once per game session, an attempt to influence me (intimidate, seduce, coerce) automatically fails and is reversed on its originator.


Careful (+1)
Clever (+2)
Flashy (+0)
Forceful (+1)
Quick (+3)
Sneaky (+3)
FATE Points: 3
Refresh: 3
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