Thread for Game System for Teenagers from Outer Space

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 Game System for Teenagers from Outer Space
The Storyteller
1:01am, January 09, 2015
Using FATE Accelerated rules. No extensive skill lists, no piles of stats.

In Fate, we use a ladder of adjectives and numbers to rate a character’s approaches, the result of a roll, difficulty ratings for simple checks, etc.

Here’s the ladder:
+12 Otherworldly
+11 Mythic
+10 Wondrous
+9 Astonishing
+8 Legendary
+7 Epic
+6 Fantastic
+5 Superb
+4 Great
+3 Good
+2 Fair
+1 Average
+0 Mediocre
-1 Poor
-2 Terrible
-3 Awful
-4 Abysmal

High Concept
First, decide on your character’s high concept. This is a single phrase or sentence that neatly sums up your character, saying who you are, what you do, what your “deal” is. When you think about your high concept, try to think of two things: how this aspect could help you, and how it might make things harder for you. Good high concept aspects do both.
Examples: Feline Captain of Cirrus Skimmer; Suncaller of the Andral Desert; Chief Field Agent of IGEMA


Next, decide on the thing that always gets you into trouble. It could be a personal weakness, or a recurring enemy, or an important obligation—anything that makes your life complicated.

Examples: Steel Assassins Want Me Dead; Cast Now, Ask Questions Later; Gotta Look Out for My Little Brother

Another Aspect

Now compose another aspect. Think of something really important or interesting about your character. Are they the strongest person in their hometown? Do they carry a mighty sword known through history? Do they talk too much? Are they filthy rich?


Choose your approaches.

Approaches are descriptions of how you accomplish tasks. Everyone has the same six approaches:

  • Careful

  • Clever

  • Flashy

  • Forceful

  • Quick

  • Sneaky

Each approach is rated with a bonus. Choose one at Good (+3), two at Fair (+2), two at Average (+1), and one at Mediocre (+0). You can improve these later.
Below are a few examples of styles -
The Brute:
Forceful +3, Careful and Flashy +2, Sneaky and Quick +1, Clever +0
The All-Star:
Quick +3, Forceful and Flashy +2, Clever and Careful +1, Sneaky +0
The Trickster:
Clever +3, Sneaky and Flashy +2, Forceful and Quick +1, Careful +0
The Guardian:
Careful +3, Forceful and Clever +2, Sneaky and Quick +1, Flashy +0
The Thief:
Sneaky +3, Careful and Quick +2, Clever and Flashy +1, Forceful +0
The Swashbuckler:
Flashy +3, Quick and Clever +2, Forceful and Sneaky +1, Careful +0

Edited 4:48am, September 30, 2015 by The Storyteller, author.

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