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[20-00:48] f1853, Delia St. Martin : *She nods.*Probably. I mean she's got the kids and trying to have another one and all.*She sighs.*I can play keys kinda. But it woulda been nice.*Aw the dreamy orphan face.*Sometimes I feel like maybe even though we're sisters she's only nice to me cause we are. It's how she is. I mean I had to totally guilt her into even telling me stuff about the family. It felt kinda bad. *She shakes her head.*I don't want to think about it anymore. It's all just....confusing.
[20-00:49] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *she sits up a bit, looking down at D* She is trying to have another one? Aren't her boys like...not even a year old?
[20-00:50] f1853, Delia St. Martin : *She nods.*Yeah. But that's one of those things I don't think she'd talk to me about. I guess Aaron and her want a bunch of kids. She is Catholic.
[20-00:51] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Yeah but still. I got to wonder if she is doing it to keep him or something. She wants to play. I can see it in her eyes. And she is chained up to that cabin, barefoot and pregnant. Can't tell me that is any woman's idea of a good time.
[20-00:53] f1853, Delia St. Martin : *She shrugs.*I dunno she seems pretty gung ho about it. And I really don't think Hope will do something if she really doesn't want to. She might not say she doesn't want to outright but it totally won't happen.*She gets a little smile on her face and wraps her arms around Gerri to pull her close.*What do you think about having babies?
[20-00:55] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : We'll get the band going and then find us a good donor okay? We got to set up house first. *she kisses D softly* And it might be illegal in this state but I want to marry you proper before we go having a litter.
[20-00:56] f1853, Delia St. Martin : *She grins and starts to giggle.*Really? Maybe Aaron will come arrest us during the ceremony for civil disobedience,*Beaming at her, big eyes all kinds of sparkling.*
[20-00:58] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *she laughs softly* The asshole can try but nothing is going to keep me from marrying you. Even if we got to go to Canada or Hawaii or Vermont. Besides...I'd like to see you in cuffs. *she purrs into D's ear*
[20-01:00] f1853, Delia St. Martin : *She wriggles and laughs, then and yes she is a girly girl.*I want a big white dress and champagne and a Harley coach, And people to blow bubbles instead of throwing rice so birds don't blow up. And OH I want a fairy cake. With flowers on it.*Uh oh..have we created a monster,*
[20-01:04] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *she smiles, kissing just below D's ear softly* Whatever my baby wants, my baby gets. *hmmm, wonder where she got that Bridezilla gene from. Runs in the damn family it seems*
[20-01:06] f1853, Delia St. Martin : *She laughs then, yes that Donovan family gene kicks in and she starts to cry. Big childlike gulping hiccuping sobs. Stuttering between gasps.**Awwww could they be any freaking cuter know they are the cutest couple ever.*
[20-01:11] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Baby...*she pulls up because uh oh...D is crying. She looks down at her, wiping away the tears* Why are you crying? You know I love you, too. Don't cry. I love you. I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. *cause she just assumes that D is crying cause she has doubts*
[20-01:12] f1853, Delia St. Martin : *She tries to smile and aww isnt' she pretty.*I.....I'm so happy...can' it.*Looking up, sounding a little embarassed.*I get...too faint.
[20-01:13] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Shhhh...its okay. *she smiles, wiping away more of those tears. She leans forward, kissing those tear stained cheeks* I love you for it. Its cute.
[20-01:14] f1853, Delia St. Martin : *She finally manages a smile and takes a deep breath.*Jeeze....yeah me and Hope are sisters. Surprise us and we leak like the freaking Titanic.
[20-01:15] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *she chuckles, pulling back just enough to look at D* Don't worry. It will all work out with her. I promise. You two need each other. Any idiot can see that.
[20-01:16] f1853, Delia St. Martin : *She blinks.*You think so really? Like....real family?
[20-01:18] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Of course like real family. *she laughs softly, shaking her head* I'll tell you a story right...about me and spicy tuna rolls. Now my whole life, I never liked them. I had never had them but I didn't like them based on principle. But then one day, I up and ate one. Was like hey, this ain't bad. So a little later, well I had another. And well, it was pretty good. So waited a bit, had a few more. And you know what my fave kind of sushi is now?
[20-01:19] f1853, Delia St. Martin : Spicy tuna rolls?*A little shyly, still sniffling a little.*You think it'll really be ok?
[20-01:21] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Yes...*she smiles at her* Its just like that with your sister. She doesn't like to share cause she isn't used to it. But she does it once and hey, not so bad. Does it again, well hey, I could do this. Just give her some time. I mean, who wouldn't love you?
[20-01:22] f1853, Delia St. Martin : Um*thinking.*Crazy Livvie and uh..this kid in the fourth grade.*Nodding.*But I did break his nose with a lunchbox.
[20-01:27] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Well they are idiots then. *she smiles, moving D to lay back on the grass with her. She lays out, flat on her back, looking up at the sky* I got two brothers left you know. Larry looks kind of like me. We could ask him when we want to have a baby
[20-01:28] f1853, Delia St. Martin : *She moves and lays her head on Gerri's stomach.*I'd like that. I found this doctor at the hospital. She said she can refer me to a specialist. I haven't smoked in two days.
[20-01:29] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *she reaches down, stroking D's lovely hair. She closes her eyes* You taking the nicotine gum at all to help your cravings?
[20-01:37] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : No chewing a buttload of chiclets. And I got this tape I been listening to. It's not been too bad at all yet.*Nodding a little.*
[20-01:39] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Its'll get easier. If not...we will get somebody to hypnotize you. *she laughs softly, still just petting D all nice like*
[20-01:40] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : Oh can we get someone to hypnotize me so I don't eat so much crap. I know I shouldn't but it's so good.*She grins.*Pork chops are good, bacon is good*Giggling again.*
[20-01:41] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Yeah eat like I eat. Nothing wrong with that. *she pauses a little bit, licking her lips* Mmmm, pork chops with applesauce sounds so good right about now
[20-01:42] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She laughs.*You know like fifteen miles up the freeway there'sa little truck stop that serves some serious homestyle food.
[20-01:43] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Then what the hell are we doing here? *she chuckles softly but she doesn't make move to get up from this little in the park snuggle*
[20-01:44] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *SHe smiles.*Um...well you're about 2 minutes from having a naked girl running around in public.
[20-01:45] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Ain't nothing wrong with that. *she opens her eyes, lifting her head enough to smile down at D before reaching for her. And you all know what is going to happen now so let's just fade to some naughty running around the park!*
[20-01:46] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *And HA they won't get arrested cause theywon't get caught.*
[20-01:50] 5db7b, Kincaid: *wouldn't mind seeing that actually*
[20-01:59] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : (*Player will brb after pouring soup into gaping maw.*)
[20-02:05] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : ((*test*))
[20-02:05] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : (*Smacks that ass.*YEAH)
[20-02:07] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she was laying on the couch in the cabin, the boys already asleep, Aaron where else? Work. She was flipping through the channels on the DirectTV, not really finding anything on. Even seemed like too much of a chore to go put in a DVD. Maybe a nap...then again, that is all she had been doing lately. Sleeping, eating, taking care of the boys.*
[20-02:07] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : ((*smacks ass back* Nice to see you and my girl are getting some HLA! I will have to make fun of her tomorrow!))
[20-02:08] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *SHe comes inside hours later. Opens the door quietly, leaves and junk in her hair. Flushed and sex funky. SHe tiptoes towards the living room. Checking to see if HOpe is asleep or not.*
[20-02:09] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *still awake. Hard not to be when you sleep all day. She hears the door, assuming its Delia. She calls out to her* Livingroom. If you want. *she doesn't really care either way at this point. She turns it to some old eighties music station. You know how they have those. Don't pretend like you don't know what I am talking about mofo!*
[20-02:10] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She steps into the living room smiling.*Hey. *Cheeks all aglow.*Aaron home?
[20-02:12] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : No...he is at the station. They got some kind of lead on that murder case with the doctor or something. *she shrugs her shoulders. She looks over at Delia, giving a bit of a smile* Good time with Gerri tonight?
[20-02:13] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : Yeah*She nods and moves to sit on the floor next to Hope, looking up at her frowning.*So we're alone then right? Cause we gotta talk.*Yep it's serious.*
[20-02:14] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she frowns just slightly* Well the nanny is here. But I think she is watching tv in her room. *She sits up, crossing her legs Indian style* What is wrong? Did Gerri break up with you?
[20-02:16] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : No it doesn't have anything to do with Gerri Hope.*She sits up too and scoots over so they can look at each other.*Listen Hope I am really really worried about you. You are getting really depressed and I think maybe you should go to the doctor about it.*Nodding, the good news can wait, this is her sister.*You don't have to talk to me about it if you don't want to. I know you don't like getting personal but you are not healthy and that's bad for the boys.
[20-02:18] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Its nothing. I promise. I am just in a funk. *she smiles and even though she isn't feeling all happy, perky, bubbly self...its a real smile* I get like this sometimes. Nobody's fault. I just get to missing Mike a lot. Thanks for caring though.
[20-02:19] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *SHe nods a little but doesn't believe it.*Hope I'm gonna ask you a real blunt question and you might be pissed that I'm asking but I really need to know.
[20-02:20] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *that smile she had...its gone now. Her lips turn down into a frown* If you think you gotta...then ask away. *and she was telling the truth. She missed Mike really badly. It was a twin thing*
[20-02:22] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : Are you trying to get pregnant again for Aaron? To make him happy or something? Because*frowning hard, obviously unhappy to say it.*He has been a real dick lately. I kow he'll be pissed if he knows I'm talking about his business but he is really being uncool. And it's not that thing with Gerri she's over it. Just entirely
[20-02:24] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : What? You are kidding me right? Listen, I know Aaron is not the most social or the most straightforward guy but I told you, he has been having a real hard time at work. Cut him some slack. *yup, not happy about that question at all* I know we haven't known each other long but I thought you knew me better than that.
[20-02:27] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : Then how come it's not him sitting here having this conversation with you?*Looking just as unhappy.*I've kept my mouth shut cause I figured your his wife he'd pipe up. I waited and waited and watched you just slide downhill and he's so absorbed in his own world he didn't even notice. Hope I love you, but that is not okay behaviour. He can act however he wants with me, but not with you.*She shakes her head.*If you were my wife, if I saw Gerri going through whatever your going through right now I'd break my back to make sure she was ok. That's what I'm talking about Hope.*Oh..wife...hint.*
[20-02:30] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : He doesn't act with me the way he acts around you. We've been through so much together. He knows how I get sometimes. And he knows the best thing is to just leave me alone. You don't get to see us in private. *admittedly though, with all the stress he has been under, he has been less than attentive as of late. She misses the days of going to The Ivy. Having surprises on the beach like a big tent. Hanging around the old hot tub in Culver City. Hell, she misses LA. That is the real problem*
[20-02:33] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She nods.*Okay then. I'll move out. I know Aaron doesn't like me. I know he doesn't like Gerri and I don't want to be stressing stuff out. I can only go on what I see and when you get around him you get this look*SHe frowns.*Like a kicked puppy thinking you're gonna get a scrap. You deserve way better than that is all I'm saying. *SHe makes to get up, told Gerri it was just her being here. That and well Aaron only likes Hope.*
[20-02:37] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : What? don't have to move out. *she gets up from the couch, reaching out for Delia* No please. I am building the guest cottage in the back just for you. So we can be together. It'll be done in just a few more weeks. Please. Don't leave.
[20-02:41] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She flops back down onto the couch looking troubled.*Hope I really don't like being whre I know I'm not wanted. I mean shit Aaron will probably arrst me at my wedding. I've never seen the man smile not once. He talks to me like I'm not here. The only person I've seen him be remotely nice to is you, and even then half the time I want to kick him in the nuts cause as soon as he's gone you look like you wanna cry.*She frowns harder and shakes her head.*I was gonna talk to him about it but not like he'd listen. You don't really want to hear this. I'm sorry Hope I know you love him it's just that...well...I'm trying to love him like I do you but it's real hard with someone who can't even crack a smile for his beautiful wife.
[20-02:43] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *her lower lip quivers. She is near tears. Then again, its just a trait with the Donovan women. Crying and giggling* I'm sorry, Delia. Its all my fault. I told him I wanted to get out of LA and ever since we moved here, he is different. I'm sorry. I wish I could make things better. I...*she pauses. Yeah, she caught that married thing* Married?
[20-02:44] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : Nothing is your fault.*And there she goes too.*I mean you can't help it that he's mean. And I don't think it's just since you guys got here. I would bet money he's been mean since he was sp-*SHe trails off and looks up nodding.*Yeah.
[20-02:48] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : He isn't mean. *she has to defend Aaron since he isn't here to defend himself* He isn't mean at all. He is just a private person. *she sniffles, fighting back the tears* What the heck, Delia? You start this and then you throw a curveball like that at me? *she forces a giggle. She wipes under her eyes but she is barely holding it together*
[20-02:51] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : No not mean I guess, I mean it's one thing to be private but Hope. Aaron is like unfriendly. Like if I just met him yesterday or something.*Her lower lip quivering too.*I mean I'm really trying to like him but it's so hard to like someone who doesn't smile or anything. It's like we're in freaking Dragnet and he's that one guy*Wiping her nose on the back of her hand.*I want to marry Gerri Hope. And hav her babies. And I want you to be my maid of honor and I want you to come to the wedding but I don't want Aaron to freak out about it since it's gay and not legal and stuff. I want a big fairy wedding and your mom has to come. And Michael and everybody.
[20-02:54] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Delia...please...I am trying to help you understand. Aaron likes being a cop. He was a cop before...when he was Joe. But now he has to go into a job and everyday he has to deal with a guy who accuses him of killing the man that he is. He has to listen to this guy rail against him and accuse me of being an accomplice. And then on top of that, he has to watch his very evil twin prancing around, trying to take over the town. *she flops down next to Delia on the couch. She sighs heavily, reaching for the tissues* He doesn't have a problem with gays. He never have a problem with my friend Baby D or her girlfriend. Or when...*she stops herself, taking a breath* Can't talk about that now. Still hurts. *trying to give Delia some excuse. She is trying to open up here*
[20-02:58] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *SHe frowns.*I don't care what you do for a living Hope. It's no reason to just be mean to everybody like everybody is the enemy. ANy person with some sense knows that your strength comes from your friends and your family. I take care of my own Hope. You Big Ma, Antonin when he was still alive. I don't care what else happens. I wouldn't shut you out just cause my job sucks. Thats an even better reason to at least try and make the good stuff work.*She frowns.*Then it'sprobably just he doesn't like me personally.*Her shoulders slump.*Did I do something to bug him before and just not remember?*Awwwww.*I mean I can't joke with him, I can't really talk to him cause it feels like I'm talking to someone who doesn't give a shit about me or what I'm saying and I hate that.
[20-03:00] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : I don't know. I really don't. He never said nothing to me about not liking you. He just gets...protective. I bet he is just worried you are gonna leave me like everyone else. *she looks down, picking at the knee of her track pants right now. She says the last little bit all quiet like. Its true. Been abandoned and hurt all her life. Not surprising Aaron wants to protect her from that*
[20-03:06] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She reaches up and takes Hope's hand.*Where'm I gonna go Hope? You're all I got in the whole world. You and Gerri.
[20-03:08] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she closes her eyes. A few tears roll out from behind them, sliding down her cheeks. She opens her eyes as she looks at Delia's hand holding hers. She looks up to Delia's face, keeping her eyes on it for several seconds. She pulls her close into a hug*
[20-03:10] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She hugs her tight.*I dunno what happened to you Hope but I only got you. I don't wanna lose you I just found you. I mean I can live here if I stay outta Aaron's way. I won't bug him or nothing I promise.
[20-03:13] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she sniffles though its muffled because her face is against Delia's shoulder* If you feel like you gotta go......then you have to. I don't want you to but you being happy is important to me. The cottage will be done soon...promise. I will tell them I will pay them double if they finish it by the end of the month if you want
[20-03:14] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : You don't gotta do that.*She pulls backa little.*I think me you and Aaron just need to sit down and have a talk. No bullshit no Mr. Macho pants don't need nobody. Nothig like that. We get it all out and then we work it out. I don't wanna run off cause it's hard.*Shaking her head.*It's too important to do that.
[20-03:16] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : He isn't going to like that. He doesn't like to talk about his feelings. *she runs a hand under her eyes yet again to clean away the tears that slipped out when she wasn't paying attention* Delia...*she swallows hard. Her eyes searching Delia's* There is something really important I have to tell you...why Aaron doesn't trust anyone in my family, not even my sweet as sugar momma
[20-03:17] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She nods.*Okay. You can tell me.*She wipes Hope's cheek with her thumb.*
[20-03:25] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she hesitates because hey...this is not easy. Not easy at all. She takes a deep breath* My dad....*she pauses. She corrects herself, closing her eyes* our dad...about two years ago...he tried to kill me. And if Aaron hadn't shown up when he did...he would have finished the job. He knocked me out and was loading me into a car when Aaron got there.
[20-03:28] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She frowns.*Our Dad did that?*Her face starts to lose color.*He hit you on the back of the head?*Her gaze gets a little distant.*Was it a hammer?
[20-03:34] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she shakes her head. She looks down at her hands* Tire iron. I was coming out of an NA meeting and he just clocked me. He hit my backpack, my shoulder, the back of my head. It was enough to knock me out.
[20-03:35] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *her color comes back and she nods.*He think I'm here as like some super assasin on his behalf or something?
[20-03:40] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Oh no...*she shakes her head* Probably not. Its just that...well I was living with Vinnie for a bit and he disappeared. And Mike is never around. And just everyone in my family seems to hurt me. So Aaron can't help but be protective around them. Especially after he saved me from my father
[20-03:43] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : He doesn't even know me.*She frowns.*I never met any of them. I dunno why they did that. He won't even get a chance to know me himself. I'd think bein an angel and all he'd be more inclined to at least pretend to want to get to know me. I'm not evil or anything. I don't even have any of those huntery power things.
[20-03:48] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Will you let me talk to him first? Please? Before you go saying anything else to him? *she chews on her lower lip. It was a long shot but she wanted her perfect little family. If Aaron was going to stand in the way of that...well...he was going to get cut off!*
[20-03:50] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She shakes her head.*Don't bother to Hope. I really don't want him to be nice to me or pretend to be nice to me just so he won't get cut off.*HA she knows cause that's what she would do.*If he wants to get to know me I'm not going anywhere. If not then I guess he's not invited to my wedding.
[20-03:52] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : He doesn't pretend to be nice to anyone. I don't think he knows how. If he did, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. He knows how much you mean to me. I tell him all the time how important it was for me to have a sister. When I found out you were my was like this big old hole in my heart got filled, this hole I have had since I was little.
[20-03:53] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She smiles.*Then it's just me. It's ok Hope I get it. I mean I guess I wouldn't like me either if I was him.
[20-03:55] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : No...please don't say that. Please just let me talk to him. *she reaches out to take Delia's hand. This was important to her. Don't take it away from her!*
[20-03:57] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : But Hope*She looks nervous.*I know hwo he gets. If you're upset he'll blame me and then be even more unhappy with me being here. Maybe I should just you know stay out of his way and stuff I don't want him all pissed at you.
[20-04:00] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Just lemme do this okay and then I promise that I will help you plan your wedding and we will make it so big, that it will make everybody jealous. Kay? Cause I don't want crabapple to ruin your wedding cause he is being grumpy.
[20-04:00] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : ((Look at that boooooytiful avatar my bestest buddy made me!))
[20-04:00] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : (*Struts*HOT DAMN)
[20-04:01] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : If you really wanna. You don't have to though okay.*She looks up with that look on her face.*You know you don't have to right?
[20-04:02] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : I don't hafta but I want to. *she pauses to look at Delia. She pulls her leg into her chest. She rests her chin on her knee* Delia, can I ask you something?
[20-04:03] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : Of course you can ask me anything you wanna.*Nodding assuming almost the same posture.*
[20-04:05] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Would Gerri be really mad at me if I left the band? Its not that I don't like it...its just not my style. I was trained for classical stuff. And jazz and composing like instrumentals. I am not having fun with the whole rock n roll, screaming and yelling into the mic thing. You know me, I don't even listen to that kinda music.
[20-04:06] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She smiles a little.*We kinda figured you weren't really into it. I ca play keyboards not like you do but I can passably.
[20-04:08] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : I'm sorry...*she looks down, picking at the knee of her jeans again* I mean, it was nice. Like you and me all together doing something but...I was kinda thinking about going to that casino outside of town. They have this little lounge thing and no acts so far. I could do loungy stuff. Maybe slip some original stuff in there. And it would be...classy. *probably never a word she has heard to describe herself before. Which is why it was important to her*
[20-04:09] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She nods.*It's ok. I know it's not really your thing. I on the other hand am a musical whore I'll sing anything as long as I like it. And I like most of it so there's no telling what'll come out of my mouth most of the time.
[20-04:10] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Well...I was thinking, that maybe if you weren't too busy with the band and stuff, and if I got this job...maybe you would come sing for me. We could do like old Cole Porter standards. Billie Holiday. Ella Fitzgerald. *she looks up with a smile* You could lounge all on my piano like Michelle Pfeiffer in Fabulous Baker Boys.
[20-04:13] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : I would love taht. Just you and me. of No Mercy*nods*
[20-04:14] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she giggles softly* Somehow I think you would rather be singing Lucretia, My Reflection than Just One of Those Things. *she reaches over to give Delia a playful very light punch in her upper arm*
[20-04:15] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : I love the standards.*She licks Hope's arm and crosses her eyes.*Big Ma used to like me to sing em to her while she cleaned the days I went with her.
[20-04:17] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Ewww...did you just lick me? *she rubs at her arm* You have been around your girlfriend too long. Not all us girls like getting licked by other girls. *she grabs a pillow from behind her back, swinging it around to hit Delia in the face and chest. Not hard though. She could if she wanted to put some strength behind it*
[20-04:19] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *SHe snickers.*Don't knock it. I'm sure if you weren't my sister Gerri woulda been all over you. She thinks you're hella hot.
[20-04:21] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she giggles. She brings the pillow back to smack Delia with it again. Another light one* Does not. You are such a tease. She is in looooooooooove with you. *using that teasing sibling tone that is all too familiar*
[20-04:22] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : *She laughs*She does too. I heard her say so. And I've seen boys lookin at you miss oh I don't know I'm hot.*Giggling she sticks out her tongue.*You know you're fly.
[20-04:25] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Uh huh...I had two kids already. Kinda lowers your hotness factor. *though now that she doesn't look like some starving waif you could break in half, she does get a bit more attention* Besides, I am trouble. Everybody says so. *she sticks her tongue right back out at Delia*
[20-04:26] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : Riiiiiiiiiiiiight it does.*Shaking her head.*Yeah miss big booby girl. Yeah unless youtell em nobody can tell you got two big head baby boys.*Smiling.*I heard you even had some chick all in your Koolaid. We all know you're hot.
[20-04:29] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she flushes the brightest shade of pink that one could get as she ducks her head down into the pillow. She is so embarassed now. She whines out* Deeeeeeeeeeeeellllllliiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaa....stooooooop. *curling her body up all tight cause now she is super bad embarassed*
[20-04:30] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she peeks out from over the pillow* And what about you huh? You are the one that has some girl who is always playing grab ass with you. Plus all the boys that look at you when we go to the college together. You got the big chest runs in our family. *she reaches out to poke Delia in the chest, but kinda high on her boob. Not near the nipple*
[20-04:32] aaa26, Delia St. Martin : Well that's just cause I'm a little flamboyant Big Ma always said. WIth the pin up clothes and crap.*SHe shrugs.*I know what looks good on me. And of course she plays grab ass with me.. i put out. And don't mind sharing sometimes.*Giggling.*Did I tell you? I did it with a boy.
[20-04:34] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : There is nothing wrong with boys. *she hugs the pillow to her chest. She giggles madly, leaning forward to share a secret with Delia. She keeps her voice all very low* I did it with a girl once. Just one girl though. But that was a long time ago. *she goes back to sitting up. She looks at Delia* So who was this boy?
[20-04:38] 1df6f, Delia St. Martin : You did not no way Miss Heterosexual 2004.*Giggling more.*Did some hot chick get you drunk and take advantage of you or something.*Still giggling.*His name is Daneel he's a friend of Gerri's from way back I guess. But he seems kinda young. Really pretty, kinda like a girl with a penis.
[20-04:40] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Yeah....I usually had to be pretty drunk to do it. Or high. *cause it was technically more than one time. She looks at Delia, blushing because giggle! they are talking about sex* So um...was it good then?
[20-04:41] 1df6f, Delia St. Martin : Well*SHe looks serious now.*I think so but I dunno if it was watching or doing that was more exciting. Holy crap I've done it with like 3 people. That's kinda weird.
[20-04:45] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Why is it weird? *she tilts her head to the side. Heck, she wasn't about to share how many people she had been with. Would make her seem like a slut if Delia had only been with three. Her big number was double that, if you counted Aaron and Joe as two seperate people*
[20-04:46] 1df6f, Delia St. Martin : Well I was a virgin when I got here. It's not a big deal but it's just weird I guess.*Nodding.*Maybe I should have a party. A I busted my cherry party.
[20-04:48] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she gasps, bringing a hand up to her mouth* Oh my god...naughty!. *she giggles, hitting Delia with the pillow again* I am not going to that one!
[20-04:50] 1df6f, Delia St. Martin : Why not we could get drunk and sing like a virgin. OH I could dress up like Madonna er Esther or whatever she's calling herself did on MTV. That would be so funny. We should do it like a girls night out. Go see strippers and get a limo and everything.*Nodding.*
[20-04:51] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she giggles. She buries her face back into the pillow. All embarassed again. Not hard to get her embarassed when talking about sex* Okay. *she says between giggles* I want a party hat.
[20-04:52] 1df6f, Delia St. Martin : *SHe bounces.*Hell yeah...maybe those ones with the light up boobies on em.
[20-04:54] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she just dissolves into a fit of hysterical giggles picturing that. Trouble...this was going to be some bit of trouble. But guess what, that is all you get. Cause I have work in a few hours mofos. So there!*
[20-09:21] cf9ce, Peirce Richards: (test)
[20-09:41] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : (*eyes all the lurkers.*)
[20-10:02] f14d5, Extra: *peer*
[20-11:15] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Coming in from the back here comes Grant moving to behind the bar and he started getting things ready for lunch hour, he put up clean dishes that he had washed previous night, swept behind the bar once finishing that then moved from around the bar whiping down tables, and putting chairs where they were suppose to go, once finished with that he moves back to behind the bar and then begins to whipe down the bar, making sure to get the lime stain from last night..he then pauses a moment leaning back and placing his front finger and middle finger to the bridge of his nosehe closed his eyes letting himself relax for a moment..trying not to think of last night.*
[20-11:17] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Of course after last night herself she was almost in no mood to go to work today but she knew she had to , she knew that she couldnt get off on account of a broken heart, it was lunch time and even though she didnt want to eat she did want to see Grant, after pulling into the parking lot of the Bliss she placed her car in park and then turned it off, she then stepped out shut the door behind her locking it then moved inside to the Bliss, once inside she looked around before then looking toward Grant and she managed a smile, she moved toward the bar and took a seat on a stool right infront of him.*..Hey..
[20-11:18] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Once hearing the door open he opened his eyes and looked up to see who it was, thinking it might be Siela, but no it wasnt it was his sister, the last person he wanted to see right now but knew he had to be there for her, he manages a smile back and then he sits up and moves forward a bit.*..Hey sis..what can I get for you today..
[20-11:19] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She watched him a moment or two before then shrugging a little.* Not much for today Grant..just um...coke and some cheese fries please...put it on a tab..*her voice was soft when she spoke she glanced up toward him then and then looked back down to the bar.*
[20-11:21] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He watched her and then his brows furrowed and he sighed softly and nodded.* Okay..*he then turned around and grabbed a glass moving to the coke fountain he grabs a glass of ice filling it all the way then fills up the coke before then putting in for her order of fries and then grabs a straw and then slides the coke to her with the straw.*..How you holden up..?
[20-11:22] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She then took the straw and opened it then put it in her coke and then leaned forward taking a sip and swallowing before then leaning back and she looked up at him, no expression on her face just yet.*...Been better..*chuckles softly..* What do you expect ya know?
[20-11:24] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : Hey look sis........there are other fish in the sea you know...and...*trying to remember how Siela had put it last night.*..Maybe he was just..trying to save you from a lot of heart ache....
[20-11:25] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She lets out a soft sigh and she nods.* Yeh I know Grant...I also made a wrong assumption..lessoned learned..*her eyes still on the bar.* Perhaps I came on to strongly you know..*running her fingers thru her hair before then taking another sip of her coke.*..
[20-11:26] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : Perhaps...but you deserve better then him anyway...*smiling as he looked toward her then her fries were ready he moved to the kitchen grabbing them and then slid the plate to her.* Careful there hot..*he looked at the fries then remembered of the tobasco sauce with Delia and chuckles.*
[20-11:43] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Sighs softly.* Yeh I know Grant its just..if I could of done something different you know..*frowning as she then looked at the fries and then reached her hand down grabbing one, he hears him chuckle and she looks up at him.*...What's so funny? *raising a brow.*
[20-11:44] 718d6, Daniel Harper: ((color test))
[20-11:44] 718d6, Daniel Harper: ((Test))
[20-11:45] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Was busy cleaning before he then paused and looked toward her.* Huh? Oh..*laughs a little.* Nothing I was just remembering a girl that came in here last night..ordered chillie cheese fries..and she had put tobasco sauce on know the really hot kind..and well you know me I like to try a little of everything..*smirking.* Man..that stuff was hot...
[20-11:47] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *is on her way to the get some lunch when her cell phone rings* Hello?....... *sighs* Yeah, I can be there soon, is he ok?..... I realize that.... Yes.... Sure. Bye.
[20-11:47] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Looks up at him and laughs.* Well serves you right..Bro you going to to get yourself in trouble one day for that you know..*smirking as she had then finished up her fries and coke and then stood..looking at her watch.*..Well..I ought to get back to the hospital..they need me you know..*looks over toward him before then leaning forward agiants the bar giving him a hug.*..Thanks for talking with me Bro...*smiling.*
[20-11:48] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Chuckles a little.* Yeh I know..*smirks and then reaches over hugging her back and rubs her back a bit kissing her cheek.* No problem sis...look you'll be you tell everyone else..once you fall of you just got to get back on..*smiling and then he leaned back.* Now go on get out of here...*smirks.*
[20-11:48] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *makes her way back to their apartment building, where a nice elderly lady agreed to watch Danny while 'Lynnie is at school*
[20-11:49] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *is sitting in a corner, refusing to eat anything, and refusing to talk. Claims he won't do either until mommy and daddy come to get him*
[20-11:50] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Smiles softly.* Alright..*she then waves him by before heading back to the hospital.*
[20-11:51] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He sat behind his desk of course, and it was his lunch hour so he was eating his lunch at his desk while grading papers, man has been gone only two weeks and has so much work to catch up on, he then takes a bite of his ham sandwhich before then swallowing and then took a sip of his coke, careful to make sure that nothing gets on the papers, he then winces a bit, ugh writers cramp so he rotates his wrist around a bit until it pops.*
[20-11:53] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *arrives, comes inside, and is nearly knocked off her feet by her little brother who rushes her and attaches himself to her legs*
[20-11:56] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *buries his face in his sister's jeans*
[20-11:56] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He shook his head and smirked as he then took another bite of his sandwhich and swallowed, he did give Lyn his cell number, it was on the business card so if she needed to call in emergencies such as that he had his cell always on him.*
[20-11:57] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Mrs. Simms? What happened? *listens as the nice lady explains that Danny said he wouldn't eat or talk until mommy and daddy came. She sighs... remembers that business card.* Thanks, Mrs. Simms. *she picks up Danny and takes him back to their place.* Sweetie, you need to eat SOMETHING
[20-11:57] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *shakes his head no, blonde hair flopping wildly*
[20-11:57] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Will you at least talk to me?
[20-11:59] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He then leaned back in his chair a bit, course not expecting anything here, the then remembered he had to look over some notes from when he visited Jez last night..he then leans to his side fingering thru his files in his breif case and finds the folder taking it out.*
[20-12:03] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He then opened it up looking thru the notes he took and the things he high lighted, trying to put bits and peices together and trying to figure out how to get this woman out.*
[20-12:20] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *he shakes his head again and runs to his room, slamming the door*
[20-12:21] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Danny! *goes over, but the smart little tyke has figured out how to lock the door from the inside* Danny, open the door! *nothing*
[20-12:22] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He yawns leaning back in his chair oh boy this guy has a lot of work ahead of him concerning with Jezebel..he runs his fingers thru his hair closing his eyes a minute, knowing once he can prove that she is sane, he'll need to hunt down a lawyer.*
[20-12:23] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *sighs, pulls out her cell phone and that card teh Prof gave her. hesitates for a moment before dialing*
[20-12:24] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He then opens his eyes hearing his phone buzz..he then reaches over picking it up and flips it open speaking into it..*...Peirce here...
[20-12:25] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Um.. hi. Professor Richards? It's Caitlyn Harper.
[20-12:26] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He pauses a few moments then tries to remember and he does sitting up slightly.*..Miss alright? *his brows furrow cause this was his emergency phone line.*
[20-12:27] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *She sighs* Well... no, not really... my brother won't eat, and now he won't talk to me, until 'mommy and daddy come back'
[20-12:28] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He paused a moment then frowns, wasnt expecting something like this so soon..he looks down at his work a moment before then nodding.*..Alright where are you Ill come there..*he then stood grabbing his work, wallet and keys heading out the door.*
[20-12:28] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : I'm at my house..
[20-12:29] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He then opens the door to his car sliding in and then shuts the door.* Whats the address...
[20-12:30] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *rattles off the middle-class location of the place*
[20-12:31] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *And thanks to a little thing called the navigator he got installed in his car he types in the location and nods.* Alright Im coming..want me to stay on the phone with you until I get there? *pulling out of the parking lot and driving down.*
[20-12:38] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He drives to a store though on the way grabbing a few things for the kid then moving back to his car he throws them on the passenger seat and then drives back out a few moments later he arrives at Lyn's apartment, he gets the things for Daniel and then steps out of his car phone still to his ear.*..Miss Harper?
[20-12:40] 718d6, Daniel Harper : Yes?
[20-12:40] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Yeah, I'm still hre.
[20-12:41] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : ((have to start laundry, brb))
[20-12:42] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He then finally gets to her door and then knocks on.*..Miss Harper Im here..*closing his phone then as he looks to the door.*
[20-12:48] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *comes and opens the door* Um, thanks.. I just don't know what to do with him.
[20-12:51] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Smiles.* Its no problem Miss Harper is he? And what's his name..*stepping thru the door then and looks toward her before looking around.*
[20-12:51] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Danny.. and he's in his room. *leads the way* He found out how to lock it from the inside.
[20-12:52] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He nods a little moving toward the bedroom door, he then looks toward her.*...So...what did you tell him agian?
[20-12:53] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : I told him mommy and daddy had an accident and we wouldn't see them again.
[20-12:54] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Nods agian before then looking to the door then back up toward Lyn.* Woul d you mind if....I told a little lie..that I was a friend of your fathers?
[20-12:55] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *sighs* Sure.. whatever you think will work
[20-13:10] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He looks to her and then nods a little.* I really dont like to do things like that but I think it will help him come out of his room to begin with..*he lets out a breath and then looks to the door before then knocking on it slightly.*.....Danny? Hi....are you in there?
[20-13:11] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *he gets no answer because danny's a stubborn little bastard!*
[20-13:11] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : name is Peirce...Im..I was a friend of your fathers....can I come in? *his voice soft sounding of course, trying to think how a kid his age wood.*
[20-13:11] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *would*
[20-13:12] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *there's no answer again.*
[20-13:12] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *she sighs* He won't even talk to ME
[20-13:13] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Looks toward her then at the things he got for the kid and smiles a little..*...Danny....I got some really cool toys out here..
[20-13:14] 718d6, Daniel Harper : I don't care!! Go away!
[20-13:14] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : ((*test*))
[20-13:16] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Looked up as he heard him and then frowns a little then looks to Lyn then back to Danny.*...Oh come on Danny...Look I got a play station 2 out here..some games...*looking toward Lyn as if telling her to help him out here.*...Some really cool games here..
[20-13:17] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Enters the cabin, tossing down his keys on the table close the door. Takes off his jacket and hangs it.*
[20-13:17] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *there's no response from Danny* He has one in there...
[20-13:19] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she was in the kitchen making Aaron something to eat. She is a good wife like that. She hears the door open and the toss of keys on the table. Only person who does that would be him. She calls out to him**just so he knows where she is*
[20-13:19] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Chuckles..*Oh boy..guess I ought to return this one then..*looking down at him then looked to the door.*.....*looks back to Lyn.*..What's his favorite thing to eat?
[20-13:19] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : (him-it)
[20-13:20] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Umm.. he really likes pizza, but he's refusing to eat too.
[20-13:21] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *His eyes light up ah hah of course, every kids favorite place to go..he then looked to the door.*..Hey Danny if you come out me and Caitlyn will take you to chuckie cheeses..
[20-13:22] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Danny, we can go to the no-name pizza place...
[20-13:22] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *looks at the doc* Do you usually work with kids?
[20-13:22] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : (*Uh yes what Lyn said cause doesnt know if St. Solanus has a chuckie cheese * *lol*)
[20-13:23] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He looks from the door to Caitlyn.* Um....want me to be honest? *chuckles sure he's worked with high school students who just graduated..but as far as younger then that nope.*
[20-13:24] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *shakes her head, sighing with a small smile* Danny, come on.. at least unlock the door.. at least talk to me a little.. it won't hurt you.
[20-13:24] 718d6, Daniel Harper : I want mommy and daddy!!
[20-13:25] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Heads for the kitchen. Moves to her and then gives her a kiss on her neck from behind.*
[20-13:25] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He then looked back toward the door watching it ..*....Danny listen....if you come out...Ill tell you were they are okay? But can you come out of your room? Please..?
[20-13:26] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she giggles when he does that. Her neck naturally scrunching up because of it* That tickles...*yes, state the obvious here. Well no one ever said she was smart* How was work?
[20-13:26] 718d6, Daniel Harper : Sweetie, mommy and daddy can't come, ok? *is near tears just about, because she's worried about the kid*
[20-13:27] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : Another day. *And he can't talk about it, naturally.*
[20-13:27] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He looked toward Caitlny then moved toward her a bit.*..Hey I think I got it okay...its okay let me try this..*smiling toward her and then looks back to the door.*...So if you come out Danny you can find out where mommy and daddy are okay?
[20-13:28] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she does understand that! She nods her head and turns to look at him* I take it your partner is still riding you huh? *she frowns because hey, no one needs to be messing with her man*
[20-13:29] 718d6, Daniel Harper : I want them HERE
[20-13:29] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He widens his eyes a bit then runs his hand over his face, he then looked to the door knob before looking back to Lyn.*...You have a paper clip or something?
[20-13:30] c7043, Elise Solanus-Banks: ((*all around test*))
[20-13:31] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *fishes for one in her bag, hands it to him* Danny, honey, you're going to have to come out of there eventually, how else are you going to use the bathroom?
[20-13:31] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : ((BRB))
[20-13:32] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : Nothing I can't handle. *Looks over her to see what is for dinner.*
[20-13:33] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Pot roast. Gotta stick to the roasts since I have to feed an army now. *she giggles as she leans into him. She rests her hands on his chest, looking up at him* You got a minute for me?
[20-13:34] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Good...keep talking to him..*he nods to Caitlyn before then reaching out in his walet getting a credit card of his and then he unfolds the paper clip putting it in the small whole of the door, he then begins to wiggle it around slowly..getting a good grip on the lock, slowly he turns the lock, and with his credit card he places it in the crack between the door and the lock and as he turned the lock he began to push it back into the door with his credit card and no sooner would the door become unlocked, he takes his hand then and slowly grips the door knob and turns it, taking out the paper clip and the credit card placing it in his back pocket looking to Caitlyn and then slowly he begins to open the door.*
[20-13:36] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Reaches around her to take a pinch of whatever he can.* Always for you.
[20-13:37] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *raises an eyebrow* I'm not gonna ask how you learned that.. *Cracks the door* Danny, get out here right now.
[20-13:39] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *well usually she would stop him but she has other things on her mind* Why are you so...cold to Delia? *because see how nice and affectionate he is being around her. Has to be a fluke with Delia...has to be*
[20-13:40] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *is sitting there on his bed, pouting with his arms crossed over his chest*
[20-13:40] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : You know, your face'll get stuck like that. You'd never need a Halloween costume again.
[20-13:40] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *breaks his sour expression there to smile at the joke*
[20-13:41] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Uh oh... you're smiling. What did I do?
[20-13:41] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Cooked carrot. Chews.* You know, babe, I know she's your sister and all...but its not a good thing she has somebody I had to bust living here with us.
[20-13:43] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He looked toward Caitlyn and smirked a bit then opened the door a bit more and stepped inside and saw Danny..he watched him a moment or two before then moving to infront of him..cautiously..he then kneeled down and looked toward Danny eyeing him.*....Danny right..*smiling..treating him like an equale not a kid.*
[20-13:43] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she shakes her head* No...this has been going on for a while. Since she moved in here. If you don't like her, will you just tell me? Everyone thinks you are unfriendly and that you are...mean to me. *and she isn't just talking about Delia here. She does have other friends. Friends from LA*
[20-13:45] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *looks narrowly at Peirce* who are you?
[20-13:46] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He smiled a bit more before then handing his hand out toward the kid.*..My name's Peirce...
[20-13:46] 718d6, Daniel Harper : I don't know you.
[20-13:46] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : He's a friend, sweetie, it's ok. Now tell me what's wrong, please.
[20-13:47] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : Am I mean to you?
[20-13:47] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : No....but your sister does...*still keeping that friendly smile toward him, looking toward Caitlyn then back at Danny..*...Now why did you lock yourself up in your room here? I mean dont get me wrong..its a nice even got a play station in here too right?
[20-13:48] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : *she shrugs her shoulders* When you are not friendly to my friends, it hurts me. You seem to only like one person and that's me. Aaron...even Tina thinks you are a jerk. She said something to me about it cause she wants to work someplace else cause of it.
[20-13:48] 718d6, Daniel Harper : Yeah, i've got mortal kombat it's really cool
[20-13:49] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Mortal Kombat huh? Man your one lucky kid..all I had in my living room when I was your age was a nintendo..*grinning some.*
[20-13:52] 718d6, Daniel Harper : That's ooolllld
[20-13:52] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *covers the snicker that nearly escapes* You know, I had one of those too, Danny
[20-13:52] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Sighs.* I've not said anything about them being here...but, I would like some time with my wife, just us. I mean, you invited her to stay here without asking and then she moves her playmate in...I've been trying hard...
[20-13:53] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Laughs a little.*..Yeh it is...and you know what else..I had to share it with all my cousins when they came got your very own..*looking up to Lyn agian then back to Danny.*...
[20-13:53] 718d6, Daniel Harper : You can play with me if you want. *getting ready to go turn it on and set up the controllers*
[20-13:54] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Well the little cottage out back will be done in just a few more weeks. And then they will be outta our hair...I promise. *she pauses as she reaches up to move some of his hair away from his face* Its not just them though. You were a lot friendlier to people when we lived in LA. You never had a problem with Tamiel or Baby D or anyone coming over. We used to have fun nights with our friends.
[20-13:55] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Oh yeh..? *smiles.* Well...we will in just a second man we got to talk okay...*looking toward Danny as he starts to set it up..*
[20-13:55] 718d6, Daniel Harper : About what?
[20-13:56] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : Friends came over and left. They didn't move in. Tamiel had the room off the garage and the house was much larger then this.
[20-13:56] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Well...for starters you dont need to be scaring your sister like you did...okay? We dont need for you to lock yourself up in your room...why did you?
[20-13:57] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *he simply shrugs and turns on the PS2*
[20-13:57] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *sighs* narf!ing hell...
[20-13:58] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Looks as he turns on his PS2 and reaches over turning it off and looks at him.*..Danny...why did you lock yourself in your room...
[20-13:59] 718d6, Daniel Harper : Hey I was playing.. *pouts, crossing his arms over his chest* I want to see mommy and daddy but Caitlyn won't let me.
[20-13:59] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : I am doing the best I can here. I am building them the cottage....*she is doing her best here. Besides, he moved Rafe in without asking and she was still so nice to him* Aaron...I'm really worried about you. *she touches his face softly*
[20-14:00] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Oh boy..this was the point..he runs his fingers thru his hair a bit then looks back toward Danny.*....Danny.....there's....something I need to tell you about your mommy and daddy...
[20-14:01] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *But Rafe didn't move his lover in and hell, he wasn't hardly around to even notice. He doesn't reply. His eyes just go down between them.*
[20-14:03] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *looks up, innocent eyes wide.. because little kids don't understand death*
[20-14:04] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Will you please just talk to me? You are so...different since LA. I miss how we used to be. And I don't mean before...I mean right after the boys were born. Before we moved here. I miss that. *she keeps her hand against his cheek. She keeps her eyes on him*
[20-14:05] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He saw that and he had to push his own emotions aside.*...Your...mommy and daddy...are gone....
[20-14:06] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : I've been under stress the last couple months. Nothing going the way it should..but I hope they get better. I've got a regular job. I know where I stand now with....what I am..
[20-14:06] 718d6, Daniel Harper : Thas' what Lynnie said
[20-14:09] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Is there anything I can do? *she smiles at him, tilting his chin up so he gazes at her again* Our wedding went exactly how it should have. And we got this nice little cabin. And our boys are healthy and strong. Not all bad
[20-14:09] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Right..and...there not coming back buddy....and...look...sweetie..*course saying sweetie to this kid sounds abit wierd to him..*...there dead....*had to say it kids gotta learn what death is sometime.*
[20-14:10] 718d6, Daniel Harper : *just kinda stares at him, not comprehending
[20-14:12] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : No. I just would like it to be us. Us. You, me, the boys...and well, Tina when we need her. Our privacy is all but nonexistant.
[20-14:12] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : ..There not coming back...
[20-14:13] 718d6, Daniel Harper : Why not!
[20-14:14] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *and fade*
[20-14:15] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Well...I will ask Delia to stay in a hotel until the cottage is done then. If that will make you feel better. Will that put you in a better mood? *she moves to stand behind him, reaching up to massage his shoulders* Or maybe a massage huh? I still think I give the best ones.
[20-14:18] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Nods.* Its just, Hope...we have a loft bedroom. They sleep on the hideabed....*Turns and looks at her...* And you and I can't have our time like we used to. I think it would be best if they did take a room someplace.
[20-14:19] 5fff8, Hope Matthews : Okay...I will talk to Delia then. No worries. *she smiles at him* Can I have a smile at least? Even if its a little one? *she reaches around him to tickle his stomach lightly* Please...
[20-14:21] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Gives her a smile and takes her and kisses her then pulls back.* I've got a but of things to do outside. *Releases her and heads to change to go work out in the yard until dinner.*
[20-15:32] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she was waiting in the interrogation room with her NPC for now lawyer. She wasn't smoking but she felt the overwelming need to have a cigarette. Nope, she was just sitting quietly. She already got to have consult time with her lawyer here*
[20-15:35] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *After looking over what info on Dr. Brooks they had he enters the room. Chewing that gum.* Sorry to call you down like this.
[20-15:38] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : Its understandable. You are doing an investigation. *never had a problem with cops. Hell, she got questioned a few times after Jacob's death. Routine procecedure they told her. At least she is as clean as a whistle here. No arrests. Not even a parking ticket*
[20-15:41] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Pulls a chair out and turns it, back to table and sits. Puts a micro recorder on the table. Turns it on.* State you name and occuaption for the record please.
[20-15:43] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she sighs because how many times does she have to go through this* Dr. Justine Brooks. I work at St. Solanus Hospital in the plastic surgery and geriatric medicine departments. *she shifts a bit in her seat. This close to her...not fun!*
[20-15:45] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : What is you relationship to Dr. Eric Solanus?
[20-15:47] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : We are work collegues as well as friends. We do consultations on each other's patients. *all very straight forward here. She crosses her legs, her right leg on top bounces just slightly in nervous agitation*
[20-15:49] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : Did you know the deceased? *Keeps his voice very even. His blue eyes studying her as she speakes.*
[20-15:51] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she doesn't particularly care for those blue eyes on her either. Something about them...reminds her of...of what? She can't recall* Its not that large of a hospital, Detective. I believe our paths crossed once or twice. But I usually deal with RNs who have experience in my specialities.
[20-15:54] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : Did Dr. Solanus ever talk to you about his relationship with Jennifer Sampson?
[20-15:55] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : Yes. We were friends after all. *hey, he wants more, he is going to have to work for it. Something about him, she instantly doesn't trust him*
[20-15:58] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : What did he tell you about his relationship with the deceased. *chews that gum somemore.*
[20-16:01] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : *could that be anymore annoying? With the gum chewing and all* He said that he had gone out once with Ms. Sampson. They went back to her place and one thing led to another. After that, he saw her occassional for sex but he was going to break it off because of her age.
[20-16:03] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Who was he to judge the age thing?* Didn't she tell him she was pregnant?
[20-16:05] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : He had his doubts about the validity of her pregnancy. And with good reason now it seems. *she smirked just slightly. Oh you think word doesn't travel fast in this city?* Unfortunately, I think Dr. Solanus is being set up and wrongfully accused. But hey, its your department that will look bad when he is found innocent.
[20-16:07] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : Dr. Brooks, just answer my questions, please? *Runs a hand through his hair to push his bangs back.* Now about the night of Sept 17. What was your business up at Dr. Solanus' office?
[20-16:13] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : I had done a rhinoplasty for Dr. Solanus after he broke his nose. I was doing a standard followup to get on swelling, nerve connectivity and the like. *and she does have to throw in her little comments here and there. This guy was putting her on edge*
[20-16:17] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : ((get=check))
[20-16:20] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Nods.* What did you see on entering his office?
[20-16:22] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she shifts again in her seat, leaning in as her lawyer whispers to her. She sits back up* When I went into his office, he was performing CPR on Ms. Sampson. He was distraught as he tried to save her.
[20-16:25] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Sits there for a few minutes, looks down at that recorder then back up at her.* Before you entered did you hear anything like an arguement?
[20-16:26] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she gives a pause, trying to best formulate her answer her. She wasn't going to lie and risk getting herself into trouble* I am not typically one to eavesdrop....I heard...bits and pieces.
[20-16:30] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : And what were these bits and pieces?
[20-16:33] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : Ms. Sampson threatening Dr. Solanus. Threatening his family, to cause a scandal. Dr. Solanus remained as calm as he could given the situation.
[20-16:35] 3b793, Aaron Matthews : *Shuts off the recorder then stands.*
[20-16:36] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she gets up as well, standing with her lawyer* Well since that is all...*hey, they know where she lives if they need her*
[20-16:38] 80882, Aaron Matthews : Thank you Dr. Brooks. I'm sure you'll be getting a call from the DA soon.
[20-16:39] 80882, Aaron Matthews : *Moves and opens the door for her.* We'll keep in touch.
[20-16:40] 5c562, Dr. Justine Brooks : I have no doubt of it. *she moves out of the door, heading out of the police. She was going to have to talk to Eric ASAP. Especially if the DA was wanting to talk to her!* *fades out*
[20-17:19] 2a138, Extra: test
[20-17:34] 6756c, Frank: (( anyone around?
[20-17:36] 6756c, Frank : *he leans back in his chair, he closes his eyes and sighs, * busy little bees buzzing all around*he whispers to himself as two of his men drag in a well dressed man in his mid thirties, the men force this man to his knees and stand off to the side as frank stands slowly* Mr. Carter, it is very good to see you* he says as he looks to the man on the floor, *
[20-17:38] 6756c, Frank : *the man is tall, thin, with power white skin and a thinning hair line, * It wasn't me Mr. Thomas, I swear on my mothers life* he cries out, falling to the floor as he bows his head* please please, Mr. Thomas!* he begs *
[20-17:40] 6756c, Frank : Mr. Carter, there is no need for begging, * says Frank as he reaches into his desk and pulls out a tape recorder and a silenced pistol. He pushes play on the recorder and Carter's voice fills the room* yeah it's him, what? no no I 'm sure he's the one, he matches the profile perfectly, No will you listen, I swear to you this man is the Magician and he's going to be our pay day* frank shuts off the recorder and looks to Mr. Carter*
[20-17:43] 5c562, Extra: *quick test*
[20-17:57] 9eafb, Extra: *test again*
[20-17:58] 6756c, Frank : Care to explain yourself?* frank asks him as he leans on the front of the desk, * Mr. Thomas I'm being set up* he cries in responce, frank only smiles and shakes his head* Unlikely mate, just tell me if you told anyone* he instructs* no , just my partner* whispers carter, lowering his head and looking to the floor* good then, we're square, seeing how I've already had this conversation with your partner* says frank as he throws a severed finger on the floor in front of carter. *
[20-18:00] 6756c, Frank : Carter looks to the finger and begins to wail* please don't shoot me, please !!* the men behind him begin to lay out plastic sheets on the floor as frank stands and walks over to him, pistol in hand* sorry mate, your fates sealed* the scene fades out as two silenced gunshots are heard*End Scene*
[20-18:00] f855e, Vivian Jessups : *In her office at the production studio, having straightened her office, was enjoying a cup of tea as she was reading over the latest publicity reports. She was seriously going to have to talk to Stephen about some of these things getting leaked out too early*
[20-18:02] b7c91, Seth Donovan : *So, he's in Bliss. Chillin'. As all old professors do. Conversating idly with the tender about this, that, and the other. Thinking this place is definitely misnames. Bliss. Not a whole lot of that to be found unless you're liquored up good.*
[20-18:02] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He in his own office of course, and having the ability to get Vivian's office number he had managed to, he dialed it and then sat in his chair as he waited for her to pick up.*
[20-18:03] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Having managed to get time off from the hospital she pushes her ways thru the door, hungry of course, she nods to her brother and then moves over toward a stool and slides up on it..she then smirks.*..Beer me...dont care what kind just get it out here...*chuckles softly.*
[20-18:04] 6756c, Jimmy: *fade in, sitting in his truck just outside bliss, he's been sober most of the day and sadly just is in a horrible mood, he had nightmares all last night and is in some despate need for a fix, he opens the door to his truck and slowly walks towards Bliss, needing a drink*
[20-18:04] 9eafb, Hope Matthews : *she was pacing the floor of the livingroom of the cabin, waiting for Delia to get home. She only hoped she was alone. But seeing as Gerri's player went home sick from work, well ha! not going to be able to bust up on in this*
[20-18:04] b7c91, Seth Donovan : Yet another rough day? *He speaks up quietly before turning to look at Torrie, one brow raised slightly above the other..*
[20-18:06] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She blinked, she heard that familar voice..she turned her head slightly and looked over toward Seth watching him..before then looking forward a moment.*...Im fine..*course that was a lie...but she didnt want anyone to know that she wasnt..*
[20-18:06] ac255, Hope St. Martin : *She comes home with an armload of grocery bags. Greens, beens, hamhocks. Someone is cooking.*Someone open the door...please.*Juggling all of it trying not to spill anything.*
[20-18:06] f855e, Vivian Jessups : *She looked majorily annoyed when her secretary told her she had a phone call. She waved the woman off...someone from the institure calling her? And it wasn't the director of the place either...someone's head was going to roll for this. She picked her phone up, her voice icey and with that clipped brit accent of hers* Vivian Jessups....
[20-18:07] 6756c, Jimmy : *he enters bliss, looking around the room slowly, seeing seth there, remembering him from the vatican, just hope he doesn't remember jimmy, he heads to the bar, weaing a old leather jacket, mohawk all combed down, could actually pass for a halfway normal human being, he looks to the bartender* beer anykind will do* he says*
[20-18:08] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *There was a pause on the phone, and his own voice was deep when he spoke..and he smiled slightly having finally gotten a hold of her.*..Miss Jessups...Peirce Richards...I know its late but ...I have some business to discuss with you concerning your..sister..
[20-18:08] 6756c, Jimmy McGee: (( fixes his handel ))
[20-18:09] 9eafb, Hope Matthews : *wow, she is so cool, everyone wants her name! She hears DELIA's voice, running to the front door. She pulls it open and grabs one of the sacks from Delia to help her out. Grabs a second one too cause she can handle it*
[20-18:09] b7c91, Seth Donovan : Oh, come on... *He scoffs in obvious disbelief, waving a hand dismissively at her as he looks away* You're a terrible liar, you know that? So you should either share in the misery or try fibbing again after you've got some booze in your blood.
[20-18:11] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She paused long moment..picking underneith her fingernails staring down at them before finally deciding to speak.*....He went to Africa..*and "he" well knowing Seth wouldnt know exactly who but he would have a vague idea.*
[20-18:11] f855e, Vivian Jessups : Mr. Richards.....I have no idea how you got this unlisted number and as for my twin...don't bother me about her. What ever trouble she has gotten herself probably her own fault and she can take care of herself
[20-18:12] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : If she can take care of herself Miss Jessups then why is she still at Blue Ridge? *he raised a brow at that a moment or two.*
[20-18:12] 6756c, Jimmy McGee: *he leans on the bar, running his fingers through his hair, thinking on past times, but not really wanting to, man he could use some crank, but where the hell does one get drugs in st. solance, this one edge still a mystery to him* can I get a burger and some fries* he asks as he pulls out his art work from his back pocket and unfolds it slowly, he begins to draw*
[20-18:13] b7c91, Seth Donovan : *What, he's supposed to remember everybody's problematic crushes? Yes. Yes, he is. Because it works.* He went.. to Africa. That seems rather sudden. Is it the spontanaity of the decision or the fact that you feel he's now out of reach?
[20-18:15] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : You know at this point I dont really care...If he wants to Africa then I say...good for him..*once getting her beer she raises it and says cheers then takes a swallow.*...This is nothing serious I believe...just a wrong assumption..
[20-18:16] ac255, Delia St. Martin: (*Player is a freaking retard*)*SHe grins.*Thanks baby. Lookit this..I'm gonna make a meal so big. You are gonna have to wear your elastic pants. And stay out of the kitchen for like 6 hours.
[20-18:16] f855e, Vivian Jessups : *her tone shifted, colder if possible and she was rather short* Mr. Richards, I have no idea who you are, what you want from me in regards to my sister. And also...I have no idea what you are talking about or where this place is that you are talking about.
[20-18:18] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Miss Jessups is there somewhere we could talk...I just need an hour of your time...*he paced back and forth for a second and then sat back down in his chair.*
[20-18:18] b7c91, Seth Donovan : Your words say one thing, but your voice says anotherrrr... *He draws the last word out slightly sing-song, turning his head to look at her with a patiently lofted brow*
[20-18:18] 9eafb, Hope Matthews : *she giggles and then shakes her head* You know you can't keep me outta my own kitchen. *she heads for aforementioned kitchen, setting both grocery sacks on the counter. She reaches into the bags. She grabs stuff out, setting it on the counter*
[20-18:19] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She noticed the dart board and then looks toward Seth.*..Do you play Darts? *smiling toward him a bit as if trying to avoid that area.*
[20-18:19] ac255, Delia St. Martin: *She starts pulling all sorts of stuff out of the bags. Talking a mile a minute.*I'm gonna make black eyed peas, and cornbread and collard greens. You like greens right?*Her tone one were raised right weren't ya.*
[20-18:21] b7c91, Seth Donovan : Oh, avoiding my questions now... And I'm only trying to help. *He shifts his gaze over to uh.. the dart board, before giving a slight shake of his head...* No, unfortunately for you. I've never played before.
[20-18:21] 9eafb, Hope Matthews :*she really isn't sure how to put this. Its not the easiest thing, kicking your sister out for a few weeks* Can you just stop for a minute so we can talk?
[20-18:22] f855e, Vivian Jessups : I'm sorry Mr. Richards...but I'm a very busy person and have no time to meet or deal with strangers who have gotten themselves involved with my twin. Now...if there nothing else...I have businesses to run
[20-18:22] 6756c, Jimmy McGee: *his fingers roam over the art work, smudging things that needed to me smudged and adding things that needed to be added too, the art work is crude, but otherwise made with a masterful hand it shows a lone man standing amid ruins, everything black and white, below the lone man's feet are several bodies and behind him are their souls asending to heaven on the bottom of the art work is a latin phrase that says, " Father Forgive me For I have sinned". He looks at the work for a long time, his blue eyes scanning over a years worth of work*
[20-18:23] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She reaches for his wrist then once standing up out of her stool and drags him to the dart board.*..Then Im going to teach you..*smirking as she then took her beer in her other hand..once there she sets her beer down and then pull's out the darts...and she looks toward him then to the dart board.*...If you play a game with me Mr. Donovan then I'll talk...*looking toward him.*
[20-18:23] ac255, Delia St. Martin : What?*SHe stops putting stuf away and looks at her then frowns.*Oh shit...right?*Meaning it's bad isnt it.*
[20-18:25] 9eafb, Hope Matthews : *she leans back against the counter. She has to pick her words very carefully here* I talked to Aaron...about what we talked about and stuff...
[20-18:25] b7c91, Seth Donovan : *He deftly plucks his arm from Torrie's grasp, eyes grazing over the paper in front of Jimmy, glance pausing when he sees the Latin, brain translating in but a second or so...* Once again, you meet misfortune. *Those eyes of his snapping back to Torrie* I practice what I preach, and I say no. Talk first, play later. How can you enjoy anything with such troubles weighing down your spirit?
[20-18:26] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He paused a moment..and he nodded.* Of course Miss Jessups....*then hangs up with out another word..he had some other things to get done before talking to Vivian agian.*
[20-18:27] ac255, Delia St. Martin : And he wants me out right?*Nodding, figured as much. Well she tried.*I will call Gerri and be out before he gets home. You can keep the food. Make it if you want to.
[20-18:28] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She stared at the darts then and then placed them back before grabbing her beer and moving back toward him....she stood beside him now at the bar leaning agiants the side.*...What troubles? *quirking a brow.*
[20-18:28] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : (the-her)
[20-18:29] f855e, Vivian Jessups : *She hung the phone up in annoyance...damn..she had been in a good mood. She drummed her fingers for a moment, then picked the phone up and called the director of Blue Ridge...he was going to get his ass chewed out*
[20-18:29] 9eafb, Hope Matthews : Delia...hey...will you just gimme a minute to explain here? *she sighs, shaking her head* Aaron and I talked. And he likes you. He just doesn't like the and him not having any privacy. He is mad that I just invite people to stay and I don't talk to him. He still likes you and we want you to come back when the cottage is all done.
[20-18:29] b7c91, Seth Donovan : What troubles... what troubles... *He mutters to himself, giving a low little chuckle. Geeze. Some people are just to slow to-* You can just figure that one out on your own. I can't help you until then.
[20-18:30] 6756c, Jimmy McGee: *he takes off the jacket revealing a gray tank top slpashed with paint and a mess of tattoos, his right amr with flames riding down from th shoulder to the elbow, traces of a masterful back piece and black and white sletic cross on his forearm, when his food comes he grabs it and eats, wanting to get out before anyone bothers him*
[20-18:30] 9eafb, Hope Matthews : You AND live in the cottage. *had to add that right quicklike*
[20-18:31] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : Mr. Donovan I know what troubles..*looking down a bit to her beer then up toward Seth.*..So here's how it went..took your advice..told him how I felt...he gave nothing to me in return...and I...had misunderstood him..
[20-18:31] b7c91, Seth Donovan : In an awful hurry, aren't you? *He tilts his head just slightly off toward Jimmy, a brow raised a bit above its mate, just a vague expression of idle curiosity.*
[20-18:32] ac255, Delia St. Martin : *She hears that as he'll tolerate you two hundred yards away and out of his hair.*Okay.*A little shrug.*Its no biggy. Me and Gerri can get a hotel. I'll get my stuff together.*Aaron likes her, yeah suuure. She already has theories about that. Since his evil twin seems to like her, maybe he can't like her. You know the weird good/evil thing. She nods.*I'll um talk to her about it. I should um..*absently tugging on her earlobe, moving the earring.*I should make some calls and get a reservation.
[20-18:33] b7c91, Seth Donovan : *And look, two convos at once!* Ms. Wayland... I'm willing to bet you threw yourself at his feet and tried to grovel him back to you. No man wants that. And I thought you were the strong and independent type... Taking some old stranger's advice to heart to boot. *he clicks his tongue, giving a slight shake of his head*
[20-18:35] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : Normally Mr. Donovan.......I dont say if I was able to turn back time I would change something but this time...*closing her eyes.* I would give anything to relive that night do it right..*frowning as she took another sip of her drink and swallowed.*..I dont know why I acted like I did...*frowning more so.*
[20-18:37] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *Bored out of her mind, having been locked up constantly in her room, she was mulling over her plans of escape....and how brutal she could make it if need be...damn she needed to be able to speak to others that were being kept here though*
[20-18:37] b7c91, Seth Donovan : Anything... huh? *Well, there's too slow to reel in and then there's too slow to be too slow to reel in. He'll see where this one fits soon enough, he supposes* I doubt that, Torrie. Your brother, would you give him up in exchange for a second chance at landing your dream doctor?
[20-18:38] 6756c, Jimmy McGee: hears seth but pushes it off, could have been talking to the woman, good good, the plan is working , eat fast drink fast leave without being noticed and wham on to methville where all the tweekers are polite and numb*
[20-18:38] ac255, Delia St. Martin : (*Urinates on AIM*)
[20-18:38] 9eafb, Hope Matthews : Well....*she blushes really head, looking down to toe the tile of the kitchen* I sorta already called and got you and Gerri a one month lease in this little studio apartment a couple of miles down the road. *awww, how sweet. How can you be mad at her? Feels so guilty, she is setting you up at her cost*
[20-18:40] b7c91, Seth Donovan : *He turns once again to look at Jimmy, having apparently gone unheard the first time.* What's the rush? Are you so anxious to dive right back into the stresses of living that food is just an obstacle, in your way?
[20-18:40] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He had then soon showed up at Blue Ridge oh yes was furious he wanted Jez out and damnit if he was going to do that, he walked down the long white hall-ways glancing toward a few patients walking down the halls as well before then making his way to Jez's room, the guard unlocks the door and he steps in, the guard closes the door behind him and Peirce looks directly at Jez.*..Alright Jez..look no more games..if you want to get out then your going to have to prove to me and to them that you want out of here..and you have to change..rather you like it or not to get out of here you have to..*his voice deep and he was finally taking in control.*
[20-18:40] ac255, Delia St. Martin : *She nods a little.*Okay thanks.*Not quite looking up. She looks over Hope's shoulder.*You didn't have to do that.
[20-18:41] 9eafb, Hope Matthews : ((Gods you are evil, Seth. How can you be related to me?! *LOL*))
[20-18:41] 6756c, Jimmy McGee: he stops, damn been spotted, how do we get out of this, hmmm, play stupid, nope, won't work on seth, * just need to get back to my place, got things need to be done
[20-18:41] b7c91, Seth Donovan : ((*lol* More related to your daddy than you, actually, so that should say it all!)
[20-18:41] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : No..*she took another sip of her dirnk and swallowed.* I am....just confused, I hate the fact that the last impression he had of me was....*cringing at the word.*..needy looking..thats not who I am..
[20-18:43] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *She had been sitting on her bed, braiding her hair when Peirce came in, and his demanding tone of voice...made her burst out laughing at him, mocking him him* Oh....and just who are you to be giving ME orders there bub? I'm can't keep me here...its illegeal
[20-18:43] 9eafb, Hope Matthews : Yeah...I did. This is my fault. If I would have asked Aaron first about you living here, then he wouldn't have gotten mad. He likes you and Gerri but he likes you more when you aren' all the time. *she looks up from the ground, smiling sheepishly* But got your own place now. Right?
[20-18:43] b7c91, Seth Donovan : Got things to be done... *He repeats slowly, his voice all low and such, and since Jimmy responded first, he's gonna reply to him first! Torrie, hold your horses!* Like what... hmm? I can't imagine what could be so important you'd speed right through such a hearty meal.
[20-18:45] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Oh yeh..? Then why are you still in here Jezebel...*his voice was cold, as he then moved to in front of her and placed one hand on either side of her on the bed he was close..his eyes on hers.*...If its illegal why are you still here..
[20-18:45] b7c91, Seth Donovan : You're not needy, Ms. Wayland? I think that's a lie as well. *He gives a chuckle as he props his elbows up on the bar, speaking quietly and privately to her..* No, not needy at all. Which is why you're seeking counsel from some stranger in a bar, who's already once given rotten advice.
[20-18:46] ac255, Delia St. Martin : Hope you don't have to make excuses for him. It's not your fault. He just isn't a people person. And I'm just strange people to him.*She nods.*I kinda already knew that so I don't think it's all that much of a surprise really. I think it was kinda bound to happen at some point.*She looks around.*And we'll be close by.
[20-18:47] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : Your the one who insisted we talk...*shrugging as she took another sip and swallowed licking her lips a little.*...I dont need anyone..I can be perfectly fine on my know it would be nice if ..someone just said hello to me once and awhile..or have someone there to see to look forward to seeing..*shrugging a bit.*
[20-18:48] 9eafb, Hope Matthews : You are still gonna come back though right? I am building the guest cottage just for you. Please. *she reaches out to take Delia's hand. Don't abandon her. You have no idea what it will do to her. It won't be pretty and brains will be splattered*
[20-18:48] ac255, Delia St. Martin : *SHe nods.*Of course.*She holds Hope's hand.*You really don't gotta aplogize for Aaron and stuff Hope. It's not your fault. Really.
[20-18:49] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *Her eyes narrowed when he got really close, dumb could this guy be? Was he really that clueless on how dangerous she was?* Well gee mister...might have something to do with the fact...that doors locked, I'm drugged more times than I can count..and someone is getting paid alot of money to keep me out of the way.
[20-18:49] 6756c, Jimmy McGee: many things* he says, hoping seth will just drop it and gon on consouling the woman, but somehow he thinks that seth will just go on trying to save two lives instead of the one*
[20-18:50] b7c91, Seth Donovan : *He leans in toward Torrie, lips hovering by her ear as he speaks in a low whisper...* Lying... again, kiddo. What you want is someone to bring you flower and candy, cook you dinner, take you on walks... have nice, romantic sex on the beach... *his voice ends up a barely audiable grumble*
[20-18:51] b7c91, Seth Donovan : *And then, like a freaking pinball, he leans right back, voice lifting to conversational levels, gaze flicking over to the mopey Jimmy* Many things like... sex, drugs, rock and roll? Which is your poison, hmm? Which are you trying to run to?
[20-18:52] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She watched him as he leaned forward a bit...her eyes lowered to the floor boards and then back to Donovan.*..What woman doesnt...*watching him a moment more then looks back to her beer.*
[20-18:53] 6756c, Jimmy McGee: (( brb))
[20-18:55] b7c91, Seth Donovan : Then don't lie about it, Torrie. Lying, it's so unflattering. It's detrimental. You fool yourself, but you don't fool others. You've got old maid sydrome, you try... to.. hard. *He goes on that yanno, Pacino-esque little rant there, ending with an air of finality, a finger pointed at Torrie*
[20-18:55] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Well then you know what Jezebel..your going to need to get off your lazy ass and start helping me find out who that person is..until then we need to get you out of this place the hard way...alright? *oh yes he was pissed..he was tired of taking things slow.*
[20-18:55] 9eafb, Hope Matthews : I do cause I should have asked him about you staying here. *she sighs heavily before smiling a bit* Well let's get to work on dinner and then I will help you move your stuff to the new place. Cool? *and we leave it here cause awww, cute, they is cooking together*
[20-18:56] ac255, Delia St. Martin : *And talking some shit let me tell you. HA*
[20-18:57] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : Ok Richards...lets start with one simple thing....make it so that I can get out of my room with guards to go walking around...spend time with other patients....with just a one else....
[20-18:57] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : I know....and I didnt see that until now...*she sighs and looks back up toward Seth.* But you know...whats done is done..nothing I can do to change it...*finishing up the last of her beer curious if she should order another.*
[20-18:58] ac255, Delia St. Martin : (*Smacks Hope on the ass and runs. Cause player has to pee*)
[20-18:59] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : I will do that Jez.....but you got to behave first have to show them that you can be let out of your room with out a guard..and to be able to be around other you think you can do that?
[20-18:59] 87e7f, Seth Donovan : Exactly! Nothing you can do but take a deep breath, order another beer, and resolve to let life take it's course. *He gives a idle little shrug before turning his body to square it back up with the bar counter*
[20-19:01] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She watched him a moment before then moving to her purse and grabbing a few 50's and then turns toward him and slides the money toward him.*...Thats for my room the other night.....look at it as a thank you...
[20-19:02] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : Of course I can....*stares at him, her expression rather difficult to read at the moment*
[20-19:03] 87e7f, Seth Donovan : *He holds a hand up, waving off the money dismissively..* Don't worry about it, it was just a helping hand. You were drunk. You owe me one, that's all. Make sure I make it home sound if you come across me smashed, or some such. *Of course he doesn't exactly seem like the kind of guy to be getting all drunk, but hey. Never know.*
[20-19:08] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She raised a brow at him and then shrugged taking the money back.* Alright so I owe you one....*smirking a bit as she yawned a little then ordered another beer.*
[20-19:08] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : You want to test that theory? *raising a brow as he then stood backing up a step or two away from her watching her, he was dead serious.*
[20-19:11] 87e7f, Seth Donovan : And that smirk, by the way... All it says to someone is, "I'm better than you and you just said or did something stupid". Unflattering and unfair. *He turns his head back to face her, his expression steady and strong.*
[20-19:13] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Nodding.* Point taken *as she reached for her beer and then looked back up toward him...she then was curious.*....So ...Seth what is it that you do exactly..? I mean..other then consoling strangers at the bar..*grinning a little.*
[20-19:14] 87e7f, Seth Donovan : I teach. *He turns his gaze away from her idly, reaching out and taking his drink, swallowing a sip before putting it back.*
[20-19:15] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : Humor know just as well as I do...that I can....*she eyed him suddenly, suspicously* You aren't going to demand I do something.....for you are you? *yeah that was realll subtle*
[20-19:15] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : A teacher really? *she smiles.* I think thats you teach at the university? *as she took a sip herself and swallowed placin her beer back down on the bar.*
[20-19:16] 87e7f, Seth Donovan : Not yet, but I've applied for a job there. *He gives a slight nod of his head before finally turning back to look at her with his patented patience expression*
[20-19:18] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He watched her and his brows furrowed as he sat down on the chair.*....Like what? *couldnt help it his curiousity got away from him..and he wanted to know.*
[20-19:19] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : Im afraid to ask but what's your choice of class? *grinning as she then ordered some chili cheese fries and then looked back to him.*..
[20-19:20] 87e7f, Seth Donovan : You'll think oddly of me. Religious symbology and theology. *He tilts his head a bit off to once side as he awaits her reaction, whatever it may be*
[20-19:21] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *She rolled her eyes at him, damn he was daft* Never mind....just make sure I can be out of my room with no guards
[20-19:23] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She raised a brow and then smiles.* Really...thats know back when I was in college I thought of taken a religious course..I did took one class of it..was interesting but intense..
[20-19:25] 87e7f, Seth Donovan : It all depends on the professor. *He gives a single nod of his head before glancing down at his watch.* Unfortunately, I've got to be going. If you need anything, a chat, a designated driver, whatever... *he pulls a pen out of his pocket, taking a hold of her hand and writing a phone number right on her palm* Here's where I can be reached.
[20-19:25] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Well....Jez..* oh he knew inside..but he wasnt sure if what he knew was what she wanted.*...I dont want to make you do something you dont want to do...*he wasnt daft nope..he just wasnt sure.*
[20-19:26] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : Then we have nothing more to talk about mister...
[20-19:28] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She looked down at her palm and then looked back up to him and smiled.*..Great...thanks..*she thinks a moment..*...You should stop by my work sometime..just to see how well I do what I do..*smiles..*
[20-19:29] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Jez your not being honest with me....*his eyes narrow what was she trying to do confuse the poor boy?*
[20-19:29] 87e7f, Seth Donovan : I'll leave some mysteries for later exploration. *He stands and sweeps his jacket off of the seat beside him, slipping it on and heading for the door* I'm sure I'll see you around. *Away he goes without another word*
[20-19:30] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *Hell yes....what a silly question. She just looked at him* Do I have to be honest with anyone? What does that have to do with me getting out of here unsupervised?
[20-19:32] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : ..*His eyes widen.* It has to do with everything Jez if people cant trust you you wont be getting anywhere have to trust people...and let people trust you..
[20-19:33] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : Hopefully..*smiling and then she waves and then heads off herself.*
[20-19:42] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : In my line of work...trusting me...can get you killed Richards *yes knew his name, can read upside down*
[20-19:44] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : So what if I said Im willing to take the risk..? *he watched her closely, he needed Jez's trust and vise versa to help her get out, if not with anyone else at leaste him.*
[20-19:49] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : You are going to get yourself fired Mr. Richards.....did you know that? Cause places always have a way of finding many other patients have you taken advantage of here? *oooo she was insinuating something*
[20-19:51] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Je--*he paused a moment before then clearing his throat.* Miss Jessups I try to get all of my patients to trust me..its how the system works..*his eyes narrow toward her before then leaning back in his chair watching her.*
[20-19:56] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *She was tapping her fingers on her leg as she was watching him* Just make it so I can get out of my room...I know you can do that
[20-19:58] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He stared toward her, glancing at the time then looked back toward her.*...Are you hungry...
[20-20:02] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : I'm bored...and thats not a good thing
[20-20:04] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He looked toward her and then smirked a littlle.* And what kind of demandant were you speaking of earler Miss Jessups please..intrigue me...
[20-20:04] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *and could so get his ass fired for this !*
[20-20:08] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : You don't need to be intrigued any further by me Richards....
[20-20:09] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He looked toward her and then smirked a littlle.* And what kind of demandant were you speaking of earler Miss Jessups please..intrigue me...
[20-20:10] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He sighs softly before running his hands thru his hair and then looked back up toward her.* Jezebel...listen to me..*he leaned forward then resting his elbows on his knees.*...Look at me....Quit playing these games with me Jez...alright...If you want something from me..tell me...
[20-20:17] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *She looked at him, skeptical that he would listen really since it seemed he had some sort of crush going for her* How many times do I have to say it...fix it so I can get out of my room unsupervised Richards..thats all I want
[20-20:18] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : No Jez...not like that..there's something else you want from me..*hey it wasnt him who started this whole thing she was the one who was demanding stuff here!*
[20-20:24] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : I think you are under the impression that there is something more between us? You are mistaken
[20-20:25] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Im glad we have an understanding Miss Jessups..I needed to know if you had felt the same thing I did..*no there was nothing more..he then stood from his chair gathering his things.*.. I will see what I can do to get you unsupervised walks...
[20-20:32] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : The sooner the better Richards....I'll be forever in your debt if you do *oh if one heard it...they could pick out sarcasm in her voice too*
[20-20:34] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He then moves to the door glancing toward her before then looking forward and heading out.*
[20-20:40] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He was at the bar, staring toward a pack of cig's he had bought, never in his life had he had smoked before, well unless you include that time when he was a kid and he had hated it ever since then, but his stress had been so high up lately that he had come so close to startin a pack...he then let out a soft chuckle, what was his problem..he didnt need to smoke...he never did so why start now..he smirked to himself before then tossing the back of cigs in the trash can behind the bar, and dthen he grabbed a damp wash cloth and begins to scrub down the bar.*
[20-20:48] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He had finished all the way down to the end and then scrubs the small counters behind the bar he then puts the wash cloth tossing it over his shoulder and then he reaches grabbing the broom and begins to sweep he then takes the dustpan and sweeps up the dust up he throws it in the trash can then glances to the doors, slow night tonight indeed he then shakes his head and moves the broom back, and he then yawns as he grabs a glass filling it with a low amount of ice and then filling it up with coke he grabs a straw and unwraps it putting it in his cup and then he takes a sip.*
[20-20:59] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *she kicked the doors to Bliss open like she always enters, Loretta strapped to her back. Worn jeans, worn Styx concert t-shirt, and worn black Chuck Taylor All-Stars. She rocks damnit! She makes her way to the bar, drumming fingers against the counter* BEER ME PLEASE!
[20-21:01] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : What guiness budwiser budlight gin on the beach..*looking up toward her as he rummages around to grab a beer glass then looks back up thru the dark brown bangs of hers and smiles.*
[20-21:03] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *she dropped her skinny little ass down onto a stool while still tapping out some rhythm to god's only knows what on the bartop* need to go back to bartending school. Gin and tonic, Sex on the Beach, beer ain't even IN those. *she shakes her head cause kids today* Whatever is cheap and on tap.
[20-21:03] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : (Hers-his!)
[20-21:04] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Laughs* Oh I know hey I was just opening up the option though..*grinning as he then grabbed the glass and moved over toward the spikit, he pushes down on it filling the glass until the fome is around the top before then finishing that and slides it to her.* Good to see you back here though how's life treatin ya?
[20-21:05] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Then you need to take lessons on customer service. A lady orders a beer, she wants a freaking beer. *she slams a palm on the table, cackling wildly. She looks around, looking Delia* Where is my woman at?
[20-21:06] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Shrugging.* Havent seen her in today..leaste when I'v been in here...she's a good singer though Im sure you know that..*grinning as she cackles and chuckles himself..he then reaches for his coke taking a sip and swallows.*
[20-21:07] f14d5, Jamison Ford : ..I know but your logic doesn't make -sence-,,,people don't live there for a reason, its inhabitable.. so if the war gets wrose you cant flee to the that end of the earth.. * continuing the agrument as both twins wander inside the bar, Jamies arm flung around his sisters shoulders * and thats why the professor got mad when you wouldnt listen..
[20-21:08] cf9ce, Dylan Rivers : (WOO! *pounces James*)
[20-21:09] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Good singer?! What are you...on crack?! She is the best damn singer in this entire state, man. *she leans up and forward, poking him in the chest* And don't you forget it! *don't mess with her girl man...going to get you in trouble!*
[20-21:09] f14d5, Franka Ford: okay, you gotta . like..abandon logic.. you and professor McGeek.. because .. and listen , because youll catch on.. you bring a 'really big heater; * gestures, dramatically with one arm to the side*...and for food, that stuff that space guys eat.. life time supply.. you cant tell me a big enough heater doesnt exist... just like floating cars.. its out there
[20-21:10] f14d5, Jamison Ford : ((*Pounced*))
[20-21:11] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Rubs his chest after she poked him and chuckles.* Alright alright..*smirking toward Gerri before then rolling his neck around some a pop or two is heard afterwards...woo now he felt better, he then looked toward Jamison and Franka.* Hey what can I get for you two..
[20-21:13] f14d5, Jamison Ford : can't abandon logic when talking about survival..especially when your professor used to be in the army.. his face turned thirteen shades of violet when you said eventually beings from mars would recue us once the air supply turns gross.. your a medical student.. I cleared it up with him by blaming overtiredness and blode-ness.. * sits at the bar, waiting for her over hyper sister to do the same*.. hes no longer going to admit you to the pyche ward for testing.. * chuckles, turning top face Grant*.. Ill have a pepsi..
[20-21:14] f14d5, Franka Ford: not my fault he had no imagination... I included sound effects.. * small frown, before she busts out a smile, looking to Grant as well*... do you have shakes here.. 'cause a shake'd be awesome.. to the highest level..
[20-21:17] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *she checks out the two that just walked into the bar. She mostly checks out the girl more even though the boy is kind of girly looking and she don't mind that at all. Always on the hunt for something or someone new to join her and Delia in their little funtime* Hey there kittens. They got aalll flavors of shakes.
[20-21:17] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : Alright..*smiling as he then turns grabbing a cup filling it with ice and then he turns looking over his shoulder toward Franka and grins.* Got the best shakes here..hold on Ill fix you one...*he then turns and places the cup under the pepsi and fills it till its full and then moves sliding the glass toward Jamison.*
[20-21:18] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He then reaches up grabbing a shake glass and then brings it down to the bar looking toward Franka.* What kind..chocolate..vanilla..strawberrie?
[20-21:18] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Might want to ask the girl what flavor she wants there, brobean. *she takes a long pull from her beer, going back to drumming out against the counter once she sets it down*
[20-21:18] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : ((*puts post in between Grant's*))
[20-21:19] f14d5, Franka Ford : yay shake shake shake * bit of light clapping there, hopping onto the stool beside her brother*... did I embarrass you? ..uh...vaniella..
[20-21:19] ac255, Extra : *Bored with the bluffs she finds the place where she'd heard the music. And oh look more people. Not her man, none of them are her man. The room takes on a distinct chill as she passes unseen into it, she curls her little presence around Gerri like a chill hug. A/C on the fritz? Perhaps.*
[20-21:20] f14d5, Jamison Ford : * mocks her by bouncing on his own stool. flapping his hands and making small seal sounds.. before falling back into his cool composure, giving a small, meaningness smile*..and continue to do so.
[20-21:21] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Looks toward Gerri and smirks before then looking toward Franka and grins..* Alright..*he then rummages behind the bar fixing up Franka's shake a few moments later it's finished he grabs a tall straw putting it in and slides it to her.* Here you are..
[20-21:21] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *she shivers, wrapping her arms around herself. She shoots a look at Grant* Flyboy, you mind turning down the AC or something? I might be skin and bones but I am still a steady paying customer. *if you count charging Aaron as paying*
[20-21:22] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Course nothing much else to do at the hospital she had decided to make her way to the bar she moves inside and then notices Grant then to the others wow he was going to be busy tonight..she chuckles and then calls out.* Hey bro..*speaking to Grant of course.*
[20-21:22] ac255, Eliza Day : *Oh a ripe one what fun. She whispers in the girls ear, softly and sweetly. Her song...the words carried like something vaguely remembered.*They call me the wild rose, but my name was Eliza Day.Why they call me I do not know. For my name is Eliza Day.
[20-21:23] f14d5, Franka Ford : * swats at his head. with a roll of her eyes*.. bummer for you them.. your just mad 'cause you were checking out that chick and walking into the open door..* pauses , chuckle already finding its way out , combining with her voice and she speaks, taking her shake*.. thanks bartender man.. it sooths the craving..
[20-21:24] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Oh yes he was a busy boy tonight he looked up from behind the bar and smiled.* Hey sis...*he then turned and looked toward Gerri and nods.*...Yeh okay..*he glanced toward Eliza then he moved to the AC and then blinked a moment..the AC was on 75 good temp and all..he kept his brow raised then shook his head and turned moving back behind the bar..*
[20-21:24] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *hot shit...what was in that weed she smoked tonight. Now she was having audio hallucinations. She waved a hand a little bit in front of her ear, as if trying to scare off whatever unseen thing was whispering at her* Damn cheap skunk weed. *and Eliza is a ghosty. Nobody can see her*
[20-21:26] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : Bartender man? *chuckles.* Call me Grant..*grinning a bit before looking toward Gerri.*..You alright? *gotta make sure his customers are okay and all you know.*
[20-21:26] ac255, Eliza Day : *Oh such a sweet voice. Is it something Delia may have sung? A song heard on the radio somewhere. The soft voice sounds sad, lonely as it gets. Pleading almost as she whispers her song. If only she was a Siren, then she'd not be reduced to startling people and could do something real.*
[20-21:27] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : Yeah its cool man. Just a bad trip. *just chalk it up to the drugs. Inconsiderate assholes always lacing your weed with something. She takes another sip from her beer, trying to get that damn voice out of her head*
[20-21:27] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She moved up to the bar , moving toward near the end, she looked down at the palm of her hand with that she grabs a napkin and then looks back to Grant.* Yo ..Grant get me a pen huh? *grinning she then glanced over toward the crowed, watching Gerri then looking back to Franka and Jamison..then back to Grant.*
[20-21:28] faaa3, Zachery Slater : *He pulls his Jag into the parking of the Bliss. Nadine like the burgers here so, yes he'd get it for her. Can't fool her, he's tried.*
[20-21:29] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : Those suck dont they? *frowning as he then nodded.* Hey just yell at me if you need anything kay? *he then looked toward Torrie and nodded.* Yeh here..*he then reached up grabbing the pen from his shirt pocket and tossed it to her.*
[20-21:29] f14d5, Jamison Ford : Know what would be great.. if for once you weren't overhwhelmingly hyper when im downcast.. * stands from his stool ..and ues. the open door bashing was embarrassing. and hes starting to need space from being a duo. its hard scooping for girls when you've got a looker attached to your hip. mostly because ladies don't know youve been with the girl since the womb*.. I gotta.. use the can. spot my pepsi..* and with that, he flys solo, headed to said can* .
[20-21:30] ac255, Eliza Day : *The words just keep coming. Then a hummed melody. Enough to bring tears to your eye. Her pitiful weak voice just barely audible somewhere in the back of Gerri's mind. *He knelt above me..with a rock in his fist. Said all beauty must die.*More speaking now, feeding Gerri the story. Perhaps she'll know it. Oh to be known, what joy that would be.*
[20-21:31] f14d5, Franka Ford : * brow.. curretnly gulping back her shaje, lets go of the straw long enough to utter a * okay cowboy moody.. * as she watches him wander off . blue eyes narrowing slightly at his back*. downer..
[20-21:31] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *now how the hell is she going to know the story when this one is too crazy to pick up a newspaper and until recently didn't live anyplace that had a tv. Tripping out in a public place was not a good idea. She pushed her half empty beer forward, the glass tipping and spilling all over the counter. But voice in her head, more important than spilled beer*
[20-21:33] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He looked toward Jamison as he went off then back to Franka raising a brow then looked toward Gerri and frowned and he then moved back to her.* You sure your okay? *as he then took his wash cloth and whiped up the beer and then grabbing the glass before it fell to the floor.*
[20-21:34] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She caught the pen and then wrote the number down on the napkin then closed the pen she watched Jamison move off as well and frowned a bit looking toward Franka and then looking back to Grant.* Thanks bro..
[20-21:35] ac255, Eliza Day : *She lets her icy incorporeal lips rest just for a moment against Gerri's ear and she whispers emphatically.*Eliza name is Eliza Day.*The chill lifts slowly like a lover peeling away from her. Then it's gone and she's gone. Tired now after such an effort. But feeling somehow fulfilled.*
[20-21:36] f14d5, Franka Ford : ... you know becoming an only child can be arranged..*muttered, setting her now empty glass on the counter, and starting at the commotion to the side.. is the girl having a fit? quick, remember your classes.. or just sit there and watch.. no no! remember! .. pulls herself into a stand , hands on the counter, ready to spring into action*
[20-21:36] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *when she feels those icy lips against her skin, she scrambles to stand, knocking over the stool. She can't answer Grant cause she is freaking the hell out right here. Doesn't occur to her to pay for her beer or even leave the place*
[20-21:37] f14d5, Jamison Ford : * returns to the bar area, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans, and resumes his spot beside his sister. ..or tries to.. but hes mowed into , first by the stool.. then the Gerri*
[20-21:38] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *He raised a brow, oh great oy he watched her and then he watched the stool..his eyes widened a bit before then moving around the bar next to Gerri and he bends picking up the stool then looked toward Gerri.*....Hey...*he tried to get a look in her eyes.*...Gerri....*course having heard her name from around..*
[20-21:38] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He raised a brow, oh great oy he watched her and then he watched the stool..his eyes widened a bit before then moving around the bar next to Gerri and he bends picking up the stool then looked toward Gerri.*....Hey...*he tried to get a look in her eyes.*...Gerri....*course having heard her name from around..*
[20-21:39] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *hasn't left yet, is just standing there all wide eyed and freaked out bunny sort of a thing here. She looks everyplace but at Grant, taking in big gasping breaths* What the hell man...this place haunted?!
[20-21:40] f14d5, Jamison Ford : uh oh.. um.. * holds her hands out, as if to grab at the toppling stool.. but actually just grabbing the air before her.*..that might be bad.. haunted! ...this place is haunted? .. .
[20-21:40] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : No..*frowning as he watched her, wasnt sure if he should call 911 or not at this point he set the stool straight then looked back to Gerri.*....Here look..sit down..let me get you a glass of water okay? *his voice was calm when he spoke..*
[20-21:42] f14d5, Jamison Ford : I dont really see this place being the setting for paranormal activity.. *muttered, just passing comment. and waiting for the belated joy he knew was coming. just hide your eyes now..*
[20-21:43] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : No...*she put her hands up, backing away towards the door* No water, no nothing. *she was seriously freaked out here. She walked backwards to the door, pushing it open with her butt when she got there*
[20-21:43] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She watched Grant do his job and smiled a bit she then looked over toward Jamison with a raised brow and chuckles.* You seem to be in a fine mood..*grins watching him curiously then looks down to the napkin.*
[20-21:44] f14d5, Franka Ford : cool a haunting!.. * springs from her seat, taking ahold of the arm thats not lifted to shield her siblings eyes* think outside the box.. we learned in africa that ghosts can to attached to others things.. like trinkets.. oh oh! like the exercist. .. maybe shell do a spider crawl.. * points, to Gerri..a little expectant..before dropping her arm*.. or stuff will fly.. ghost. make stuff fly!
[20-21:45] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He watched Gerri back up he stood there looking toward her and frowns then looks toward Franka then back toward Gerri.*....Gerri hold on...*moving toward her a moment, couldnt just let her go like that he watched her.*...Try and sit down a moment please?
[20-21:46] f14d5, Jamison Ford : * lowers his own hand, when his arm is claimed , and raises a brow to Torrie. and gesturing lightly to the girl on his arm, as if it explains all lifes woes.. but he adds in*.. shes been like this all day.. normally shes.. slightly..smarter. she just hasnt slept.
[20-21:46] c7043, Gerri Tuscadero : *already out the door cause player doesn't feel well* *gone*
[20-21:47] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He sighed a bit..watching her leave...he then looked behind the bar and moved back toward it shaking his head well it was out of his hands now he then moved to a glass that she had and put it in the sink behind the bar.*
[20-21:49] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Laughs a little.*...Well was talking about you..*smirks pointing toward him then looks back down to her napkin then looks back toward Jamison.*
[20-21:50] f14d5, Franka Ford : *caffine pills are your friend...small pout when the haunted girl blues directed towards the mode of exit*..thats sorta disapointing. almost as much as finding out the legal age in america is 21.. like..seriously now.. by twenty one all the funs gone out of drinking.. right? right? Jamie.....right?... your not paying attention to me..* lets go of his arm*.. thats okay, you can buy me more icecream beverage .
[20-21:52] f14d5, Jamison Ford : oh... well.. * clears his throat a bit, running a hand back through his hair ..if he can, its mighty curly* Im happier when shes not nearing insanity..* small shrug* wears on you when your together most of the day..
[20-21:53] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He then looked over toward Franka and his eyes widen.*..Whoa..okay girl no more cafine for you...*grinning as he watched her shaking his head and looked over toward Jamie then back to Franka.*
[20-21:55] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Watched him a moment and frowns.* Want to take a walk? *Hey the guy looked like he could use a break from Franka and is sure that Grant could keep her entertained for a little bit.*
[20-21:57] f14d5, Franka Ford : hey.. is caffine illegal in North america.. no.. so there.. * smile and point* no time to sleep. I have to study...busy busy busy .. * drumlines the counter..reclaiming her seat* gotta learn everything, gotta do it quick.. gotta be a scientific investagator..changing majors randomly is a bad idea...Ive been up forty right hours..
[20-21:58] f14d5, Jamison Ford : thanks but im not supposed to go with strangers...* charming grin there, with a bit of a head tilt as he offers his hand*.. Jamie.
[20-21:59] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Smiles a little watching Jamie and then reaches her hand out as well and shakes it .* were not strangers anymore..*chuckles.*
[20-22:00] 5fff8, Lucilla Arabelle: ((*peeks*))
[20-22:00] f14d5, Jamison Ford : I know..method behind the madness .. * smirks, nodding towards the doors*.. after you..
[20-22:00] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He watched the two a bit longer then looks back toward Franka and his eyes widen agian.* Shit girl 40 hours? *frowning and he sighed.* Hey look you need to sleep here..*he glanced toward Torrie then moved from around the bar to Franka.* ..Hey come here..
[20-22:02] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : Dont wory about her by the way..*chuckles looking toward Franka then back to Jamie.*...Grant's a good guy..*smiling as she stood and then moved to the doors and she then pushed them open and held it open for Jamie.*
[20-22:03] f14d5, Franka Ford : arn't you supposed to be getting me some sort of beverage..what are you doing.. * peering towards Jamie, and the new girl.. always with the girls* you cant leave me.. i have the car keys..hey.. hey! remember I might be here! * quiet she being ditched.. by her /brother/.. this a new form of uncool..*..wait what are you doing.. * one eyed peer at Grant, goregous blond hair swinging around as she turns to face him*.. come here because why?
[20-22:05] f14d5, Jamison Ford : this is why when she does get drunk.. someone has to stay sober.. shes worse then this. * smile, turning to give a small wave* Ill be back franks. go.. uh.. get . more.. drinks? * tips an imaginary hat to the bartender..grant.. thats it*..good luck to you.. * as he slides from view, out the door*
[20-22:06] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : Because girlie you need sleep....leaste a rest...*frowning watching her as he tried not to laugh at her hyperness because it really that wasnt a good sign..he rubbed his forhead a minute before then moving to beside her.*...Look Im not gonna hurt you or something I swear..I mean I do have a job here and all..*smirks. * So trust me huh?
[20-22:07] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : You got some things you want to talk about? *Closing the door behind them she was actually a bit concerned about Jamie..he didnt look to well..sad or something she couldnt quiet put it to her finger..*
[20-22:07] 5fff8, Lucilla Arabelle : *she stepped into Bliss, her smile that she's usually managed to plaster on her face gone, she wore a short black dress with a long white coat over it, her hair laying down around her face a wild and wavy mess, she ran out of the studio as fast as she could with her heels on, the phone call she had gotten was to much... she took a deep breath and made her way towards the bar, sitting down on a stool, leaning her slender form against the bar*
[20-22:08] f14d5, Franka Ford : I dont need sleep. sleep is for the weak.. * actually you do need sleep.. but dont listen to yourself.. you know..cause you dont know best*..sleep where.. look over there a customer..* points, to Lucilla. jumping from her stool and looking for Jamie , but hes gone. so stands in place*..drat..foiled..
[20-22:10] f14d5, Jamison Ford : talk? no. * shakes his head. looking to the side as he walks* thanks for offering however, are you some sort of psychology student?. tell me now and ill alter my behaviour.. * little chuckle, as he peers ahead*
[20-22:11] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He blinked looking over toward Lucilla and sighs then looks back to Franka.* Hold on a minute..*he looks toward Walt.* Hey Walt take over Ill be back...*Walt nods and then moves toward Lucilla and ask's what he can get for her, he then looks to Franka.* You ..come with me..*smiles.*..Please?
[20-22:12] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : of...I work at the hospital..I consult rape victums..*smiling a little toward him before then looking down a bit and begins to move forward down the side-walk.*
[20-22:13] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *with it being a Monday and after dinner, the casino lounge was relatively quiet. Everyone was busy outside of its doors spending away their savings accounts, college funds, retirement nest eggs. It was just her and the bartender. He had no objections when she asked if she could play at the little raised stage at the front of the lounge. Too new to have an act perhaps? Or just looking for the perfect fit? Her head was down, ringlet curls fall in her face. But she didn't notice as her eyes were closed. Her fingers dancing over the keys as she played a hauntingly beautiful and meloncoly concerto. She had ever reason to be depressed with Delia leaving for a month and Aaron...well Aaron less than happy. Here she was, playing in public because the Casino was closer than the University. Would have to do until her music room was finished*
[20-22:15] f14d5, Franka Ford : fine.. but first a question.. if I come with.. is any of this going to lead to anything pleasureable.. say . the icecreamy beverage sort. cause then you'd be back in the good books. * brow, pretty little smile*..huh .. shakey shakey? * does a little shake of her own hips.* ....Ill advertise around school that yours are the best.. * insert the puppy dog look into those beautiful blue eyes* we have a deal.. mister bar-uh...gerry.. wait no.Grant
[20-22:17] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He watches her and then laughs a little, he looks at that face, how can one say no to a face like that..he sighs* Alright alright..vanilla right? *raising abrow as he then moves behind the bar reaching up for a milkshake glass grabbing it then looks back toward her.*
[20-22:17] 5fff8, Lucilla Arabelle : *she looks at Walt a moment, almost as if not sure how she arrived here, just shakes her head and mutters something about not wanting anything yet, brushes her fingers through her hair, attempting to tame it a bit, with little sucess, sighs softly and lets her eyes close*
[20-22:17] f14d5, Jamison Ford : well. I assure you torrie, that Ive never been raped.. * places a hand over his heart* scouts honor. * another grin. hands returning to his pockets, truthfully, is sorta quiet by natural. it balances a certain someones opposite personality.. hes the smart, attractive geek , you see*
[20-22:19] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : Well Im a good listener..*smiling softly toward him, as she watched him a moment longer then looks forward and keeps making her way, a tree was near by and she then leaned back agiants it then looked up toward Jamie.*..Well..I needed to come outside..needed to get some fresh air...
[20-22:20] f14d5, Franka Ford : only the orginal flavor ! * bounces back over to lean forward against the bar, slide glancing to Lucilla , and looks about ready to burst into curious converstation. but bites down on her tongue..sencing that this might not be the best state of mind to do so in..takes to fiddling with the mini plastic swords*
[20-22:22] faaa3, Zachery Slater : *Guess who was looking at those monitors of his? Wonderful toys. Wasn't a thing that went on in his casinos he didn't know about. Picks up his desk phone and calls an unspecified employee.* In the west lounge. Girl at the piano. Bring her to my office. *Hangs up.*
[20-22:22] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : Right..*smirking a bit Walt nods to Lucilla he finishes up with the shake after a few moments then looks up toward Franka and smirks.*...Alright its finished..*he holds it up toward her and he begins to back up a bit.* Come on..*chuckles.*
[20-22:23] f14d5, Jamison Ford : no doubt you are. if I come across someone who needs a confidant. Ill send said person in your general direction..*amusement appearant in his tone of voice, he stands before her, hands still in pocket*. yes. air is good. helps you breathe. breathing is needed. *mild teasing. there*
[20-22:23] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *well jeeze...she was all too familiar with getting hauled off places, that is for sure. She doesn't even get to finish before two thuggish brutes are directly her upstairs. Busted. Aaron was going to kill her. KILL HER. First Gerri and now she was probably going to get arrested in the casino for playing their piano. Crap.*
[20-22:24] f14d5, Franka Ford : unfair circumstances. * whilst reaching for the glass and following* Im not a puppy.. .. oh..icecream..
[20-22:25] faaa3, Zachery Slater : *Just before she gets there he turns off the monitors and the wall slid down to hide them.*
[20-22:26] faaa3, Zachery Slater : *gets up and heads to the outer office.*
[20-22:27] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *smooooooove! Very smoooooove! She gets dropped off in that outer office as she makes herself as small as possible. Not that hard considering. Its like waiting for the principal or something. Meeting Zach once wasn't enough to tell her whether or not be would press charges or such*
[20-22:27] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She watches him a moment and then frowns ..* You sure your okay? You seem a bit...down..*she was concerned this was not your regular happy kid sir.* *she slid her fingers into her belt looks of her jeans and then smiles.* Thanks..
[20-22:28] 5fff8, Lucilla Arabelle : *her cell phone rings, she jumps so much she almost slips off the stool... looks around, blushing slightly and answers the phone, immediately she starts speaking in rapid italian, evidently angry, trying her best not to yell, finally she goes silent, listening to the voice on the other end, then yells one single word at them, by the sound in her voice not to friendly of one either then hangs up the phone, slamming it on the bar, suprisingly not breaking it, she was now breathing heavily from frustration, deffinately not her day*
[20-22:30] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He leads her to a room in the back a small cot case guys like Grant who work on the time need to sleep is in there, he then chuckles and hands her the ice-cream and then he sits down, a chair and table was in there to, its what you would call..the "break room".*
[20-22:33] f14d5, Jamison Ford : * another shrug*. Im fine. Torrie.. Im just. well.. a little quiet as im told . I'm not the most social guy youll ever meet. . there doesnt mean that I'm troubled. It means. * pause there*..It means Im a loner. a Geek. *smirks*. or more so that I dont fit into any pre made mold you american society has fashioned. . but worry not. I will not explode one day. because nothing is wrong. Save the legally drugged twin.
[20-22:34] faaa3, Zachery Slater : You play nicely.
[20-22:35] f14d5, Franka Ford : ..yes.. and she scores the creamy goodness. * takes the shake in both hands, before remembering manners. and holding it out*. Im sorry, you want some? .. cos if you want some you can have some..uh.. if you want.. * blink, sitting on the other available spot, the cot*
[20-22:35] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She watches him and then she smiled a bit more and looekd down to the ground beneath them as she would a few strands of her dark blonde hair falls beside her cheeks, she then looks back up toward him, as she would a few of her bangs fall over her eyes.*...Alright..alright ..*she nodding a little.*...And hey you dont seem like a geek to me.*grinning some.*
[20-22:35] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *she looks up slightly from under her lashes. She smiles just a little bit cause you don't compliment someone if you are going to throw their butt in jail* Um...thank you? *though she is still hesitant*
[20-22:37] faaa3, Zachery Slater : *Indicates his office door.* Would you come in please?
[20-22:38] 5fff8, Lucilla Arabelle : *she looks to Walt, motioning him over* Vodka.. *her voice quiet, her hands shaking slightly, she stared down at the bar top*
[20-22:39] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Smirks watching her.*...Sure...*he leans forward opening his mouth up a bit and grins..* *Walt nods toward Lucilla and gets the vodka for her.*
[20-22:40] 4971d, Hope Matthews : Uh....*she looks at that office door, swallowing hard again. She turns to look over her shoulder, thugs behind her. Not a good position. She turns to face back forward, moving into the office now. She has little choice. She presses her palms together, already turning to explain before he can shut the door* I am sorry for using your piano without permission Mr. Slater. I talked to the bartender and he said it was cool.
[20-22:40] f14d5, Jamison Ford : ah. I pride the title. it translates to overwhelmingly intelligent young man * speads hsi ahnds in the air, as if reading a billboard at the title part* . In my language.. * grins, again, dropping his hands then using some to wipe away her bangs, habit..looks into peoples eyes when they talk, it allows their character to show more*.. thanks for the concern however, You must be good at what you do.. * nods, taking a step back. you know. girls like personal space* .
[20-22:41] faaa3, Zachery Slater : *Steps in after her.* Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?
[20-22:43] f14d5, Franka Ford : *whoa. wasnt expecting that.. people usually say no do to SARS and stuff now* 'kay...* and his mouth is open, is she supposed to pour it in?.. holy heck americans arnt getting any less confusing ..she just holds the glass out , still.. adding a little* here you go..
[20-22:44] 4971d, Hope Matthews : No...I am fine. Thank you though...*not good at all. She took up a seat in front of his desk. She watched him move from that door. Trouble, big trouble, and she was knee deep in it* I promise I won't do it again. Just...let me off with a warning maybe? *she smiles sheepishly at him, hoping to get let off with a slap on the wrist*
[20-22:45] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She looked up toward him as he spoke and then smiled more as he brushed her bangs away, she tried her best not to blush and she then chuckles.*..Your language? *Smirks.*...My brother has his own language *chuckles.* though he also speaks French and Italian..always gets the ladies with that..*smirks.*
[20-22:46] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Hey she had a spoon with it to ! He then blinks and looks down to the glass then closes his mouth and chuckles.* Naw it's cool Im good..*he smiles and then leans back in his chair looking toward her then he turns mister serious agian.*...Hey know you need to stay up and study and all but look caffine isnt the way to do it..
[20-22:46] faaa3, Zachery Slater : I'm not going to let you off at all. *Takes his seat.*
[20-22:47] 5fff8, Lucilla Arabelle : *she downs the vodka as soon as she gets it, it hits her hard, been a while since she's drank, much less vodka, she lets herself lean against the bar*
[20-22:47] f14d5, Jamison Ford : really..prehaps I should go back and save my sister then .. * brow. he is the elder. by fourteen whole minutes. shock gasp...thats alot..uh. to him*..
[20-22:48] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Blinks then chuckles a little.* Oh no she's fine dont worry about it..*smiling and chuckles.* No need to worry trust me..
[20-22:48] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *that didn't sound good. Aaron was going to kill her. She sits forward a little in her seat* Please Mr. Slater. My husband is a cop and it would kill him if I got brought in. *though what would they bring her in for? Disorderly conduct? You know, maybe the cocker spaniel eyes will work on him. So she gets her eyes to go all big and pleading* It won't happen again, promise. *probably really bad to get in trouble with the guy you want to work for, huh?*
[20-22:50] faaa3, Zachery Slater : Oh, I want it to happen again. I'd like to hire you for the lounge player.
[20-22:51] f14d5, Franka Ford : ,,hands are going numb..*muttered, mostly to herself in realization, digging into the shake and speaking behind slups* I know, but i switched career paths...and I fastracked to become a intern..and now I dont even want to be that kind of docotr.. so I have to start all over..and I started post secondary when I was fifteen.. four years of nothing..nothing! I have to start again.. almost. ...good icecream.. so no time for sleep..ugh.. brain freeze * hand to the forehead. as she leans to set the glass on the floor in front of her*.. rapid consumption of froozen treat not agreeing..
[20-22:53] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *she stops in her whole pleading for her life here because she wasn't exactly sure she heard him right* I'm sorry...did you? *confusion is a look she wears all too well considering she isn't the brighest bulb. Talented musically yes. Not in the brains*
[20-22:53] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He sighed looking toward her and then he reached down taking the glass and then picking it up he moves it to the table beside him then looked back to Franka.*..Whoa...whoa okay..slow down..*he slid the chair up to infront of her and smiled softly.*...deep breath..relax a minute alright?
[20-22:54] faaa3, Zachery Slater : I want to hire you as the lounge player.
[20-22:54] f14d5, Jamison Ford : .. Im more worried for your Brother. Franka can be a handful when in a state. * small smile* We should be going anyway. we have bunch early with the parental units tomorrow.. I expect it to be an entertaining combination of Frankie falling asleep at the table and lecture on how shes addicted to caffinated products. Considering setting up hidden cameras and taping, so she can recall it once she comes out of her stupor..
[20-22:56] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She watched him a moment and then she frowned a little glancing downward a bit.*..So soon? Sorry...*she chuckles and then bites her lower lip leaning her head back agiants the tree.*...Just enjoyed talking to far..*smiling.*
[20-22:56] 4971d, Hope Matthews : don't know what to say Mr. Slater. *her cheeks flushing really bright now, obviously embarassed at the whole turn of events here. She was just too cute for words sometimes so player wasn't even going to try!*
[20-22:57] 5fff8, Lucilla Arabelle : *some guy walks in, a bit on the scrawny side, short black hair and grey eyes, he looks to Lucilla with a soft sigh, she shrugs at him then sets some money on the bar to pay for her drink, stands and moves towards him a bit unsteadily at first then realizes.. she snapped the heel on her shoe, he helps her walk out and they head back to the studio so she can change and go back to her hotel* ~gone~
[20-22:57] faaa3, Zachery Slater : Weekly salary plus tips. *Writes down a figure then hands the slip of paper to her.*
[20-22:58] f14d5, Franka Ford : slowing down is what Im going for..I need coffee or something man.. cause im getting sort of tired.. * peers up, though her veil of golden bangs*.. thanks for the treat. * shifting so she sits sideways and lowers herself down on the cot*.maybe.. a naps not a bad idea..
[20-22:59] f14d5, Jamison Ford : ...* taken back a bit..american girls. almost as forward as the french*.. Thanks. yes. good converstation. * ackward silent, as he rakes a hand throug his hair, backing away*. um. goodnight .
[20-22:59] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He watched her and then shook his head.* No cofee for you...*seeing as she is tired he nods.*...Yeh come on..*he smiles and then he reaches over to the corner of the room grabbing a pillow that was there and the blanket under the cot and he places the pillow at the end of the cot then looks back up to her.*..So...what was your name agian?
[20-23:00] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *she reaches out to take the paper from him, eyeing that figure. That was a lot of money, especially for playing piano in a lounge. She raised her brow just a fraction on an inch* I think you put one too many zeros on this, Mr. Slater. *while most people would have taken that money and run, she was concerned he was senile or something. Just a mistake. Looking out for a man she didn't even know*
[20-23:01] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *Waving.*..Goodnight then...*smiles.* Good luck with all that..
[20-23:01] f14d5, Franka Ford : Franka... *little mile, moving the pillow so its in a comfortable position*.. Im Franka..I name. thats it. * furrow of brow*..did I just make any sence?
[20-23:02] f14d5, Jamison Ford : (( ah. gotta go, just have Jamie come get the sleeping franka..etc etc... goodnight!))
[20-23:02] f14d5, Franka Ford : (( *gone!*))
[20-23:02] f14d5, Jamison Ford : *gone*
[20-23:02] faaa3, Zachery Slater : No, I don't think so. I don't often make mistakes where money is concerned.
[20-23:03] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Laughs a little.*..Yeh you did your okay..*grinning as he then unfolds the blanket looking toward her and then relaxes once she is asleep and he then places the blanket over her and watches her a moment with a sigh will be back to check on her as he then grabs the glass and moves behind the bar and put sthe glass in the sink.*
[20-23:04] 4971d, Hope Matthews : Well this is a lot of money for just playing lounge piano...don't you think? I mean...its just that...*she chews on her lip, falling silent for the moment* If this is what you want to pay me then, I would be happy to work for you. I just want to make sure you know what you are doing is all.
[20-23:06] faaa3, Zachery Slater : A good muscian keeps customers happy Happy customers spend more.
[20-23:08] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *she smiles at him, such a pretty smile too, enough to light up a room as they say* Well that is true. You got any requests or anything? I have references and stuff, from when I lived in LA. I was classically trained if that helps.
[20-23:09] faaa3, Zachery Slater : Just go by personnel. I'll ring them and let them know you're coming. Play what you wish or what the customers wish.
[20-23:10] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *she nods her head, getting up from her chair since he seems to be ending the meeting. She still has that smile on her lips as she reaches a small hand out towards him* Thank you, Mr. Slater. It means a lot to me.
[20-23:14] faaa3, Zachery Slater : *Stands, takes her hand.* No, Mrs. Matthews, thank you. You saved me from having to sit through hours of interviews.
[20-23:15] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *she shakes his hand, making sure its nothing more than a normal girly handshake. She has to be careful these days* Oh that is no fun. You shouldn't stay cooped up in your office all day. Its not good for you. *sound like advice someone else might have given...years ago eh?*
[20-23:16] faaa3, Zachery Slater : I don't. *Smiles at her.* Infact I"m about to head our of here to pick up my daughter adn her riding lessons.
[20-23:17] 4971d, Hope Matthews : Oh you have a daughter? That is great. I got two little boys at home. *she starts for the door you know, since he has to get home to his daughter and all* How old is she?
[20-23:18] faaa3, Zachery Slater : *walks her to the door.* Must be a handful. *Opens the door.*
[20-23:20] 4971d, Hope Matthews : Oh you got no idea. But wouldn't trade them for the world. I love kids. Wanted to be a music teacher once...long time ago. *she giggles softly cause look at her, she ain't that old to begin with here*
[20-23:21] faaa3, Zachery Slater : You can still do that, I'm sure.
[20-23:22] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *she frowns slightly before looking up at him* Um...Mr. Slater, you should probably know...I never finished high school. I am not sure if that is gonna be a problem or what. *cause that is mainly why she spent her so far adult life as a maid. Then again, he probably knows EVERYTHING about her now*
[20-23:25] faaa3, Zachery Slater : As long as you're legal and employable.
[20-23:27] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *that frown turns into a smile as she bounces a little on her heels* Yeah. Totally legal. And nothing wrong with me as far as working. Unless you count always showing up early, ready to go. *she giggles again*
[20-23:29] faaa3, Zachery Slater : Well, if its worth getting there for its worth getting there early for it.
[20-23:31] 4971d, Hope Matthews : Exactly. And I think this is gonna be a really great job for me. *she giggles, smacking her hand against her forehead* Oh man, I'm sorry. Here you are, trying to get rid of me and I am totally just not moving. Tree stump much? *she giggles again, shaking her head as she moves out of his office to the outer office. No more thugs, thank the gods for that*
[20-23:32] faaa3, Zachery Slater : You're excited.
[20-23:34] 4971d, Hope Matthews : I know...its so bad, I know. I am like a little kid at Christmas. But...*she straightens up, trying to put on a stoney face for him* You are my boss now and I gotta try to be all professional and stuff. *but that twinkling in her eyes, that innocence and glee at something so simple as a job, she can't hide it*
[20-23:37] faaa3, Zachery Slater : Well, just go to personnel. When you exit the office go to the right and its 4 doors down on your left.
[20-23:38] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *poor girl, she has to hold her hands up and make the L shape with her hand so she can know her left. What is even sadder...player has to do it too. She nods her head as she moves out of the outer office. Makes the right, counting the doors down in a sing song kinda voice. You think she is happy and excited?*
[20-23:45] faaa3, Zachery Slater : *When she's gone he locks things up then heads on to get his daughter.*
[20-23:46] 4971d, Hope Matthews : *and after done with personnel, well she gets to go home to their relatively empty house save for the boys and the nanny. They got some celebrating to do and you know what that means! Someone gets to put on the cop uniform and it ain't Aaron!*
[21-13:50] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : (test)
[21-14:21] cf9ce, Dylan Rivers: (test)
[21-16:47] cf9ce, Dylan Rivers: (test)
[21-16:53] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He yawns slowly leaning back in his chair behind his desk in his classroom at Bevel were he spends most of his wonderful life, not that he minds it of course though some of the time it can get rather tiredsome, he had finished grading papers early, lucky for him because now he has to crack down on Jezebel, he then leans forward a bit rubbing the corner of his eyes and then he gathers up his school papers and slides them in the files and locks them up he then leans to the side grabbing his breif case and sets it on his desk, he then pauses a moment running his fingers thru his hair..*
[21-17:00] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He let out a breath then and then slid back from his desk and stood, he then took his case with him and moved to his class-room door, he then opened it and then stepped out then closed the door behind him and turned the key locking it, he then made his way down the halls to his car, once outside and to his car he unlocks it opening the driver door and tosses his breif case to the passenger side and then got in himself shutting the door and turning the car on putting it in reverse and backing out.*
[21-17:04] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He then put it in drive and drove forward making his way to Blue Ridge, he was getting there early today, he had a lot of work ahead of him to do, a few moments later he arrives, he then grabs his security name tag in order to let him in and his breif case he then turns off his car after putting it in park and then opens the door sliding out he then shuts the door behind him locking the car and then making his way to the automatic doors, he nods toward the clerks at the desk and moves toward it and then looks at the clip board and signs in then looks up a moment.*
[21-17:09] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *She was, where else, in her room still, flipping through a 8 year old magazine, which was laughable in itself. She was already devising a way for her escape....just required her to be on the other side of that door*
[21-17:11] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Moments later he ended up at Jezebel's room, the guard nodded and turned and she would be able to hear the rattling of keys and the heavy door unlocks, he looks to the guard.*..Thanks..*and then he steps inside, the guard closes the door behind him with a loud slam, he watches her.*....Brought some entertainment for you...*smirks.*
[21-17:17] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He watches her a moment or two before then turning setting his breif case down next to the wall and then reaching over with his hand and grabs the chair in the corner and then slides it to her bedside and then sits looking toward her, his eyes showed her he was tired, warn, like he's had no sleep for who know's how long, his voice the same, he then looked down to his breif case and opened it fingering thru some files then grabs two magazines and a crossword puzzle then closes the breifcase and looks back to her.*
[21-17:17] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *she glanced up at his entrance, her expression one of bored annoyance. She tossed the magazine to the end of the bed and watched him* If it doesn't involve me being on the other side of that door...I'm not interested
[21-17:18] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He then tossed the magazines and crosswords on the bedside table but then looks back toward her.*...Come on get up..*he watched her before then standing himself and he slid his hands into his pant pockets.*
[21-17:20] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *She moved, almost like a predator, rising up off the bed, the expression on her face similiar as well and she quirked a brow at him* Now what
[21-17:21] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He nodded his head toward the door as he then turned himself the guard was watching and new so he unlocked the door and opened it he stepped out of her room and then turned around facing her.*...Were going for a walk..
[21-17:22] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : (knew rather)
[21-17:25] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *She followed him slowly, as if not quite trusting that she was going to get that far out of the building to go outside* OUtside? How did you manage that?
[21-17:27] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He was looking down the hall before then looking back toward her.* If you come with me I'll tell you...*he smiled toward her before then looking back down the hall-way.*
[21-17:29] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *She wandered after him, looking around as she shuffled along behind him before she would look at him* Oh yeah? What?
[21-17:31] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He watched her before then moving to beside her and then began to make his way down the hall toward the doors that lead outside to the court yard.*.....I have to be with you on these walks..just to begin with...*looking toward her then forward.*
[21-17:35] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : Of course you do...*doesn't look at him as they walk along the corridor* Thats cause you like me....
[21-17:37] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He watches her before then moving forward and he reaches his arm out pushing the door open and lets her walk out and he following after the door closing behind .*...Once I can see that your able to walk on your records...then you can..
[21-17:40] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *She glanced at him, there was sonething dangerous glinting in her eyes, cold, caculating and she gave him a little smile as she walked through the door and outside* Oh don't worry.....I'll be good
[21-17:41] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He looked toward her then nodded looking forward and then down at the grass beneath him and soon the grass would turn to concrete as they would begin to make the walk around the small park outside the building.*...Im sure you will.
[21-17:44] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *His own voice was oddly quiet as he spoke as if never cared for what he did anymore..he had a serious tone to it, all business man like to it, no humor as before.*...Now first I want to ask you Miss Jessups....other than the people that you have killed....can you think of anyone that would have the power to put you here? *looking toward her.*
[21-17:45] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Or that would be a threat to you..
[21-17:46] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *She followed him, moving ever so slowly te fall in right behind him, taking very careful note on their surrroundings* Oh..I can think of quite a few people that would....but if I told you...I'd have to kill understand that don't you Richards?
[21-17:47] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Of course..*shaking his head as he then kept moving.*...Well you need to help me Miss Jessups...I need a lead...
[21-17:50] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *She moved closer up behind him* What kind of car do you drive Richards?
[21-17:51] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He paused.*..Why do you ask Jezebel...*turned around to face her.*
[21-17:56] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *Just as he would turn around, giving him no time to really react, she would have slammed her fist right into his stomach rather hard. Her training as an Interpol Agent coming into play now* Sorry....
[21-17:58] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : narf!..*he coughed a bit as he doubled over slightly backing a few steps away...his eyes narrow as he looked up toward her and growls.*..*he then recovered and soon would he not be behind Jezebel and rough he grabbed both her wrist's putting them behind her back..*
[21-17:58] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Shit! *he coughed a bit as he doubled over slightly backing a few steps away...his eyes narrow as he looked up toward her and growls.*..*he then recovered and soon would he not be behind Jezebel and rough he grabbed both her wrist's putting them behind her back..*
[21-18:00] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : (roughly)
[21-18:02] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *And she was much stronger than he realized, she didn't let him get behind her, and even though he got ahold of one wrist, she jabbed her elbow into his chest to knock the wind out of him*
[21-18:03] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Luckily he saw that elbow coming and qukcly leaned to the side grabbing her elbow hard and and jerking it down agiants her back.*....Stop*his voice cold and furious.*
[21-18:06] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : Sorry darlin...but I'm not staying either take the fall or get your ass kicked by me....*brought her foot back suddenly to nail him in the kneecap..either way...he'd be offbalance so she would get out from his grip*
[21-18:09] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *His eyes narrowed, he winced as she hit his knee...he grimiced but kept a hold of her elbow and soon she would find her self moving backwards to agiants the wall of the doors and he violently moved her back inside..* Jez....stop it now
[21-18:14] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : *Nope, not that easy...Interpol Agent...trained in all levels of combat, by the time he got them to the doors she had managed to get into a positon and flip him over her shoulder onto the ground*
[21-18:16] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Damnit..*he coughs* Damnit Jez..*wincing as he was flipped and landed hard on the ground knocking the wind out of him..*
[21-18:18] f855e, Jezebel Jessups : Sorry Richards *And she bolted away from him just then, running at a very good clip and putting a good distance between them. She'll find a place to hide...let them search the grounds for her...they won't find her either*
[21-18:22] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Soon enough the guards find Peirce looking toward him and then rush off after Jezebel.*
[21-20:14] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : ((test))
[21-20:14] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He lays asleep on his stomach at home...he had a long day and was tired and this is the first time he' was able to actually get home early and sleep.*
[21-20:15] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : (*eyes icon*)
[21-20:15] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *and his cell phone would ring, because she doesn't have his other number*
[21-20:17] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He jerked as he heard his cell ring..and then he groaned a bit when he heard it ring the second time...he then stirs and reaches over with his right hand searching for it then finding it on his bed side table he grabs it and flips it open..his voice very soft..*...Richards here..
[21-20:18] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Dr Richards..? It's Caitlyn, I just wanted to thank you.
[21-20:19] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Uh huh...*he blinks a few times before then looking at the clock yeh it wasnt even 9 yet..he then rested his head back on the pillow.*...No problem...
[21-20:20] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : If there's ever anything I can do...
[21-20:21] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He yawned he then sat up a little resting his two fingers on the bridge of his nose and he cleared his throat..he could tell she needed to talk.*...Miss Harper..whats wrong..
[21-20:25] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Nothing really...
[21-20:26] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Miss Harper...this is my emergency line you know this..I hope you wouldnt of called for any other reason..*his brows furrowed as he began to sound a bit aggitated now...and now that he was awake he probably wouldnt be able to go back to sleep oh for another hour or so.*
[21-20:26] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *sighs* I signed custody over to our uncle.
[21-20:27] f14d5, Jamison Ford: (test)
[21-20:27] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : ((you FAIL!))
[21-20:28] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : (*waves to Jamie*)
[21-20:28] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : (Heh Grant needs to check on Franka btw *prodes him.*)
[21-20:29] f14d5, Jamison Ford: ((heh. damn it. *waves back* .. I pass . I pass!)
[21-20:29] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He sat up more then..placing his feet on the bedside on the floor, he rubbed a hand over his face and then stood sliding on some shoes and then grabbing a shirt his wallet and keys.*...You at home Miss Harper?
[21-20:29] f14d5, Jamison Ford: (( right. Franka))
[21-20:29] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : (*eyes Jamie's pic and licks her lips.* Mmm..yes yes you do)
[21-20:30] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Um, yeah... I don't want you to go out of your way though, you sound tired
[21-20:30] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *and she sounds very depressed*
[21-20:31] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Heh he was already out the door and to the car and sliding in he then drove off and he shook his head.* Dont worry about it..*yawning as then a few moments later he would be at her place he hung up the phone and slid on his shirt before then moving to her door and knocking on it.*..Miss Harper...
[21-20:33] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *comes over and answers the door, is kinda in her pajamas.. loose black sweatpants/dance-pants type things and a tight black camisole (one of the sexy ones with the built in bra.. hey, it's a soap opera, she's gotta look good!). Her hair is in a loose ponytail, stray wisps framing her face. She looks like she was crying recently*
[21-20:33] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : (*prepares to get ic*(
[21-20:35] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He himself looked dead beat, like he had been in a scruffle..because hey he had been! He watched her a moment before then moving inside and looks toward her..frowning a bit ...*...Miss Harper..come sit down..
[21-20:37] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *does sit down, wrapping her arms around her stomach, giving the audience a nice dose of 21-year-old cleavage. The house is surprisingly quiet.*
[21-20:38] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *And where was our favorite bartender? Well non other than the Bliss of course! he was busy whiping down the bar but of course had not forgotten about Franka..he glanced behind his shoulder toward the door before then looking to Walt and nods.*..Yo Walt take over for 5...*he smiled and then turned making his way down to the back room and to where Franka should be silently sleeping ..he moved to the chair and then sat..he himself was a bit tired though he had been up late last night and worked all day today.*
[21-20:39] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He rubbed his forhead a bit before looking to Lyn then around.* You want anything to drink? *of course not knowing where the kitchen is he stood there a moment looking around before looking back to her.*
[21-20:40] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : (Jamie if your still here..heh nice pic *grin*)
[21-20:41] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *forced smile* Shouldn't I be asking you that?
[21-20:42] f14d5, Franka Ford: * yeah. thats where she is. still sleeping.. lovingly forgotten by her sibling , and cacooned in a bulk of blanket, long hair spred out against the pillow, until she how you wake yourself from those falling dreams, and out of half awake habit, reaches for the alarm clock, one sky blue eye opening when her hand hits only air*
[21-20:43] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Dont worry about's the kitchen? *quirking a brow.*
[21-20:43] f14d5, Jamison Ford : I dont know about this town...* spoken , quietly to himself after he loads the grocery bags into the back of the new truck. eyeing the clock after he turns on the ignition and the cell phone laying in the charger.. pushing a button to listen to the recorded messages, he pulls out onto the road * (( thanks))
[21-20:43] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Through there.. *she gestures to a doorway. the lights in the other room are off, or it would have been obviously a kitchen*
[21-20:44] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *Course he himself had almost dozed off before jerking up a bit as she jumped..he rubbed his eyes a bit then looked toward Franka and smiles.*....Hey sleepy head...*grins.*
[21-20:45] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Nodding as he then stumbled around a bit finding the kitchen and then he turned on the lights, he looked around for the glasses and eventually found them, he then filled it up with water before then turning and moved back toward Lyn and handed it to her and then sat down infront of her.* need to get hydrated agian..
[21-20:46] f14d5, Franka Ford : * strange room...doesnt remember being kidnapped.. tries to wade through the sleep filled confusion and squints. eyes adjusting to the dim light, and focusing on Grant , until she plops back down*..oh yeah.. *lick of lips, quiet cough*...Im a dork..
[21-20:46] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *small smile of thanks, takes a sip of the water* Did you want anything?
[21-20:48] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : Yes..but a very preety one..*grinning more so as he watched her and he sat up a little bit and blinked a few times yawning.* So do you feel? *raising a brow watching her...he was concerned yep..*
[21-20:48] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Other then a goodnight sleep? *he gave her a tired looking smile then chuckled.*
[21-20:49] f14d5, Franka Ford : .Huh? Oh.. I feel fin.. ..* another quick hop up, legs swinging around to plant themselve flat on over the side of the bed*.. Holy crap! What time is it!
[21-20:49] c7043, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she pushed her sunglasses up on her head, her free hand pushing the door to Bliss open. She had already called Eric...asked her to met her here. After the morning she had with her sister, well grim news is best shared with others...right? She moved to a table instead of taking up a stool at the counter. Little more formal and well...private*
[21-20:49] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Sorry.. *sighs heavily and brushes some strawberry blond hair from her face* I just didn't know who else to call, it's not like I have any friends around here
[21-20:51] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *And where was Torrie? Well non other than the park of course, she had been leaning agiants a tree when she had seen Jamie's car coming down the Road..she smirked a bit remembering him from the other night...and she enjoyed his company..she had hoped he might see her to where ever he was driving.*
[21-20:52] e7bc8, Dr. Eric Solanus : *Pulls in in his Crossfire. Gets out and locks it then enters the Bliss. Glances around, seeing Justine heads for her table.* You sounded stressed on the phone. *Sits across from her.*
[21-20:52] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : Hey! Whoa hold on there...Franka first calm need to relax..*eyeing her a bit and he then looked to his watch then looked back up toward her..*..You'v slept for almost two days....Franka...*frowning.*
[21-20:53] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He nodded a bit then ran his fingers thru his thick dark blonde hair and then watched her.*...Alright..lets start from the beginning...tell me what happened..
[21-20:53] c7043, Dr. Justine Brooks : Stressed is putting it very mildly. *her lips pursed into a tight thin line, wrinkles creasing her forehead due to it. Nice to know she is Botox free eh?* I think you need a drink. *she gestures for some waitperson, ordering two Grey Goose martinis*
[21-20:54] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Well... from the beginning... I was 17 when Danny was born.
[21-20:54] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : And our parents were hardly ever at home... or sober when they were home.. so I ended up taking care of him almost from day one.
[21-20:54] e7bc8, Dr. Eric Solanus : Uh, alcohol. Tea is fine.
[21-20:55] f14d5, Franka Ford : two days.. Im sorry, two days? Holy ...* goes to swear, in a diferent language even, but stops herself * inward groan, putting ahand to her head and using it to brush back her bangs.. * I missed brunch with my parents. Im dead. ordisinherited..or both. ..* another pause, must be coming off a a total unappreciative biotch*.. Sorry. I'm sorta..freaking out. deep breath. * does one of those soothing, yoga mediation breaths, hand motions and all. and looks back to him*..thank you. for the nap space. I sorta.. insane. * shy pretty grin, as she starts to stand*
[21-20:55] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *she sighs* Well, one night my dad was drunk enough to notice us and he was angry enough to take it out on me, and I knew we couldn't stay there. So the next day, when I was watching Danny, I left a note that we'd gone to the art museum. Got a car from a questionable friend, and left town.
[21-20:56] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : ((Jussy, Grey Goose ROCKS! My friend got me a 750 of their French Vanilla for my birthday))
[21-20:57] c7043, Dr. Justine Brooks : Trust are a suspect in a murder. You need a drink. *yeah, she is going to be pretty insistant on this point. Who cares if his daughter doesn't approve. She ain't here. She turns back to the waitperson* Make that one Grey Goose martini and one of your finest scotches, no ice. *does she know him or what? Turns back to him* How are you holding up?
[21-20:57] c7043, Dr. Justine Brooks : ((Your friend has some damn good taste then. *LOL* Its not exactly the cheap stuff))
[21-20:58] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : ((hehe yeah I know, monika is teh awesome))
[21-20:59] e7bc8, Dr. Eric Solanus : I' I spent the day riding to try and clear my head.
[21-20:59] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : ((I'm actually having a birthday drink right now, mixed with coke because i don't want to get smashed that quickly))
[21-20:59] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : *He watched her stand and he stood himself then looking toward her and he rubs the back of his neck a bit.*...Listen..Franka um......I probably dont want to hear this from me but look..I'v been there before alright..Iv ..tried the cafine...look just..dont depend on t hat okay? Remember you got your whole life ahead of you..
[21-20:59] f14d5, Jamison Ford : * does see her. and does a quick honk. and a hand out the window, working the truck over to park at the side of the road. and leaning over to see out the passenger side window*.. hey. Torrie..
[21-21:00] c7043, Dr. Justine Brooks : ((Try not to drink it straight ever. My liver doesn't like me come the light of the next day. *LOL*))
[21-21:01] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She was busy looking up at the clouds before then yelping a it as she heard the honk and then she notices its just Jamie..she lets out a breath placing a hand to her heart.*....Jeez..Jamie you almost scared the shit out of me..*grinning and she then pushes off the tree and moves to the car.* Hey there good lookin..*chuckles and winks at him.*..Whats up?
[21-21:01] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : ((lol ok i'll try))
[21-21:01] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *He watched her, wishing that he had his notes with him and he nodded..*.....So then you set off for your own then..with Danny...
[21-21:01] c7043, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she reaches out across the table to take his hand, doing her best to seem reassuring in that squeeze* I take it that didn't exactly work for you?
[21-21:02] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : Yeah. We didn't really have a choice... I mean, if Dad would hit me, then he might hit Danny, and he was too little to understand or make the decision. But I couldn't let him get hurt
[21-21:03] f14d5, Franka Ford : ...* closes one eye, and gives a small , amused grin, is kinda touched, what a nice man*.. Grant. its caffine, not coke or illegal substance. But Ill be more careful, Im not like that all the time. * small musial laugh as she strides over and plants a kiss on his cheek*..and dont make a habit of inviting strange girls back here. you might get a reputation.. *another small chucjle* I should probably shower... two days.. ,
[21-21:03] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : And that was three and a half years ago. The time I should've been in college, being a wild and crazy kid, I've had to be an adult. I've had to be nothing but a mom to my little brother..
[21-21:04] e7bc8, Dr. Eric Solanus : No. *Holds her hand.* It didn't. There are some that I know want to see me convicted just because of my name...*sighs.* I just...I think of what her parents are going through..loosing her.
[21-21:05] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : *Nodding..*...So now you want some time to not be a mom....I understand..
[21-21:05] c7043, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she pats his hand as she looks into his eyes. Poor guy. She does have a lot of sympathy for him, that is for sure* My sister is working hard on your case. She thinks she can prove enough reasonable doubt....*there is that "but" hanging in her voice though. Not a good sign*
[21-21:06] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : Hey..Franka...caffine can become dangerous Im seriou-...*he paused as she planted a kiss on his cheek and he looked down a bit and nods then back up toward her..*...Im serious.....dont over do it...take your time..
[21-21:06] e7bc8, Dr. Eric Solanus : *Don't think he doesn't catch it.* You didn't finish that sentence.
[21-21:06] f14d5, Jamison Ford : trying to locate a missing member of my clan.. * reaches over, turning down the radio so he can hear better*..and getting some snacks. ..I probably should be more concerned about the sister thing..
[21-21:07] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : No, it's not that, really... I wouldn't have given him up.. it's just.. *she sighs* the feds caught up with us after mom and dad died a few months ago. They were going to charge me with kidnapping
[21-21:08] c7043, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she pulls her hand away from his. She sits back in her chair, inwardly thanking the powers that be that their drinks arrive. She picks up her martini, taking a sip, speaking more to the glass than anything else* The state has one key witness...
[21-21:09] e7bc8, Dr. Eric Solanus : And that
[21-21:09] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : You know...she is a grown woman..*smiling softly.*...Im sure she's fine Jamie...*chuckles.* Although you did leave her with my brother *snickering a bit.* Was a joke...*smiling.*...So snack huh? There's some preety good snacks at the hospital..*she pauses..* er..*chuckles.* but I am assuming you'd rather not go there for food..though it is cheep..*grins.*
[21-21:10] c7043, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she sighs, setting the drink down. She crosses her legs, shifting in her seat, obviously uncomfortable* I overheard the entire fight with Jennifer. I heard you tell her that she would regret it if she did anything to you or your family. I've been doing my best to keep that part out of the cop's hands but I get called in to go over my statement every day and they keep pressing,
[21-21:11] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : They agreed to drop all charges if I turned Danny over to our uncle.
[21-21:11] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Kidnapping ? Are you serious!? *he becomes angry at this a bit then he sighs running his hands thru his hair.*...Damn Feds...*sighing heavily.*...alright Look Miss Harper all we have to do is prove to them that your not an unfit mother.....that is....if you still want Danny..
[21-21:12] f14d5, Franka Ford : .. the Med student. Im well aware. and when it becomes a serious problem. Ill rethink my choices.. *nods, putting one a false serious face before breaking into another smile*... do you ever work? Or am i just that charming that you can't stay away from my draw.. * walks behind him, putting both hands to his shoulders* out, serve the general public, and dont worry about me..Im perfecty fine..
[21-21:13] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : I do still want him.. I just.. *she sighs* I wonder if it's better for him to have actual parents who aren't going to school... who have good jobs.. who can provide for him and give him what he needs
[21-21:14] cf9ce, Grant Wayland : Yeh well even med students can make mistakes Franka..*watching her and then blinks.* Girlie you want to know how late I stayed at this damn bar last night? More so particularly looking after you..*chuckles.*....Was here till around 4...then slept till around been working since...
[21-21:15] e7bc8, Dr. Eric Solanus : The DA is pushing this. Probably thinks it'll be a feather in his political cap.
[21-21:15] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : ((wow that last shot hit me.. please ignore any typose))
[21-21:16] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Mi--*he paused and sighs.*..Caitlyn listen......*looking her in the eyes.*.....Ask yourself.......what do you want..
[21-21:16] f14d5, Jamison Ford : * furrow of brow at the mention of the brother .. but lets out a nervous chuckle..* your right..shes uh.. fine. * brow at the mention of the hospital, food..good?*..Franka worked at your hospital for about a week as an intern.. before she decided on becoming a crime scene investator instead..thanks to television.. Ive hd the food ther, waiting for her to get off, wouldnt give it a high ranking. But then I burn noodles. * heh, shy grin*.. only once.. you need a ride to work, that it?
[21-21:16] c7043, Dr. Justine Brooks : I really don't know what to do. I like you, I do, Doc. You are a good friend and an amazing cardiologist. But I don't think if asked directly about it, I can commit purgery for you. *she takes another sip of her drink cause loooooordy, she needs it*
[21-21:17] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : When it comes down to it...? *looking right back into his eyes* I guess I just want a normal life. For both of us.
[21-21:18] 718d6, Michael Lawrence : *wow, what luck! The DA strides into Bliss for an after-work drink*
[21-21:18] cf9ce, Torrie Wayland : *She checks her watch looking at it then back up toward him.*....Well..yes and no..there's paper work I really dont want to do..*chuckles.* I have about 30 minutes though if you want to um..grab a bite to eat somewhere? Heck it can be at Cool Beans for all I care..*chuckles a little.*
[21-21:18] e7bc8, Dr. Eric Solanus : No. I wouldn't ask you too. When I said that to her I was talking in legal terms. Restraining orders and such.
[21-21:18] f14d5, Franka Ford : Do you live here too.. * one arch of a perfectly shaped brow*.. you do have a home.. theres this cool thing called time off.. * look whos talking* .. where you go home..and not be at work
[21-21:18] cf9ce, Peirce Richards : Then listen to have to fix ...have to get control of yourself....once yourself is in control then start thinking of others...alright?
[21-21:19] 718d6, Mike Lawrence: ((*fixes the name*))
[21-21:19] 718d6, Caitlyn Harper : *she shrugs* I guess so... I'm just used to putting him first. I haven't had a boyfriend in four years... I just now started college...