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The GM
4:10am, February 13, 2015
 photo Valentines Day Poster_zpsevklh0ga.gif

Even in times like this, the High School Dance must go on! Due to a mix up in paperwork and a few romantics among the staff, it has been decided that the Dance will take place this coming Saturday and those in charge, will be the ones currently leading in the polls, the highest ranking one as a test of ability. Canceling entirely means a severe drop in morale. So what will you do?

Entertainment must be provided! Refreshments! Security! A theme would be nice and of course....Your partner.~

But beware, for there are eyes looking at this dance and those you have your eye on, may have a rival or two in turn to counter. Have fun.~

GM Note: The posters are put up all over the school and the dance begins at 6pm and ends at Midnight, this coming Saturday at the School Gym.
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